25 research outputs found

    Прелиминарно истраживање производње макрофита у дунавским резервоарима – студија случаја две инвазивне биљне врсте – изворне Тrapa natans и увезене Paspalum paspalodes

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    This study presents the results of the preliminary analysis of the production potential of two macrophyte species in the Danube reservoirs: the indigenous water chestnut Trapa natans and the introduced knotgrass Paspalum paspalodes. These species spread rapidly in the Danube after the construction of two hydroelectric power plants Đerdap I and II and subsequent formation of reservoirs, since natural characteristics of the Danube watercourse in the length of 250 km were significantly changed and became favorable for macrophyte development. Besides a fundamental role played in the nutrient retention, a huge amount of biomass produced by Trapa natans and Paspalum paspalodes could be used for the production of biofuel, and as food for livestock.Студија доноси резултате прелиминарне анализе потенцијала продукције две врсте макрофита у резервоарима Дунава – домаћег воденог кестена Trapa natans и интродукованог дивљег троскота Paspalum paspalodes. Те врсте су се брзо рашириле на Дунаву након изградње две хидроелектране Ђердап I и Ђердап II и накнадног формирања резервоара, будући да су природне карактеристике тока Дунава у дужини од 250 km биле знатно измењене и постале погодне за развој макрофита. Поред основне улоге коју имају у задржавању нутријената, велике количине биомасе коју стварају Trapa natans и Paspalum paspalodes могу бити коришћене за производњу биогорива и као сточна храна.8. Конференција академија подунавске региј

    Chara squamosa (Characeae, Charophyceae) u Srbiji - uvid iz taksonomske revizije kolekcije harofita u BEOU i nedavnih terenskih podataka

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    Chara gymnophylla is one of the first charophyte species reported for Serbia during the late 19th and the early 20th centuries, and at that time it was the second in terms of the frequency of its occurrence in the country. General taxonomic misinterpretations in the past resulted in the concealment of another species, C. squamosa, within the findings attributed to C. gymnophylla. In Serbia, Chara gymnophylla was treated as C. vulgaris var. gymnophylla, and as such was not listed as a species inhabiting the country. Recent improvements in the taxonomic concept for C. squamosa prompted a revision of the rich material of C. gymnophylla, C. vulgaris var. gymnophylla, C. vulgaris var. nitelloides, and C. rohlenae, deposited in the BEOU collection. The revision process was conducted concurrently with fieldwork and the collection of new material. Our study confirmed the presence of C. squamosa in Serbia for the first time. Based on numerous revised samples from the BEOU collection, as well as recently collected specimens, the species’ continuous presence in Serbia since 1976 was confirmed. Chara squamosa and C. gymnophylla were thus added to the list of Characeae species inhabiting Serbia, and categorised as Critically Endangered according to the criteria outlined by IUCN. An overview of the biogeography, ecology and taxonomy of C. squamosa in Serbia is provided, particularly in relation to C. gymnophylla. The BEOU charophyte collection proved to represent a valuable and relevant resource for critical taxonomic revisions. The results presented in this study strongly encourage further studies on C. squamosa and C. gymnophylla distribution in the Balkan region and wider area in order to gain a deeper understanding of the species’ ecology and the further improvement of their taxonomic concepts.Chara gymnophylla jedna je od prvih vrsta pršljenčica zabeleženih u Srbiji krajem 19. i početkom 20. veka, i tada je na našim prostorima bila druga po učestalosti javljanja. Pogrešna taksonomska tumačenja u prošlosti dovela su do toga da je još jedna vrsta, C. squamosa, bila skrivena među nalazima vrste C. gymnophylla. Chara gymnophylla je pak kasnije u Srbiji taksonomski tretirana kao varijetet - C. vulgaris var. gymnophylla, i kao takva nije bila na listama vrsta koje naseljavaju teritoriju Srbije. U skorije vreme sugerisan je novi taksonomski koncept za vrstu C. squamosa, što je podstaklo reviziju bogatog materijala C. gymnophylla, C. vulgaris var. gymnophylla, C. vulgaris var. nitelloides i C. rohlenae, deponovanih u kolekciji BEOU. Proces revizije se odvijao paralelno sa terenskim istraživanjima i prikupljanjem novog materijala. Naša istraživanja su pokazala po prvi put prisustvo vrste C. squamosa u Srbiji. Zasnovano na brojnim revidiranim uzorcima iz kolekcije BEOU, kao i uzorcima prikupljenim u novije vreme, povrđeno je kontinuirano prisustvo ove vrste u Srbiji počev od 1976. godine. Chara squamosa i C. gymnophylla su dodate na listu vrsta pršljenčica koje naseljavaju teritoriju Srbije i klasifikovane su kao kritično ugrožene (CR) prema kriterijumima IUCN. U ovom radu dat je biogeografski, ekološki i taksonomski pregled vrste C. squamosa u Srbiji, u odnosu na vrstu C. gymnophylla. Kolekcija pršljenčica BEOU se pokazala kao dragoceni i relevantni resurs za kritičke taksonomske revizije. Rezultati prezentovani u ovoj studiji snažno podstiču dalja istraživanja distribucije vrsta C. squamosa i C. gymnophylla na Balkanu i na širem području, kao korak ka daljem rasvetljavanju njihove ekologije i utemeljenju taksonomskih koncepata

    Diversity and Ecology of Charophytes from Vojvodina ( Serbia ) in Relation to Physico-Chemical and Bioclimatic Habitat

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    In Serbia, almost all charophyte species belong to one of the IUCN categories. This study aimed to gather more knowledge about their floristic richness, distribution and ecology. During the survey, 262 localities were investigated in the Vojvodina province, northern Serbia. Seventeen charophyte species were found, out of which 16 were included in the analyses. The environmental matrix included 38 localities, each characterized by habitat type and 35 environmental parameters. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed six parameters as being statistically significant: substrate, altitude, depth, water temperature, temperature annual range and precipitation of the driest month. Together, these explain the 32.34% variability in the species composition and abundance data. Altitude and substrate contributed the most to this. Two main types of habitats were outlined by the analysis. Small and shallow temporary habitats in the river floodplains, at lower altitudes, with muddy and clayish substrate, belong to one type. These areas are inhabited by either very tolerant species, such as Chara vulgaris and C. globularis, or the so-called “spring” species of the genera Tolypella and Nitella. Habitats which are located at higher altitudes, when deeper and more permanent with a sandy substrate, such as sandpits and river habitats, belong to the second one. These areas are inhabited by species like Chara papillosa, C. hispida, and Nitellopsis obtusa

    Ecophysiological and anatomical characteristics of the subtropical shrub Zanthoxylum acanthopodium (Rutaceae) in conditions of a temperate continental climate (Serbia)

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    The evergreen shrub Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (Rutaceae), originating from warm temperate and subtropical Asia, has existed successfully in the Jevremovac Botanical Garden in Belgrade for more than 80 years. The seasonal pattern of water management in leaves, electrolyte leakage, essential oil composition, and leaf anatomy were examined in order to understand the resistance and viability of this subtropical shrub in the temperate continental climate of Belgrade, Serbia.Večno-zeleni žbun vrste Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (Rutaceae) poreklom iz Azije već osamdeset godina uspešno napreduje u Botaničkoj bašti 'Jevremovac', Beograd, Srbija U cilju boljeg razumevanja dobre adaptiranosti ove suptropske vrste na umereno-kontinentalne klimatske uslove Beograda, praćene su sezonske promene u hidričkom stanju listova (vodni i osmotski potencijal, relativni sadržaj vode), propuštanje elektrolita kroz plazma membranu, karakteristike etarskog ulja kao i anatomska građa lista. Kompleks strukturnih (kseromorfni listovi) i fizioloških odlika (promene vodnog i osmotskog potencijala kao i količina etarskog ulja) omogućavaju ovoj vrsti da poboljša rezistentnost, opstane i oporavi se od eventualnih oštećenja koja se mogu dogoditi tokom stresnog perioda.Projekat ministarstva br. 14301

    Assessment of the adaptive and phytoremediation potential of Miscanthusxgiganteus grown in flotation tailings

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    Mining activities produce enormous amounts of metal-contaminated waste that is the source of ecosystem pollution by metals. Owing to complex adverse environmental conditions, the surface of abandoned flotation tailings is completely devoid of vegetation cover and is therefore very susceptible to fluvial erosion, wind dispersal to neighboring ecosystems and leaching of heavy metals into ground waters. The aim of this study was to estimate the adaptive potential of Miscanthusxgiganteus (Poaceae) to grow on flotation tailings without any input. In this field experiment, plants were grown for four months in flotation tailings and in unpolluted control chernozem soil. Plants accumulated and retained the major part of metals within their roots, exhibiting their very low transfer to aerial parts, which all define M. xgiganteus as a phytoexcluder plant species. Plants grown in flotation tailings showed significant reduction in the net CO2 assimilation rate and growth parameters, and there was no negative impact on pigment content, maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry, lipid peroxidation level and total antioxidative capacity in leaves. The obtained results indicate that despite reduced growth, M. xgiganteus can be cultivated for phytoremediation of flotation tailings

    First record of a natural hybrid Neotinea × dietrichiana (Orchidaceae) in Serbia

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    Abstract. Neotinea × dietrichiana (Orchidaceae), a natural hybrid between Neotinea tridentata and N. ustulata, has been found on the southwestern slopes of Mt Maljen (Western Serbia) for the first time in Serbia, representing its most continental record in the Balkans. Morphological and distribution data, as well as the ecological preferences of N. × dietrichiana are provided. The hybrid grows between 490 m and 510 m a.s.l., on serpentine substrate, as a member of xero-mesophilous steppe-like meadows. Hybrid specimens have been recorded at the sites where the two parental species grow in sympatry, and mostly where the population size of N. tridentata is larger than the population size of N. ustulata

    Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in common reed (Phragmites australis) growing spontaneously on highly contaminated mine tailing ponds in Serbia and potential use of this species in phytoremediation

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    Heavy metal contamination of aquatic ecosystems directly threatens the health, production and biodiversity of aquatic and surrounding terrestrial ecosystems, and it represents a serious global problem. Metal extraction during ore processing produces large amounts of wastes that remain in tailings at the mining site. Fine waste particles represent a long-term source of potentially toxic metals that can be released into the ground and surface water as a result of their progressive chemical weathering. Aquatic macrophythes have a major role in absorption and accumulation of heavy metals and thereby in natural water purification. The presence of naturally growing plants on mine tailing ponds indicates their tolerance of heavy metal pollution and suggests a possible role for them in phytoremediation. In the present study, we analysed the concentrations of heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cd, Co, Cu) in Phragmites australis plants growing spontaneously in shallow water of several mine tailing ponds. The aims of the study were to define chemical properties of the mine spoils, determine the concentrations of heavy metals in different plant organs and assess the phytoremediation potential of common reed. The investigated sediments were notably rich in both total and available forms of Fe, Pb, Zn and Cu, with their upper concentrations close to phytotoxic levels. The greatest amounts of almost all of the investigated metals in plants from all three mine tailing ponds were found in the roots, with their concentrations positively correlated with the amounts of their available forms in the corresponding sediment. The far higher metal concentrations in the roots in comparison with other plant organs clearly indicate that the metals were strongly sequestrated within root cortical tissues and were not transferred across the endodermis. Taken altogether, the presence of the greatest amounts of metals in roots, high bioaccumulation factor and low translocation factor show that P. australis is an excluder plant species with a good phytostabilisation potential. As such, it might be efficiently used in rhizofiltration of wastewaters

    Ecophysiological and anatomical characteristics of the subtropical shrub Zanthoxylum acanthopodium (Rutaceae) in conditions of a temperate continental climate (Serbia)

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    The evergreen shrub Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (Rutaceae), originating from warm temperate and subtropical Asia, has existed successfully in the Jevremovac Botanical Garden in Belgrade for more than 80 years. The seasonal pattern of water management in leaves, electrolyte leakage, essential oil composition, and leaf anatomy were examined in order to understand the resistance and viability of this subtropical shrub in the temperate continental climate of Belgrade, Serbia.Večno-zeleni žbun vrste Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (Rutaceae) poreklom iz Azije već osamdeset godina uspešno napreduje u Botaničkoj bašti 'Jevremovac', Beograd, Srbija U cilju boljeg razumevanja dobre adaptiranosti ove suptropske vrste na umereno-kontinentalne klimatske uslove Beograda, praćene su sezonske promene u hidričkom stanju listova (vodni i osmotski potencijal, relativni sadržaj vode), propuštanje elektrolita kroz plazma membranu, karakteristike etarskog ulja kao i anatomska građa lista. Kompleks strukturnih (kseromorfni listovi) i fizioloških odlika (promene vodnog i osmotskog potencijala kao i količina etarskog ulja) omogućavaju ovoj vrsti da poboljša rezistentnost, opstane i oporavi se od eventualnih oštećenja koja se mogu dogoditi tokom stresnog perioda.Projekat ministarstva br. 14301

    Towards detecting bioclimatic niche – species distribution modelling in four maple species (Acer spp.)

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    The aim of this paper was firstly to describe the ecological and geographical differentiation of the four maple species (Acer spp.) in Serbia and Kosovo based on floristic and phytocoenological data, and secondly, to model their distributions in order to predict which areas the species can be expected in. The intention was also to compare the resulting prediction maps with the available field records and see whether there are any differences between the actual and the predicted ranges. The data set included 1979 species records and each record was accompanied by geographic coordinates. The geographical analysis was performed on the chorological data (latitude, longitude, altitude), while the ecological was based on vegetation data relating to the association, alliance, order and class as well as on 19 bioclimatic parameters. The data set was georeferenced using GIS tools. The results demonstrated that the distribution patterns of all the analyzed species are mostly affected by the limiting effects of the variables related to precipitation and temperature of the dry and also the warm period. Their synergic limiting effects are the most important force shaping distribution patterns within a territory. These findings highlight the importance of defining bioclimatic profiles of species using different techniques of distribution modelling

    Novi i značajni podaci o biljkama, algama i gljivama iz JI Evrope i susednih regiona, 16

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    This paper presents new records and noteworthy data on the following taxa in SE Europe and adjacent regions: diatoms Discostella asterocostata and Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis, red alga Bangia atropurpúrea, green alga Ulvapilifera, saprotro-phic fungi Didymella vitalbina and Phragmotrichum rivoclarinum, mosses Buxbau-mia aphylla, Sphagnum divinum, and Tortella fasciculata, monocots Anacamptis x nicodemi, Epipactis palustris, Epipogium aphyllum, and Gymnadenia frivaldii and dicots Androsace lactea, Drosera rotundifolia, Potentilla montenegrina, and Tozzia alpina subsp. carpathica are given within SE Europe and adjacent regions.U radu su prikazani novi i značajni podaci sa područja JI Evrope i susednih regiona o sledećim taksonima: dijatomejskim algama Discostella asterocostata i Stephanodiscus hantzschii f. tenuis, crvenoj algi Bangia atropurpurea, zelenoj algi Ulva pilifera, saprofitskim gljivama Didymella vitalbina i Phragmotrichum rivoclarinum, mahovinama Buxbaumia aphylla, Sphagnum divinum i Tortella fascicu- lata, monokotilama Anacamptis × nicodemi, Epipactis palustris, Epipogium aphyllum i Gymnadenia frivaldii i dikotilama Androsace lactea, Drosera rotundifolia, Potentilla montenegrina i Tozzia alpina subsp. carpathica