52 research outputs found

    The development of radiogallium-acetylacetonate bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex for tumour imaging

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    BACKGROUND: Various radiometal complexes have been developed for tumour imaging, especially Ga-68 tracer. In this work, the development of a radiogallium bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex has been reported. MATERIAL AND METHODS: [67Ga]acetylacetonate bis(thio-semicarbazone) complex ([67Ga]AATS) was prepared starting with [67Ga]Gallium acetate and freshly prepared acetylacetonate bis(thiosemicarbazone) (AATS) for 30 min at 90ºC. The partition co-efficient and stability of the tracer was determined in final solution (25ºC) and the presence of human serum (37ºC) for up to 24 hours. The biodistribution of the labelled compound in wild-type and fibrosarcoma-bearing rodents were determined for up to 72 hours. RESULTS: The radiolabelled Ga complex was prepared to a high radiochemical purity (> 97%, HPLC) followed by initial biodistribution data with the significant tumour accumulation of the tracer at two hours, which is far higher than free Ga-67 cation, while the compound wash-out is significantly faster. CONCLUSION: The above-mentioned pharmacokinetic properties suggest an interesting radiogallium complex prepared by the PET Ga radioisotope, 68Ga, in accordance with the physical half life, for use in fibrosarcoma tumours and possibly in other malignancies

    Razvoj radiomarkiranog β-humanog koriogonadotropina

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    -human chorionic gonadotropin (-hCG) was successively labeled with [67Ga] gallium chloride after conjugation with freshly prepared diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid dianhydride (ccDTPA). After solid phase purification of the radiolabeled hormone, high performance liquid chromatography showed radiochemical purity higher than 95 % under optimized conditions (specific activity = 2223 TBq mM1, labeling efficiency 80 %). Preliminary in vivo studies (ID g1, %) in male wild-type rats showed marked gonadal uptake of the tracer after 240 minutes in agreement with the biodistribution studies and reported -hCG receptors. Target to blood ratios were 5.1 and 15.2 after 3 and 24 hours, respectively, while target to muscle ratios were 35 and 40 after 3 and 24 hours, respectively.Beta-humani korionski gonadotropin (beta-hCG) uspješno je markiran s [67Ga] galijevim kloridom nakon konjugacije sa svježe priređenim dianhidridom dietilentriaminpentaoctene kiseline (ccDTPA). Nakon čišćenja radiomarkiranog hormona na čvrstoj fazi, radiokemijska čistoća bila je prema HPLC veća od 95 % (specifična aktivnost = 22-23 TBq mM-1, učinkovitost markiranja 80 %). Preliminarni in vivo pokusi (ID g-1, %) na mužjacima divljeg tipa štakora pokazali su da obilježeni hormon značajno ulazi u gonade nakon 240 minuta, što je u suglasnosti s ispitivanjima biodistribucije i podacima o receptorima za beta-hCG. Omjer koncentracija u gonadama i krvi bio je 5,1, odnosno 15,2 nakon 3, odnosno 24 sata, dok je omjer koncentracija u gonadama i mišićima bio 35, odnosno 40 nakon 3, odnosno 24 sata

    Development of ADAPT-based tracers for radionuclide molecular imaging of cancer

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    ABD-Derived Affinity Proteins (ADAPTs) is a novel class of small engineered scaffold proteins based on albumin-binding domain (ABD) of streptococcal protein G. High affinity ADAPT  binders against various therapeutic targets can be selected.  In this thesis, we report a development of ADAPT-based radionuclide imaging agents providing high sensitivity and specificity of molecular imaging of HER2 expression in disseminated cancers. We investigated the feasibility of the use of ADAPTs as imaging agents and influence of molecular design and radiolabeling chemistry on in vivo targeting and biodistribution properties of the tracers. In Paper I we demonstrated the feasibility of the use of anti-HER2 ADAPT6 molecule as a high contrast imaging agent; In Paper II we evaluated the influence of composition of histidine-containing tag on in vivo biodistribution of ADAPT-based tracers labeled with 99mTc using 99mTc(CO)3 binding to histidine-containing tags and 111In using DOTA chelator at N-terminus; In Paper III we evaluated the influence of different aspects of N-terminus leading sequence on targeting including effect of sequence size on clearance rate and effect of the composition of the sequence on biodistribution profile; In Paper IV, we evaluated the influence of residualizing properties and positioning of the label on biodistribution and targeting; and In Paper V, we compared tumor-targeting properties of the ADAPT6 labeled at C-terminus with 99mTc using N3S chelator and 111In using DOTA chelator. In conclusion, ADAPTs constitute a very promising class of targeting probes for molecular imaging providing high contrast. Molecular design of the ADAPT proteins and chelators/linkers for labeling has an appreciable effect on their imaging properties

    Development of ADAPT-based tracers for radionuclide molecular imaging of cancer

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    ABD-Derived Affinity Proteins (ADAPTs) is a novel class of small engineered scaffold proteins based on albumin-binding domain (ABD) of streptococcal protein G. High affinity ADAPT  binders against various therapeutic targets can be selected.  In this thesis, we report a development of ADAPT-based radionuclide imaging agents providing high sensitivity and specificity of molecular imaging of HER2 expression in disseminated cancers. We investigated the feasibility of the use of ADAPTs as imaging agents and influence of molecular design and radiolabeling chemistry on in vivo targeting and biodistribution properties of the tracers. In Paper I we demonstrated the feasibility of the use of anti-HER2 ADAPT6 molecule as a high contrast imaging agent; In Paper II we evaluated the influence of composition of histidine-containing tag on in vivo biodistribution of ADAPT-based tracers labeled with 99mTc using 99mTc(CO)3 binding to histidine-containing tags and 111In using DOTA chelator at N-terminus; In Paper III we evaluated the influence of different aspects of N-terminus leading sequence on targeting including effect of sequence size on clearance rate and effect of the composition of the sequence on biodistribution profile; In Paper IV, we evaluated the influence of residualizing properties and positioning of the label on biodistribution and targeting; and In Paper V, we compared tumor-targeting properties of the ADAPT6 labeled at C-terminus with 99mTc using N3S chelator and 111In using DOTA chelator. In conclusion, ADAPTs constitute a very promising class of targeting probes for molecular imaging providing high contrast. Molecular design of the ADAPT proteins and chelators/linkers for labeling has an appreciable effect on their imaging properties

    Development of ADAPT-based tracers for radionuclide molecular imaging of cancer

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    ABD-Derived Affinity Proteins (ADAPTs) is a novel class of small engineered scaffold proteins based on albumin-binding domain (ABD) of streptococcal protein G. High affinity ADAPT  binders against various therapeutic targets can be selected.  In this thesis, we report a development of ADAPT-based radionuclide imaging agents providing high sensitivity and specificity of molecular imaging of HER2 expression in disseminated cancers. We investigated the feasibility of the use of ADAPTs as imaging agents and influence of molecular design and radiolabeling chemistry on in vivo targeting and biodistribution properties of the tracers. In Paper I we demonstrated the feasibility of the use of anti-HER2 ADAPT6 molecule as a high contrast imaging agent; In Paper II we evaluated the influence of composition of histidine-containing tag on in vivo biodistribution of ADAPT-based tracers labeled with 99mTc using 99mTc(CO)3 binding to histidine-containing tags and 111In using DOTA chelator at N-terminus; In Paper III we evaluated the influence of different aspects of N-terminus leading sequence on targeting including effect of sequence size on clearance rate and effect of the composition of the sequence on biodistribution profile; In Paper IV, we evaluated the influence of residualizing properties and positioning of the label on biodistribution and targeting; and In Paper V, we compared tumor-targeting properties of the ADAPT6 labeled at C-terminus with 99mTc using N3S chelator and 111In using DOTA chelator. In conclusion, ADAPTs constitute a very promising class of targeting probes for molecular imaging providing high contrast. Molecular design of the ADAPT proteins and chelators/linkers for labeling has an appreciable effect on their imaging properties

    Influence of Several Compounds and Drugs on the Renal Uptake of Radiolabeled Affibody Molecules

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    Affibody molecules are the most studied class of engineered scaffold proteins (ESPs) in radionuclide molecular imaging. Attempts to use affibody molecules directly labelled with radiometals for targeted radionuclide therapy were hampered by the high uptake and retention of radioactivity in kidneys. Several promising strategies have been implemented to circumvent this problem. Here, we investigated whether a pharmacological approach targeting different components of the reabsorption system could be used to lower the uptake of [Tc-99m]Tc-Z(HER:2395) affibody molecule in kidneys. Pre-injection of probenecid, furosemide, mannitol or colchicine had no influence on activity uptake in kidneys compared to the control group. Mice pre-injected with maleate and fructose had 33% and 51% reduction in the kidney-associated activity, respectively, compared to the control group. Autoradiography images showed that the accumulation of activity after [Tc-99m]Tc-Z(HER2:2395) injection was in the renal cortex and that both maleate and fructose could significantly reduce it. Results from this study demonstrate that pharmacological intervention with maleate and fructose was effective in reducing the kidney uptake of affibody molecules. A presumable mechanism is the disruption of ATP-mediated cellular uptake and endocytosis processes of affibody molecules by tubular cells

    On the prevention of kidney uptake of radiolabeled DARPins

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    Background: Designed ankyrin repeat proteins (DARPins) are small engineered scaffold proteins (14-18 kDa) that demonstrated promising tumor-targeting properties in preclinical studies. However, high renal accumulation of activity for DARPins labeled with residualizing labels is a limitation for targeted radionuclide therapy. A better understanding of the mechanisms behind the kidney uptake of DARPins could aid the development of strategies to reduce it. In this study, we have investigated whether the renal uptake of [Tc-99m]Tc(CO)(3)-G3 DARPin could be reduced by administration of compounds that act on various parts of the reabsorption system in the kidney. Results: Co-injection of lysine or Gelofusine was not effective for the reduction of kidney uptake of [Tc-99m]Tc(CO)(3)-G3. Administration of sodium maleate before the injection of [Tc-99m]Tc(CO)(3)-G3 reduced the kidney-associated activity by 60.4 +/- 10.3%, while administration of fructose reduced it by 46.9 +/- 7.6% compared with the control. The decrease in the kidney uptake provided by sodium maleate was also observed for [Tc-99m]Tc(CO)(3)-9_29 DARPin. Preinjection of colchicine, probenecid, mannitol, or furosemide had no effect on the kidney uptake of [Tc-99m]Tc(CO)(3)-G3. Kidney autoradiography showed mainly cortical accumulation of activity for all studied groups. Conclusion: Common clinical strategies were not effective for the reduction of kidney uptake of [Tc-99m]Tc(CO)(3)-G3. Both fructose and maleate lower the cellular ATP level in the proximal tubule cells and their reduction of the kidney reuptake indicates the involvement of an ATP-driven uptake mechanism. The decrease provided by maleate for both G3 and 9_29 DARPins indicates that their uptake proceeds through a mechanism independent of DARPin structure and binding site composition

    Preclinical Evaluation of [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377 : A Promising Affibody-Based Probe for Noninvasive PET Imaging of EGFR Expression in Tumors

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    Radionuclide imaging of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) expression in tumors may stratify patients for EGFR-targeting therapies and predict response or resistance to certain treatments. Affibody molecules, which are nonimmunoglobulin scaffold proteins, have a high potential as probes for molecular imaging. In this study, maleimido derivative of desferrioxamine B (DFO) chelator was site-specifically coupled to the C-terminal cysteine of the anti-EGFR affibody molecule ZEGFR:2377, and the DFO-ZEGFR:2377 conjugate was labeled with the generator-produced positron-emitting radionuclide Ga-68. Stability, specificity of binding to EGFR-expressing cells, and processing of [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377 by cancer cells after binding were evaluated in vitro. In vivo studies were performed in nude mice bearing human EGFR-expressing A431 epidermoid cancer xenografts. The biodistribution of [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377 was directly compared with the biodistribution of [Zr-89]Zr-DFO-ZEGFR:2377. DFO-ZEGFR:2377 was efficiently (isolated yield of 73 +/- 3%) and stably labeled with Ga-68. Binding of [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377 to EGFR-expressing cells in vitro was receptor-specific and proportional to the EGFR expression level. In vivo saturation experiment demonstrated EGFR-specific accumulation of [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377 in A431 xenografts. Compared to [Zr-89]Zr-DFO-ZEGFR:2377, [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377 demonstrated significantly (p < 0.05) higher uptake in tumors and lower uptake in spleen and bones. This resulted in significantly higher tumor-to-organ ratios for [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377. In conclusion, [Ga-68]Ga-DFO-ZEGFR:2377 is a promising probe for imaging of EGFR expression

    Preparation, Quality Control and Biodistribution Studies of two [111In]-Rituximab Immunoconjugates

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    In order to use Auger-electron therapeutic effects in CD20 antigen targeting in lymphomas, Mabthera™ (rituximab) was successively labeled with [111In]-indium chloride (185 MBq) after conjugation with freshly prepared macrocyclic bifunctional chelating agent, N-succinimidyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA-NHS) and ccDTPA separately. Conjugated-Rituximab was obtained by the addition of 1 ml of a rituximab pharmaceutical solution (5 mg/ml, in phosphate buffer, pH=7.8) to a glass tube pre-coated with freshly prepared DOTA-NHS or ccDTPA (0.01-0.1 mg) at 25°C. Radiolabeling was performed at 37°C in 3h and room temperature for one hour for DOTA-conjugate and DTPA-conjugate respectively. HPLC showed an overall radiochemical purity of 97.5 and 95% for DOTA and DTPA-conjugates respectively (Specific activity =2800-5600 GBq/mM). The final isotonic 111In-rituximab complexes were checked by gel electrophoresis for radiolysis. Preliminary biodistribution studies in normal rat model performed to determine radioimmunoconjugates distribution of up to 48h

    Comparative evaluation of tumor targeting using the anti-HER2 ADAPT scaffold protein labeled at the C-terminus with indium-111 or technetium-99m

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    ABD-Derived Affinity Proteins (ADAPTs) is a novel class of engineered scaffold proteins derived from an albumin-binding domain of protein G. The use of ADAPT6 derivatives as targeting moiety have provided excellent preclinical radionuclide imaging of human epidermal growth factor 2 (HER2) tumor xenografts. Previous studies have demonstrated that selection of nuclide and chelator for its conjugation has an appreciable effect on imaging properties of scaffold proteins. In this study we performed a comparative evaluation of the anti-HER2 ADAPT having an aspartate-glutamate-alanine-valine-aspartate-alanine-asparagine-serine (DEAVDANS) N-terminal sequence and labeled at C-terminus with (99)mTc using a cysteine-containing peptide based chelator, glycine-serine-serine-cysteine (GSSC), and a similar variant labeled with In-111 using a maleimido derivative of 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic acid (DOTA) chelator. Both (99)mTc-DEAVDANS-ADAPT6-GSSC and In-111-DEAVDANS-ADAPT6-GSSC-DOTA accumulated specifically in HER2-expressing SKOV3 xenografts. The tumor uptake of both variants did not differ significantly and average values were in the range of 19-21% ID/g. However, there was an appreciable variation in uptake of conjugates in normal tissues that resulted in a notable difference in the tumor-to-organ ratios. The In-111-DOTA label provided 2-6 fold higher tumor-to-organ ratios than (99)mTc-GSSC and is therefore the preferable label for ADAPTs