7 research outputs found

    The effective technologies of soil management and stand establishment of field crops

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    The submitted methodology includes the newest knowledge on minimization and conservation methods of soil tillage and their implementation in efficient technologies of stand establishment of the main field crops. The methodology also covers yield and model economic evaluation of different methods of crop stand establishment

    The ecological optimization of the main growing measures for the field crops

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    This methodology includes the newest knowledge on production factors of growing technologies in different site conditions, describes examples of effective minimization or conservation technologies for the main field crop growing. The publication focuses also on agroecological approaches to plant nutrition, manure or fertilizer application and pest control

    Preconditions for innovative technologies of stand establishment of field crops

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    This methodology includes the contemporary knowledge on the newest developmental directions of stand establishment of field crops. The attention is focused on minimization and conservation soil tillage and on their influence of the soil properties. Site, agronomical and machine preconditions are evaluated in details for new unconventional technologies of stand establishment of field crops in different soil and climatic conditions of the Czech Republic

    Měření vlhkosti vzorků dřeva

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    Dřevo se pro své mechanicko-fyzikální vlastnosti (vhodná pevnost, pružnost, plastičnost, houževnatost s konkrétní objemovou hmotností, ohybatelnost, tepelně izolační vlastnosti) využívá především jako stavební a konstrukční materiál, v chemickém a celulózo-papírenském průmyslu. Vyrábí se z něj např. sportovní potřeby, hudební nástroje, hračky apod. Tento hygroskopický materiál je schopen přijímat nebo odevzdávat vodu, proto je jednou z jeho nejdůležitějších vlastností vlhkost, definovaná absolutně nebo relativně v procentech. Se změnami vlhkosti ve dřevě dochází k objemovým změnám, tedy k bobtnání a sesychání a též k ekonomickým ztrátám ve výrobě. Proto se měření vlhkosti musí při analytické kontrole surovin věnovat značná pozornost. Referát se zabývá měřením vlhkosti materiálů na bázi dřeva při jejich vysychání a jejich vyhodnocením. V experimentální části jsou pro měření na vybraných vzorcích dřeva použity přístroje MMW530, GMI115, tester WHT 860 a kapacitní metoda s vyhodnocením pomocí METEX a digitálního LCR měřiče. Zjištěné hodnoty jsou porovnány s váhovou (gravimetrickou) metodou provedenou v chemické laboratoři

    The Effect of Different Tillage Methods on Erosion

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    During the years 2012‒2016 at the site threatened by erosion, the effect of different intensity and depth of soil tillage on the progression of erosion were evaluated on the plots with silage maize. Three different tillage methods were compared and evaluated - conventional tillage, including ploughing (CT), no-tillage using mulch and direct drilling (NT), and minimum tillage treatment with a lower depth of soil cultivation and organic matter incorporation (MT). Water and soil runoff on all of the experimental plots were measured during erosion events. Besides an analysis of naturally occurring rainfall causing erosions, we also conducted the test of soil infiltration abilities with a rain simulator after silage maize harvest. The effect of the tillage on aboveground biomass yield and the input costs was also analyzed. The results showed that NT and MT can significantly reduce water and soil runoff comparing CT. The highest yields were recorded in MT, while the lowest were in CT. Total input costs were higher in the case of NT and MT, but the share of mechanized work was lower for these technologies. Our results showed that NT and MT technologies, as a part of silage maize with a higher plant density stand establishment, should be a useable erosion control measure in areas vulnerable to erosion

    The significance of conservation tillage technologies in crop production for soil fertility development

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    This methodology includes the newest knowledge on the influence of selected agricultural practices on soil properties and on soil fertility. It lays stress on the most important indicators of soil fertility that can help to evaluate the soil quality and it affords the instructions how to effectively increase the soil fertility and consequently plant production under use of conservation soil tillage technologies for field crop stand establishment

    The use of minimization and conservation tillage technologies in order to reduce water erosion on cultivated lands

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    The main objective of this methodology is to present the latest knowledge on protection of agricultural lands from water erosion to wide professional agricultural public with respect to its degradation effect on soil and long-term remedy of damage caused. It should also be appealing to responsible and consistent use of soil erosion control measures, because ensuring the sustainability of soil fertility not only for the present generation but for the future should be an effort for both professionals and also the general public. And just choose a convenient methods of agricultural land management, use of soil tillage technologies that prevent water erosion runoff and support rainfall water infiltration into the soil are being the right way to achieve that goal