33 research outputs found

    Evaluation of green retention trees in the clear cutting in Kaniava forest district of SFE Varėna RD.

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    Baigiamajame darbe aptariama, kaip pasikeitusios aplinkos sąlygos paveikė 2012-2018 m. plynose kirtavietėse biologinei įvairovei paliktus medžius, esančius VĮ Valstybinių miškų urėdijos (VMU) Varėnos regioninio padalinio Kaniavos girininkijoje. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti VĮ Valstybinių miškų urėdijos Varėnos regioninio padalinio, Kaniavos girininkijos 2012-2018 m. plynose kirtavietėse biologinei įvairovei paliktų medžių taksacines charakteristikas, būklę bei jų išlikimo dėsningumus. Tyrimo metu buvo surinkti lauko duomenys apie kirtavietėse biologinei įvairovei paliktų medžių būklę. Surinkti duomenys buvo analizuojami taikant statistinius metodus, siekiant išsiaiškinti medžių žuvimo priežastis, atsižvelgiant į individualias medžio ypatybes bei pakitusias sąlygas priklausomai nuo kirtavietės amžiaus ir ploto. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad kirtavietėse daugiausia palikta nuo 8 iki 10 medžių. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad kirtavietėse dažniausiai buvo palikta 1-3 medžių rūšys. Dažniausiai paliekamos rūšys – pušis, beržas, ąžuolas. Dažniausiai buvo paliekami 20-36 cm skersmens, 20-28 m aukščio medžiai. Varėnos miškų urėdijos Kaniavos girininkijos plyno kirtimo kirtavietėse per tiriamąjį laikotarpį nustatyta, kad žuvo 18,2 %, visų tirtų medžių. Didesnė žuvusių medžių dalis buvo mažesnio ploto, senesnėse kirtavietėse. Kirtavietėse paliktų medžių būklė priklausė nuo medžio rūšies. Reikšmingai blogesnės būklės buvo kirtavietėse palikti beržai, drebulės bei juodalksniai; geresnės – pušis, ąžuolas. Didesnė žuvusių medžių dalis buvo, kurių skersmuo didesnis nei 40 cm. Paliktų medžių būklė blogesnė buvo laikino perteklingo drėkinimo bei užmirkusiose augavietėse.The thesis discusses how the changed environmental conditions affected 2012-2018. The trees left in the clear-cut areas are biodiversity trees, located in the clear cutting in Kaniava forest district of SFE Varėna RD. The aim of the research was to evaluate the state enterprise in the clear cutting in Kaniava forest district of SFE Varėna RD in 2012-2018. Taxi characteristics, condition and regularity of survival of trees left in biodiversity at biodiversity sites.  During the study field data were collected on the condition of trees left in the cutting sites for biodiversity. The collected data were analyzed using statistical methods to find out the causes of tree decay, taking into account individual tree characteristics and changed conditions depending on the age and area of ​​the felling site. The study found that between 8 and 10 trees were left in logging sites. The results of the study showed that 1-3 tree species were usually left in the felling sites. The most common species are pine, birch, oak. The most common trees were 20-36 cm in diameter and 20-28 m in height. It was found that 18.2% of all investigated trees were killed in the logging sites in the clear cutting in Kaniava forest district of SFE Varėna RD. The larger part of the dead trees was in the smaller area, in older logging sites. The condition of trees left in felling areas depended on the type of tree. The birch, aspen and black alder were left in a significantly worse condition; better - pine, oak. The larger part of the dead trees were over 40 cm in diameter. The condition of abandoned trees was worse in temporary surplus irrigation and wetlands.Miškų ir ekologijos fakultetasAplinkos ir ekologijos instituta

    Social Family Support in Lithuania and its Estimation

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    The aim of this study is to find out the impact of monetary allowances and compensations to receivers: families and persons. The main questions were: what kind of monetary relief makes the biggest influence to the life of families, which fields of family life (reproductive, economic, child-raising) monetary relief impacts the most. The methods of qualitative interviewing of social work experts and quantitative questioning of social workers were used. In this study it was find out that the biggest impact to the family life makes social allowance and allowance of child. Allowance of child makes the biggest influence to large families, especially living in rural areas. Some families in order to receive allowances decided not to register marriage, to have children, hide their real income and number of persons, living in family. Conditions of getting social allowance encouraged persons to register in the market of labor, but did not encouraged them to look for the job, to change their qualifications. Many allowance receivers were illegal workers. Allowances also negatively impacts families’ social status and self-perception, but this is most probably effects of poverty. Experts evaluate the positive impact of allowances to the life of family as poor; allowances, especially social allowance, are too small to maintain family in crisis, and do not perform its main function.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Numerical Modelling of Erythrocyte Sticking Mechanics

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    The mechanics of thrombus formation includes the interaction of platelets, fibrin, and erythrocytes. The interaction was analyzed as the erythrocyte approaches the activated platelet and fibrin thrombus formation. The discrete element method (DEM) was used for the numerical experiment. Details of numerical experiments are presented by analyzing the dynamics of an erythrocyte in the process of interaction; a history of force, velocity, and displacement is given. It is usually assumed that the objects modeled by the DEM can oscillate during the sticking process. Modeling only this requires specialized knowledge and long-term research. However, by taking into account the influence of the fluid and modeling a soft biological cell, a completely different behavior can be achieved using the DEM method. The results of the numerical experiment show the different behavior of the erythrocyte when it interacts with a certain surface. Without taking into account the influence of the fluid in the sticking process, oscillations of the erythrocyte are observed. Meanwhile, after evaluating the influence of the liquid on the sticking process, there are no oscillations and unloading processes, which are typical for ultrafine objects. It is hoped that this will contribute to the study of the complex process of thrombus formation

    Numerical Modeling of Thrombocyte Interaction Mechanics with a Blood Vessel Wall

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    A platelet (thrombocyte) can be in two states, activated and inactivated. The paper analyzes the interaction of an inactive platelet cell with the wall of a blood vessel. The goal is to analyze and represent the dynamics of platelet cell interaction when a thrombus has not yet formed. The discrete element method (DEM) can be used for the presented model. The paper presents an analysis of the dependence of force and displacement. This test is an introduction to more advanced tests when a blood clot forms

    Teen school anxiety reduction through non-traditional exercise classes

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    The aim: to identify adolescent school anxiety reduction through non-traditional exercise classes. The tasks: Evaluate 14-16 years (grade 9 -10.) pupil school anxiety level; determine how often schools practice non-traditional exercise classes; compare the pupils' school anxiety level with non-traditional exercise classes at a frequency between schools involved in the study. The research hypothesis: In schools, where non-traditional physical activity lessons practice more often, teen’s anxiety level will be lower than for teens whose shools non-traditional lessons apply less frequently. The 14-16-year-olds in school anxiety test using B. Fillipso methodology found that students usually gets general anxiety and frustration towards the objective of social stress and survival factors. The study hypothesis was confirmed, because where the school use non-traditional physical education classes more often, students are characterized by significantly lower overall anxiety, lower social stress survival, lower frustration, lower fears of self-expression and less surrounding expectations no excuse fear than the students from the school, in which non-traditional physical education lessons applied less frequently. Also identify significant differences between school anxiety and sex. It was found that school girls has significantly increased general anxiety, increased social stress survival, more frustration for the purpose for fear of greater self-expression and greater knowledge and greater fear of inspection for fear of problems in relationships with teachers. It was also found that the school, in which non-traditional physical education lessons applied less frequently, ninth grade pupils characterized by higher levels of social stress survival fear, frustration towards the objective of fear, fear of freedom, fear and knowledge verification problems and fears relations with teachers fear than the tenth

    European men Basketball Championship evaluate the organization

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    European Men‘s Basketball championship of 2011 – EuroBasket2011– was the extraordinary event not only in Lithuania, but also in the European history. First time in the history there were 24 high qualification European basketball teams in the European championship. There were almost 300 professional basketball players who were fighting because of medals and permission to London Olympian games. The object of the paper – the organization of European Men‘s Basketball championship. Problem of the paper: what features of European men`s basketball championship organization can be evaluated as positive and negative? The goal of the paper – to analyze the specific organizational features of European Men‘s Basketball (hereinafter – EuroBasket2011) championship. The tasks of the paper: 1. To show Sports events organizational features 2. To carry out Euro Basket 2011 organization situation analysis 3. To compare EuroBasket2011 championship organization to championships that was taken part in other countries. 4. To evaluate EuroBasket2011 championship organization Working methods: 1. Analytical Review of Literature 2. Questionnaire survey. 3. Expert interviews. 4. Descriptive statistical data analysis. Conclusions. The paper, with reference to secondary informational sources, interview, and Eurobasket2011 participants’ survey, analyzes the European basketball championship of 2011 organizational features and identifies related problems. After the informational analysis, we could agree, that Eurobasket2011 was the most successfully organized basketball championship in the Europe – that was also noticed by “FIBA Europe“, participants and international media. It got the highest evaluation not only for the Eurobasket2011 organization, but for other events also, such as the U-16 and U-18 European Men's Basketball Championship, Eurobasket2011 opening ceremony, social events „Go for Lithuania“, 60 000 Basketball ball knocking record and others. All the infrastructure was prepared to meet the highest requirements of „FIBA Europe“. This summer was the time of trial for the basketballs managers of the country and for the organizational committee. Lithuania was the first country in the history who organized the European Men’s Championship that meet the new format – there were 24 participant teams instead of 16. The budget was much smaller than earlier championships in other countries – it was only 23 million Lt. To conclude we could say, that the results were exceeding the expectations even for the organizational committee. It was sold more than 75 percent of tickets to all the Eurobasket2011 games. The incomes from tickets and private sponsors were exceeding planed incomes and covered the Lithuanian Government donation

    Research on wheat and pea sorting in air flow

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    Informacijos šaltinių analizės skyriuje pateikiami grūdų valymo bei rūšiavimo būdai, išnagrinėtos grūdų valomųjų bei pneumatinių grūdų separatorių konstrukcijos, veikimo principai, grūdų bei priemaišų aerodinaminės savybės. Tyrimų rezultatuose pateikti 2018 metais atlikti kviečių Skagen ir žirnių Respect tyrimų rezultatai. Tyrimų metu buvo tiriama oro srauto greičio sklaida pneumatinio grūdų separatoriaus kameroje, atlikti grūdų rūšiavimo tyrimai keičiant oro srauto greitį, tiekiamų kviečių srautą, oro srauto kreipiklių padėties kampą. Tyrimais buvo nustatyta, kad racionalus oro srauto greitis kviečiams rūšiuoti nuožulniame oro sraute yra 7,5 m*s-1, o žirniams – 11,5 m*s-1 tuomet daugiausia grūdų buvo surūšiuota į atskiras frakcijas.Information sources analysis section presents the methods of grain cleaning and sorting, the construction of grain cleaning and pneumatic grain separators, principles of operation, aerodynamic properties of grain and impurities. The results of the research included the results of the wheat Skagen and pea Respect research conducted in 2018. Investigations of air velocity in the pneumatic grain separator chamber, grain-grading studies, changes in airflow rate, flow of wheat supplied, angle of airflow guides were investigated. Studies have shown that the rational air flow rate for wheat sorting in the sloping air stream is 7,5 m*s-1, and that for peas 11,5 m*s-1, then most grains were sorted into separate fractions.Žemės ūkio inžinerijos fakultetasŽemės ūkio inžinerijos ir saugos instituta

    The basic skills of the piano playing. Physiological aspect

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    Skambinimo fortepijonu įgūdžių formavimas yra plati sąvoka, kurios viena dalių yra pianistinė technika, kurią sudaro tokie veiksniai kaip sėdėsena, rankų ir pirštų laikysena, korpuso padėtis, garso formavimas ir artikuliacija, kurie palaipsniui, pratybų dėka, tampa įgūdžiais. Muzikos kūrinio atlikime dalyvauja visa pianisto kūno judėjimo sistema. Taigi jau pradiniame pianisto mokymo etape reikia atsižvelgti ir į fiziologinį skambinimo fortepijonu aspektą. Darbo objektas – pradiniai skambinimo įgūdžiai fiziologiniu aspektu. Tikslas: atskleisti pagrindinius fiziologinius veiksnius formuojant skambinimo įgūdžius pradiniame etape. Darbe apžvelgiama skambinimo fortepijonu metodinė literatūra ir išskiriami bei analizuojami fiziologiniai veiksniai lemiantys pradinių skambinimo fortepijonu įgūdžių formavimą.The concept of shaping piano playing skills is wide, one part of which is the piano technique. It includes factors such as the sitting, arms and finger posture, housing position, the formation of sound and articulation, which gradually, through practice, becomes a skills. At the moment of the performance of the piece of music all the system of movement of the pianist body is involved. So, at the basic piano teaching phase is needed to regard to the physiological factors of piano playing. The object of this study is the basic skills of piano playing from physiology aspect. The aim: to reveal the fundamental physiological factors shaping playing skills at an early stage. The master work provides an overview of piano teaching literature and identifies and analyzes the physiological factors determining the initial piano skills.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    European men Basketball Championship evaluate the organization

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    European Men‘s Basketball championship of 2011 – EuroBasket2011– was the extraordinary event not only in Lithuania, but also in the European history. First time in the history there were 24 high qualification European basketball teams in the European championship. There were almost 300 professional basketball players who were fighting because of medals and permission to London Olympian games. The object of the paper – the organization of European Men‘s Basketball championship. Problem of the paper: what features of European men`s basketball championship organization can be evaluated as positive and negative? The goal of the paper – to analyze the specific organizational features of European Men‘s Basketball (hereinafter – EuroBasket2011) championship. The tasks of the paper: 1. To show Sports events organizational features 2. To carry out Euro Basket 2011 organization situation analysis 3. To compare EuroBasket2011 championship organization to championships that was taken part in other countries. 4. To evaluate EuroBasket2011 championship organization Working methods: 1. Analytical Review of Literature 2. Questionnaire survey. 3. Expert interviews. 4. Descriptive statistical data analysis. Conclusions. The paper, with reference to secondary informational sources, interview, and Eurobasket2011 participants’ survey, analyzes the European basketball championship of 2011 organizational features and identifies related problems. After the informational analysis, we could agree, that Eurobasket2011 was the most successfully organized basketball championship in the Europe – that was also noticed by “FIBA Europe“, participants and international media. It got the highest evaluation not only for the Eurobasket2011 organization, but for other events also, such as the U-16 and U-18 European Men's Basketball Championship, Eurobasket2011 opening ceremony, social events „Go for Lithuania“, 60 000 Basketball ball knocking record and others. All the infrastructure was prepared to meet the highest requirements of „FIBA Europe“. This summer was the time of trial for the basketballs managers of the country and for the organizational committee. Lithuania was the first country in the history who organized the European Men’s Championship that meet the new format – there were 24 participant teams instead of 16. The budget was much smaller than earlier championships in other countries – it was only 23 million Lt. To conclude we could say, that the results were exceeding the expectations even for the organizational committee. It was sold more than 75 percent of tickets to all the Eurobasket2011 games. The incomes from tickets and private sponsors were exceeding planed incomes and covered the Lithuanian Government donation

    Function point analysis

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    For more than 40 years programmers are looking for methods to evaluate the software size. Function point analysis is often presented as most convenient way to accomplish this task. It becomes possible to evaluate productivity and quality of programming process only knowing how to count software size. IFPUG function point counting method is normally used in practice as it is an accurate and language-independent but it may be slow and expensive as well. After determining function point counting type, boundaries and scope, every elementary process of a software is evaluated. At the end of a counting process general system characteristics are used to adjust the value of function point count. The author of this work has counted function points of a small program, analysed the counting process and results. The programmers' performance was measured in hours per function point. In the future function point analysis should become automatic. This would make software creation process quicker and easier, and should be widely used to plan software programming resources and carrying out the work planned