6 research outputs found

    β-defensin genomic copy number does not influence the age of onset in huntington’s disease

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    β-Defensin genomic copy number does not influence the age of onset in Huntington's Disease

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    none498siHuntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder caused by the abnormal expansion of a CAG triplet repeat tract in the huntingtin gene. While the length of this CAG expansion is the major determinant of the age of onset (AO), other genetic factors have also been shown to play a modulatory role. Recent evidence suggests that neuroinflammations is a pivotal factor in the pathogenesis of HD, and that targeting this process may have important therapeutic ramifications. The human β-defensin 2 (hBD2)- encoded by DEFB4- is an antimicrobial peptide that exhibits inducible expression in astrocytes during inflammation and is an important regulator of innate and adaptive immune response. Therefore, DEFB4 may contribute to the neuroinflammatory processes observed in HD.openVittori A, Orth M, Roos RA, Outeiro TF, Giorgini F, Hollox EJ, Bachoud-Levi AC, Bentivoglio AR, Biunno I, Bonelli RM, Burgunder JM, Dunnett SB, Ferreira JJ, Handley OJ, Heiberg A, Illmann T, Landwehrmeyer GB, Levey J, Martinez-Jaurrieta MD, Nielsen JE, Pro Koivisto S, Piiiviirinta M, Roos RA, Sebastian AR, Tabrizi SJ, Vandenberghe W, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Zaremba J, Uhrova T, Wahlstrom J, Barth K, Correia-Guedes L, Finisterra AM, Bascuiiana Garde M, Betz S, Bos R, Ecker D, Handley OJ, Held C, Koppers K, Laura M, Descals AM, Mestre T, Monza D, Townhill J, Padieu H, Paterski L, Peppa N, Rialland A, Røren N, Sasinkova P, Trigo Cubillo P, van Walsem M, Witjes-Ane MN, Yudina E, Zielonka D, Zielonka E, Zinzi P, Bonelli RM, Herranhof B, HOd A, Kapfhammer HP, Koppitz M, Magnet M, Otti D, Painold A, Reisinge K, Scheib M, Hecht K, Lilek S, Muller N, Schoggl H, Ullah J, Ribal P, Verellen-Dumoulin C, Klempff J, Majerova V, Roth J, Hjermind LE, Jakobsen O, Vinthev-Jensen T, Larsen IU, Nielsen JE, Stokholm J, Hiivola H, Martikainen K, Tuuha K, Santala M, Milkereit E, Kosinski CM, Probst D, Reetz K, Sass C, Schiefer J, Schlangen C, Werner CJ, Andrich J, Ellrichmann G, Hoffmann R, Kaminski B, Saft C, Stamm C, Lange H, Lohle M, Schmidt S, Storch A, Wolz A, Wolz M, Capetian P, Lambeck J, Zucker B, Boelmans K, Ganos C, Hidding U, Lewerenz J, Miinchau A, Orth M, Schmalfeld J, Stubbe L, Zittel S, Heinicke W, Ribbat M, Longinus B, Miihlau M, Peinemann A, Stiidtler M, Weindl A, Winkelmann J, Ziegler C, Bechtel N, Beckmann H, Bohlen S, Holzner E, Lange H, Reilmann R, Rohm S, Rumpf S, Schepers S, Dose M, Leythaeuser G, Marquard R, Raab T, Schrenk C, Schuierer M, Barth K, Buck A, Ecker D, Eschenbach C, Held C, Landwehrmeyer B, Lezius F, Nepper S, Niess A, Orth M, Schwenk D, Siissmuth S, Trautmann S, Weydt P, Cormio C, de Tommaso M, Sciruicchio V, Serpino C, Ghelli E, Ginestroni A, Bertini E, Massaro F, Mechi C, Paganini M, Piacentini S, Pradella S, Romoli AM, Sorbi S, Abbruzzese G, Ferrandes MB, Di Maria E, Ferrandes G, Mandich P, Marchese R, Di Donato S, Gellera C, Genitrini S, Mariotti C, Nanetti L, Monza D, Soliveri P, Tomasello C, De Michele G, DiMaio L, Massarelli M, Rinaldi C, Roca A, Rossi F, Russo CV, Salvatore E, Sorrentino P, Tucci T, De Nicola A, Elifani F, Petrollini M, Martino T, Lovo F, Squitieri F, Bentivoglio AR, Catalli C, Di Giacopo R, Fasano A, Frontali M, Guidubaldi A, Ialongo T, Jacopini G, Loria G, Piano C, Piccininni C, Quaranta D, Romano S, Soleti F, Spadaro M, Zinzi P, van Hout MS, van Vugt JP, de Weert A, Bolwijn JJ, Neurologie P, Dekker M, Neurologie P, Leenders KL, van Oostrom JC, Bos R, Dumas EM, Jurgens CK, van den Bogaard SJ, Roos RA, 't Hart EP, Kremer B, Verstappen CC, Heiberg A, van Walsem MR, Frich J, Aaserud O, Wehus R, Bjørgo K, Fannemel M, Gørvell P, Lorentzen E, Koivisto SP, Retterstøl L, Stokke B, Bjørnevoll I, Sando SB, Dziadkiewicz A, Nowak M, Robowski P, Sitek E, Slawek J, Soltan W, Szinwelski M, Blaszczyk M, Boczarska-Jedynak M, Ciach-Wysocka E, Gorzkowska A, Jasinska-Myga B, Opala G, Klodowska G, Stompel D, Ciach-Wysocka E, Banaszkiewicz K, Boewiriska D, Bojakowska-Jaremek K, Neurologii A, Dec M, Krawczyk M, Rudziriska M, Szczudlik A, Szczygiel E, Wasielewska A, Wojcik M, Wojcik M, Bryl A, Ciesielska A, Klimberg A, Marcinkowski J, Samara H, Sempolowicz J, Zielonka D, Janik P, Kalbarczyk A, Kwiecinski H, Jamrozik Z, Antczak J, Jachinska K, Krysa W, Rakowicz M, Richter P, Rola R, Ryglewicz D, Sienkiewicz-Jarosz H, Sulek A, Witkowski G, Zdzienicka E, Zaremba J, Zieora-Jakutowicz K, Coelho M, Correia-Guedes L, Ferreira JJ, Mestre T, Mendes T, Valadas A, Andrade C, Joao PS, Gago M, Garrett C, Joao PS, Guerra MR, Joao PS, Solis P, Herrera CD, Garcia PM, Cubo E, Mariscal N, Sanchez J, Barrero FJ, Alonso-Frech F, Perez MR, Fenollar M, Garda R, Rivera SV, Villanueva C, Alegre J, Bascuiiana M, Ventura MF, Ribas GG, Moreno JL, Cubillo PT, Rufz PJ, Frech FA, Dfaz J, Guerrero R, Dfaz J, Artiga MJ, Dfaz J, Sanchez V, Alcaraz LF, de Ia Arrixaca V, Manzanares S, de Ia Arrixaca V, Perea MF, Reinante G, Arrixaca Ia, Torres MM, Moreau LV, de Ia Arrixaca V, Barbera MA, Guia DB, Hernanz LC, Catena JL, Sebastian R, Ferrer PQ, Carruesco GT, Bas J, Busquets N, Calopa M, Buongiorno MT, Munoz E, Elorza MD, Lopez CD, Terol DS, Robert MF, Rufz BG, Casado AG, Martinez IH, Viladrich CM, Pons R, Roca E, Llesoy JR, Idiago JM, Vergara MR, Garcia SS, Riballo AV, Hoglund A, Palhagen SE, Paucar M, Sandstrom B, Svenningsson P, Reza-Soltani TW, Burgunder JM, Kaelin A, Romero I, Schupbach M, Stebler Y, Zaugg SW, Akhtar S, Crooks J, Curtis A, de Souza J, Rickards H, Wright J, Barker RA, Di Pietro A, Fisher K, Goodman AO, Hill S, Kershaw A, Mason S, O'Keefe D, Swain R, Guzman NV, Busse M, Butcher C, Clenaghan C, Dunnett S, Fullam R, Jones L, Jones U, Khalil H, Minster S, Owen M, Hunt S, Price K, Rosser A, Townhill J, Edwards M, Ho C, McGill M, Pearson P, Porteous M, Brockie P, Foster J, Johns N, McKenzie S, Rothery J, Thomas G, Yates S, Burrows L, Chu C, Fletcher A, Gallantrae D, Harding A, Hamer S, Kraus A, Laver F, Longthorpe M, Markova I, Raman A, Silva M, Thomson A, Wild S, Yardumian P, Hobson E, Jamieson S, Musgrave H, Rowett L, Toscano J, Wild S, Yardumian P, Clayton C, Dipple H, Middleton J, Patino D, Andrews T, Dougherty A, Kavalier F, Golding C, Laing H, Lashwood A, Robertson D, Ruddy D, Whaite A, Santhouse A, Andrews T, Bruno S, Doherty K, Lahiri N, Novak M, Patel A, Rosser E, Tabrizi S, Taylor R, Warner T, Wild E, Arran N, Bek J, Callaghan J, Craufurd D, Fullam R, Howard L, Hare M, Huson S, Johnson L, Jones M, Murphy H, Oughton E, Partington-Janes L, Rogers D, Snowden J, Sollom A, Stopford C, Thompson J, Trender-Gerhard I.Vittori, A; Orth, M; Roos, Ra; Outeiro, Tf; Giorgini, F; Hollox, Ej; Bachoud-Levi, Ac; Bentivoglio, Ar; Biunno, I; Bonelli, Rm; Burgunder, Jm; Dunnett, Sb; Ferreira, Jj; Handley, Oj; Heiberg, A; Illmann, T; Landwehrmeyer, Gb; Levey, J; Martinez-Jaurrieta, Md; Nielsen, Je; Pro Koivisto, S; Piiiviirinta, M; Roos, Ra; Sebastian, Ar; Tabrizi, Sj; Vandenberghe, W; Verellen-Dumoulin, C; Zaremba, J; Uhrova, T; Wahlstrom, J; Barth, K; Correia-Guedes, L; Finisterra, Am; Bascuiiana Garde, M; Betz, S; Bos, R; Ecker, D; Handley, Oj; Held, C; Koppers, K; Laura, M; Descals, Am; Mestre, T; Monza, D; Townhill, J; Padieu, H; Paterski, L; Peppa, N; Rialland, A; Røren, N; Sasinkova, P; Trigo Cubillo, P; van Walsem, M; Witjes-Ane, Mn; Yudina, E; Zielonka, D; Zielonka, E; Zinzi, P; Bonelli, Rm; Herranhof, B; Hod, A; Kapfhammer, Hp; Koppitz, M; Magnet, M; Otti, D; Painold, A; Reisinge, K; Scheib, M; Hecht, K; Lilek, S; Muller, N; Schoggl, H; Ullah, J; Ribal, P; Verellen-Dumoulin, C; Klempff, J; Majerova, V; Roth, J; Hjermind, Le; Jakobsen, O; Vinthev-Jensen, T; Larsen, Iu; Nielsen, Je; Stokholm, J; Hiivola, H; Martikainen, K; Tuuha, K; Santala, M; Milkereit, E; Kosinski, Cm; Probst, D; Reetz, K; Sass, C; Schiefer, J; Schlangen, C; Werner, Cj; Andrich, J; Ellrichmann, G; Hoffmann, R; Kaminski, B; Saft, C; Stamm, C; Lange, H; Lohle, M; Schmidt, S; Storch, A; Wolz, A; Wolz, M; Capetian, P; Lambeck, J; Zucker, B; Boelmans, K; Ganos, C; Hidding, U; Lewerenz, J; Miinchau, A; Orth, M; Schmalfeld, J; Stubbe, L; Zittel, S; Heinicke, W; Ribbat, M; Longinus, B; Miihlau, M; Peinemann, A; Stiidtler, M; Weindl, A; Winkelmann, J; Ziegler, C; Bechtel, N; Beckmann, H; Bohlen, S; Holzner, E; Lange, H; Reilmann, R; Rohm, S; Rumpf, S; Schepers, S; Dose, M; Leythaeuser, G; Marquard, R; Raab, T; Schrenk, C; Schuierer, M; Barth, K; Buck, A; Ecker, D; Eschenbach, C; Held, C; Landwehrmeyer, B; Lezius, F; Nepper, S; Niess, A; Orth, M; Schwenk, D; Siissmuth, S; Trautmann, S; Weydt, P; Cormio, C; de Tommaso, M; Sciruicchio, V; Serpino, C; Ghelli, E; Ginestroni, A; Bertini, E; Massaro, F; Mechi, C; Paganini, M; Piacentini, S; Pradella, S; Romoli, Am; Sorbi, S; Abbruzzese, G; Ferrandes, Mb; Di Maria, E; Ferrandes, G; Mandich, P; Marchese, R; Di Donato, S; Gellera, C; Genitrini, S; Mariotti, C; Nanetti, L; Monza, D; Soliveri, P; Tomasello, C; De Michele, G; Dimaio, L; Massarelli, M; Rinaldi, C; Roca, A; Rossi, F; Russo, Cv; Salvatore, E; Sorrentino, P; Tucci, T; De Nicola, A; Elifani, F; Petrollini, M; Martino, T; Lovo, F; Squitieri, F; Bentivoglio, Ar; Catalli, C; Di Giacopo, R; Fasano, A; Frontali, M; Guidubaldi, A; Ialongo, T; Jacopini, G; Loria, G; Piano, C; Piccininni, C; Quaranta, D; Romano, S; Soleti, F; Spadaro, M; Zinzi, P; van Hout, Ms; van Vugt, Jp; de Weert, A; Bolwijn, Jj; Neurologie, P; Dekker, M; Neurologie, P; Leenders, Kl; van Oostrom, Jc; Bos, R; Dumas, Em; Jurgens, Ck; van den Bogaard, Sj; Roos, Ra; 't Hart, Ep; Kremer, B; Verstappen, Cc; Heiberg, A; van Walsem, Mr; Frich, J; Aaserud, O; Wehus, R; Bjørgo, K; Fannemel, M; Gørvell, P; Lorentzen, E; Koivisto, Sp; Retterstøl, L; Stokke, B; Bjørnevoll, I; Sando, Sb; Dziadkiewicz, A; Nowak, M; Robowski, P; Sitek, E; Slawek, J; Soltan, W; Szinwelski, M; Blaszczyk, M; Boczarska-Jedynak, M; Ciach-Wysocka, E; Gorzkowska, A; Jasinska-Myga, B; Opala, G; Klodowska, G; Stompel, D; Ciach-Wysocka, E; Banaszkiewicz, K; Boewiriska, D; Bojakowska-Jaremek, K; Neurologii, A; Dec, M; Krawczyk, M; Rudziriska, M; Szczudlik, A; Szczygiel, E; Wasielewska, A; Wojcik, M; Wojcik, M; Bryl, A; Ciesielska, A; Klimberg, A; Marcinkowski, J; Samara, H; Sempolowicz, J; Zielonka, D; Janik, P; Kalbarczyk, A; Kwiecinski, H; Jamrozik, Z; Antczak, J; Jachinska, K; Krysa, W; Rakowicz, M; Richter, P; Rola, R; Ryglewicz, D; Sienkiewicz-Jarosz, H; Sulek, A; Witkowski, G; Zdzienicka, E; Zaremba, J; Zieora-Jakutowicz, K; Coelho, M; Correia-Guedes, L; Ferreira, Jj; Mestre, T; Mendes, T; Valadas, A; Andrade, C; Joao, Ps; Gago, M; Garrett, C; Joao, Ps; Guerra, Mr; Joao, Ps; Solis, P; Herrera, Cd; Garcia, Pm; Cubo, E; Mariscal, N; Sanchez, J; Barrero, Fj; Alonso-Frech, F; Perez, Mr; Fenollar, M; Garda, R; Rivera, Sv; Villanueva, C; Alegre, J; Bascuiiana, M; Ventura, Mf; Ribas, Gg; Moreno, Jl; Cubillo, Pt; Rufz, Pj; Frech, Fa; Dfaz, J; Guerrero, R; Dfaz, J; Artiga, Mj; Dfaz, J; Sanchez, V; Alcaraz, Lf; de Ia Arrixaca, V; Manzanares, S; de Ia Arrixaca, V; Perea, Mf; Reinante, G; Arrixaca, Ia; Torres, Mm; Moreau, Lv; de Ia Arrixaca, V; Barbera, Ma; Guia, Db; Hernanz, Lc; Catena, Jl; Sebastian, R; Ferrer, Pq; Carruesco, Gt; Bas, J; Busquets, N; Calopa, M; Buongiorno, Mt; Munoz, E; Elorza, Md; Lopez, Cd; Terol, Ds; Robert, Mf; Rufz, Bg; Casado, Ag; Martinez, Ih; Viladrich, Cm; Pons, R; Roca, E; Llesoy, Jr; Idiago, Jm; Vergara, Mr; Garcia, Ss; Riballo, Av; Hoglund, A; Palhagen, Se; Paucar, M; Sandstrom, B; Svenningsson, P; Reza-Soltani, Tw; Burgunder, Jm; Kaelin, A; Romero, I; Schupbach, M; Stebler, Y; Zaugg, Sw; Akhtar, S; Crooks, J; Curtis, A; de Souza, J; Rickards, H; Wright, J; Barker, Ra; Di Pietro, A; Fisher, K; Goodman, Ao; Hill, S; Kershaw, A; Mason, S; O'Keefe, D; Swain, R; Guzman, Nv; Busse, M; Butcher, C; Clenaghan, C; Dunnett, S; Fullam, R; Jones, L; Jones, U; Khalil, H; Minster, S; Owen, M; Hunt, S; Price, K; Rosser, A; Townhill, J; Edwards, M; Ho, C; Mcgill, M; Pearson, P; Porteous, M; Brockie, P; Foster, J; Johns, N; Mckenzie, S; Rothery, J; Thomas, G; Yates, S; Burrows, L; Chu, C; Fletcher, A; Gallantrae, D; Harding, A; Hamer, S; Kraus, A; Laver, F; Longthorpe, M; Markova, I; Raman, A; Silva, M; Thomson, A; Wild, S; Yardumian, P; Hobson, E; Jamieson, S; Musgrave, H; Rowett, L; Toscano, J; Wild, S; Yardumian, P; Clayton, C; Dipple, H; Middleton, J; Patino, D; Andrews, T; Dougherty, A; Kavalier, F; Golding, C; Laing, H; Lashwood, A; Robertson, D; Ruddy, D; Whaite, A; Santhouse, A; Andrews, T; Bruno, S; Doherty, K; Lahiri, N; Novak, M; Patel, A; Rosser, E; Tabrizi, S; Taylor, R; Warner, T; Wild, E; Arran, N; Bek, J; Callaghan, J; Craufurd, D; Fullam, R; Howard, L; Hare, M; Huson, S; Johnson, L; Jones, M; Murphy, H; Oughton, E; Partington-Janes, L; Rogers, D; Snowden, J; Sollom, A; Stopford, C; Thompson, J; Trender-Gerhard, I

    Suicidal ideation in a European Huntington's disease population

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies indicate increased prevalences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicide in Huntington's disease (HD) compared with the general population. This study investigates correlates and predictors of suicidal ideation in HD. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 2106 HD mutation carriers, all participating in the REGISTRY study of the European Huntington's Disease Network. Of the 1937 participants without suicidal ideation at baseline, 945 had one or more follow-up measurements. Participants were assessed for suicidal ideation by the behavioural subscale of the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS). Correlates of suicidal ideation were analyzed using logistic regression analysis and predictors were analyzed using Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: At baseline, 169 (8.0%) mutation carriers endorsed suicidal ideation. Disease duration (odds ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9-1.0), anxiety (OR=2.14; 95%CI: 1.4-3.3), aggression (OR=2.41; 95%CI: 1.5-3.8), a previous suicide attempt (OR=3.95; 95%CI: 2.4-6.6), and a depressed mood (OR=13.71; 95%CI: 6.7-28.0) were independently correlated to suicidal ideation at baseline. The 4-year cumulative incidence of suicidal ideation was 9.9%. Longitudinally, the presence of a depressed mood (hazard ratio [HR]=2.05; 95%CI: 1.1-4.0) and use of benzodiazepines (HR=2.44; 95%CI: 1.2-5.0) at baseline were independent predictors of incident suicidal ideation, whereas a previous suicide attempt was not predictive. LIMITATIONS: As suicidal ideation was assessed by only one item, and participants were a selection of all HD mutation carriers, the prevalence of suicidal ideation was likely underestimated. CONCLUSIONS: Suicidal ideation in HD frequently occurs. Assessment of suicidal ideation is a priority in mutation carriers with a depressed mood and in those using benzodiazepines

    Identification of genetic variants associated with Huntington's disease progression: a genome-wide association study

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    Huntington's disease is caused by a CAG repeat expansion in the huntingtin gene, HTT. Age at onset has been used as a quantitative phenotype in genetic analysis looking for Huntington's disease modifiers, but is hard to define and not always available. Therefore, we aimed to generate a novel measure of disease progression and to identify genetic markers associated with this progression measure

    Suicidal ideation in a European Huntington's disease population

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    Previous studies indicate increased prevalences of suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicide in Huntington's disease (HD) compared with the general population. This study investigates correlates and predictors of suicidal ideation in HD. METHODS: The study cohort consisted of 2106 HD mutation carriers, all participating in the REGISTRY study of the European Huntington's Disease Network. Of the 1937 participants without suicidal ideation at baseline, 945 had one or more follow-up measurements. Participants were assessed for suicidal ideation by the behavioural subscale of the Unified Huntington's Disease Rating Scale (UHDRS). Correlates of suicidal ideation were analyzed using logistic regression analysis and predictors were analyzed using Cox regression analysis. RESULTS: At baseline, 169 (8.0%) mutation carriers endorsed suicidal ideation. Disease duration (odds ratio [OR]=0.96; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.9-1.0), anxiety (OR=2.14; 95%CI: 1.4-3.3), aggression (OR=2.41; 95%CI: 1.5-3.8), a previous suicide attempt (OR=3.95; 95%CI: 2.4-6.6), and a depressed mood (OR=13.71; 95%CI: 6.7-28.0) were independently correlated to suicidal ideation at baseline. The 4-year cumulative incidence of suicidal ideation was 9.9%. Longitudinally, the presence of a depressed mood (hazard ratio [HR]=2.05; 95%CI: 1.1-4.0) and use of benzodiazepines (HR=2.44; 95%CI: 1.2-5.0) at baseline were independent predictors of incident suicidal ideation, whereas a previous suicide attempt was not predictive. LIMITATIONS: As suicidal ideation was assessed by only one item, and participants were a selection of all HD mutation carriers, the prevalence of suicidal ideation was likely underestimated. CONCLUSIONS: Suicidal ideation in HD frequently occurs. Assessment of suicidal ideation is a priority in mutation carriers with a depressed mood and in those using benzodiazepines