4 research outputs found
Spatial cognition of the Mediterranean in Croatia
Iako se Sredozemlje smatra jednom od najstarijih prostornih cjelina u svijetu, njegove su granice još uvijek predmet istraživanja i rasprava. Ovaj rad nastoji pridonijeti definiranju Sredozemlja ili Mediterana kroz ispitivanje percepcije njegova prostornog obuhvata u Hrvatskoj i povezanosti s fizičkim i sociokulturnim obilježjima prostora. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom kognitivnih karata na uzorku od dvjesto ispitanika. Kao rezultat dobivena je široka granična zona koja razdvaja tzv. \u27\u27pravo\u27\u27 Sredozemlje od područja koja nisu dijelovi Sredozemlja. Ta zona u određenoj mjeri ima svojstva neizrazitog skupa (engl. fuzzy set) koji predstavlja postupni prijelaz između polova pripadnosti određenom skupu. Rezultati istraživanja na ispitanicima pokazali su da je najveća podudarnost percipiranih granica Sredozemlja s dinarskim smjerom pružanja reljefa (sjeverozapad-jugoistok), osim u Istri, te s obalnom crtom u čitavom hrvatskom primorju. Rezultati također pokazuju da su pri odabiru percipirane granice Sredozemlja čimbenici prirodne sredine važniji od sociokulturnih.Although the Mediterranean is considered to be one of the oldest regions in the world, its borders are still the subject of discussion and research. This paper aims to contribute to the definition of the Mediterranean by studying the perception of its spatial coverage in Croatia and its links to the physical and socio-cultural attributes of space. The research was conducted by using the cognitive map method on the sample of 200 participants. The result was a broad border zone separating the so-called "real" Mediterranean from areas which are not part of the Mediterranean. This zone is somewhat similar to a fuzzy set, representing a gradual transition between two ends belonging to a certain set. The research indicates that the congruence of perception of the borders of the Mediterranean is the largest along the Dinaric Alps (northwest – southeast), except in Istria, and the coastal spread along the entire Croatian littoral. The results also indicate that factors relating to the natural environment take precedence over socio-cultural factors in the perception of borders of the Mediterranean
Demographic Development of the Brodsko-Posavska County
U radu je istražen demogeografski razvoj Brodsko-posavske županije od 1857. do 2011. godine. Naglasak je stavljen na kretanje ukupnog broja stanovnika i razvoj etničke strukture županije koji su uvjetovani povijesnim događajima i društveno-gospodarskim razvojem. Metodologija koja je korištena u izradi ovog rada je analiza popisa stanovništva i znanstvene literature te su na temelju brojčanih podataka izrađene slike i tablice. Tako je broj stanovnika Brodsko-posavske županije rastao osim u popisima 1880., 1921. i 2011. godine kada je ustanovljeno smanjenje broja stanovnika zbog gospodarskih razloga krajem 19. st, stradanja u Prvom svjetskom ratu i demografskog starenja stanovništva koje je vidljivo prema dobno-spolnoj strukturi 2011. Etnička struktura je vrlo raznolika tijekom cijelog promatranog razdoblja jer na prostoru županije žive pripadnici različitih nacionalnosti, ali ipak homogena zbog velikog postotka većinskog hrvatskog stanovništva. Zbog različitih povijesnih, društvenih i gospodarskih čimbenika, broj pripadnika pojednih nacionalnosti se mijenjao u Brodsko-posavskoj županiji.The paper explores the demographic development of the Brodsko-Posavska County from 1857 until 2011. Emphasis is placed on population trends and the development of the ethnic structure of the County which are conditioned by historical events and socio-economic development. The methodology used in the writing of this paper is census and scientific literature analysis, resulting in numerical data as the basis for included graphs and tables. Thus, the number of inhabitants of the Brodsko-Posavska County grew except for the 1880, 1921 and 2011 censuses, when a decrease was noted due to economic causes in the late 19th century, World War I casualties and the demographic aging of the population, apparent in the 2011 age-sex structure. The ethnic structure is very diverse throughout the observed period, since the County area is populated by inhabitants of various nationalities, but still homogeneous due to a large percentage of the majority Croatian population. Due to different historical, social and economic factors, the number of members of certain nationalities varied in the Brodsko-Posavska County
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Spatial cognition of the Mediterranean in Croatia
Although the Mediterranean is considered to be one of the oldest regions in the world, its borders are still the subject of discussion and research. This paper aims to contribute to the definition of the Mediterranean by studying the perception of its spatial coverage in Croatia and its links to the physical and socio-cultural attributes of space. The research was conducted by using the cognitive map method on the sample of 200 participants. The result was a broad border zone separating the so-called "real" Mediterranean from areas which are not part of the Mediterranean. This zone is somewhat similar to a fuzzy set, representing a gradual transition between two ends belonging to a certain set. The research indicates that the congruence of perception of the borders of the Mediterranean is the largest along the Dinaric Alps (northwest – southeast), except in Istria, and the coastal spread along the entire Croatian littoral. The results also indicate that factors relating to the natural environment take precedence over socio-cultural factors in the perception of borders of the Mediterranean