75 research outputs found

    Kejayaan peringkat Parlimen beri pengaruh besar: Ahli akademik

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    Kuala Lumpur: Pilihan Raya Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN)berasingan gengan Parlimen memberi kelebihan kepada Barisan Nasional (BN) untuk menang besar terutama di peringkat akar umbi

    Conflict Resolution Through Consensus Building: Experiences from the Dayak Than Community of Sarawak, East Malaysia.

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    This paper examines conflict management and resolution, focusing specifically on the Dayak Iban society of Sarawak. It argues that conflicts can be substantially reduced if people are socialized to accept their respective roles in the socioeconomic and political structure of society. Conflicts among the communal Ibans are kept to a bare minimum because their sociocultural values promote harmonious interdependence among individuals. Those who transgress the community accepted norms of behaviour are quickly ostracized, reprimanded and made to feel greatly ashamed. Iban acceptance of their positions and roles within the social, economic and political structure of society has helped to maintain social harmony, economic justice and political stability. On a higher order, that is in Malaysian society, it is the realization of this sense of justice that made the NEP acceptable and successful in allocating the benefits of economic growth among the various ethnic groups in the country. In other words, each community according to its needs as seen by political leaders

    Effectiveness of international actors in debate of human rights in Iran 1990-2008.

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    The Islamic Republic of Iran's (IRI) discourse and practice on human rights issues has raised much criticism in national and international levels. While Iranian government has had its own human rights perspective in treating its citizens, many international human rights organizations have campaigned to influence the behaviour of Iranian government and people in terms of development of human rights values in Iran. This study seeks to explore the role of international human rights actors related to promoting of human rights values in Iran from 1990-2008. It focuses on the role of international human rights actors such as European Union (UN), and international nongovernmental organizations (INGOs) such as Amnesty International (AI) and Human Rights Watch (HRW), and domestic Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) involved in promoting human rights in Iran. The findings of this study demonstrate that human right actors have played a significant role in the human rights situation in Iran. It also shows that the Iranian government and society have been affected by efforts of human rights actors after 1990

    The US geopolitical codes and its influences on the US-Iran Relations: The case of George W. Bush's presidency.

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    This paper attempts to explain the US-Iran political relations from the geopolitical perspective. It focuses on George W. Bush’s presidency as a remarkable period in two states’ relations. Concentrating on the US geopolitical codes, this work aims to study the political leaders’ beliefs and also the influences of these ideas on the states’ foreign policy. The research also stresses on some of the world’s geopolitical changes in the geopolitical world order context. With the end of Iran-Iraq war, inimical relation of the US-Iran was promoting, and it even entered a more critical phase with the occurrence of changes in the US foreign policy towards Iran, when Bush was elected as the US president in 2001 and especially after September 11th attacks. At this point, Iran was introduced as an “axis of evil” and this asseveration strengthened hostility between the two countries. With the election of Ahmadinejad as Iran’s president in 2005, Iran’s political behavior also underwent drastic changes. As a result, both countries, based on their leaders’ beliefs, pursued their policies in the regional and global level to access to different objectives, in line with the ideas that had been derived from their geopolitical-ideological assumptions

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    The Post-Cold War developments, energy resources and the US position in the new era "a literature review"

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    With the end of the cold war and collapse of the Eastern superpower, it is significant to study the position of great countries particularly the United States in the geopolitical world order. It also is very important to identify important geoeconomic factors which are effective in the formation of the relations among the great powers in the new era. The role of energy has always been determined as a significant factor in the global developments as well as in the activities of powerful states especially the US. This paper reviews some proper studies to establish logical relation between energy resources and position of the US in the geopolitical world order. The following studies refer to decline of US hegemon especially in the late of 1960s and the US efforts to gain highest position in the world system. In these studies have been stressed on the oil reserves as a vital interest and it has been identified as main goal of the US presence in the Persian Gulf region. Here also has been stressed on the domination of geo-economic logic over geopolitical logic in the US international policies

    Change of human rights perspective in Iran

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    This article departs from the Universal, Cultural Relativism, and Islamic perspective of human rights and defends the Universal perspective of human rights in general. It will discuss how the debate of human rights in Iran is as ongoing struggle between Iranian government and its populations. It focuses on the debate of women rights and the freedom of media (Internet) in current policies of Iranian government. And then introduce some evidence related to vulnerability of Iranian government because of new human rights movement, to show that changing of IRI’s human rights perspective is occurring

    US hegemonic leadership and its geopolitical codes

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    This paper seeks to explore the relationship between geopolitical codes and hegemonic cycles as two crucial concepts in the context of the geopolitical world order. The US geopolitical codes are analyzed in different stages of the US hegemonic cycle. The US has been selected because it is the most notable, unique case and the last hegemonic power in recent time. This analysis covers the period of the emergence of the US as a hegemonic power until its decline. This paper concludes that there is a strong relation between the two important concepts, namely geopolitical codes and hegemonic cycles and this conclusion is arrived at by analyzing the characteristics of hegemonic powers of the United States

    The U.S. geopolitical code and the role of the Persian Gulf oil in the U.S. military intervention in 2003

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    This paper seeks to explore the motives of the U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf region vis-a-vis the energy resources of the region. Studying geopolitical codes helps reveal the intentions behind a state’s foreign policy through defining national interests, threats, actions and justification. Examining the U.S. code suggests the importance of oil as a vital strategic interest for the country. It defines the preservation of the U.S. hegemonic position as an ultimate goal for its presence in the Persian Gulf. In this respect, the threat of Saddam Hussein’s Iraqi government to three vast fields of energy reservoirs in the Persian Gulf made it necessary to affect regime change so as to protect the free flow of oil to the West and this was done through the control and preservation of the U.S. hegemonic position