773 research outputs found

    The Spectral Properties of Pitted Impact Deposits on Vesta as Seen by the Dawn VIR Instrument

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    Pitted impact deposits (PIDs) on Vesta have been shown to exhibit distinct spectral characteristics with respect to their surrounding host deposits and other typical Vestan areas regarding the first major pyroxene absorption near 0.9 μm. The PIDs, especially those in the ejecta blanket of the large crater Marcia, show higher reflectance and pyroxene band strength with respect to their impact deposit surroundings. This study complements the spectral characterization of the PIDs on Vesta with Visible and Infrared Spectrometer observations obtained by NASA’s Dawn mission. In particular, we focus on the second major pyroxene absorption near 1.9 μm. We analyze nine PIDs in the ejecta blanket of the crater Marcia, as well as PIDs within the crater-fill deposits of the craters Marcia, Cornelia, and Licinia. We find that the second pyroxene absorption behaves in similar ways as the first major pyroxene absorption. The PIDs in Marcia’s ejecta blanket show higher reflectance and pyroxene band strength with respect to their immediate impact deposit surroundings. The PIDs present in the crater-fill deposits of Marcia, Cornelia, and Licinia, however, do not show such spectral characteristics. This is also consistent with previous observations of the first pyroxene absorption band. Based on the experimental results of other studies, we speculate that the observed spectral distinctness arises from an oxidation process in the interior of impact deposits, where Fe cations migrate within their host pyroxene grains. Thus, the surfaces of (melt-bearing) impact deposits might be different from their interiors, apart from space-weathering effects

    Ceres' opposition effect observed by the Dawn framing camera

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    The surface reflectance of planetary regoliths may increase dramatically towards zero phase angle, a phenomenon known as the opposition effect (OE). Two physical processes that are thought to be the dominant contributors to the brightness surge are shadow hiding (SH) and coherent backscatter (CB). The occurrence of shadow hiding in planetary regoliths is self-evident, but it has proved difficult to unambiguously demonstrate CB from remote sensing observations. One prediction of CB theory is the wavelength dependence of the OE angular width. The Dawn spacecraft observed the OE on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres. We characterize the OE over the resolved surface, including the bright Cerealia Facula, and to find evidence for SH and/or CB. We analyze images of the Dawn framing camera by means of photometric modeling of the phase curve. We find that the OE of most of the investigated surface has very similar characteristics, with an enhancement factor of 1.4 and a FWHM of 3{\deg} (broad OE). A notable exception are the fresh ejecta of the Azacca crater, which display a very narrow brightness enhancement that is restricted to phase angles <0.5< 0.5{\deg} (narrow OE); suggestively, this is in the range in which CB is thought to dominate. We do not find a wavelength dependence for the width of the broad OE, and lack the data to investigate the dependence for the narrow OE. The prediction of a wavelength-dependent CB width is rather ambiguous. The zero-phase observations allow us to determine Ceres' visible geometric albedo as pV=0.094±0.005p_V = 0.094 \pm 0.005. A comparison with other asteroids suggests that Ceres' broad OE is typical for an asteroid of its spectral type, with characteristics that are primarily linked to surface albedo. Our analysis suggests that CB may occur on the dark surface of Ceres in a highly localized fashion.Comment: Credit: Schr\"oder et al, A&A in press, 2018, reproduced with permission, \copyright ES

    Remote Sensing and Geologic Studies of the Schiller-Schickard Region of the Moon

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    Near-infrared reflectance spectra, multispectral images, and photogeologic data for the Schiller-Schickard (SS) region were obtained and analyzed in order to determine the composition and origin of a variety of geologic units. These include light plains deposits, Orientale-related deposits, mare units, and dark-haloed impact craters (DHCs). Spectral data indicate that the pre-Orientale highland surface was dominated by noritic anorthosite. Near-IR spectra show that DHCs in the region have excavated ancient (greater than 3.8 Ga) mare basalts from beneath highland-bearing material emplaced by the Orientale impact. Ancient mare basalts were widespread in the SS region prior to the Orientale event, and their distribution appears to have been controlled by the presence of several old impact basins, including the Schiller-Zucchius basin and a basin previously unrecognized. Both near-IR spectra and multispectral images indicate that light plains and other Orientale-related units in the SS region contain major amounts of local, pre-Orientale mare basalt. The amounts of local material in these deposits approach, but seldom exceed, the maximum values predicted by the local mixing hypothesis of Oberbeck and co-workers

    Formation of Ejecta and Dust Pond Deposits on Asteroid Vesta

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    Dust and melt ponds have been studied on planetary bodies including Eros, Itokawa, and the Moon. However, depending on the nature of the regolith material properties and the location of the planetary body, the formation mechanism of the ponded features varies. On Eros and Itokawa, ponded features are formed from dry regolith materials whereas on the Moon similar features are thought to be produced by ejecta melt. On the surface of Vesta, we have identified type 1, ejecta ponds, and type 2, dust ponds. On Vesta type 1 pond are located in the vicinity of ejecta melt of large impact craters. The material is uniformly distributed across the crater floor producing smooth pond surfaces which have a constant slope and shallow depth. The hosting crater of melt-like ponds has a low raised rim and is located on relatively low elevated regions. Whereas, the type 2 ponds on Vesta reveal an undulating surface that is frequently displaced from the crater center or extends toward the crater wall with an abruptly changing slope. We suggested that for the production of the type 2 ponds, localized seismic diffusion and volatile-induced fluidization may be responsible for Vesta. Due to Vesta's large size (in comparison to Eros and Itokawa), the surface may have experienced local-scale rare high-amplitude seismic diffusion which was sufficient to drift fine material. Similarly, short-lived volatile activities were capable to transfer dusty material on to the surface. Segregation and smoothing of transferred material lack further surface activities, hindering the formation of smooth morphology

    Looking for life on Mars with the Rosalind Franklin rover: the PanCam instrument

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    The ESA-Russia Rosalind Franklin (ExoMars 2022) rover, with its unique 2m drill, will address key questions in the search for life on Mars. PanCam will establish the surface context, with other instruments, providing geology, atmospheric science and 3D vision. PanCam uses a pair of Wide Angle Cameras (WACs), each with an 11 position filter wheel, and a High Resolution Camera (HRC). The cameras and electronics are in an optical bench that provides the interface to the rover and planetary protection. PanCam includes a calibration target mounted on the rover deck for radiometric calibration, fiducial markers for geometric calibration and a rover inspection mirror

    The Regolith of 4 Vesta: Perspectives from Howardite Meteorites and Dawn Mission Observations

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    4 Vesta is the largest asteroid with a basaltic surface, the only surviving differentiated asteroid recording igneous processes from the earliest phase of solar system history. The Dawn spacecraft is in orbit about Vesta pursuing a campaign of high resolution imaging and visible and infrared spectrometry of the surface; compositional mapping by gamma-ray and neutron spectrometry will follow. Vesta is heavily cratered with a surface covered by impact debris, a regolith. One important goal of the Dawn mission is to develop an understanding of regolith processes that are affecting this surface debris. Regolith characteristics are a record of interaction with the environment (e.g., impactors, dust, solar wind, galactic cosmic-rays) and give evidence of surface processes (down-gravity movement, etc.). Regolith mineralogy and composition reflect the local bedrock, with influences from regional and global mixing. Understanding regolith processes will aid in determining the lithology of underlying crust. Vesta is most likely the parent asteroid of the howardite, eucrite and diogenite meteorites. Eucrites are intrusive and extrusive mafic rocks composed mostly of ferroan low-Ca clinopyroxene and calcic plagioclase, while diogenites are cumulate magnesian orthopyroxenites. Magmatism occurred within a few million years of the formation of the solar system and then ceased. Impacts into the igneous crust produced the howardites - polymict breccias composed of mineral and lithic debris derived mostly from eucrites and diogenites. Some howardites are true regolith breccias formed by lithification of extensively impact-gardened surface debris. However, howardites have a number of significant petrologic and compositional differences from mature lunar regolith breccias and soils reflecting the different environment around Vesta compared to that at 1 AU. The most significant differences are the higher impactor flux with a lower mean impact velocity and the lower gravity. As a result, regolith processes on Vesta differ in detail from those on the Moon. Laboratory study of howardites and orbital investigation of Vesta will allow for development of robust models of regolith formation on hand sample to multi-kilometer scales

    Timing of Optical Maturation of Recently Exposed Material on Ceres

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    On Ceres, multispectral imaging data from the Dawn spacecraft show a distinct bluish characteristic for recently exposed material from the subsurface in, for example, crater ejecta. Ejecta blankets of presumably old craters show a more reddish spectrum. We selected areas in which fresh material from the Cerean subsurface was exposed at a specific time in the past, and no later geologic process is expected to have changed its surface composition or its cratering record. For each area, we determined two color ratios and the crater retention age. The measured color ratios show an exponential diminishment of the bluish characteristic over time. Although the cause of the color change remains uncertain, the time-dependent change in spectral properties is evident, which could help identify the process
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