539 research outputs found

    Cost-effectiveness of Methadone Maintenance Treatment in prevention of HIV among drug users in Shiraz, south of Iran

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    Background: The increase in high-risk injections and unsafe sexual behaviors has led to increased HIV infection prevalence among Intravenous Drug Users (IDUs). The high costs of HIV/AIDS care and low financial resources necessitate an economic evaluation to make the best decision for the control of HIV/AIDS. Objectives: This study was conducted to determine the cost-effectiveness of Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) centers in HIV infection prevention among drug users. Materials and Methods: In this interventional study, we included all the seven MMT centers and the drug users registered there (n = 694). We calculated all the costs imposed on the government, i.e. Provider of case. Mathematical models were used to estimate the number of HIV cases averted from high-risk behaviors. Sensitivity analyses were performed to show the effects of uncertainty in parameters on the number of HIV cases averted and also Incremental Cost-Effectiveness Ratio (ICER). Results: Based on the averted models, the selected MMT centers could prevent 128 HIV cases during 1 year. The total cost was 547423andthatofHIV/AIDScareinthenointerventionscenariowasestimated 547423 and that of HIV/AIDS care in the no intervention scenario was estimated 14171816. ICER was 106382perHIVcaseaverted.TheresultsofthesensitivityanalysisindicatedthatMMTinterventionwascosteffectiveevenintheworstscenarioandICERvariedfrom 106382 per HIV case averted. The results of the sensitivity analysis indicated that MMT intervention was cost-effective even in the worst scenario and ICER varied from 39149 to $ 290004 per HIV case averted. Conclusions: With regard to the high prevalence of drug injection among drug users and considering the high effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of MMT centers in preventing HIV infection, establishment of MMT centers in regional and national levels seems reasonable. © 2013, Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal

    Comparison of health-related quality of life after percutaneous coronary intervention and coronary artery bypass surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) evaluation is an important measure of the impact of the disease. As more people with coronary heart disease (CHD) live longer, doctors and researchers want to know how they manage in day to day life. It looked like adults with CHD had a decrease QOL. The aim of this study was to comparison of HRQOL of patients who underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) and coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and to assess its main determinants in the whole sample of coronary artery disease (CAD) patients. METHODS: The study was carried out to estimate HRQOL of 109 patients who underwent invasive coronary revascularization PCI (n = 75) and CABG (n = 34). We applied HRQOL after 6 months and 2 years in both groups and scores were compared. The HRQOL data were obtained using MacNew Heart Disease questionnaire with dimensions emotional, physical and social that estimated. Data entry and analysis were performed by SPSS 16.0. RESULTS: A total MacNew scale in CABG and PCI group in 6 months after treatment were 45.32 ± 13.75 and 53.52 ± 15.63, respectively (P = 0.0100). After 2 years HRQOL mean changed to 51.176 ± 14.80 and 49.55 ± 16.22, respectively, in CABG and PCI group (P = 0.4280). Our results in within-group analysis showed total MacNew scale and its subscales were changed significantly after 2 years in CABG and PCI group�s scores were detected. We found in the whole sample of CAD patients those who had a higher level of income and education and were not either overweight or obese experienced better HRQOL. CONCLUSION: Our results showed that patients who underwent PCI experienced significantly higher HRQOL in 6 months after revascularization but over 24 months follow-up no difference was observed between the two groups. © 2016, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences(IUMS). All rights reserved

    Neuroticism polygenic risk score predicts 20-year burden of depressive symptoms for Whites but not Blacks

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    Background. Black-White differences are reported in social, psychological, behavioral, medical, and biological correlates of depression. This study was conducted to compare Black and White older adults for the association between neuroticism polygenic risk score (N-PRS) and chronicity of depressive symptoms over 20 years. Methods. Data came from the Health and Retirement Study (HRS), 1990 – 2012, a nationally representative sample of Americans above age 50. Current analysis followed 9,249 individuals (7,924 Whites and 1,325 Blacks) for up to 22 years. Depressive symptoms were measured every two years between 1992 and 2012 using the 8-item Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression Scale (CES-D-8). The independent variable was N-PRS. The dependent variable was average depressive symptoms between 1992 and 2012. Linear regression was used for data analysis. Results. In the pooled sample, higher N-PRS was associated with higher average depressive symptoms over the 20-year follow up period [b=0.01, 95%CI=0.00 to 0.04], net of all covariates. We also found an interaction between race and N-PRS [b=-0.02, 95%CI=-0.03 to 0.00], suggesting a stronger effect of N-PRS on 20-year average depressive symptoms for Whites than Blacks. Based on our race-specific linear regression models, higher N-PRS was associated with higher depressive symptoms from 1992 to 2012 for Whites [b=0.01, 95%CI=0.01 to 0.02] but not Blacks [b=0.00, 95%CI=-0.02 to 0.02]. Conclusion. Black and White older adults may differ in the salience of the existing N-PRS for depressive symptoms, which better reflects the burden of depression for Whites than Blacks. This may be because the existing PRSs are derived from mostly or exclusively White samples, limiting their applicability in other race groups. Racial variation in psychosocial, clinical, and biological correlates of depression needs further research

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Medial Meniscus Replacement Prosthesis for the Treatment of Patients with Medial Compartment Pain in the United Kingdom.

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    BACKGROUND: The most common intra-articular knee injury is a meniscal tear, which commonly occurs secondary to trauma following twisting or hyperflexion. Treatment options for meniscal tears can either be surgical or non-surgical, and range from rest, exercise, bracing and physical therapy to surgical intervention, including meniscal repair and partial meniscectomy. In patients with persistent pain following loss of meniscus tissue, treatment can include partial replacement or meniscal allograft transplantation. The NUsurface® prosthesis has been developed as a treatment option for patients experiencing persistent knee pain post medial meniscus (MM) surgery. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to assess the cost effectiveness of MM replacement using NUsurface for the treatment of patients with medial compartment pain following previous partial medial meniscectomy, from a UK health service perspective. METHODS: An economic decision-analytic model was developed to assess the cost per quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) gained associated with the introduction of MM replacement using NUsurface compared with non-surgical standard of care, over a lifetime time horizon. The model structure was primarily informed by a previous clinical trial (VENUS) and was developed based on the clinical pathways typically followed by patients with this condition, with treatment pathways and probabilities of clinical progression adjusted depending on whether patients were receiving the intervention or undergoing current practice. A hypothetical cohort of adult patients (mean age of 50 years) was modelled, with clinical data sourced from the VENUS study as well as relevant UK literature. Both deterministic and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were carried out to explore uncertainty in the model results. RESULTS: The base-case probabilistic results indicate that MM replacement using NUsurface is likely to be cost effective across a range of willingness-to-pay (WTP) thresholds (95% probability of being cost effective at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)-recommended £20,000 WTP threshold). Although per-patient costs increase, QALYs are also gained, with the incremental cost per QALY (probabilistic value = £5011) being below £20,000. Deterministic sensitivity analyses indicate that the parameters that have the greatest impact on results are the failure rate in the control group (current practice), utility scores, and the cost of undergoing MM replacement using NUsurface. CONCLUSIONS: Based on the analysis presented, MM replacement with the NUsurface prosthetic implant is likely to be a cost-effective use of UK health care service resources compared with current standard care

    Effectiveness of methadone maintenance treatment in prevention of hepatitis C virus transmission among injecting drug users

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    Background: Injecting drug users (IDUs) are a major and most important risk factor for rising hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence in Iran. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the effectiveness of methadone maintenance treatment (MMT) in prevention of HCV infection transmission among IDUs. Patients and Methods: A mathematical modeling has been used to estimate number of HCV infections averted. The input parameters used in the model were collected by self-reported method from 259 IDUs before registering and one year after MMT. Nonparametric statistical tests have been used to compare risky injecting and sexual behaviors among IDUs before and after participating in MMT program. Deterministic sensitivity analyses were done to show the effects of parameters' uncertainty on outcome. Results: Of the 259 participants, 98.4 (255) were men, the mean age ± SD was 33.1 ± 7.58 years and HCV prevalence was 50. The studied IDUs reported lower rate of risky injecting and sexual behavior after participation in MMT program. The cumulative incidence of HCV per 100 IDUs due to sharing injection and unsafe sexual contact with MMT program were 13.84 (95 CI: 6.17 -21.51), 0.0003 (0.0001 - 0.0005) and without it 36.48 (25.84 - 47.11) and 0.0004 (0.0002-0.0006) respectively. Conclusions: The MMT program is an effective intervention to prevent HCV infection transmission, although it is essential to compare its effectiveness with other interventions before implementing it in nationwide. © 2013, Kowsar Corp.; Licensee Kowsar Ltd

    Rhesus TRIM5α disrupts the HIV-1 capsid at the inter-hexamer interfaces

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    TRIM proteins play important roles in the innate immune defense against retroviral infection, including human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). Rhesus macaque TRIM5α (TRIM5αrh) targets the HIV-1 capsid and blocks infection at an early post-entry stage, prior to reverse transcription. Studies have shown that binding of TRIM5α to the assembled capsid is essential for restriction and requires the coiled-coil and B30.2/SPRY domains, but the molecular mechanism of restriction is not fully understood. In this study, we investigated, by cryoEM combined with mutagenesis and chemical cross-linking, the direct interactions between HIV-1 capsid protein (CA) assemblies and purified TRIM5αrh containing coiled-coil and SPRY domains (CC-SPRYrh). Concentration-dependent binding of CC-SPRYrh to CA assemblies was observed, while under equivalent conditions the human protein did not bind. Importantly, CC-SPRYrh, but not its human counterpart, disrupted CA tubes in a non-random fashion, releasing fragments of protofilaments consisting of CA hexamers without dissociation into monomers. Furthermore, such structural destruction was prevented by inter-hexamer crosslinking using P207C/T216C mutant CA with disulfide bonds at the CTD-CTD trimer interface of capsid assemblies, but not by intra-hexamer crosslinking via A14C/E45C at the NTD-NTD interface. The same disruption effect by TRIM5αrh on the inter-hexamer interfaces also occurred with purified intact HIV-1 cores. These results provide insights concerning how TRIM5α disrupts the virion core and demonstrate that structural damage of the viral capsid by TRIM5α is likely one of the important components of the mechanism of TRIM5α-mediated HIV-1 restriction. © 2011 Zhao et al

    Health-related quality of life as measured with EQ-5D among populations with and without specific chronic conditions: A population-based survey in Shaanxi province, China

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    © 2013 Tan et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Introduction: The aim of this study was to examine health-related quality of life (HRQoL) as measured by EQ-5D and to investigate the influence of chronic conditions and other risk factors on HRQoL based on a distributed sample located in Shaanxi Province, China. Methods: A multi-stage stratified cluster sampling method was performed to select subjects. EQ-5D was employed to measure the HRQoL. The likelihood that individuals with selected chronic diseases would report any problem in the EQ-5D dimensions was calculated and tested relative to that of each of the two reference groups. Multivariable linear regression models were used to investigate factors associated with EQ VAS. Results: The most frequently reported problems involved pain/discomfort (8.8%) and anxiety/depression (7.6%). Nearly half of the respondents who reported problems in any of the five dimensions were chronic patients. Higher EQ VAS scores were associated with the male gender, higher level of education, employment, younger age, an urban area of residence, access to free medical service and higher levels of physical activity. Except for anemia, all the selected chronic diseases were indicative of a negative EQ VAS score. The three leading risk factors were cerebrovascular disease, cancer and mental disease. Increases in age, number of chronic conditions and frequency of physical activity were found to have a gradient effect. Conclusion: The results of the present work add to the volume of knowledge regarding population health status in this area, apart from the known health status using mortality and morbidity data. Medical, policy, social and individual attention should be given to the management of chronic diseases and improvement of HRQoL. Longitudinal studies must be performed to monitor changes in HRQoL and to permit evaluation of the outcomes of chronic disease intervention programs. © 2013 Tan et al.National Nature Science Foundation (No. 8107239