769 research outputs found

    Study of a variable geometry radial inflow turbine.

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    An Abundance of Sins in Hawthorne’s Ethan Brand- But None Unpardonable

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    في هذه الدراسة، يدرس الباحث موضوع الخطيئة وتأثيرها على حياة الشخصيات، بتحليل أنواع مختلفة من الخطيئة المعروضة في الرواية، يتناول الباحث خطيئة البطل الرئيسي، إيثان براند، ويحلل معناها في الإتجاه المعنوي وصيغتها في النص العهد المقدس. ويستعرض مفهوم الخطيئة التي لا يمكن الغفران لها في الاتجاه الرئيسي للرواية. واستنتج الباحث أنه قد يكون قد غفر لإيثان جميع خطاياه، بما في ذلك الانتحار، إذا كان لا يتمتع بعقلية كاملة، مما يدل على عدم وجود لأي علامة من الخطيئة التي لا يمكن ان تغتفر فيه. هذا الاستنتاج هام؛ لأنه يسلط الضوء على الفكرة أن الغفران ممكن لجميع الخطايا، طالما كان الشخص الذي يرتكبها لا يتمتع بسيطرة كاملة على أفعاله لأسباب عقلية. تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تعميق معرفتنا بأهمية الخطيئة في رواية هوثورن وتأثيره.In this study, the author examines the theme of sin and its impact on the lives of the characters. Through an analysis of the various types of sin depicted in the short story , the author delves into the sin of the protagonist, Ethan Brand, and analyzes its significance in relation to the title of the short story and its interpretation from a biblical perspective. The concept of the unpardonable sin is also explored in relation to the themes of the story. The author concludes that Brand may have been pardoned for all of his sins, including suicide, if he was mentally unfit, suggesting that there is no trace of the unpardonable sin in him. This conclusion is significant because it highlights the idea that redemption is possible for all sins, as long as the person committing them is not fully in control of their actions due to mental instability. Overall, this study aims to deepen our understanding of the role of sin in Hawthorne's writing and its impact on the characters and themes of the novel. By examining the specific types of sin depicted in the story and their effects on the characters, the author sheds light on the complex and multifaceted nature of sin in literature. This analysis helps us to better understand the characters and the choices they make, and it also prompts us to consider the role of sin in our own life

    A Genetic Disaster of Human Cloning

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    Human cloning may become a viable possibility in the far future; it is no longer a spectacular science fiction wisdom. The method is accessible. The dilemma is whether it would be ethical and acceptable in society, considering any associated consequences related to human cloning. Unlike a normal embryo, this one is abnormal, which has a genome derived from a combination of six sources, a human cloned genome would have one source. This procedure would undoubtedly eliminate the distinct qualities that a real child possesses. Its short-term and long consequences, on the contrary, are currently unclear. Cell cloning of human research potentially changes the variety of medical diseases treatment in the soon future. Human cloning or nonsexual human reproduction is a multidisciplinary problem that has been studied by scholars from several perspectives, including ethical elements and science perspectives, religion, and health. Because some scientific discoveries, such as human simulation, are related to human beliefs, several religious scholars have demonstrated distinctive responsivity to religious doctrine and consider such investigations to be contrary to divine verses and religious beliefs; as a result, human cloning has been prohibited. As a result, it is vital to investigate and analyze the reasoning of their contravention to demonstrate that scientific discoveries might not only not diminish but even deepen religion

    Bleeding from Upper Gastrointestinal Tract and Fibrinolysis

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    About 30,000 people are admitted to hospital in the United Kingdom each year with upper gastrointestinal tract (GIT) bleeding and about 3,000 of those will die. Rebleeding after admission to hospital is one of the major factors contributing to this mortality. One factor which may cause rebleeding is lysis of the fibrin haemostatic plug which seals a leaking vessel. Previous studies have shown that fibrinolytic activity in the stomach and duodenum was increased in patients with peptic ulcer, was localised around the ulcer, and could be released by trauma to the stomach. The serum concentration of fibrin degradation products (FDP) was also increased in patients with recent GIT bleeding. The main aim of this thesis was to measure systemic fibrinolytic activity in a series of patients with acute upper GIT bleeding, and to relate this to clinical outcome, in order to assess its possible role in pathogenesis of bleeding. In this prospective study, 122 patients were studied on the morning after admission to hospital. All had routine endoscopy to establish the likely site of bleeding and the pathological cause of bleeding. Patients were divided into three groups: (1) no transfusion or surgery required; (2) transfusion required; (3) those who required surgery and/or who died. Blood was taken from an arm vein for measurement of serum FDP, as well as the fibrinolytic activity of the euglobulin fraction of plasma (fibrin plate lysis area FPLA). The latter test is a global measurement of plasminogen activators and their inhibitors in the euglobulin fraction. Neither test was significantly related to site of bleeding, or to the pathology of the lesion. The FPLA test showed no correlation with outcome. However serum FDP was significantly higher in patients who required transfusion (Group 2) than in patients who did not (Group 1), and patients who died or required surgery (Group 3) had significantly higher levels compared to Group 2 (p <0.001). Thus the serum FDP level was shown, for the first time, to be of prognostic significance in acute upper GIT bleeding. Multivariate analysis confirmed independent prognostic value. A rapid screening test for raised serum FDP (latex agglutination test) was then evaluated in 36 samples from the study. Of the 7 patients with a positive test, 5 required surgery or died. Hence this test may be clinically useful in assessment of severe or recurrent bleeding. Further investigations were performed to clarify the relationship of serum FDP to outcome of acute GIT bleeding. To evaluate the possibility that blood transfusion may itself raise serum FDP, these were measured before and after blood transfusion in 10 patients: no significant change in levels was observed. Because the serum FDP assay does not distinguish degradation products of fibrinogen from those of cross-linked fibrin, an assay for plasma levels of cross-linked fibrin degradation products (ELISA assay using monoclonal antibodies) was performed in 65 samples from the study. Mean levels were similar in Groups 1 and 2, but significantly elevated in Group 3 (p< 0.05). This confirms the association of poor outcome with lysis of cross-linked fibrin, e g. in haemostatic plugs. It was concluded that the association of lysis of fibrin with poor outcome after GIT bleeding is consistent with the hypothesis that fibrinolysis may play a role in promoting continued or recurrent bleeding. Further evidence for this comes from encouraging results of clinical trials of fibrinolytic inhibitor drugs, e.g. tranexamic acid. The second aim of this thesis was to measure systemic fibrinolytic activity in patients with portal hypertension due to liver cirrhosis. In 10 patients with acute bleeding varices elevated serum FDP were again seen in patients who died or required surgery. In 54 patients without acute bleeding varices who attended for elective sclerotherapy, elevated levels of both serum FDP and FPLA were observed, being most marked in Child's Grade C patients, although this was not statistically significant for FPLA. The results of this study suggest that increased fibrinolysis, related to the severity of cirrhosis, may play a role in bleeding from oesophageal varices, and suggests evaluation of fibrinolytic inhibitor drugs in such patients

    Electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation for treatment of Al-Kut textile wastewater: A comparative study

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    In this study, two processes were utilized to achieve the most capable treatment for the effluent of Al-Kut textile factory, Iraq. The processes are electrocoagulation and chemical coagulation. The investigation was paid attention into operation factors; such as time, pH and electrical conductivity; and pollution parameters like turbidity and TDS. Different voltages of 10, 20 and 30 V with various electrical currents of 1, 2 and 3 A were adopted. Aluminum electro-generated amount is used initially in adding to the chemical coagulation with jar test. The results showed a reduction in the pollution contents in which depend on the amount of Al+3 ions resulted by electrodissolution of aluminum anode. It was found that at voltage 20 and current 2, the effective turbidity removal was 96.4% at pH 6.2, EC 990 µS/cm and TDS 501 mg/L. While higher removal of turbidity in chemical coagulation was 75.4% at 0.02 mg/L dose, pH 8.3, EC 1788 μS/m and TDS 1514 mg/L. The electrocoagulation was more effective to eliminate TDS and presented higher removal of turbidity compared to chemical coagulation. Based on the analysis, the electrocoagulation is more efficient that the textile effluent treated can be reused or rejected without risk in the environment

    The Effect of Different Irrigation Systems, Discharge, and Irrigation Intervals on Green Onion Growth and Yields

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    An experiment was conducted in the field of the University of Baghdad in spring season of 2015 In loamy sand soil to evaluate the effect of different irrigation systems, discharge and irrigation intervals on green onion growth and yield, using locally combine implement which used for installation subsurface irrigation pipes and surface drip irrigation. Subsurface drip irrigation system and surface drip irrigation system as main plot treatment, three levels of discharge included 2.5, 3.0 and3.5 L\hr represented subplot treatment and two levels of irrigation intervals included: 4 days and 8 days represented sub subplot treatment were used in this study. Root diameter, stem diameter, green weight, dry weight, and stem length were measured. Nested design under randomized complete block design (CRBD) with three replications was used in this experiment. Least significant differences (L.S.D) at 0.05 levels were used to compare the mean of treatments. The results were showed the following: Subsurface irrigation was superior in getting higher 78.6 gm dry weight and 232.2 gm green weight and 31.8 mm stem diameter and root diameter stood 45.2 mm and stem length stood 55.3 cm comparing with other treatments. 3.5 L/h discharge was superior in getting the highest 81.8 gm dry weight, 249.4 gm green weight, stem length stood 70.8 cm, root diameter stood 45.4 mm and stem diameter stood 32.6 mm comparing with other treatments. 4 days irrigation interval was superior in getting higher 80.2 gm dry weight, 231.4 gm green weight, root diameter stood 46.3 mm, stem diameter stood 32.7 mm and stem length stood 55.3 cm comparing with other treatments. Triple interaction between subsurface irrigation system, 3.5 L / h discharge and4 days irrigation interval was superior in getting the highest dry weight stood 86.4 gm, green weight stood 252.3 gm, stem length stood 78 cm, root diameter stood 50.6 mm and stem diameter stood 35.3 mm comparing with other interactions treatments