114 research outputs found

    Analisis Korelasi Citra Data Primer dengan Data Sekunder Menggunakan Citra Grid Analysis And Display System (Grads

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    Indonesia has 13 (thirteen) the threat of catastrophic earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, landslides, volcanic eruptions, extreme waves and abrasion, extreme weather, drought, forest fires and land, buildings and residential fires, epidemics and disease outbreaks, failed technology, and social conflict. Research related to hydrometeorological predictable by doing a variety of approaches, one using remote sensing methods provided by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) with the advantages of data is not affected by the location of the location such as the presence of a cliff, lake, or mountain.In the study image correlation analysis of primary data with secondary data using imagery Grid Analysis And Display System (Grads) have been analyzed the correlation between the image of the primary data with secondary data using Grid software image Analisys And Display System. The data used are rainfall, air temperature, and humidity, all of the data is the data on average monthly. Primary data were obtained from Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) Semarang and secondary data obtained by downloading from the National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) website.The value of the correlation between the primary data with secondary data for rainfall data indicate a strong relationship , occurs when the amount of rainfall maximum correlation value is 0,67 and the value of correlation in the event the minimum rainfall is 0,79 . On air temperature data the value of the correlation time of maximum rainfall is 0.69 and the value of correlation in the event of rainfall minimum is -0,37 . Correlation values for air humidity data at the time of maximum precipitation is 0,01 and the magnitude of the correlation value at the time the minimum rainfall is 0,95

    Pengaruh Struktur Kepemilikan Keluarga Dan Pemerintah Terhadap Kerugian Kredit Bank

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    . Credit losses, has been repeatedly identified as the principal cause of the failure of the bank. However, the extant literatures that examine the determinants of bank credit losses are still very rare. One is the structure of family ownership. In fact, 70% of banks in Indonesia are very concentrated on family ownership thus this condition may cause the entrenchment effect of family ownership on minority shareholders. Hence, the main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of family ownership and government ownership on credit losses. Other determinant that being investigated is the possibility of non-linear effect of banks size on credit losses. This study used the generalizedmethod-of-moments (GMM) estimator developed for dynamic models of panel data. By using the Indonesian banking data from 2004 to 2014, the results shows that the bank with family ownership has a greater credit losses than other banks (non-family). However, this study fails to find the influence of government ownership on credit losses. While, the relationship between bank size and credit losses is linear and this study fails the non-linear relationship between the bank size and credit losses. The implications of this research are Financial Services Authority should enact and enforce the regulation that mitigate the expropriation of family ownership and consequently, the credit losses of Indonesian bank will be relatively reduced

    The Development of Guided Inquiry Science Learning Materials to Improve Science Literacy Skill of Prospective Mi Teachers

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    This study aimed to produce valid, practical and effective guided inquiry model science learning materials to enhance science literacy skill of prospective MI teachers. The tryout of the materials was implementedto students of MI teacher educationof Unipdu Jombang at academic year of 2015/2016 semesters 3 using One Group Pretest Posttest Design. The data collections were done using observation, testing, and questionnaires. Data were analysed using descriptive analysis of quantitative, qualitative and non-parametric statistical tests. The findings of the research were: 1) the learning materials were valid; 2) Practicality of the materials was tested through the implementation of lesson plans, while the learners\u27 activity wereappropriate to the guided inquirymodel; and 3) The effectiveness of the learning materials in terms of improvement of learning outcomes of students was seen from the n-gain with high category and increasing mastery of science literacy skills of learners also scored n-gain with high category and the response of students to the device and the implementation of learning is very positive. It was concluded that the materials were valid, practical, and effective to enhance science literacy skills of prospective MI teachers

    Temporal shifts in the distribution of murine rodent body size classes at Liang Bua (Flores, Indonesia) reveal new insights into the paleoecology of Homo floresiensis and associated fauna

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    Liang Bua, the type locality of Homo floresiensis, is a limestone cave located in the western part of the Indonesian island of Flores. The relatively continuous stratigraphic sequence of the site spans the past ∼190 kyr and contains ∼275,000 taxonomically identifiable vertebrate skeletal elements, ∼80% of which belong to murine rodent taxa (i.e., rats). Six described genera are present at Liang Bua (Papagomys, Spelaeomys, Hooijeromys, Komodomys, Paulamys, and Rattus), one of which, Hooijeromys, is newly recorded in the site deposits, being previously known only from Early to Middle Pleistocene sites in central Flores. Measurements of the proximal femur (n = 10,212) and distal humerus (n = 1186) indicate five murine body size classes ranging from small (mouse-sized) to giant (common rabbit-sized) are present. The proportions of these five classes across successive stratigraphic units reveal two major changes in murine body size distribution due to significant shifts in the abundances of more open habitat-adapted medium-sized murines versus more closed habitat-adapted smaller-sized ones. One of these changes suggests a modest increase in available open habitats occurred ∼3 ka, likely the result of anthropogenic changes to the landscape related to farming by modern human populations. The other and more significant change occurred ∼60 ka suggesting a rapid shift from more open habitats to more closed conditions at this time. The abrupt reduction of medium-sized murines, along with the disappearance of H. floresiensis, Stegodon florensis insularis (an extinct proboscidean), Varanus komodoensis (Komodo dragon), Leptoptilos robustus (giant marabou stork), and Trigonoceps sp. (vulture) at Liang Bua ∼60-50 ka, is likely the consequence of these animals preferring and tracking more open habitats to elsewhere on the island. If correct, then the precise timing and nature of the extinction of H. floresiensis and its contemporaries must await new discoveries at Liang Bua or other as yet unexcavated sites on Flores

    Analysis of Quality Assurance on Sistem Informasi Zakat (Sizakat) Through Software Testing

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    Sistem Informasi Zakat (SIZakat) is a web-based information system that is used to assist in the management of zakat in Imam Bonjol Mosque Pondok Labu, South Jakarta. In this thesis, we conducted testing to the SIZakat application to know the quality and the feasibility. We conducted seven kinds of testing: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, Stress Testing, Load Testing, Testing SQL Injection, XSS Injection Testing and User Acceptance Testing. In addition to ensure the quality of SIZakat, the SIZakat test result is expected to be a reference for future quality improvement. Test results show that SIZakat have accurate functionalities, good security, and good performance

    Perencanaan Detail Engineering Design (Ded) Peningkatan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (Tpa) Jatibarang Kota Semarang

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    Dalam masa pengoperasiannya, Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Jatibarang kerap menimbulkan masalah terutama karena pencemaran yang diakibatkan. TPA Jatibarang saat ini akan diperluas sebesar 29,7 Ha untuk menambah umur TPA. Penerapan metode Sanitary Landfill pada lahan pengembangan ini merupakan solusi terbaik untuk menangani masalah yang sering timbul di TPA.Dalam perencanaan ini dihitung volume sampah yang masuk TPA. Setelah itu dihitung kapasitas tampung dari jumlah sampah yang masuk. Dengan menggunakan persamaan metode rasional dapat dihitung timbulan lindi sehingga bisa direncanakan dimensi dan peletakan pipa pengumpul lindi. Timbulan gas dihitung menggunakan program pemodelan LFGcost-Web Version 3.0 sehingga dapat diketahui estimasi biaya yang dibutuhkan untuk fasilitas unit pengolahan gas TPA. Saluran drainase dihitung berdasarkan besarnya limpasan air hujan yang tergantung pada besarnya intensitas hujan.Volume sampah yang masuk TPA Jatibarang rata-rata setiap harinya sebesar 508,62 m3 per hari. Timbulan lindi maksimum landfill adalah sebesar 0,028 m3/detik. Pada Pengelolaan gas TPA, gas yang dihasilkan dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bakar unit pembangkit listrik tenaga gas TPA. Total timbulan gas CH4 yang dihasilkan selama operasional 15 tahun adalah 2.502.000.000 m3 dan energi listrik sebesar 10.313.056 kWh/Tahun, dengan unit pembangkit listrik yang terdiri dari Kondensator, Chiller, Blower, Gas Engine, Transformator. Saluran drainase yang digunakan adalah U-Ditch Type 300x300x1200 dengan dimensi saluran 0,3m x 0,3m. Berdasarkan perencanaan diketahui bahwa umur TPA bila digunakan Sanitary Landfill adalah 4.008,78 hari atau 10,98 Tahun

    Perencanaan Detail Engineering Design (Ded) Instalasi Pengolahan Lindi (Ipl) Peningkatan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (Tpa) Jatibarang Kota Semarang

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    Lindi (leachate) merupakan air yang terbentuk dalam timbunan sampah yang melarutkan banyak sekali senyawa yang ada sehingga memiliki kandungan pencemar khususnya zat organik yang sangat tinggi. Pengolahan lindi merupakan alternatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan timbulan lindi. TPA Jatibarang di Kota Semarang perlu meningkatkan kapasitasnya karena umur TPA yang hampir habis. Rencana TPA Jatibarang yang baru memerlukan instalasi pengolahan lindi untuk mengatasi generasi lindi pada TPA tersebut. Hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium dari sampel lindi dari TPA Jatibarang yang ada, menunjukkan bahwa kualitas lindi di influen dari instatalasi pengolahan lindi. Parameter yang masih melebihi baku mutu adalah TSS (150 mg / L), BOD (646,83 mg / L) dan COD (2752,4633 mg / L). Instalasi pengolahan lindi harus dapat memproses lindi sehingga effluen yang dihasilkan sesuai dengan standar mutu yang berlaku yaitu Perda Jateng No 5 Tahun 2012. Hasil sampling debit lindi menunjukkan debit lindi TPA Jatibarang adalah 22,92 m3 /hari dan hasil perhitungan aliran dengan metode rasional menunjukkan bahwa debit lindi sebesasr 98,59 m3 / hari. Instalasi pengolahan lindi terdiri dari kolam pengumpul, kolam anaerobik, aerated lagoon, bak pemisah padatan dan wetland. Anggaran untuk membangun instalasi pengolahan lindi yang sebesar Rp 4.278.335.300,0
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