7 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan Dan Aspek Ekologi Teripang Pasir Holothuria Scabra Pada Karamba Jaring Tancap Di Perairan Lairngangas, Maluku Tenggara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan teripang pasir H. scabra di karamba jaring tancap serta aspek ekologisnya di perairan Lairngangas Kab. Maluku Tenggara. Sebanyak 108 teripang dengan berat rata-rata 36,07±0,95 g ditebar dalam tiga karamba tancap ukuran 3x3 m2. Teripang dibiarkan tumbuh secara alami di dalam karamba selama tiga bulan pengamatan. Panjang dan bobot teripang diukur setiap 2 minggu sekali dan parameter kualitas air, sedimen dan fitoplankton diamati setiap bulan selama uji coba. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pertumbuhan harian rata-rata teripang selama penelitian adalah 0,14±0,10 g hari-1 dengan tingkat kelangsungan hidup 81±4,81%. Puncak pertumbuhan dicapai pada minggu ke 10 setelah itu terlihat penurunan. Suhu, salinitas, pH dan DO yang terukur masih dalam kisaran yang baik untuk pertumbuhan teripang. Sedangkan tingkat kesuburan perairan termasuk dalam kategori cukup. Selain keberadaan teripang di dalam karamba menunjukkan terjadi Perubahan komposisi fraksi atau ukuran partikel sedimen yang diduga sebagai dampak dari pemanfaatan bahan organik partikel kecil oleh biota uji. Perairan Lairngangas diduga telah mengalami penurunan kualitas perairan dalam mendukung pertumbuhan teripang pasir

    Dakwah Dalam Membangun Etika Kerukunan Hidup Umat Beragama

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    Indonesia is multi-ethnics, culture and religions,require normative values to regulate social relations.Normative values on religion, social values and moresthat have been prevailing in the community, is thebasis for building a culture of inter-religious relations.Pancasila and the 1945‟s Constitution is a collectiveagreement in regulating the society and the state.National unity took place in the community where thevalues of religion has lived and practiced. Religiousdiversity has become a reality of history and they havebeen living side by side. Today, Da‟wah activities inbuilding awareness in the practice of religion amongthe other religious communities, is needed. Therefore,the practice of the “inclusive religion” should beapplied

    Study on Community Structure of Commercial Sea Cucumber in Intertidal Zone, Southeast Moluccas, and Tual, Moluccas

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    HighlightEight species of sea cucumber was found in four intertidal location in Southeast Moluccas and Tual watersHolothuria atra had the highest densitySea cucumber biodiversity in Southeast Moluccas and Tual waters categorized as lowLocal culture can be used for sustainability of sea cucumber resources management AbstractA study on the community structure of sea cucumber in Southeast Moluccas and Tual needs to be done due to the important role of sea cucumber in both ecologically and economically sustainability. This study aimed to investigate the community structure of sea cucumber in this region as one of the supporting information for the utilization and management of the resources. A survey was conducted by sweeping the target area, by walking and also snorkeling. The location where each sea cucumber found was marked using a GPS, the specimen was weighed, and some were preserved for species analysis. Water quality was measured at each location, while the substrate and vegetation were recorded. This study revealed different composition of species in the investigated area. As many as 8 species of sea cucumber were found, in which four were of genus Holothuria, three were of genus Stichopus and the rest were of genus Bohadschia. Species H. atra has the highest density. In general, the diversity index was relatively low (< 2), the evenness index was 0-81 indicating that the community was depressed. Certain species dominated at most of the investigated sites (0.50-1), and a low margalef index is 0-1.7. To conclude, the community structure of sea cucumber in Tual and Southeast Moluccas was in a depressed condition