34 research outputs found


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    Background: As a extremely traumatic experience, captivity may cause other mental disorders in addition to posttraumatic stress disorder, which is highly prevalent among ex-prisoners of war, and which often occurs in comorbidity with at least one other mental disorder. This objective of this study is to identify the incidence of comorbid mental disorders in Homeland war veterans exprisoners of war affected by posttraumatic stress disorder, as well as to identify the factors that influenced psychiatric comorbidity. Subjects and methods: The study sample comprised 264 subjects, all of whom were Croatian Homeland War veterans with combat experience in the defence of the Republic of Croatia, and all of whom fulfilled clinical criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder at the time of the study. The subjects were divided into two groups: the experimental group was composed of ex- prisoners of war, and the control group of veterans who had never been prisoners of war. The methods of sociodemographic questionnaire, posttraumatic stress disorder self-report checklist and the Harvard Trauma Questionnaire were used in the study. Psychiatric comorbidity data were retrieved from the subjectsā€™ anamnesis and medical records. Results: The results showed that ex- prisoners of war were exposed to a statistically much higher number of traumatic events, and had a significantly higher total number of psychiatric comorbidities (p<0.01) than the control group. The incidence of acute and transient psychotic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders and psychological and behavioural factors associated with disorders or diseases classified elsewhere was significantly higher among ex- prisoners of war. There was no statistically significant difference in overall posttraumatic stress disorder intensity between the two groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: The results of the study confirm our hypothesis that the incidence of psychiatric comorbidity is higher in exprisoners of war

    Soft nanotechnology: the potential of polyelectrolyte multilayers against E. coli adhesion to surfaces

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    Preprečevanje adhezije bakterij na povrÅ”ine je najbolj učinkovit način obvladovanja rasti biofilmov. Namen te raziskave je bil analizirati anti-adhezivni potencial 5 in 50 mmol/L polielektrolitskih plasti poli(alilamin hidroklorid)/poli(natrijev 4-stirensulfonat), poli(4-vinil-N-etilpiridin bromid/ poli(natrijev 4-stirensulfonat) in poli(4-vinil-N-izobutilpiridin bromid/ poli(natrijev 4-stirensulfonat) na bakterijo E. coli. Pet zaporednih plasti polielektrolitov je bilo sestavljenih na steklenih povrÅ”inah in izpostavljenih bakterijski suspenziji. Rezultati kažejo, da 50 mmol/L poli(4-vinil-N-etilpiridin bromid/ poli(natrijev 4-stirensulfonat) najbolj učinkovito prepreči adhezijo bakterij 0,4 log bakt./mm2 (60 %), sledi mu poli(4- vinil-N-izobutilpiridin bromid/ poli(natrijev 4-stirensulfonat) 0,3 log bakt. mm-2 (47 %) in poli(alilamin hidroklorid)/ poli(natrijev 4-stirensulfonat) 0,2 log bakt. mm-2 (38 %). Ta raziskava dokazuje, da polieletrolitske plasti z kvartarne amino skupinami igrajo pomembno vlogo pri preprečevanju adhezije bakterij in zato predstavljajo pomembno uporabo v živilski in farmacevtski industriji ter v medicini.Preventing bacterial attachment to surfaces is the most efficient approach to controlling biofilm proliferation. The aim of this study was to compare anti-adhesion potentials of 5 and 50 mmol/L polyelectrolyte multilayers of poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/poly(sodium 4ā€“styrenesulfonate), poly(4-vinyl-N-ethylpyridinium bromide)/ poly(sodium 4ā€“styrenesulfonate), and poly(4-vinyl-N-isobutylpyridinium bromide)/poly(sodium 4ā€“styrenesulfonate) against Escherichia coli. Glass surface was covered with five polyelectrolyte layers and exposed to bacterial suspensions. Poly(4-vinyl-N-ethylpyridinium bromide)/poly(sodium 4ā€“styrenesulfonate) was the most effective against bacterial adhesion, having reduced it by 60 %, followed by poly(4-vinyl-N-isobutylpyridinium bromide)/poly(sodium 4ā€“ styrenesulfonate) (47 %), and poly(allylamine hydrochloride)/poly(sodium 4ā€“styrenesulfonate) (38 %). Polyelectrolyte multilayers with quaternary amine groups have a significant anti-adhesion potential and could find their place in coatings for food, pharmaceutical, and medical industry

    Physico-chemical properties, spreadability and consumer acceptance of low-sodium cream cheese

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    Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se istražila mogućnost smanjenja natrija u krem siru, djelomičnom redukcijom odnosno zamjenom natrija pomoću kalijevih soli. Preliminarnim ispitivanjem odabrana su 4 načina soljenja: 100 % NaCl (kontrola), NaCl snižen na 65 % (T1), 35 % NaCl-a zamijenjeno KCl-om (T2), i mjeÅ”avina soli SalutĀ® na bazi KCl-a koja sadrži i tvari za prikrivanje stranih okusa (T3). Istraživanjem su ispitivana fizikalno-kemijska svojstva, boja, mazivost, prihvatljivost, kao i stupanj intenziteta specifičnih svojstava krem sira sa sniženim udjelom natrija. Snižavanje udjela natrija nije utjecalo na udio proteina, mliječne masti i vode, aktivitet vode, kiselost i boju krem sira (P>0,05). Međutim, redukcija natrija je značajno utjecala na mineralni sastav, mazivost i senzorska svojstva. Primjena mjeÅ”avina soli na bazi kalija značajno povećava vrijednost omjera K:Na. Sirevi koji su sadržavali mjeÅ”avinu soli SalutĀ® od potroÅ”ača su dobili ocjene najbliže kontrolnom siru, u usporedbi s ostalim zamjenama. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je moguće smanjenje udjela natrija u krem siru za 35 % primjenom nutritivno vrijednih mjeÅ”avina soli na bazi kalija, bez naruÅ”avanja prihvatljivosti proizvoda.The present study was performed to investigate the possibility of sodium reduction in cream cheese by partial reduction and substitution of sodium by potassium based salt. Four salt treatment were selected by preliminary study: 100 % NaCl (control), NaCl reduced to 65 % (T1), 35 % of NaCl substituted by KCl (T2), and KCl-based salt mixture SalutĀ® which contains offflavours masking compound (T3). The study was evaluated physico-chemical attributes, colour, spreadability, sensory acceptance, as well as level of intensity of specific attributes of low-sodium cream cheese. Sodium reduction not influenced on the protein, fat and moisture content, water activity, acidity and the colour of cream cheese (P>0.05). However, sodium reduction significantly influenced to mineral composition, spreadability and sensory properties. The use of potassium salt substitutes significantly increased the value of K:Na ratio. Cheese containing commercial salt replacer SalutĀ® had the closest hedonic score to control cheese compared to other replacers. The current research demonstrates that sodium content can be reduced by 35 % in cream cheese using a nutritionally valuable potassium-based salt mixture, without compromising the consumer acceptance

    Influence of cookies composition on temperature profiles and qualitative parameters during baking

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    During baking of bakery products temperature of baking, temperature profiles, moisture content, volume and colour changes are strongly coupled. The objective of this paper was to study the influence of the cookies composition on temperature profiles and quality parameters (width and thickness, colour formation and textural properties: hardness, fracturability and work of breaking force) during baking process. Composition of cookies differs due to flour type and initial moisture content. Cookies were baked at 205 Ā°C and temperature was measured in the centre of samples which were 7 mm thick with a 60 mm diameter. The results of temperature profiles of the cookies during baking have shown the same trend for all of the 18 samples. Samples with the higher initial water content have lower values of total colour difference and also significantly affect textural properties

    MorfoloŔka i kemijska analiza introduciranih sorti nektarine u Hercegovini

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    A 2-year study was done to compare fruit morphological and chemical composition of three nectarine cultivars grown in south Hercegovinia conditions. A high variability among and within cultivars was found and significant differences were observed among them in all properties analyzed. On the basis of evaluated data, the best fruit performance was registered in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and ā€˜Venusā€™ grown in the condition of this part of the Mediteran. This evaluation may help to select a set of nectarine cultivars with better fruit quality attributes, which in our growing conditions might be indicated in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and somewhat in ā€˜Venusā€™. The highest average of fruit width (61.18 mm) and fruit weight (148.24 g) was found in cultivar Caldesi 2000. As for friut thickness, also cultivar Caldesi 2000 had the highest value (55.39 mm). The results for the highest fruit length (60.48 mm) had Venus cultivar also fruit stone weight length, width and thickness. The contents sugars (glucose, fructose) total soluble dry matter, and total acids in fruits were found in cultivar Venus, but pH and sucrose were found in cultivar Sun Grand.Provedeno je dvogodiÅ”nje istraživanje kako bi se usporedio morfoloÅ”ki i kemijski sastav plodova tri sorte nektarine uzgojene u južnohercegovačkim uvjetima. Utvrđena je velika varijabilnost između i unutar sorti te su uočene značajne razlike među njima u svim analiziranim svojstvima. Na temelju procijenjenih podataka najbolji učinak ploda zabilježen je kod sorti \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i \u27Venus\u27 uzgojenih u uvjetima ovog dijela Mediterana. Ova procjena može pomoći u odabiru niza sorti nektarina s boljim svojstvima kvalitete ploda, Å”to bi u naÅ”im uvjetima uzgoja moglo biti označeno kao \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i donekle \u27Venus\u27. Najveći prosjek Å”irine ploda (61,18 mm) i mase ploda (148,24 g) ima sorta Caldesi 2000. Å to se tiče debljine ploda, također je sorta Caldesi 2000 imala najveću vrijednost (55,39 mm). Rezultati za najveću duljinu ploda (60,48 mm) imala je sorta Venus kao i težinu, Å”irinu i debljinu koÅ”tice ploda. Sadržaj ukupne topljive suhe tvari, Å”ećera (glukoza, fruktoza) i ukupnih kiselina u plodovima utvrđen je kod sorte Venus, a pH i saharoza kod sorte Sun Grand

    MorfoloŔka i kemijska analiza introduciranih sorti nektarine u Hercegovini

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    A 2-year study was done to compare fruit morphological and chemical composition of three nectarine cultivars grown in south Hercegovinia conditions. A high variability among and within cultivars was found and significant differences were observed among them in all properties analyzed. On the basis of evaluated data, the best fruit performance was registered in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and ā€˜Venusā€™ grown in the condition of this part of the Mediteran. This evaluation may help to select a set of nectarine cultivars with better fruit quality attributes, which in our growing conditions might be indicated in ā€˜Caldesi 2000ā€™ and somewhat in ā€˜Venusā€™. The highest average of fruit width (61.18 mm) and fruit weight (148.24 g) was found in cultivar Caldesi 2000. As for friut thickness, also cultivar Caldesi 2000 had the highest value (55.39 mm). The results for the highest fruit length (60.48 mm) had Venus cultivar also fruit stone weight length, width and thickness. The contents sugars (glucose, fructose) total soluble dry matter, and total acids in fruits were found in cultivar Venus, but pH and sucrose were found in cultivar Sun Grand.Provedeno je dvogodiÅ”nje istraživanje kako bi se usporedio morfoloÅ”ki i kemijski sastav plodova tri sorte nektarine uzgojene u južnohercegovačkim uvjetima. Utvrđena je velika varijabilnost između i unutar sorti te su uočene značajne razlike među njima u svim analiziranim svojstvima. Na temelju procijenjenih podataka najbolji učinak ploda zabilježen je kod sorti \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i \u27Venus\u27 uzgojenih u uvjetima ovog dijela Mediterana. Ova procjena može pomoći u odabiru niza sorti nektarina s boljim svojstvima kvalitete ploda, Å”to bi u naÅ”im uvjetima uzgoja moglo biti označeno kao \u27Caldesi 2000\u27 i donekle \u27Venus\u27. Najveći prosjek Å”irine ploda (61,18 mm) i mase ploda (148,24 g) ima sorta Caldesi 2000. Å to se tiče debljine ploda, također je sorta Caldesi 2000 imala najveću vrijednost (55,39 mm). Rezultati za najveću duljinu ploda (60,48 mm) imala je sorta Venus kao i težinu, Å”irinu i debljinu koÅ”tice ploda. Sadržaj ukupne topljive suhe tvari, Å”ećera (glukoza, fruktoza) i ukupnih kiselina u plodovima utvrđen je kod sorte Venus, a pH i saharoza kod sorte Sun Grand

    Kvaliteta probiotičkog jogurta obogaćenog medom i nusproizvodima preÅ”anja sjemenki industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.)

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    The purpose of this article is to present possibilities for obtaining a new type of probiotic yoghurt enriched by adding hemp press cake flour (HPCF) in different amounts (2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%). Hemp press cake is a by-product that remains after the cold pressing of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.). The Principal component analysis showed that the amounts of 4 to 10% had a significant effect, and the amount of 2% HPCF had no effect on the physicochemical characteristics of probiotic yoghurt. By the resulting regression model and linear programming algorithm was determined the amount of 4.04% HPCF as the most appropriate in probiotic yoghurt, which was also confirmed in the sensory analysis. The amount of total polyphenols and antioxidant activity significantly increased with the addition of hemp press cake flour from 41.46 mg GAE/mL and 32.2% DPPH inhibition to 111.16 mg GAE/mL to and 55.6% DPPH inhibition in probiotic yoghurt with 10% HPCF.Cilj ovog rada bio je istražiti mogućnost proizvodnje probiotičkog jogurta obogaćenog braÅ”nom pogače industrijske konoplje u različitim udjelima (2 %, 4 %, 6 %, 8 % i 10 %). Jedan od nusproizvoda koji nastaje pri proizvodnji hladno preÅ”anog ulja industrijske konoplje (Cannabis sativa L.) iz njezinih sjemenki je pogača industrijske konoplje. Provedena analiza glavnih komponenti pokazala je da dodatak braÅ”na pogače industrijske konoplje u udjelu od 4 do 10 % ima značajan učinak na fizikalno-kemijska svojstva probiotičkog jogurta, dok dodatak u manjim udjelima (2 %) nema utjecaja. Dobivenim regresijskim modelom i algoritmom linearnog programiranja utvrđeno je da je dodatak braÅ”na pogače industrijske konoplje u udjelu od 4,04 % optimalan za proizvodnju ove vrste probiotičkog jogurta, Å”to je u skladu sa senzorskom analizom. Količine ukupnih polifenola i antioksidacijska aktivnost u uzorcima probiotičkih jogurta značajno su se povećale proporcionalno s povećanjem dodatka braÅ”na pogače industrijske konoplje s 41,46 mg GAE/mL i 32,2 % inhibicije DPPH na 111,16 mg GAE/mL do 55,6 % inhibicije DPPH (u jogurtu s 10 % braÅ”na pogače industrijske konoplje)

    Influence of irrigation on cherry fruit yield and weight

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    Važan preduvjet za unaprjeđenje proizvodnje treÅ”nje pored odabira sorte i podloge s dobrim pomoloÅ”kim karakteristikama je i procjena potrebe za navodnjavanjem, kao način na koji će se ono i obavljati. U radu su prikazani rezultati dvogodiÅ”njih poljskih pokusa (2018.-2019), s ciljem utvrđivanja utjecaja režima navodnjavanja i sorte, te njihove interakcije na prinos i masu ploda. Ispitivane su tri sorte treÅ”nje različitih razdoblja zriobe (Burlat, Skeena, Sweet heart), cijepljene na slabo bujnu podlogu Gisela 5, uzgajane na tlu Eutrični kambisol. Rezultati su pokazali da je sorta Skeena u 2018. godini imala najveću prosječnu masu ploda (11,68 g) i prinos (9,64 kg/stablu), dok je u 2019. godini imala najmanji prosječan prinos (3,05 kg/stablu). Sorta Burlat u 2019. godini je imala najmanju prosječnu masu ploda (7,36 g). Korelacijskom analizom utvrđena je statistička značajnost režima navodnjavanja na ispitivane parametre promatranih sorti treÅ”nje.An important prerequisite for the improvement of cherry production, in addition to the selection of a variety and substrate with good pomological characteristics, is also the assessment of the need for irrigation, as the way in which it will be carried out. The paper presents the results of two-year field experiments (2018.-2019), with the aim of determining the influence of irrigation regime and variety, and their interaction on yield and fruit weight. Three cherry varieties of different ripening periods (Burlat, Skeena, Sweet heart) were tested, grafted onto a weakly lush rootstock of Gisela 5, grown on Eutrichni Cambisol soil. The results showed that in 2018 the Skeena variety had the highest average fruit weight (11.68 g) and yield (9.64 kg/tree), while in 2019 it had the lowest average yield (3.05 kg/tree). In 2019, the Burlat variety had the smallest average fruit weight (7.36 g). Correlation analysis determined the statistical significance of the irrigation regime on the examined parameters of the observed cherry varieties

    Craft brewing ā€“ is it really about the sensory revolution?

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    The sudden craft breweries expansion currently occurring in Europe, and by that also in Croatia, has been a true conundrum. The question is why craft breweries currently undergo such intense propagation. The answers to this is not simple and has to be monitored from a few different angles: what are todayā€™s consumerā€™s preferences? Why this sudden need to drink posh beer? Health wise ā€“ is it healthier to drink craft beer than industrial? The fact is that craft breweries offer beer with a story. The popularity of health benefits of moderate beer consumption, different reports in popular papers and magazines on polyphenolic and other anti-oxidative compounds that aid catching free radicals and reduce the damage they cause, contribute to the shift from industrial plane lager beer craft beer. In the eye of the scientific storm-genetic manipulation with yeast strains, and barley cultivars, water treatments, automatization, people choose simple procedures and raw materials that give them a feeling of uniqueness. This paper contributes to the knowledge of why craft breweries are taking on more and more popularity and why are consumers attracted to such products

    Ion-Specific and Solvent Effects on PDADMAā€“PSS Complexation and Multilayer Formation

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    Among various parameters that influence the formation of polyelectrolyte complexes and multilayers, special emphasis should be placed on ion-specific and solvent effects. In our study, we systematically examined the above-mentioned effects on poly(diallyldimethylammonium chloride) (PDADMACl)-sodium poly(4-styrenesulfonate) (NaPSS) complexation in solution and at the surface by means of dynamic light scattering, ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy measurements. As solvents, we used water and water/ethanol mixture. The obtained results confirm the importance of ion-specific and solvent effects on complexes prepared in solution, as well as on multilayers built up on a silica surface. The experiments in mixed solvent solution showed that at a higher ethanol mole fraction, the decrease in monomer titrant to titrand ratio, at which the increase in the size of complexes is observed, takes place. The difference between chloride and bromide ions was more pronounced at a higher mole fraction of ethanol and in the case of positive complex formation, suggesting that the larger amount of bromide ions could be condensed to the polycation chain. These findings are in accordance with the results we obtained for polyelectrolyte multilayers and could be helpful for designing polyelectrolyte multilayers with tuned properties needed for various applications, primarily in the field of biomedicine