3 research outputs found

    Percepción de los estudiantes de enseñanza media sobre su proceso de formación y las relaciones interpersonales que existen en su desarrollo escolar

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    The study examines the perception that students have of an establishment in the commune of Osorno (Chile), about the formation processes and the interpersonal relationships that exist in their school development. The sample is made up of 157 high school students. To achieve the purposes, a survey-type instrument is designed and validated, containing alternatives. The results show that the students consider that their learning process has been positive. They report that the tasks are excessive and the subjects difficult, but they indicate that their teachers know how to explain the same content differently, they are patient, they motivate them to learn. They report that in school they learn and that teachers propose interesting topics in the classes.O estudo examina a percepção que os alunos têm de um estabelecimento na comuna de Osorno (Chile), sobre os processos de formação e as relações interpessoais que existem no desenvolvimento escolar. A amostra é composta por 157 estudantes do ensino médio. Para alcançar os objetivos, um instrumento do tipo pesquisa é projetado e validado, contendo alternativas. Os resultados mostram que os alunos consideram que o processo de aprendizagem foi positivo. Eles relatam que as tarefas são excessivas e os assuntos difíceis, mas indicam que seus professores sabem explicar o mesmo conteúdo de maneira diferente, são pacientes, motivam-nos a aprender. Eles relatam que na escola eles aprendem e que os professores propõem tópicos interessantes nas aulas.El estudio examina la percepción que tienen los estudiantes de un establecimiento de la comuna de Osorno (Chile), sobre los procesos de formación y las relaciones interpersonales que existen en su desarrollo escolar. La muestra la constituyen 157 estudiantes de enseñanza media. Para lograr los propósitos se diseña y valida un instrumento de tipo encuesta, que contiene alternativas. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes consideran que su proceso de aprendizaje ha sido positivo. Informan que las tareas son excesivas y las asignaturas difíciles, pero indican que sus profesores saben explicar de distinta manera un mismo contenido, son pacientes, los motivan a aprender. Informan que en el colegio aprenden y que los profesores proponen temas interesantes en las clases

    Percepção de alunos do ensino médio sobre seu processo de formação e as relações interpessoais que existem no desenvolvimento escolar

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    The study examines the perception that students have of an establishment in the commune of Osorno (Chile), about the formation processes and the interpersonal relationships that exist in their school development. The sample is made up of 157 high school students. To achieve the purposes, a survey-type instrument is designed and validated, containing alternatives. The results show that the students consider that their learning process has been positive. They report that the tasks are excessive and the subjects difficult, but they indicate that their teachers know how to explain the same content differently, they are patient, they motivate them to learn. They report that in school they learn and that teachers propose interesting topics in the classes.El estudio examina la percepción que tienen los estudiantes de un establecimiento de la comuna de Osorno (Chile), sobre los procesos de formación y las relaciones interpersonales que existen en su desarrollo escolar. La muestra la constituyen 157 estudiantes de enseñanza media. Para lograr los propósitos se diseña y valida un instrumento de tipo encuesta, que contiene alternativas. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes consideran que su proceso de aprendizaje ha sido positivo. Informan que las tareas son excesivas y las asignaturas difíciles, pero indican que sus profesores saben explicar de distinta manera un mismo contenido, son pacientes, los motivan a aprender. Informan que en el colegio aprenden y que los profesores proponen temas interesantes en las clases.O estudo examina a percepção que os alunos têm de um estabelecimento na comuna de Osorno (Chile), sobre os processos de formação e as relações interpessoais que existem no desenvolvimento escolar. A amostra é composta por 157 estudantes do ensino médio. Para alcançar os objetivos, um instrumento do tipo pesquisa é projetado e validado, contendo alternativas. Os resultados mostram que os alunos consideram que o processo de aprendizagem foi positivo. Eles relatam que as tarefas são excessivas e os assuntos difíceis, mas indicam que seus professores sabem explicar o mesmo conteúdo de maneira diferente, são pacientes, motivam-nos a aprender. Eles relatam que na escola eles aprendem e que os professores propõem tópicos interessantes nas aulas

    A Novel Gemcitabine-Resistant Gallbladder Cancer Model Provides Insights into Molecular Changes Occurring during Acquired Resistance

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    Treatment options for advanced gallbladder cancer (GBC) are scarce and usually rely on cytotoxic chemotherapy, but the effectiveness of any regimen is limited and recurrence rates are high. Here, we investigated the molecular mechanisms of acquired resistance in GBC through the development and characterization of two gemcitabine-resistant GBC cell sublines (NOZ GemR and TGBC1 GemR). Morphological changes, cross-resistance, and migratory/invasive capabilities were evaluated. Then, microarray-based transcriptome profiling and quantitative SILAC-based phosphotyrosine proteomic analyses were performed to identify biological processes and signaling pathways dysregulated in gemcitabine-resistant GBC cells. The transcriptome profiling of parental and gemcitabine-resistant cells revealed the dysregulation of protein-coding genes that promote the enrichment of biological processes such as epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and drug metabolism. On the other hand, the phosphoproteomics analysis of NOZ GemR identified aberrantly dysregulated signaling pathways in resistant cells as well as active kinases, such as ABL1, PDGFRA, and LYN, which could be novel therapeutic targets in GBC. Accordingly, NOZ GemR showed increased sensitivity toward the multikinase inhibitor dasatinib compared to parental cells. Our study describes transcriptome changes and altered signaling pathways occurring in gemcitabine-resistant GBC cells, which greatly expands our understanding of the underlying mechanisms of acquired drug resistance in GBC