160 research outputs found

    Garbanzo de Plata

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    Copia digital. Madrid : Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 201

    Environmental sustainability assessment of municipal solid waste management through carbon footprint

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    One of the most challenging issues for building sustainable cities is the improvement of municipal solid waste management (MSWM), which requires a substantial effort to reduce its production and improve its different stages: collection (or pre-collection/containerization), transport and treatment. Each of these stages has environmental impacts stemming from the use of bags to hold the waste generated by residents in their homes, from the containers placed in public roads for drop-off, from the use of lorries or systems to transport waste to the processing plants, and from the construction and operation of plants to treat each waste fraction. In Europe, the Waste Framework Directive specifies Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as a necessary policy-making tool, ensuring that impacts are assessed from cradle to grave, and avoiding ?hiding? impacts by moving them to other countries or stages of production/consumption. One of the environmental impacts evaluated is climate change (CC), in which greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the whole life cycle are calculated: carbon footprint (CF). This poster shows a methodology, based on LCA standards (ISO 14040 / 14044 / 14067), to calculate CF of MSWM. This methodology was applied to Madrid City

    La delimitación de funciones entre el personal funcionario y laboral. Especial referencia a la reordenación del sector público de Andalucía

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    The subject of this paper is to analyse the process of reorganizing the public sector in Andalusia. In this context, try to leave sit a few basic guidelines on the functions they must assume these public sector workers. In fact, we have some legal standards, whether or not clarifying what we wish, but must be taken into account here, in this particular case.El objeto de este trabajo es analizar el proceso de reordenación del sector público de Andalucía. En este contexto, intentaremos dejar sentados unos lineamientos básicos sobre las funciones que deben asumir estos trabajadores del sector público. Y es que, en efecto, contamos con unos criterios legales, aunque no sean todo lo clarificadores que desearíamos, pero que han de ser tenidos en cuenta también aquí, en el presente caso que nos ocupa

    Los consorcios y la problemática del personal a su servicio

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    In this paper i will analyze the legal regime of consortia. A institution that, in recent years, has experienced unprecedented regulatory attention. Its organic, functional, budgetary and staff management regime has intensified notably. The objective of the last reforms has been very laudable and understandable after all these years of economic crisis that we continue to suffer. But i believe that the normative measures adopted have injures this institution which is essential in our State of Law. And not only that, but also, in the subject that will focus my attention especially, has generated more uncertainty than security and legal to our legal operators.En este trabajo voy a analizar el régimen jurídico de los consorcios. Una figura que, en los últimos años, ha experimentado una atención normativa sin precedentes. Su régimen orgánico, funcional, presupuestario y de gestión de personal se ha intensificado notablemente. El objetivo de las últimas reformas ha sido muy loable y comprensible tras todos estos años de crisis económica que seguimos padeciendo. Pero creo que las medidas normativas que han sido adoptadas se han cebado en exceso en torno a esta figura que no hace sino dar cumplimiento a uno de los principios más esenciales de nuestro Estado de Derecho. Y no sólo eso sino que además, en la materia que centraré especialmente mi atención, se ha generado más incertidumbre que seguridad y certeza jurídica a nuestros operadores jurídicos

    Evaluación del impacto en el desarrollo humano de proyectos de usos energéticos de la biomasa: el caso de Nicaragua

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    La falta de acceso a fuentes modernas de energía es un lastre para el desarrollo económico y social de numerosas personas en el mundo. Actualmente se calcula que aproximadamente 1400 millones de personas (20% de la población mundial) carecen de acceso a electricidad y que 2700 millones de personas (40% de la población mundial) siguen cocinando a partir de usos tradicionales de la biomasa. Partiendo de esta base se ha realizado una investigación acerca de los usos energéticos de la biomasa en el medio rural en Nicaragua, en la cual se han evaluado una serie de proyectos de este tipo. Su objetivo fundamental fue profundizar en el conocimiento sobre las distintas tecnologías usadas en este campo y ofrecer información sistematizada que permita mejorar el desempeño de proyectos futuros. Para cada uno de los proyectos y como resultado principal de la investigación, se estableció su Impacto en el Desarrollo Humano y Sostenible con la aplicación de la Herramienta S&E (Fernández, L. et al, 2011). Los resultados obtenidos gracias a esta herramienta nos han permitido realizar comparaciones en cuanto al desempeño de cada proyecto en numerosos aspectos distintos y en especial sobre que modelos de intervención generan mayor impacto en el desarrollo

    Life cycle assessment as a policy-support tool: the case of taxis in the city of Madrid

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    This paper examined the potentialities of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) as instrument for policy-support. To this respect, the adoption of an initiative within the Madrid Air Quality Plan (AQP) 2011–2015 regarding the substitution of diesel taxis with hybrid, natural gas and LPG alternatives was studied. Four different scenarios were elaborated, a business-as-usual scenario (BAU), the scenario of the AQP, and two extreme-situation scenarios: all-diesel (ADI) and all-ecologic (AEC). Impacts were characterized according to the ILCD methodology, focusing especially on climate change (CC) and photochemical ozone formation (PO). SimaPro 7.3 was used as analysis and inventory-construction tool. The results indicate that the shift to ecologic alternatives reduced impacts, especially those related to CC and PO. For the complete life cycle, reductions of 13% (CC) and 25% (PO) were observed for AQP against BAU (CC:1365 GgCO2, PO:13336 MgNMVOC). Deeper reductions were observed for AEC (CC:34%, PO:59%), while ADI produced slight increases in impacts if against BAU. The analysis of the use-phase revealed that the central and highest speed zones of the city benefit from the adoption of AQP. This is especially evident in zone 7, with reductions of 16% in CC and 31% in PO respectively against BAU (CCzone1:3443 kgCO2/veh·km, POzone7:11.1 kgNMVOC/veh·km)

    Impacts on Emissions and Air Quality of alternative fuel mixes in Spain

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    Presentación de los principales resultados del análisis en emisiones y calidad del aire de distintas matrices energéticas en Españ

    Study of the Effect of Laser Marking for Standard Weights

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    Most class E weights are made of austenitic stainless steel and they do not have any marking to be distinguished. In this study two special types of laser marking have been used to provide a proper marking so that the marking effect is negligible for the mass value and the corresponding drift. The drift has been studied by mea ns of several calibrations during more than 10 years

    Study of Boundary Conditions influence on CMAQ simulations over the Iberian Peninsula

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    Air pollution continues to be a major concern in many regions of the world, including Europe, and effective abatement measures are required to meet air quality standards in future years. The Integrated Air Quality Modelling System for the Iberian Peninsula (SIMCA) is a project that it is being implemented in Spain to support the design and evaluation of air quality strategies and abatement plans. The system relies on the WRF+SMOKE+CMAQ models. An important step in the development and implementation of SIMCA consists of understanding the uncertainties involved in modelling process. In this paper, a sensitivity analysis of the CMAQ model to the boundary conditions (BC) needed to simulate air pollution levels in the Iberian Peninsula is presented. The main objective of the study is to assess the model response to different alternatives to supply boundary conditions in the context of the Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM) activities needed to provide an effective support to the policy-making process. Three ways to provide BC are tested: - fixed, time-independent, concentration profiles - concentrations predicted in a CMAQ mother domain (48 km, 1h resolution) - concentration values from the Geos-CHEM chemical-transport global model (2x2.5º, 3h resolution) The CMAQ model has been run in two episodes using identical configuration and input data, except for the BC. Model outputs for the main pollutants (SO2, NO2, NO, O3, PM10 and PM2.5) are then compared with observed concentration values from 165 monitoring stations. The stations selected are distributed across the Iberian Peninsula and include a balanced number of rural, industrial, urban background and traffic locations. The comparison is based on the analysis of a number of statistics commonly used for model evaluation and considers several aggregation levels so the influence of the BC can be assessed in a very detailed way. According to this study, there is no single valid method of providing boundary conditions since the performance of the alternatives tested depend on the pollutant, episode and type of location. Besides the statistical evaluation some other relevant issues in the context of IAM are discussed to gain a better insight into the suitability of the methods analyse