1,013 research outputs found

    Probing the ISM Near Star Forming Regions with GRB Afterglow Spectroscopy: Gas, Metals, and Dust

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    We study the chemical abundances of the interstellar medium surrounding high z gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) through analysis of the damped Lya systems (DLAs) identified in afterglow spectra. These GRB-DLAs are characterized by large HI column densities N(HI) and metallicities [M/H] spanning 1/100 to nearly solar, with median [M/H]>-1. The majority of GRB-DLAs have [M/H] values exceeding the cosmic mean metallicity of atomic gas at z>2, i.e. if anything, the GRB-DLAs are biased to larger metallicity. We also observe (i) large [Zn/Fe] values (>+0.6) and sub-solar Ti/Fe ratios which imply substantial differential depletion, (ii) large a/Fe ratios suggesting nucleosynthetic enrichment by massive stars, and (iii) low C^0/C^+ ratios (<10^{-4}). Quantitatively, the observed depletion levels and C^0/C^+ ratios of the gas are not characteristic of cold, dense HI clouds in the Galactic ISM. We argue that the GRB-DLAs represent the ISM near the GRB but not gas directly local to the GRB (e.g. its molecular cloud or circumstellar material). We compare these observations with DLAs intervening background quasars (QSO-DLAs). The GRB-DLAs exhibit larger N(HI) values, higher a/Fe and Zn/Fe ratios, and have higher metallicity than the QSO-DLAs. We argue that the differences primarily result from galactocentric radius-dependent differences in the ISM: GRB-DLAs preferentially probe denser, more depleted, higher metallicity gaslocated in the inner few kpc whereas QSO-DLAs are more likely to intersect the less dense, less enriched, outer regions of the galaxy. Finally, we investigate whether dust obscuration may exclude GRB-DLA sightlines from QSO-DLA samples; we find that the majority of GRB-DLAs would be recovered which implies little observational bias against large N(HI) systems.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to Ap

    A Structured Method for Compilation of QAOA Circuits in Quantum Computing

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    Quantum Approximation Optimization Algorithm (QAOA) is a highly advocated variational algorithm for solving the combinatorial optimization problem. One critical feature in the quantum circuit of QAOA algorithm is that it consists of two-qubit operators that commute. The flexibility in reordering the two-qubit gates allows compiler optimizations to generate circuits with better depths, gate count, and fidelity. However, it also imposes significant challenges due to additional freedom exposed in the compilation. Prior studies lack the following: (1) Performance guarantee, (2) Scalability, and (3) Awareness of regularity in scalable hardware. We propose a structured method that ensures linear depth for any compiled QAOA circuit on multi-dimensional quantum architectures. We also demonstrate how our method runs on Google Sycamore and IBM Non-linear architectures in a scalable manner and in linear time. Overall, we can compile a circuit with up to 1024 qubits in 10 seconds with a 3.8X speedup in depth, 17% reduction in gate count, and 18X improvement for circuit ESP.Comment: 11 pages, 22 figure

    De Novo Formation of Insulin-Producing “Neo-ÎČ Cell Islets” from Intestinal Crypts

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    SUMMARY The ability to interconvert terminally differentiated cells could serve as a powerful tool for cell-based treatment of degenerative diseases, including diabetes mellitus. To determine which, if any, adult tissues are competent to activate an islet ÎČ cell program, we performed an in vivo screen by expressing three ÎČ cell “reprogramming factors” in a wide spectrum of tissues. We report that transient intestinal expression of these factors—Pdx1, MafA, and Ngn3 (PMN)—promotes rapid conversion of intestinal crypt cells into endocrine cells, which coalesce into “neoislets” below the crypt base. Neoislet cells express insulin and show ultrastructural features of ÎČ cells. Importantly, intestinal neoislets are glucose-responsive and able to ameliorate hyperglycemia in diabetic mice. Moreover, PMN expression in human intestinal “organoids” stimulates the conversion of intestinal epithelial cells into ÎČ-like cells. Our results thus demonstrate that the intestine is an accessible and abundant source of functional insulin-producing cells

    The Antiferromagnetic Band Structure of La2CuO4 Revisited

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    Using the Becke-3-LYP functional, we have performed band structure calculations on the high temperature superconductor parent compound, La2CuO4. Under the restricted spin formalism (rho(alpha) equal to rho(beta)), the R-B3LYP band structure agrees well with the standard LDA band structure. It is metallic with a single Cu x2-y2/O p(sigma) band crossing the Fermi level. Under the unrestricted spin formalism (rho(alpha) not equal to rho(beta)), the UB3LYP band structure has a spin polarized antiferromagnetic solution with a band gap of 2.0 eV, agreeing well with experiment. This state is 1.0 eV (per formula unit) lower than that calculated from the R-B3LYP. The apparent high energy of the spin restricted state is attributed to an overestimate of on-site Coulomb repulsion which is corrected in the unrestricted spin calculations. The stabilization of the total energy with spin polarization arises primarily from the stabilization of the x2-y2 band, such that the character of the eigenstates at the top of the valence band in the antiferromagnetic state becomes a strong mixture of Cu x2-y2/O p(sigma) and Cu z2/O' p(z). Since the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem requires the spin restricted and spin unrestricted calculations give exactly the same ground state energy and total density for the exact functionals, this large disparity in energy reflects the inadequacy of current functionals for describing the cuprates. This calls into question the use of band structures based on current restricted spin density functionals (including LDA) as a basis for single band theories of superconductivity in these materials.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. B, for more information see http://www.firstprinciples.co

    Electrically Tunable Excitonic Light Emitting Diodes based on Monolayer WSe2 p-n Junctions

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    Light-emitting diodes are of importance for lighting, displays, optical interconnects, logic and sensors. Hence the development of new systems that allow improvements in their efficiency, spectral properties, compactness and integrability could have significant ramifications. Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides have recently emerged as interesting candidates for optoelectronic applications due to their unique optical properties. Electroluminescence has already been observed from monolayer MoS2 devices. However, the electroluminescence efficiency was low and the linewidth broad due both to the poor optical quality of MoS2 and to ineffective contacts. Here, we report electroluminescence from lateral p-n junctions in monolayer WSe2 induced electrostatically using a thin boron nitride support as a dielectric layer with multiple metal gates beneath. This structure allows effective injection of electrons and holes, and combined with the high optical quality of WSe2 it yields bright electroluminescence with 1000 times smaller injection current and 10 times smaller linewidth than in MoS2. Furthermore, by increasing the injection bias we can tune the electroluminescence between regimes of impurity-bound, charged, and neutral excitons. This system has the required ingredients for new kinds of optoelectronic devices such as spin- and valley-polarized light-emitting diodes, on-chip lasers, and two-dimensional electro-optic modulators.Comment: 13 pages main text with 4 figures + 4 pages upplemental material

    The Peculiar Debris Disk of HD 111520 as Resolved by the Gemini Planet Imager

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    Using the Gemini Planet Imager (GPI), we have resolved the circumstellar debris disk around HD 111520 at a projected range of ~30-100 AU in both total and polarized HH-band intensity. The disk is seen edge-on at a position angle of ~165∘^{\circ} along the spine of emission. A slight inclination or asymmetric warping are covariant and alters the interpretation of the observed disk emission. We employ 3 point spread function (PSF) subtraction methods to reduce the stellar glare and instrumental artifacts to confirm that there is a roughly 2:1 brightness asymmetry between the NW and SE extension. This specific feature makes HD 111520 the most extreme examples of asymmetric debris disks observed in scattered light among similar highly inclined systems, such as HD 15115 and HD 106906. We further identify a tentative localized brightness enhancement and scale height enhancement associated with the disk at ~40 AU away from the star on the SE extension. We also find that the fractional polarization rises from 10 to 40% from 0.5" to 0.8" from the star. The combination of large brightness asymmetry and symmetric polarization fraction leads us to believe that an azimuthal dust density variation is causing the observed asymmetry.Comment: 9 pages, 8 Figures, 1 table, Accepted to Ap
