2,325 research outputs found


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    The structure formula of moxifloxacin is described as follows: 8 methoxy flouroquinolone: and it is broad spectrum antibiotic [1, 2].we study moxifloxacin by IV drug delivery system. And for its study following apparatus is used; 1-a reversed-phase Lichrospher RP-18 column, 2-a mobile phase which is composed of different solvents. It is detected at a wavelength of 290 nm. By this method the retention time of moxifloxacin is very short. When we detect it in plasma and brain tissue linear curves are obtained. .The advantage of this method is that we can detect the bacteria in plasma and brain tissues by this method

    Influence of Classification on Information Filtering

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    Vast amounts of information are available via the Internet and there are indications that the volume of scholarly information shared across the Internet is increasing [Okerson, 1995]. Tools such as WAIS, Lycos and Webcrawler have been developed to allow users to access information, but these tools require the user to be actively involved in locating that information. With the explosive growth in digital and non-digital information, however, it has become increasingly difficult to find the time necessary to search for information

    Compact Broadband Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna

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    In this paper, using two or more U-slots which are mutually coupled, we are further able to extend the bandwidth achievable by single U-slot. Our Proposed design on 1.6 mm high FR4 substrate is 69 mm X 62 mm (L X W) in size which is vary compact, low profile and conformable. We have chosen licence free band from 7.6 GHz to 9.2 GHz which has not yet been targeted by any commercial product till now. We expect major wave of wireless product for Biomedical, Industrial, Defence and IOT applications in this frequency band in years to come. Our design achieves 1.6 GHz (20%) bandwidth around 8.3 GHz with fairly good gain achievable in low profile substrate. In our design we have introduce Microstrip ring to improve directivity of a antenna. The measured and simulated response shows close agreement thus validating our design

    Numerical Exploration of Solid Rocket Motor Blast Tube Flow Field

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    The blast tube flowfield of a solid rocket motor is explored numerically by solving 3-D RANS equations with SST Turbulence model using a commercial computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software CFX-10. Parametric studies are carried out to find out the effect of the blast tube diameter on the total pressure loss in the rocket motor. It is observed that the total pressure loss in the rocket motor is less than 4 per cent and the blast tube is contributing less than 1 per cent. It is also found out that higher the blast tube diameter, the lesser the drop in the total pressure. Blast tube geometry is not found to contribute significantly in the overall thrust and specific impulse in the rocket motor.Defence Science Journal, 2013, 63(6), pp.616-621, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.63.576

    Analysis of non-genetic and genetic influences underlying the growth of Kajli lambs

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    Data on 2931 Kajli lambs, born from 2007 to 2018, were used to quantify environmental and genetic effects on growth performance of Kajli sheep. Traits considered for evaluation were birth weight (BWT), 120-day adjusted weight (120DWT), 180-day adjusted weight (180DWT), 270-day adjusted weight (270DWT), and 365-day adjusted weight (365DWT). Fixed effects of year of birth, season of birth, sex, birth type, and dam age on these traits were evaluated using linear procedures of SAS, 9.1. Similarly, BWT, 120DWT, 180DWT, and 270DWT were used as fixed effects mixed model analyses. Variance components, heritability and breeding values were estimated by restricted maximum likelihood. The genetic trend for each trait was obtained by regression of the estimated breeding values (EBV) on year of birth. Analyses revealed substantial influence of birth year on all traits. Sex and birth type were the significant sources of variation for BWT and 120DWT. Season of birth did not influence birth weight meaningfully, but had a significant role in the expression of 120DWT, 180DWT, and 270DWT. Heritability estimates were generally low (0.003 ± 0.018 to 0.099 ± 0.067) for all traits. With the exception of the genetic correlation of 180DWT and 365DWT, the genetic correlations between trait were strong and positive. Only 365DWT had a positive genetic trend. Although the heritability estimates for almost all weight traits were low, high and positive genetic correlations between BWT and other weight traits suggest that selection based on BWT would result in the improvement of other weight traits as a correlated response.Keywords: bodyweight, breeding value, genetic correlation, shee

    Determination of the best non-linear function to describe the growth of Kajli sheep

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the best non-linear growth function to describe the growth of Kajli sheep. For this aim, the Brody, von Bertalanffy, Logistic, and Gompertz models were used to describe the sigmoidal relationship between bodyweight and age of the Kajli sheep. The records obtained from the Livestock Experiment Station, Khushab, were collected between 2007 and 2018. The records comprised 9864 age-weight observations (300 for male, 9564 for female, 7392 for single, 2388 for twin, and 84 for triplet lambs), which extended from birth to 12 months old. Candidate non-linear functions were fitted and the curve parameters were estimated by nlsfit (fit non-linear models) function in R statistical package, version 3.6.1. Goodness of fit criteria that were used to evaluate predictive performances of candidate models were adjusted coefficient of determination (R2adj), Akaike’s information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC) and root means square error (RMSE). The Brody model was the best non-linear function that described the biological growth pattern of all, male, female, single, twin, and triplet lambs. Differences in curve parameter estimates between male and female suggested a definite pattern of sexual dimorphism. Moreover, a higher estimate of rate of maturity in female lambs reflects their early maturity compared with male Kajli lambs. Similarly, the single-born Kajli animals with highest maturity rate were maturing at an earlier age than twins and triplets. This is the first report on the non-linear pattern of visible changes in bodyweight of Kajli sheep from birth to 12 months old.Key words: age, bodyweight, growth curves, regression, shee

    An Abattoir Based Study on Brucellosis, Bovine Tuberculosis and Paratuberculosis in Buffaloes and Cattle at Faisalabad, Pakistan

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    A study was carried out to investigate the prevalence of these diseases at Faisalabad abattoirs in buffaloes and cattle. For this purpose, 400 consecutive animals, including 200 buffaloes and 200 cattle were included in the study. Blood and diseased organ, tissue samples were collected for further processing. For a study on the prevalence of brucellosis, the serum samples were screened by RBPT (Rose Bengal Precipitation Test). The overall prevalence of brucellosis recorded was 10% and 11% in buffaloes and cattle, respectively. The prevalence of brucellosis did not vary between male and females, three age groups and three weight groups each in buffalo and cattle. However, the odds of contracting brucellosis were 3.8 vs 1 for cattle than buffalo at an age below 5 years. On the basis of specific gross and histopathological lesions in different organs/tissues, including lungs, liver, lymph nodes and intestine, the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis and paratuberculosis were assessed. The suspected prevalence of bovine tuberculosis was 1.5% and 1%, while it was 3.75% and 4.1 % in case of paratuberculosis in buffaloes and cattle, respectively. The cattle revealed significant (P = 0.05) difference between age groups on the basis of suspected lesions of tuberculosis in lungs with young cattle showing the lesions more than adult, but it was not so in buffaloes. The odds of contracting paratuberculosis in males were 3.74 vs 1 of buffalo than cattle. The other comparisons were not marked between age groups, sex and weight groups between buffaloes and cattle. The prevalence of these diseases is not unexpected in abattoir and is a threat not only for workers at the slaughterhouse, meat sellers (butchers) but also to the general public


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    Breast cancer is the second most pervasive cause of mortalities in the world and Tamoxifen is the hormone therapy of choice in pre-menopausal estrogen receptor positive breast cancer women and sometimes in post-menopausal women. The pharmgeonetics factors widely affect the pharmacokinetic parameters. Information regarding this anti breast cancer drug shows that bio disposition of Tamoxifen has not been widely studied in local healthy adult female subjects. Disposition kinectics and dosage regimen were investigated in eight healthy adult females of a specific age group 35-55 years. Blood samples were collected at various intervals after oral administration 20mg Tamoxifen tablet. Plasma concentrations were determined with HPLC. Plasma concentration versus time curve was analyzed with one compartment pharmacokinetic model to calculate the kinetic parameters such as Cmax and volume of distribution etc. The pharmacokinetic analysis revealed Cmax of 28.11 ± 2.11 ng/mL at mean Tmax of 7.7 hours.The mean ± SE volume of distribution was 306.6 ± 3.681 L/kg ,respectively while extrapolated zero time drug concentration of elimination phase 0.037 ± 0.005ng/mL. Mean ± SE rate constant for elimination phase was 0.12 ± 0.002 hr-1. Due to decrease in Cmax attained after single oral dose, it is recommended that dosing interval of Tamoxifen should be decreased as to attain steady state levels for pharmacotherapeutic results in breast cancer females. However, 5-10ng/mL change is due to the changes of environment, epigenetic and genetic variation between Pakistan and drug manufacturing foreign countries
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