52 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la seguridad estructural de un sistema de seguimiento solar en colombia

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    An appropriate dimensioning of each component in a tracking solar system is needed to take maximum advantage of the solar panel. This work describes a methodology for the safety of a support structure of a photovoltaic panel with solar tracking, which is integrated into a graphical user interface-GUI written in Matlab®. In a very intuitive manner and through a friendly interactive visual tool, the GUI gathers the basic mechanical parameters that influence the safety factor of the structure, with the possibility to configure several operating conditions of the system. The results were compared to those found using finite element analysis-FEA with SolidWorks®.Para un mayor aprovechamiento de los sistemas de solares, es indispensable un adecuado dimensionamiento de cada uno de los componentes que los conforman. El presente trabajo describe una metodología para la seguridad de una estructura soporte para panel fotovoltaico con seguimiento solar y su integración a una interfaz gráfica de usuario-GUI desarrollada en Matlab®, la cual, de manera didáctica y a través de un entorno visual amigable e interactivo, reúne los parámetros mecánicos básicos que influyen en el factor de seguridad de la estructura, con la opción de adaptarse a las condiciones de operación del sistema. Usando SolidWorks®, se comparan los resultados de factor de seguridad obtenidos versus análisis de elementos finitos (FEA

    Effect of low doses of actinomycin D on neuroblastoma cell lines

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    Neuroblastoma is a malignant embryonal tumor occurring in young children, consisting of undifferentiated neuroectodermal cells derived from the neural crest. Current therapies for high-risk neuroblastoma are insufficient, resulting in high mortality rates and high incidence of relapse. With the intent to find new therapies for neuroblastomas, we investigated the efficacy of low-doses of actinomycin D, which at low concentrations preferentially inhibit RNA polymerase I-dependent rRNA trasncription and therefore, ribosome biogenesis. Neuroblastoma cell lines with different p53 genetic background were employed to determine the response on cell viability and apoptosis of low-dose of actinomycin D. Subcutaneously-implanted SK-N-JD derived neuroblastoma tumors were used to assess the effect of low-doses of actinomycin D on tumor formation. Low-dose actinomycin D treatment causes a reduction of cell viability in neuroblastoma cell lines and that this effect is stronger in cells that are wild-type for p53. MYCN overexpression contributes to enhance this effect, confirming the importance of this oncogene in ribosome biogenesis. In the wild-type SK-N-JD cell line, apoptosis was the major mechanism responsible for the reduction in viability and we demonstrate that treatment with the MDM2 inhibitor Nutlin-3, had a similar effect to that of actinomycin D. Apoptosis was also detected in p53 −/− deficient LA1-55n cells treated with actinomycin D, however, only a small recovery of cell viability was found when apoptosis was inhibited by a pan-caspase inhibitor, suggesting that the treatment could activate an apoptosis-independent cell death pathway in these cells. We also determined whether actinomycin D could increase the efficacy of the histone deacetylase inhibitor, SAHA, which is in being used in neuroblastoma clinical trials. We show that actinomycin D synergizes with SAHA in neuroblastoma cell lines. Moreover, on subcutaneously-implanted neuroblastoma tumors derived from SK-N-JD cells, actinomycin D led to tumor regression, an effect enhanced in combination with SAHA. The results presented in this work demonstrate that actinomycin D, at low concentrations, inhibits proliferation and induces cell death in vitro, as well as tumor regression in vivo. From this study, we propose that use of ribosome biogenesis inhibitors should be clinically considered as a potential therapy to treat neuroblastomas. The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12943-015-0489-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The HRA2pl fusion peptide exerts in vitro antiviral activity against human respiratory paramyxoviruses and pneumoviruses

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    Acute respiratory infections are a group of diseases caused by viruses, bacteria, and parasites that mainly affect children until the age of 5 and immunocompromised senior adults. In Mexico, these infections are the main cause of morbidity in children, with more than 26 million cases of respiratory infections reported by the Secretariat of Health, in 2019. The human respiratory syncytial virus (hRSV), the human metapneumovirus (hMPV), and the human parainfluenza-2 (hPIV-2) are responsible for many respiratory infections. Currently, palivizumab, a monoclonal antibody against the fusion protein F, is the treatment of choice against hRSV infections. This protein is being studied for the design of antiviral peptides that act by inhibiting the fusion of the virus and the host cell. Therefore, we examined the antiviral activity of the HRA2pl peptide, which competes the heptad repeat A domain of the F protein of hMPV. The recombinant peptide was obtained using a viral transient expression system. The effect of the fusion peptide was evaluated with an in vitro entry assay. Moreover, the effectiveness of HRA2pl was examined in viral isolates from clinical samples obtained from patients with infections caused by hRSV, hMPV, or hPIV-2, by evaluating the viral titer and the syncytium size. The HRA2pl peptide affected the viruses’ capacity of entry, resulting in a 4-log decrease in the viral titer compared to the untreated viral strains. Additionally, a 50% reduction in the size of the syncytium was found. These results demonstrate the antiviral potential of HRA2pl in clinical samples, paving the way toward clinical trials

    Visualization and 3D Reconstruction of Flame Cells of Taenia solium (Cestoda)

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    BACKGROUND: Flame cells are the terminal cells of protonephridial systems, which are part of the excretory systems of invertebrates. Although the knowledge of their biological role is incomplete, there is a consensus that these cells perform excretion/secretion activities. It has been suggested that the flame cells participate in the maintenance of the osmotic environment that the cestodes require to live inside their hosts. In live Platyhelminthes, by light microscopy, the cells appear beating their flames rapidly and, at the ultrastructural, the cells have a large body enclosing a tuft of cilia. Few studies have been performed to define the localization of the cytoskeletal proteins of these cells, and it is unclear how these proteins are involved in cell function. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Parasites of two different developmental stages of T. solium were used: cysticerci recovered from naturally infected pigs and intestinal adults obtained from immunosuppressed and experimentally infected golden hamsters. Hamsters were fed viable cysticerci to recover adult parasites after one month of infection. In the present studies focusing on flame cells of cysticerci tissues was performed. Using several methods such as video, confocal and electron microscopy, in addition to computational analysis for reconstruction and modeling, we have provided a 3D visual rendition of the cytoskeletal architecture of Taenia solium flame cells. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We consider that visual representations of cells open a new way for understanding the role of these cells in the excretory systems of Platyhelminths. After reconstruction, the observation of high resolution 3D images allowed for virtual observation of the interior composition of cells. A combination of microscopic images, computational reconstructions and 3D modeling of cells appears to be useful for inferring the cellular dynamics of the flame cell cytoskeleton

    Evaluación de la eficacia de los procesos de esterilización de consultorios odontológicos del distrito VI de la provincia de buenos aires, argentina 2006 - 2007, mediante la utilización de indicadores biológicos

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    En un consultorio odontológico, diversas fuentes de posible infección, como saliva, sangre, instrumentos contaminados, etc., pueden ser transmisores de microorganismos tanto a pacientes como al personal odontológico. El objeti vo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la eficacia de los procesos de esterilización de los consultorios odontológicos del Distrito VI de la Provincia de Buenos Aires mediante la utilización de Indicadores Biológicos. Participaron del estudio 283 odontólogos que llevaron a cabo un total de 320 procesos de esterilización por calor seco y 19 por calor húmedo. En base a los resultados obtenidos se observó que el 35 % (112/320) de los procesos de esterilización por calor seco controlados no cumplieron con los requ isitos, de los cuales 63 repitieron el control y, 55/63 (87%) resolvieron el problema mediante distintas acciones correctivas. Con respecto a la esterilización por calor húmedo, el 32 % (6/19) de los procesos no cumplieron con los requisitos, en 3 de los 6 positivos se efectuaron correcciones simples obteniéndose resultados satisfactorios. El presente trabajo muestra la importancia para la comunidad, de la implementación de rutina de un sistema de control que permita garantizar la esterilidad de los materi ales utilizados en los consultorios odontológicos

    30 Modelaje Gravimétrico del Basamento de la Cuenca de Los Palos Grandes

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    平成11年~平成12年科学研究費補助金 基盤研究(B)(2)研究成果報告書(課題番号:11694178