801 research outputs found

    Prolonging disuse in aged mice amplifies cortical but not trabecular bones’ response to mechanical loading

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    Objective: Short-term neurectomy-induced disuse (SN) has been shown to restore load responses in aged mice. We examined whether this restoration was further enhanced in both cortical and trabecular bone by simply extending the SN. Methods: Following load: strain calibration, tibiae in female C57BL/J6 mice at 8, 14 and 20 weeks and 18 months (n=8/group) were loaded and bone changes measured. Effects of long-term SN examined in twenty-six 18 months-old mice, neurectomised for 5 or 100 days with/without subsequent loading. Cortical and trabecular responses were measured histomorphometrically or by micro-computed tomography. Results: Loading increased new cortical bone formation, elevating cross-sectional area in 8, 14 and 20 week-old (p <0.05), but not 18 month-old aged mice. Histomorphometry showed that short-term SN reinstated load-responses in aged mice, with significant 33% and 117% increases in bone accrual at 47% and 37%, but not 27% of tibia length. Cortical responses to loading was heightened and widespread, now evident at all locations, following prolonged SN (108, 167 and 98% at 47, 37 and 27% of tibial length, respectively). In contrast, loading failed to modify trabecular bone mass or architecture. Conclusions: Mechanoadaptation become deficient with ageing and prolonging disuse amplifies this response in cortical but not trabecular bone

    Research Notes : Zambia : Development of promiscuous soybean varieties

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    Zambia was perhaps the first country to initiate research on the development of promiscuous soybean varieties. Promiscuous soybean varieties have the capability of producing effective nodules with the indigenous rhizobia found in the Zambian soils. Two such varieties, \u27Magoye\u27 and \u27Hernon 147\u27, have already been released in Zambia

    Research Notes : Zambia : Summary of national soybean variety test (1982/83)

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    Results of the National Soybean Variety Trial are reported in Tables 1 and 2. Sixteen entries, comprising seven recommended varieties and nine new promising cultivars, were tested at seven different locations. Though the season started favorably, rains in December, 1982, were inade-quate in the southern half of the country for good stand establishment

    Efficacy of Two Caries Detector Dyes in the Diagnosis of Dental Caries

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of two caries detector dyes in the diagnosis of dental caries.Materials and Methods: Twenty extracted human posterior teeth without pulpal exposure were sectioned mesiodistally through the center of the lesions using a water-cooled disk.The tooth halves were randomly divided into two groups and treated with Caries Detector (CD) and Caries Check (CC) detector dyes. Access cavities were prepared followed by caries removal and dye application. All cavities were arbitrarily divided into two right and left sections and excavation of the stained areas was performed on the left parts, while the right sections remained untouched. Bacterial penetration into dentinal tubules was evaluated using Gram-stained decalcified sections under light microscopy. Sensitivity and specificity of both dyes were calculated.Results: The sensitivity of CD and CC were 74% and 71%,respectively. The specificity obtained for both dyes was 100%.Conclusion: Considering the low sensitivity of the dyes evaluated in the present study, it seems that they may not be reliable when used as the sole diagnostic technique for detection of carious lesions in posterior teeth

    Predicting cortical bone adaptation to axial loading in the mouse tibia

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    The development of predictive mathematical models can contribute to a deeper understanding of the specific stages of bone mechanobiology and the process by which bone adapts to mechanical forces. The objective of this work was to predict, with spatial accuracy, cortical bone adaptation to mechanical load, in order to better understand the mechanical cues that might be driving adaptation. The axial tibial loading model was used to trigger cortical bone adaptation in C57BL/6 mice and provide relevant biological and biomechanical information. A method for mapping cortical thickness in the mouse tibia diaphysis was developed, allowing for a thorough spatial description of where bone adaptation occurs. Poroelastic finite-element (FE) models were used to determine the structural response of the tibia upon axial loading and interstitial fluid velocity as the mechanical stimulus. FE models were coupled with mechanobiological governing equations, which accounted for non-static loads and assumed that bone responds instantly to local mechanical cues in an on–off manner. The presented formulation was able to simulate the areas of adaptation and accurately reproduce the distributions of cortical thickening observed in the experimental data with a statistically significant positive correlation (Kendall's τ rank coefficient τ = 0.51, p < 0.001). This work demonstrates that computational models can spatially predict cortical bone mechanoadaptation to a time variant stimulus. Such models could be used in the design of more efficient loading protocols and drug therapies that target the relevant physiological mechanisms

    A new straightforward method for semi-automated segmentation of trabecular bone from cortical bone in diverse and challenging morphologies

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    Many physiological, biomechanical, evolutionary and clinical studies that explore skeletal structure and function require successful separation of trabecular from cortical compartments of a bone that has been imaged by X-ray micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) prior to analysis. Separation often involves manual subdivision of these two similarly radio-opaque compartments, which can be time-consuming and subjective. We have developed an objective, semi-automated protocol which reduces user bias and enables straightforward, user-friendly segmentation of trabecular from the cortical bone without requiring sophisticated programming expertise. This method can conveniently be used as a ‘recipe’ in commercial programmes (Avizo herein) and applied to a variety of datasets. Here, we characterize and share this recipe, and demonstrate its application to a range of murine and human bone types, including normal and osteoarthritic specimens, and bones with distinct embryonic origins and spanning a range of ages. We validate the method by testing inter-user bias during the scan preparation steps and confirm utility in the architecturally challenging analysis of growing murine epiphyses. We also report details of the recipe, so that other groups can readily re-create a similar method in open access programmes. Our aim is that this method will be adopted widely to create a reproducible and time-efficient method of segmenting trabecular and cortical bone

    Anomalies et paradoxes des choix alimentaires : et si les carottes n&#039;étaient pas orange ?

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    De nouvelles variétés de couleurs de carottes ont été utilisées lors de tests expérimentaux. Les anomalies de la théorie de la décision (disparité entre prix de réserve à la vente et à l’achat, phénomène d’inversion des préférences) se retrouvent bien dans le cas de décisions alimentaires. Le prix de réserve à l’achat s’avère une mesure fiable du comportement d’achat du consommateur. Enfin, nous concluons que les carottes blanches et jaunes pourraient être introduites sur le marché, contrairement à celles roses ou violettes

    Spatial complexity measure for characterising cellular automata generated 2D patterns

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    Cellular automata (CA) are known for their capacity to generate complex patterns through the local interaction of rules. Often the generated patterns, especially with multi-state two-dimensional CA, can exhibit interesting emergent behaviour. This paper addresses quantitative evaluation of spatial characteristics of CA generated patterns. It is suggested that the structural characteristics of two-dimensional (2D) CA patterns can be measured using mean information gain. This information-theoretic quantity, also known as conditional entropy, takes into account conditional and joint probabilities of cell states in a 2D plane. The effectiveness of the measure is shown in a series of experiments for multi-state 2D patterns generated by CA. The results of the experiments show that the measure is capable of distinguishing the structural characteristics including symmetry and randomness of 2D CA patterns

    Lasting organ-level bone mechanoadaptation is unrelated to local strain

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    Bones adapt to mechanical forces according to strict principles predicting straight shape. Most bones are, however, paradoxically curved. To solve this paradox, we used computed tomography–based, four-dimensional imaging methods and computational analysis to monitor acute and chronic whole-bone shape adaptation and remodeling in vivo. We first confirmed that some acute load-induced structural changes are reversible, adhere to the linear strain magnitude regulation of remodeling activities, and are restricted to bone regions in which marked antiresorptive actions are evident. We make the novel observation that loading exerts significant lasting modifications in tibial shape and mass across extensive bone regions, underpinned by (re)modeling independent of local strain magnitude, occurring at sites where the initial response to load is principally osteogenic. This is the first report to demonstrate that bone loading stimulates nonlinear remodeling responses to strain that culminate in greater curvature adjusted for load predictability without sacrificing strength
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