617 research outputs found

    Human Development Index for rural Andhra Pradesh

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    The method used to measure Human Development are reviewed in order to measure Human Development Index for rural AP by considering indicators such as economic attainment, longevity and education. Using UNDP method to estimate Human Development Index, which is predominantly normative approach to club different indicators by giving weights. The estimates are worked out with and without considering inequalities in economic attainment indicator. IAMR survey data for year 2001 is used for this study. However, for making comparison over time, data and analysis undertaken in other study is also used. In other methods, primarily for the analysis of data for year 2001, inequalities in all indicators were taken into consideration to measure Human Development using both UNDP and Principal Component Analysis. The comparison of results show that there has been only marginal improvement in Human development during the 1990s in rural AP considering only inequality in economic indicator using UNDP method. However, the results may differ significantly in case inequalities in all the variables are taken into account and depending upon the methodology used as is demonstrated by analysis of data for year 2001. But unfortunately comparison of analysis over time using the modified approach was not possible due to lack of detailed data for other years.Human Development

    Human Development Index for Rural Andhra Pradesh

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    The method used to measure Human Development are reviewed in order to measure Human Development Index for rural AP by considering indicators such as economic attainment, longevity and education. Using UNDP method to estimate Human Development Index, which is predominantly normative approach to club different indicators by giving weights. The estimates are worked out with and without considering inequalities in economic attainment indicator. IAMR survey data for year 2001 is used for this study. However, for making comparison over time, data and analysis undertaken in other study is also used. In other methods, primarily for the analysis of data for year 2001, inequalities in all indicators were taken into consideration to measure Human Development using both UNDP and Principal Component Analysis. The comparison of results show that there has been only marginal improvement in Human development during the 1990s in rural AP considering only inequality in economic indicator using UNDP method. However, the results may differ significantly in case inequalities in all the variables are taken into account and depending upon the methodology used as is demonstrated by analysis of data for year 2001. But unfortunately comparison of analysis over time using the modified approach was not possible due to lack of detailed data for other years.Human Development, Principal Component Analysis, UNDP, Andhra Pradesh

    Cotton-textile-apparel sectors of India:

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    "Cotton, textiles, and apparel are critical agricultural and industrial sectors in India. This study provides descriptions of these sectors and examines the key developments emerging domestically and internationally that affect the challenges and opportunities the sectors face. More than four million farm households produce cotton in India, and about one-quarter of output is produced by marginal and small farms. Although production has expanded—most recently with the introduction of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) cotton—domestic prices dropped sharply in the late 1990s, in parallel to world cotton prices. Using partial equilibrium simulations, we estimate that a price movement of the magnitude that occurred has a significant effect on levels of poverty among cotton-producing households. The fiber-to-fabric production chain, from cotton processing through apparel, employs more than 12 million workers in India and provides 16 percent of export earnings. Except for the spinning industry, these sectors are dominated by small, fragmented, and nonintegrated units, which adversely affect their competitiveness. Recent policy reforms have induced some technological improvements. In terms of future prospects for the Indian processing, textile, and apparel industries, our analysis emphasizes three dimensions of reform—the need for further investments in human resource development to improve industry productivity and reduce poverty among workers in these sectors, the emergence of modern domestic retail marketing chains, and the potentially vibrant prospects for the industry that arise from a growing domestic fabric demand and new opportunities in world markets if appropriate policies and investments are undertaken." from authors' abstractCotton, textiles, Apparel, Rural poverty, subsidies, Industry policy, World markets,

    Measurement of dynamic characteristics of five stage proportional fluidic amplifier

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    Experimentally determined frequency characteristics of a five stage proportional fluid amplifier are presented as a preliminary step to the design of a fluidic operational amplifier. Steady state and dynamic impedences at the input and the output are included as well as the gorward gain, over the range of zero to 1000 Hz. Phase as well as magnitude is presented

    In Service to India: The ethics of Rule and conduct of British Administrators and Army Officers in late nineteenth and early twentieth century India

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    In this study I explore the military, administrative and governmental practices of British men as rulers in India during the Victorian and early Edwardian period. The historical events that are the focus of this study are the massacres and disturbances in Punjab, Amritsar 1919. I concentrate on three ruling characters involved in these events; an administrator, a military officer, and an Indian Secretary of State. The central question I ask is: how are these white men who claim to be fitted to rule over others made? I explore the changing relationships between these men and the history of colonialism in India. More specifically, I examine the intersections between movements for independence and shifts in styles of colonial domination amongst these men in India at the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. In analyzing the events of 1919 I bring together discourses usually separated in discussions of colonial power. First, by following Foucault's leads on the problem of government and his reformulation of it as 'governmentality', I pursue the question of colonial subjectivity and its constitution. I remove the colonial authorities in these instances from discourses of the singular and sinister. I find on the contrary that what is at stake are specific professions and traditions of imperial duty that have both internal and external manifestations. Internal in the sense that the men I investigate are concerned to conduct themselves in a manner that befits their calling as rulers, and their conduct is in their view beyond reproach in this regard. External in the sense that their deportment is directed to carrying out their imperial duties in the service of others. I also implicate Indian rule in the extra state techniques of government that preoccupy Foucault's histories of governmentality. Second I combine this approach with an attention to the lives and biographies of certain exemplary individuals. Here I use an approach close to Stefan Collini's characterological method, in which O'Dwyer, Dyer and Montagu exemplify a certain character formation crucial to the exercise of colonial rule. Each of the men I investigate is concerned in their own ways, to support the longevity of empire. In this sense, both through their larger work, in particular their writing and public conversations, and their conduct, they give voice to their specific traditions of empire. I therefore propose a novel reading of Amritsar that sees those events as a window for exploring shifts in styles of colonial rule and domination in India during those times

    Global order status process of hi-tech companies

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    This paper focuses on the global order status process of high-tech companies. An effort has been made to understand how these companies approach their global order status process. Similarities and differences in their order status process are given. A brief history of tracking and tracing capabilities is also presented, highlighting FedEx and UPS. Some new trends in track and trace are also discussed

    Dermatomyositis as Paraneoplastic Manifestation of Tonsillar Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    OBJECTIVE: Discussion of a rare case of dermatomyositis associated with tonsillar neoplasm in an African American woman. BACKGROUND: Dermatomyositis is a syndrome of inflamatory myopathy with multiorgan manifestations which has been linked to immune dysregulation and neoplasia. INTRODUCTION: Many studies have shown five to seven fold increased risk of developing malignancy with dermatomyositis within two years of presentation. Most common cancers reported are adenocarcinomas of lung, breast, ovaries, stomach, pancreas and bladder. Dermatomyositis as a paraneoplastic manifestation of tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma has not previously been described. DESIGN: This is a case report of a 52 year old woman who presented for the evaluation of weakness, facial rash and burning pains. Diagnosis of dermatomyositis was made clinically and corroborated by EMG and muscle biopsy. She was started on prednisone but did not improve. CT chest, abdomen and pelvis along with panendoscopy was done to evaluate for malignancy. She developed swallowing problems, laryngopharyngeal reflux disease and esophageal dysmotility syndrome within 1 year of diagnosis. Approximately 1.5 years after dermatomyositis diagnosis, she developed a right sided neck mass. Biopsy of the mass found metastatic squamous cell carcinoma. Further work up revealed an ulcerating cavity under tonsillolith containing abnormal tissue and this was thought to be the primary malignancy. RESULTS: Patient underwent right radical neck dissection and tonsillectomy followed by chemotherapy and radiation and her muscle strength, facial rash, burning pains and swallowing difficulties improved. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first case of dermatomyositis in the setting of tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma. High suspicion of nasopharyngeal carcinoma should be maintained in dermatomyositis patients with otherwise negative routine malignancy screening who exhibit any pharyngeal or esophageal complaints

    East, west, would home really be best? On dissatisfaction with offshore-outsourcing and firms' inclination to backsource

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    With so many firms seemingly disenchanted with their experiences of offshore outsourcing one may well wonder why relatively few of these firms choose to ‘backsource’ – i.e., bring their offshored operations back in-house. Of all sourcing decisions that firms take, backsourcing is perhaps the least understood and least researched. In this article we draw on the behavioral theory of the firm (BTF) to propose a new model in which differences in firms' inclination to backsource are ascribed to the level of dissatisfaction at not having achieved offshoring aspirations. Building on BTF concepts of bounded rationality, problemistic search and satisficing decisions, the model suggests that how this dissatisfaction with offshoring affects a firm's inclination to backsource is dependent on managerial expectations regarding the technical challenges of reintegrating activities and the possible financial losses and decline in quality following backsourcing, as well as on internal political support and financial slack for backsourcing. SEM analysis of data from U.S. and U.K. firms shows support for the model. The study highlights the importance of recognizing the role of managerial perceptions and biases and subgroup political relations in shaping firms' backsourcing behaviors. We also discuss the study's contributions to research and practice

    Macroglossia in Inclusion Body Myositis

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    OBJECTIVE: Discussion of a case of Inclusion body myositis (IBM) associated with macroglossia. INTRODUCTION: IBM is one of the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies. Exact pathogenesis is unclear but there is an evidence of dysregulation of antigen driven immune response involving T cells. Typical onset is slowly progressive impacting quadriceps often more than hip flexors, ankle dorsiflexors and distal forearm flexor muscles. Swallowing difficulties often are present and mild facial weakness can be seen. Macroglossia has never been reported in association with IBM. In fact inflammatory myopathies of tongue are a rarity. DESIGN: A case report of a 68 year old woman with 12 year progressive difficulty getting out of chair and inability to twist jar lids. Examination showed forearm flexor and quadriceps atrophy and bilateral face, hip flexion and finger flexion weakness. Clinical diagnosis of IBM was further supported by muscle biopsy findings. One year after the diagnosis, she reported painless progressive enlargement of her tongue resulting in difficulty with chewing. On exam the tongue looked enlarged. MRI of the oropharynx was unremarkable. Tongue muscle biopsy showed non-granulomatous inflammatory infiltrates, myophagocytosis and degenerating regenerating fibers without evidence of amyloidosis. Work up for Sarcoidosis with Chest CT and ACE levels was negative. RESULTS: Decision to start patient on steroids for idiopathic myositis of the tongue was deferred as our patient is currently enrolled in an IBM clinical trial. CONCLUSION: Macroglossia in IBM patients has never been reported in literature. Two reported cases of macroglossia were associated with dermatomyositis and granulomatous myositis. It remains unknown whether this is the first reported case of IBM associated with macroglossia or macroglossia due to a second inflammatory myositis