19 research outputs found

    Multiferroicity in spin ice: towards a magnetic crystallography of Tb2Ti2O7 in a field

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    We combine two aspects of magnetic frustration, multiferroicity and emergent quasi-particles in spin liquids, by studying magneto-electric monopoles. Spin ice offers to couple these emergent topological defects to external fields, and to each other, in unusual ways, making possible to lift the degeneracy underpinning the spin liquid and to potentially stabilize novel forms of charge crystals, opening the path to a "magnetic crystallography". In developing the general phase diagram including nearest-neighbour coupling, Zeeman energy, electric and magnetic dipolar interactions, we uncover the emergence of a bi-layered crystal of singly-charged monopoles, whose stability, remarkably, is strengthened by an external [110] magnetic field. Our theory is able to account for the ordering process of Tb2Ti2O7 in large field for reasonably small electric energy scales.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Living on the edge : ground-state selection in quantum spin-ice pyrochlores

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    The search for new quantum phases, especially in frustrated magnets, is central to modern condensed matter physics. One of the most promising places to look is in rare-earth pyrochlore magnets with highly-anisotropic exchange interactions, materials closely related to the spin ices Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7. Here we establish a general theory of magnetic order in these materials. We find that many of their most interesting properties can be traced back to the accidental degeneracies where phases with different symmetry meet. These include the ordered ground state selection by fluctuations in Er2Ti2O7, the dimensional-reduction observed in Yb2Ti2O7, and the absence of magnetic order in Er2Sn2O7.Comment: A long-paper version of this preprint, "Living on the Edge", appears as arXiv:1603.09466 [accepted for publication in Physical Review B]. The text of v2 is otherwise unchanged from v1 (Submitted on 14 Nov 2013

    Curie-law crossover in spin liquids

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    The Curie-Weiss law is widely used to estimate the strength of frustration in frustrated magnets. However, the Curie-Weiss law was originally derived as an estimate of magnetic correlations close to a mean-field phase transition, which -- by definition -- is absent in spin liquids. Instead, the susceptibility of spin liquids is known to undergo a Curie-law crossover between two magnetically disordered regimes. Here, we study the generic aspect of the Curie-law crossover by comparing a variety of frustrated spin models in two and three dimensions, using both classical Monte Carlo simulations and analytical Husimi tree calculations. Husimi tree calculations fit remarkably well the simulations for all temperatures and almost all lattices. We also propose a Husimi Ansatz for the reduced susceptibility χT\chi T, to be used in complement to the traditional Curie-Weiss fit in order to estimate the Curie-Weiss temperature θcw\theta_{\rm cw}. Applications to materials are discussed.Comment: 26 pages, 15 figure

    Spin ice under pressure: symmetry enhancement and infinite order multicriticality

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    We study the low-temperature behaviour of spin ice when uniaxial pressure induces a tetragonal distortion. There is a phase transition between a Coulomb liquid and a fully magnetised phase. Unusually, it combines features of discontinuous and continuous transitions: the order parameter exhibits a jump, but this is accompanied by a divergent susceptibility and vanishing domain wall tension. All these aspects can be understood as a consequence of an emergent SU(2) symmetry at the critical point. We map out a possible experimental realisation

    A Three Dimensional Kasteleyn Transition: Spin Ice in a [100] Field

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    We examine the statistical mechanics of spin-ice materials with a [100] magnetic field. We show that the approach to saturated magnetisation is, in the low-temperature limit, an example of a 3D Kasteleyn transition, which is topological in the sense that magnetisation is changed only by excitations that span the entire system. We study the transition analytically and using a Monte Carlo cluster algorithm, and compare our results with recent data from experiments on Dy2Ti2O7.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    The Classical Heisenberg Model on the Centred Pyrochlore Lattice

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    The centred pyrochlore lattice is a novel geometrically frustrated lattice, realized in the metal-organic framework Mn(ta)2_2 (arXiv:2203.08780) where the basic unit of spins is a five site centred tetrahedron. Here, we present an in-depth theoretical study of the J1J2J_1-J_2 classical Heisenberg model on this lattice, using a combination of mean-field analytical methods and Monte Carlo simulations. We find a rich phase diagram with low temperature states exhibiting ferrimagnetic order, partial ordering, and a highly degenerate spin liquid with distinct regimes of low temperature correlations. We discuss in detail how the regime displaying broadened pinch points in its spin structure factor is consistent with an effective description in terms of a fluid of interacting charges. We also show how this picture holds in two dimensions on the analogous centred kagome lattice and elucidate the connection to the physics of thin films in (d+1d+1) dimensions. Furthermore, we show that a Coulomb phase can be stabilized on the centred pyrochlore lattice by the addition of further neighbour couplings. This demonstrates the centred pyrochlore lattice is an experimentally relevant geometry which naturally hosts emergent gauge fields in the presence of charges at low energies.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures, resubmission to SciPost with minor revision

    Schwinger boson theory of the J1,J2=J3 kagome antiferromagnet

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    We study the kagome antiferromagnet for quantum spin-1/2 with first J1, second J2 and third J3 neighbour exchanges, along the J2 = J3 = J line. We use Schwinger-boson mean-field theory for the precise determination of the phase diagram, and two different rewritings of the Hamiltonian to build an intuition about the origin of the transitions. The spin liquid obtained at J = 0 remains essentially stable over a large window, up to J = 1/3, because it is only weakly frustrated by the J term. Then at J = 1/2, the intermediate Z2 spin liquid condenses into a long-range chiral order because of the change of nature of local magnetic fluctuations. As a side benefit, our Hamiltonian rewriting offers an exact solution for the ground state of our model on a Husimi cactus.Comment: Last version before publication in PR

    Magnetic-Moment Fragmentation and Monopole Crystallization

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    The Coulomb phase, with its dipolar correlations and pinch-point-scattering patterns, is central to discussions of geometrically frustrated systems, from water ice to binary and mixed-valence alloys, as well as numerous examples of frustrated magnets. The emergent Coulomb phase of lattice-based systems has been associated with divergence-free fields and the absence of long-range order. Here, we go beyond this paradigm, demonstrating that a Coulomb phase can emerge naturally as a persistent fluctuating background in an otherwise ordered system. To explain this behavior, we introduce the concept of the fragmentation of the field of magnetic moments into two parts, one giving rise to a magnetic monopole crystal, the other a magnetic fluid with all the characteristics of an emergent Coulomb phase. Our theory is backed up by numerical simulations, and we discuss its importance with regard to the interpretation of a number of experimental results

    Topological Sector Fluctuations and Curie Law Crossover in Spin Ice

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    At low temperatures, a spin ice enters a Coulomb phase - a state with algebraic correlations and topologically constrained spin configurations. In Ho2Ti2O7, we have observed experimentally that this process is accompanied by a non-standard temperature evolution of the wave vector dependent magnetic susceptibility, as measured by neutron scattering. Analytical and numerical approaches reveal signatures of a crossover between two Curie laws, one characterizing the high temperature paramagnetic regime, and the other the low temperature topologically constrained regime, which we call the spin liquid Curie law. The theory is shown to be in excellent agreement with neutron scattering experiments. On a more general footing, i) the existence of two Curie laws appears to be a general property of the emergent gauge field for a classical spin liquid, and ii) sheds light on the experimental difficulty of measuring a precise Curie-Weiss temperature in frustrated materials; iii) the mapping between gauge and spin degrees of freedom means that the susceptibility at finite wave vector can be used as a local probe of fluctuations among topological sectors.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure