17 research outputs found

    Improvements In The Decision Making In Software Projects

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    The Simulators of Software Development Projects based on dynamic models have supposed a significant advance in front of the traditional techniques of estimate. These simulators enable to know the evolution of a project before, during and after the execution of the same one. But its use in the estimate of the project before beginning the execution, has been braked by the great number of attributes of the project that it is necessary to know previously. In this paper are presented the improvements that have been added to the simulator developed in our department to facilitate the use of them, and a new improvement obtained when using machine learning and fuzzy logic techniques with the databases generated by the simulator. In this last case, the project manager can know, in function of the decisions that he takes, the level of execution of the project objectives.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIC99_035

    Behavior patterns in hormonal treatments using fuzzy logic models

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    Assisted reproductive technologies are a combination of medical strategies designed to treat infertility patients. Ideal stimulation treatment has to be individualized, but one of the main challenges which clinicians face in the everyday clinic is how to select the best medical protocol for a patient. This work aims to look for behavior patterns in this kind of treatments, using fuzzy logic models with the objective of helping gynecologists and embryologists to make decisions that could improve the process of in vitro fertilization. For this purpose, a real-world dataset composed of one hundred and twenty-three (123) patients and five hundred and fifty-nine (559) treatments applied in relation to such patients provided by an assisted reproduction clinic, has been used to obtain the fuzzy models. As conclusion, this work corroborates some known clinic experiences, provides some new ones and proposes a set of questions to be solved in future experiments.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-46928-C3-3-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956- C3-2-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2015-71938-RED

    Actividades y resultados del Plan de Innovación Docente para la Participación de Empresas en la Docencia

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    Participación de Empresas en la Docencia (abreviado como ParED) es el nombre del plan de innovación docente desarrollado durante la segunda mitad del año 2016, en la E.T.S. de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Sevilla, con el objetivo de poner en marcha iniciativas que permitieran adaptar la docencia universitaria con la realidad de las empresas. El objetivo de este artículo es exponer las actividades desarrolladas y realizar un análisis de los resultados obtenidos así como analizar los problemas que surgieron y las lecciones aprendidas de esta experiencia.Participation of Business in Teaching (abbreviated as ParED) is the name of an educational innovation plan. This plan was developed during the second half of t 2016. The goal of ParED was to align university teaching with the reality of the Business. This paper outlines the activities carried out and analyses the results of these activities. This paper also introduces the problems that have arisen and the lessons the authors learned from them.Este trabajo también ha sido apoyado por el proyecto Pololas (TIN2016-76956-C3-2-R) y por la Red SoftPLM (TIN2015-71938-REDT) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Segmented software cost estimation models based on fuzzy clustering

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    Parametric software cost estimation models are based on mathematical relations, obtained from the study of historical software projects databases, that intend to be useful to estimate the effort and time required to develop a software product. Those databases often integrate data coming from projects of a heterogeneous nature. This entails that it is difficult to obtain a reasonably reliable single parametric model for the range of diverging project sizes and characteristics. A solution proposed elsewhere for that problem was the use of segmented models in which several models combined into a single one contribute to the estimates depending on the concrete characteristic of the inputs. However, a second problem arises with the use of segmented models, since the belonging of concrete projects to segments or clusters is subject to a degree of fuzziness, i.e. a given project can be considered to belong to several segments with different degrees. This paper reports the first exploration of a possible solution for both problems together, using a segmented model based on fuzzy clusters of the project space. The use of fuzzy clustering allows obtaining different mathematical models for each cluster and also allows the items of a project database to contribute to more than one cluster, while preserving constant time execution of the estimation process. The results of an evaluation of a concrete model using the ISBSG 8 project database are reported, yielding better figures of adjustment than its crisp counterpart.Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología TIN2004-06689-C0

    Mejoras en la Toma de Decisiones en Proyectos de Software. Aplicación de Téchnicas de Lógica Borrosa

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    Los Simuladores de Proyectos de Desarrollo de Software basados en modelos dinámicos han supuesto un avance significativo frente a las técnicas tradicionales de estimación. Estos simuladores permiten conocer la evolución de un proyecto antes, durante y después de la ejecución del mismo. Pero su utilización en la estimación del proyecto antes de empezar la ejecución ha estado frenada por el gran número de atributos del proyecto que hay que conocer previamente. En este trabajo se presenta, en primer lugar, las diferentes mejoras que se han ido añadiendo al simulador desarrollado en nuestro departamento para facilitar al responsable de proyectos el uso de dichos simuladores y la estimación de los resultados deseados. En segundo lugar, se presenta una nueva mejora obtenida al utilizar técnicas de lógica borrosa a las bases de datos generadas por el simulador. En este último caso, el responsable del proyecto puede conocer, en función de las decisiones que tome, el nivel de cumplimiento de los objetivos del proyecto.Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) TIC99-035

    Advances in the Decision Making for Treatments of Chronic Patients Using Fuzzy Logic and Data Mining Techniques

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    Virological events in HIV-infected patients can rise with no apparent reason. Therefore, when they appear, immunologists or medical doctors do not know whether they will produce other future virological events or they will entail relevant clinical consequences. This paper presents the results of applying Prefurge to HIV- infected patients’ clinical data, with the aim of obtaining rules and information about this set of clinical trials data that will relate these kinds of virological events.Junta de Andalucía TIC-578

    Fuzzy intelligence approach for modeling the migration of contaminants ina reservoir affected by AMD pollution

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    The Sancho Reservoir, located in the Huelva province (SW Spain), is supplied by the Meca River, which receives water contaminated by mining activities in Tharsis. This study focused on determining the relationship that temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) had with rainfall. The temperature, pH, and EC were simultaneously measured every 30 min by two probes suspended in the Sancho Reservoir. It was anticipated that the use of fuzzy logic and data mining would lead to a model that would show how the contaminant load evolved over space and time. Similar results were obtained for the two locations, except that the parameters had more outliers near the dam due to the greater distance from the contamination source. As expected, higher pH corresponded with lower EC, since, in the absence of chloride, sulphate was the principal anion. The dependency relationship of the variables as well as the cause–effect relationship with the rate of rainfall was more evident in the up-gradient sampling location than near the dam due to the different residence time and the transit time between the two points

    Estimación y toma de decisiones mediante técnicas tradicionales y lógica borrosa

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    En este capítulo se presentan algunas contribuciones en el campo de la toma de decisiones en Proyectos de Desarrollo de Software (PDS), que permitan obtener información de tipo cualitativo sobre el funcionamiento de tales proyectos y que mejoren la eficiencia y la precisión de los resultados obtenidos con otras técnicas. En concreto, se describe la herramienta de Minería de Datos basada en aprendizaje no supervisado PreFuRGe, que proporciona información de tipo cualitativo a partir de las bases de datos cuantitativas obtenidas como resultado de las simulaciones de modelos dinámicos para PDS. Por otro lado, se realiza un análisis comparativo y una implementación de técnicas de predicción que pueden ser aplicadas en el ámbito de los PDS, de forma que, sin necesidad de utilizar los simuladores, se pueda predecir el comportamiento de las distintas variables (coste, tiempo, calidad, etc.), a partir de nuevos valores de los atributos del PDS