433 research outputs found

    Hubungan Intensitas Pencahayaan dengan Kelelahan Mata pada Pekerja Penjahit di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar

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    Mata dapat bekerja secara efektif menerima cahaya dengan rentang intensitas yang sangat lebar sekitar 10 milyar cahaya. Kelelahan mata timbul sebagai stress intensif pada fungsi-fungsi mata seperti terhadap otot-otot akomodasi pada pekerjaan yang perlu pengamatan secara teliti atau terhadap retina sebagai akibat ketidaktepatan kontras. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata pada pekerja penjahit di Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional study. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan total sampling dengan jumlah sampel 51 pekerja. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penagambilan data primer dan data sekunder. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil dalam penelitian ini jumlah penjahit pekerja 51, yang mengalami mata lelah ada 36 pekerja sedangkan yang tidak mengalami mata lelah 15 pekerja, sehingga penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata pada pekerja penjahit di Kecamatan Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar dengan nilai p value = 0,019 < 0,05. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara intensitas pencahayaan dengan kelelahan mata pada pekerja penjahit di Kecamatan Polewali Kabupaten Polewali Mandar. Disarakan kepala pasar setempat bekerja sama dengan pekerja penjahit untuk memberi penerangan diruang penjahit sesuai dengan standar cahaya minimal 100 lux

    Primena psihodrame u integraciji selfa kod adolescenata

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    Psychodrama as an action method of group psychotherapy is indicated in the treatment of different mental and behavioral disorders. Evaluation studies show very good results in the efficiency of psychodrama treatment, especially in the work with the adolescent population, in crisis situation. Psychodrama, as an action method of group psychotherapy, with its large repertoire of techniques, enable adolescents to make better integration of self. In the first part of this paper we aim to show the advantages of the basic techniques of psychodrama in dealing with crisis situations in adolescence. In the second part we will present and analyze casuistic vignette in the field of psychodrama work with adolescents in crisis.Psihodrama kao akciona metoda grupne psihoterapije indikovana je u radu sa mnogim kategorijama mentalnih poremećaja i poremećaja ponaÅ”anja. Evaluacione studije pokazuju dobre rezultate u efikasnosti primene psihodrame u radu sa adolescentnom populacijom, posebno sa kriznim stanjima u adolescenciji. Kao akciona metoda grupnog rada, psihodrama, sa velikim repertoarom tehnika pomaže adolescentima da integriÅ”u otcepljene delove svoga selfa u jednu konstruktivnu celinu. U prvom delu ovog rada cilj nam je da prikažemo prednosti primene bazičnih tehnika psihodrame u radu sa kriznim stanjima u adolescenciji. U drugom delu prikazaćemo a potom analizirati kazustičku vinjetu iz oblasti psihodramskog rada sa adolescentom u krizi

    Primena sociodramskog pristupa u edukaciji studenata socijalne politike i socijalnog rada

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    In this article the effects of application of sociodramatic approach in an academic teaching were explored. The objective of the research was to analyze the effects that system of five teaching units, based on sociodramatic approach, had on the group work variables of students in higher education. The group work variables that were considered were group cohesion, a sense of belonging to a group, a sense of involvement in the group, level of participation in communication, a sense of responsibility for the group, the impact of the participants in the group, the level of organization of the group, the impact of the group informal leaders, the impact of the group formal leader (professor) and focus on the group aim. Research was carried out on a sample of 70 students of Social Policy and Social Work. Applied method was repeated measurements. Analysis of the significance of differences showed significantly higher results for all observed variables in the repeated assessment, while principal component analysis indicated the change in structure of the obtained results. The findings suggest that the application of sociodramatic approach in the academic teaching improves participation of students, their feeling of group belonging and their learning of the method of leading effective group work.U ovom radu istraživani su efekti primene sociodramskog pristupa u visokoÅ”kolskoj nastavi. Cilj istraživanja je bio analiza efekata koji sistem od pet nastavnih jedinica, zasnovan na sociodramskom pristupu, ima na varijable grupnog rada kod studenata u visokoÅ”kolskoj nastavi. Varijable grupnog rada, koje su razmatrane, bile su: grupna kohezija, osećaj pripadnosti grupi, osećaj uključenosti u grupu, nivo učeŔća u komunikaciji, osećaj odgovornosti za grupu, uticaj učesnika na grupu, nivo organizovanosti grupe, uticaj neformalnog vođe na grupu, uticaj formalnog vođe na grupu (profesorke) i usmerenost grupe cilju. Sprovedeno je istraživanje metodom ponovljenih merenja na uzorku od 70 studenata socijalne politike i socijalnog rada. Analiza značajnosti razlika pokazala je da su u ponovljenom merenju rezultati na svim posmatranim varijablama bili značajno viÅ”i, dok je analiza glavnih komponenti sugerisala i promenu u strukturi odnosa između varijabli. Nalazi sugeriÅ”u da primena sociodramskog pristupa u nastavi unapređuje participaciju studenata, njihovo osećanje pripadnosti grupi i učenje načina vođenja efikasnog grupnog rada

    Living Information Systems and Change

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    The Centre for Living Information Systems Thinking (LIST) is looking at IS development in organisations undergoing change. After discussing the problems that change introduces into IS development, the paper explains the basic philosophy of the centre, and some of the areas of research that might make a contribution to the basic questions that have been derived. Some views on the subject of change in organisations will be outlined, and the change paradox will be introduced

    Mogućnost primene metode sociodrame u akademskom obrazovanju

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    This paper deals with the exploration of possibilities for implementation of sociodrama in education of university students. It is indicated that application of sociodrama in academic education could help students in developing psychological ā€œliteracyā€, building communication and problem-solving skills, as well as in acquiring self-awareness. The aim of this paper is to show the possibilities for implementation of sociodrama in academic education, as a valid method of work with students. The paper will be illustrated with a vignette showing the practical implementation of sociodrama with the social work students.Ovaj rad se bavi istraživanjem mogućnosti primene sociodrame u edukaciji studenata na univerzitetima. Postoje nalazi da sociodrama primenjena u univerzitetskom obrazovanju kao metoda učenja može poslužiti razvijanju ā€œpsiholoÅ”ke pismenostiā€ studenata, sticanju komunikacijskih veÅ”tina i učenju različitih načina reÅ”avanja problema. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati mogućnosti primene sociodrame u akademskom obrazovanju, kao validne metode rada sa studentima. Rad će biti ilustrovan vinjetom iz praktične primene sociodrame u radu sa studentima socijalnog rada

    Kako protov stigme i autostigme osoba s dijagnozom psihoze? Prikaz tretmana psihotičnih poremećaja u dva druÅ”tvena konteksta

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    In this paper, we discuss the possibility of applying the psychodrama method in dealing with the stigmatized group of people with psychotic disorders. Despite many advances in pharmacy and psychotherapy, it is true that in the Western world there is still a marked stigma and discrimination against psychiatric patients. Our research question was whether the outcome could be different if the treatment of patients was performed in a manner different from that which is common in Western psychiatric practice? To answer this question, we describe the treatment and treatment outcomes for psychosis patients in Africa, and then outline how to reduce stigma and auto-stigma through psychodrama. The theoretical basis for this is Moreno's theory of roles as well as various theoretical views on the possibilities of the psychotherapy of psychoses. This "step-by-step" treatment has been shown to lead to learning new and more appropriate patterns of behavior, acquiring previously unpracticed social roles, and ultimately to increasing self-esteem, much like African psychotherapy. The final outcome of both approaches is similar to each other by the rituals they use and the permissions they give to patients to be authentic in their illness-without imposing "normality" from expert positions, low relapse rates, high social functionality and low self-stigma. It can be concluded that by considering the importance of social-psychological, sociological as well as socio-cultural aspects of mental disorders, it can significantly contribute to reducing discrimination and stigmatization of mentally ill people.U ovom radu, bavimo se prikazom mogućnosti primene psihodramske metode u radu sa stigmatizovanom grupom osoba sa psihotičnim poremećajem. I pored brojnih dostignuća u oblasti faramcije i psihoterapije, istina je da u zapadnom svetu i danas opstaje izrazita stigma i diskriminacija psihijatrijskih pacijenata. NaÅ”e istraživačko pitanje bilo je da li ishod može biti drugačiji, ukoliko se tretman obolelih izvodi na način različit od onog koji je uobičajen u zapadnoj psihijatrijskoj praksi? Da bismo odgovorili na ovo pitanje, opisali smo način tretiranja i ishode lečenja obolelih od psihoza u Africi, a potom smo prikazali na koji način se u psihodrami postiže smanjenje stigme i autostigme. Teorijska osnova za to je Morenova teorija uloga kao i različita teorijska stanoviÅ”ta o mogućnostima psihoterapije psihoza. Pokazalo se da je ovaj tretman izvođen u "koracima" vodi učenju novih i adekvatnijih obrazaca ponaÅ”anja, sticanju do tada nepraktikovanih socijalnih uloga i konačno porastu samopoÅ”tovanja, slično kao i afrička psihoterapija. Konačan ishod i jednog i drugoh pristupa koji međusobno nalikuju po ritualima koje koriste i dozvolama koje daju pacijentima da budu autentični u svojoj bolesti - bez nametanja "normalnosti" sa ekspertskih pozicija, nizak su nivo relapsa, visoka socijalna funkcionalnost te niska samostigmatizacija. Može se zaključiti da se kroz sagledavanje značaja socijalno-psiholoÅ”kih, socioloÅ”kih ali i socio-kulturoloÅ”kih aspekata mentalnih poremećaja u značajnoj meri može doprineti smanjenju diskriminacije i stigmatizacije mentalno obolelih ljudi

    Emergence of crowding:The role of contrast and orientation salience

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    Acknowledgments JM, RC and JR were supported by grants BB/R009287/1 and BB/S020640/1 from the BBSRC. RJL was supported by an early career research visit grant from the School of Psychology, University of Aberdeen. The authors would like to thank Daniel Coates for constructive feedback and Gabi Lipan for creating the image of the DKL space for Figure 1.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Neurotični poremećaj kod mladih u postmodernom druÅ”tvu - socioloÅ”ki i psiholoÅ”ki aspekti

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    The paper will discuss the impacts of socio-economic and psychological factors on the neurotic disorder in young population: the way it is manifested in the current socio-cultural context in Serbia. This phenomenon will be presented through a reinterpretation of classical, as well as sociological and psychological theories, based on the idea of social constructivism, seen through the prism of the transformation processes of Serbian society. The aim of the paper is to present the elements and mechanisms by which the postmodern society constructs a social reality, which also changes the meaning and nature of the manifestation of neurosis among young people. In methodological terms, in addition on the aforementioned theoretical concepts, the analysis also relies on Moreno's role theory, psychodrama and sociodrama. In this paper, we will present the basic psychodrama and sociodrama methods and techniques as well as the advantages of their practical application in the treatment of neurotic disorders in young population. Neurotic disorders in youth will be interpreted through various types of social and psychological transitions: 1. transition into adulthood; 2. transition from mental illness to health; 3. socio-economic transition and its consequences for young people in Serbia. In the first part of the paper, the focus is on interpreting the relationship between the postmodern self, the adolescent crisis, and the neurotic disorder. The second part represents the ways in which psychodrama and sociodrama can be practically applied in the treatment of young people with neurotic symptomatology. In the conclusion, we emphasized the advantages of using psychodrama and sociodrama for the purpose of prevention and treatment of the neurotic disorders in young population which is a responsibility not only of the individual and his/ her family, but of the society as a whole.U radu će se razmatrati uticaj socio-ekonomskih i psiholoÅ”kih činilaca na neurotični poremećaj, kakav se u sadaÅ”njem socio-kulturnom kontekstu manifestuje kod mladih u Srbiji. Ovaj fenomen biće prikazan kroz reinterpretaciju klasičnih i novijih socioloÅ”kih i psiholoÅ”kih teorija koje počivaju na ideji socijalnog konstruktivizma, posmatran kroz prizmu transformacijskih procesa kroz koje prolazi srpsko druÅ”tvo. Cilj rada je da se predstave elementi i mehanizmi kojim postmoderno druÅ”tvo konstruiÅ”e druÅ”tvenu realnost, čime se menja i samo značenje i priroda manifestacije neuroze kod mladih. U metodoloÅ”kom smislu, analiza se oslanja, osim na spomenute teorijske koncepte, i na Morenovu teoriju uloga, psihodramu i sociodramu. U radu će biti predstavljene bazične psihodramske i sociodramske metode i tehnike, kao i značaj njihove praktične primene u radu sa neurotičnim poremećajem kod mladih. Neurotični poremećaj kod mladih tumačiće se kroz različite vrste socijalnih i psiholoÅ”kih tranzicija: Ad.1. Tranziciju u odraslost; Ad.2. Tranziciju od bolesti ka zdravlju; Ad.3 Socio-ekonomsku tranziciju i njene posledice po mlade u Srbiji. Fokus u prvom delu rada je na tumačenju veze između postmodernog selfa, adolescentne krize i neurotičnog poremećaja. Drugi deo rada ukazuje na prednosti praktične primene psihodrame i sociodrame u radu sa mladima sa neurotskom simptomatologijom. U zaključku, istaknute su prednosti primene psihodrame i sociodrame u prevenciji i tretmanu neurotičnog poremećaja kod mladih, Å”to predstavlja odgovornost, ne samo pojedinca i njegove porodice, već i druÅ”tva u celini

    Socijalno-ekonomski aspekti mentalnog zdravlja mladih u Beogradu u kontekstu strateŔke kulture

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    Mental health of people is an important individual and social resource, especially in the modern Serbian society, which has problems with demography. Without full mental health, a person is not aware of himself and his abilities, and he cannot develop to his full capacity. Therefore, a person cannot contribute to his own well-being, and also be a productive member of the social community. It is the basis of well-being, both for individuals and a healthy society, as well as one of the sources of strategic culture. The existence of awareness of the mental health problems of the nation, especially the young population, is a segment of strategic culture. There are many factors that affect mental health, and the three main ones are biological, psychological and social factors. Only if we take into account the interaction of these three factors we can talk about mental disorder as a phenomenon. Our goal is to gain the insight into those social, sociological, economic and psychological factors that can produce negative consequences for mental health, in this case the occurrence and development of neurotic disorders in the population of young people in Belgrade. This paper presents the data from the study conducted in 2013, which dealt with socio-economic aspects of neurotic disorder in the youth population in Belgrade. The general goal of the research is to determine which economic and (or) social factors can influence the occurrence of neurotic disorders to these young people. The findings of the research indicate that young people who suffer from neurotic disorders are materially and psychologically dependent on their parents. In the families of the respondents, there is a strong psychological mutual connection, especially in the relationship between the respondent and their mothers. When it comes to family members, the mother is the mainstay of financial, moral and counseling support for the respondents. Psychological dependence on emotional objects of security is one of the important features of neurotic disorder, and in our country it represents a typical pattern of behavior, a culture-based relationship between parents and children.Mentalno zdravlje ljudi je važan individualni i druÅ”tveni resurs, pogotovo u savremenom srpskom druÅ”tvu koje ima velikih problema sa demografijom. Bez punog mentalnog zdravlja osoba nije svesna sebe i svojih sposobnosti, te se ne može razviti do svojih punih kapaciteta. Samim tim, ne može doprineti sopstvenom boljitku, ni biti produktivan deo druÅ”tvene i socijalne zajednice. Mentalno zdravlje je osnova blagostanja, kako za pojedince, tako i za zdravo druÅ”tvo i predstavlja jedno od izvoriÅ”ta strateÅ”ke kulture. Postojanje svesti o problemima mentalnog zdravlja nacije, posebno mlade populacije, predstavlja primarni segment strateÅ”ke kulture. Mnogo je činilaca koji utiču na mentalno zdravlje, a tri osnovna koja su međusobno isprepletana i uslovljena su: bioloÅ”ki, psiholoÅ”ki i socijalni činioci. Tek ako se uzme u obzir njihovo međudejstvo može se govoriti o mentalnom poremećaju kao fenomenu u svom totalitetu. Fokus ovog rada biće na jednoj od spomenutih perspektiva u proučavanju ove pojave. Cilj je sticanje uvida u one socijalne, socioloÅ”ke, ekonomske ali i psiholoÅ”ke činioce koji mogu proizvesti negativne posledice na mentalno zdravlje, u ovom slučaju na pojavu i razvoj neurotičnih poremećaja u populaciji mladih ljudi u Beogradu. Biće predstavljeni i podaci istraživanja sprovedenog 2013. godine, koje se bavilo socio-ekonomskim aspektima neurotičnog poremećaja mladih u naÅ”oj prestonici. OpÅ”ti cilj bio je da se utvrdi koji ekonomski i (ili) socijalni činioci mogu uticati na pojavu ovog neurotičnog poremećaja. Nalazi istraživanja ukazali su na to da su mladi koji pate od ovog poremećaja materijalno i psiholoÅ”ki zavisni od svojih roditelja. U porodicama ispitanika prisutna je jaka psiholoÅ”ka uzajamna vezanost, naročito na relaciji ispitanik-majka. Od svih članova porodice majka je ispitanicima glavni oslonac finansijske, moralne i savetodavne podrÅ”ke. PsiholoÅ”ka zavisnost od emocionalnih objekata sigurnosti je jedna od važnih odlika neurotičnog poremećaja, a u naÅ”oj zemlji predstavlja tipičan obrazac ponaÅ”anja, kulturom utemeljen odnos između roditelja i dece
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