215 research outputs found

    Periodontal disease severity-correlation with diabetes and obesity measures?

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    This paper studies the correlation between three widely common chronic diseases, periodontal disease, diabetes, and obesity. The three diseases share one key factor; they not only affect human's health but also the style and quality of life. This paper evaluated the current literature regarding periodontal disease, diabetes, obesity, and their triangular relationship. The studies showed that the three chronic diseases are related to each other in a triangular relationship. Increased adiposity manifested by BMI greater than 30, leads to increased systemic inflammation through the release of inflammatory adipokines from the fatty deposits, this leads to the development of diabetes mellitus by different mechanisms, partly by destruction of the islet cells of Langerhans and partly by insulin resistance. One of the complications of diabetes mellitus is periodontal disease, which is a list of clinical conditions that adversely affect the health of the periodontium. Moreover, current literature provides evidence that the relationship between diabetes and periodontal disease is bidirectional. Evidence from current studies is showing that periodontal disease might lead to the development of diabetes by increasing the systemic inflammation, this occurs by the invasion of periodontal pathogens of the endothelial cells where they elicit an exacerbated systemic inflammation which might lead to the development of diabetes and other chronic conditions. This paper shows the importance of collaborative work between the dental and the medical professionals to ensure the overall health of an individual. Primary care physicians are encouraged to refer patients with poor glycemic control to dentists for an assessment of the health of their oral cavity and vice versa; dentists should be more aware of the systemic complications of oral diseases and should educate their patients about such relationships

    Analysis of Water Quality using -Chemical –Physical- Biological Parameters of the Kinds of Water used for Drinking in the Baghdad Province- Al Adhamiya City

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    The current study was carried out to analyze and evaluate the drink water samples collected from residential areas of Baghdad Province al-adhamiya City. The level of TDS, alkalinity, Ca, Mg, Hardness, Electrical Conductivity, pH, and selected heavy metals (Fe, Cr, Cd & Zn) were determined. The results showed that all water samples have alkaline pH. All these water samples have very low concentration of Fe and Zn. The concentration of Cr and Cd was observed higher than the prescribed limit of WHO and ISI. In the light of this analysis we can conclude that all these water samples require some treatment before their use for drinking purpose. The field study was conducted for the three sites of water in the province of Baghdad province, al- adhamiya city (river water and piped water and water tank) where the samples were collected during the month of September 2014. The result establishes that drinks water sample in three site, is useful for irrigation and household purpose, and suitable for drinking. A correlation study has been carried out amongst all possible pairs of the physical and chemical parameters to assess drink water quality. Correlation study indicates that different parameters are strongly interrelated. The correlation and regression provides an excellent tool for the prediction of parameter values within reasonable degree of accuracy. Were studied and compared with National Drinking Water Quality Standard (NDWQS) of Iraq and WHO water quality guidelines. The results revealed that most of the parameters were in normal range and indicated suitability for drinking purposes. Keywords: Water, Chemical, Physical, Biological, Baghdad, Al-Adhamiya

    Chemical, Physical and Biological Properties of the Kinds of Water used for Drinking in the Baghdad Province -Al Karada Area

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    Water is a main component of all living things. It is irregular in numerous of its physical and chemical properties. a number of are necessary for life while others have profound effects on the size and shape of living organisms, how they work, and the constraint within which they must operate. Field study was conducted for the three sites of water in the province of Baghdad province, al- Karada area (river water and piped water and water tank) where the samples were collected during the month of November 2014. Measured temperature, electrical conductivity and the function of acid and ions of positive and negative (chlorine  and sulfates , carbonat , nitrates , sodium , calcium , magnesium  and total hardness and TDS and total suspended solids as well as the estimation of heavy metals (copper Cu, lead Pb, zinc Zn and iron Fe) in addition to bacterial totals included total bacteria (TB) , total colon bacteria (Tc) and  Fecal coliform bacteria (Fc). Keywords: Water, Chemical, Physical, Biological, Baghda

    Sustainable Development in the Holy Quran and its Role in Human Construction

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    The research deals with the Qur'anic directives on sustainable development and its role in human construction, the architecture of the earth, and the preservation of wealth, which is the source of human strength. Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations in ,2015 the research aims to establish the legal basis for the concept of sustainable development from the Holy Qur'an and to clarify its position in Islam according to the approach and interpretation of the verses and the statement of what God Almighty wants from them. Furthermore, referring to the words of the great commentators and correcting the prevailing belief among some that progress, civilization, and sustainable development are Western ideas that have nothing to do with Islam, and that they are alien thoughts to Islam; studying the extent to which the Islamic religion supports the concepts of sustainability and its applications to the individual and society, and responding to those who doubt the validity of this religion for every time and place, and the role of sustainable development in human construction, development, and prosperity. Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds. Keywords: development, sustainable, the Qur'an, its role, construction, humanit

    The Qur'anic Approach to Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil, and its Role in Building Society

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    The research is a study of the Holy Qur'an's approach to enjoining good and forbidding evil, which is the approach of the prophets and messengers, and God Almighty has shown this approach in many Qur'anic verses., and tRevealing all of its aspects to us through studying it and listening to the commentators' sayings about these verses. standing at the sayings of the commentators about these verses, all its aspects have been revealed to us. In it are tThe verses that included enjoining good and forbidding evil, defining the terminology of the title of the research, talking about the virtues of this approach, and the effects of abandoning it through the hadiths of the Prophet, and the sayings of our righteous predecessors, and the method and the method of the Holy Qur'an in dealing with enjoining good and forbidding evil, and detailing its legal ruling. And tThe conditions and etiquettes of commanding and forbidding, defining those who enjoin good and forbid what is wrong, and their attributes, and their role in building society as God Almighty wanted it., aAnd, as described by the Noble Qur'an as the best nation brought out for people, based on the supreme moral values of justice, mercy, and fairness away from injustice, evil, and corruption. worlds. Keywords: the curriculum, the Qur'anic, the known, the evil, the construction, the community

    The protection of war victims under international humanitarian law: a study of the US and UK occupation of Iraq

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    The international community has formulated special laws to protect human rights through the establishment of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) and international courts like the International Criminal Court (ICC). The problem statement in this study is divided into three categories: violation of Human Rights Iraq by the US and UK; lack of enforcement by the ICC to prosecute the officials; and the inability of Iraqi victims to claim compensation of war. It is purpose of this study is to identify the weaknesses in IHL that prevents the prosecution of war criminals from the US and UK; identify the jurisdiction of the ICC on violations of human rights, and analyse the compensation system under IHL and the Rome Statute. This study contributes to the development of IHL by suggesting a better protection mechanism for civilians during wars and during occupation by foreign countries. The methodologies adopted are doctrinal and qualitative methodologies which are mainly library research and data collection from interviews of the experts and war victims. The findings of this study revealed that there are crimes against humanity committed by military personnel from the US and UK in Iraq. However, no compensations have been paid to the victims and the perpetrators of war crimes have never been tried in any court of law. The study suggests that provisions in IHL that confer rights on a state and its armed forces to cause damage to properties during times of war or occupation should be repealed. It is suggested that broad definition of victims in giving legal rights to compensation to natural and legal persons who have been directly or indirectly injured because of war should be amended. Finally, the study recommends the establishment of an independent and permanent committee in the United Nations to decide on compensation for victims of war and directly take compensation from guilty states. The UN should also mandate lawyers in occupied territories to investigate and submit reports on the loss of life and damage to people‘s properties due to unlawful acts during wa

    A comparative study of the lipid panel levels at different duration time and temperature storage

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    Background: the stability of serum specimen during time storage is importance in clinical and medical science researches in addition of diagnosis. Lipids are organic molecules that classified into 8 classes: fatty acids, phospholipids, glycerolipids, saccharolipids, polyketides, prenol lipids, sterol, and sphingolipids. Lipid analysis (cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, very low-density lipoprotein) is a vital tool for diagnosis of numerous disease such as cardiovascular disease. follow-up the lipid profile progression is essential of numerous diseases. Methods: a 72 apparently healthy individual were participated in current study the serum sample was taken after 12-14 hours of fasting. The serum cholesterol, triglyceride, high density cholesterol, low density cholesterol, and very low-density cholesterol were determined. Results: there are no significant value found in all groups when compared to control except triglyceride that was significant after 24 hours of freezing.Comment: 7 page, 1 table, 1 figur

    Determination of Sulfacetamide Sodium in Pure and Their Pharmaceutical Formulations by Using Cloud Point Extraction Method

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     في هذه الدراسة تم وصف تطوير طرائق قياس طيفية بسيطة ومنخفضة التكلفة ودقيقة وسريعة لتقدير سلفاسيتاميد الصوديوم.الطريقة الاولى والتي تتضمن تحويل سلفاسيتاميد الصوديوم الى ملح الدايازونيوم ثم التفاعل مع بارا-كريسول ككاشف في الوسط القلوي. المركب الناتج ملون ذو لون برتقالي يمتص عند اعلى قمة امتصاص 450  نانوميتر . عند مدى (5-100ميكروغرام),حيث يطبق قانون بير لامبرت بمعامل ارتباط (0.9996) وحد الكشف هو 0.2142ميكروغرام مل, حد القياس الكمي هو 0.707ميكروغرام مل والامتصاصية المولية 1488.249 لتر/مول.سم. الطريقة الاخرى, تم استخدام الاستخلاص بنقطة الغيمة لتقدير كمية ضئيلة من المركب الملون في التفاعل السابق متبوعا بالقياس باستخدام مقياس الطيف الضوئي للاشعة فوق البنفسجية. كان خط الرسم البياني لمنحني المعايرة والذي يبدأ من (10-60 ميكروغرام ), وكان معامل الارتباط  (0.9991) ومعامل الامتصاص المولي 7417.622 لتر/مول.سم وتم تحديد حد الكشف والحد الكمي ليكونا 0.070 و 0.231 ميكروغرام على التوالي. تم استخدام هذه الطريقة (الاستخلاص بنفقطة الغيمة) بنجاح للكشف عن السلفاسيتاميد الصوديوم داخل المركبات الصيدلانية.      In this study, simple, low cost, precise and speed spectrophotometric methods development for evaluation of sulfacetamide sodium are described. The primary approach contains conversion of sulfacetamide sodium to diazonium salt followed by a reaction with p-cresol as a reagent in the alkaline media.  The colored product has an orange colour with absorbance at λmax 450 nm. At the concentration range of (5.0-100 µg.mL-1), the Beer̆ s Low is obeyed with correlation coefficient (R2= 0.9996), limit of detection as 0.2142 µg.mL-1, limit of quantification as 0.707 µg.mL-1 and molar absorptivity as 1488.249 L.mol-1.cm-1. The other approach, cloud point extraction was utilized to an estimation of a trace amount of the colored product in the previous procedure followed by a measuring process with a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The linearity of the calibration graph was above the range of (1.0-60 µg.mL-1), the correlation coefficient (R2= 0.9991) and molar absorptivity was 7417.622 L.mol-1.cm-1. The detection limit(LOD) and quantification limit(LOQ) were based to be  0.070 and 0.231 µg.mL-1 , respectively. This approach was successfully employed for sulfacetamide sodium detection within the pure and pharmaceutical formulation