9,444 research outputs found

    Noise Power Spectrum Scene-Dependency in Simulated Image Capture Systems

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    The Noise Power Spectrum (NPS) is a standard measure for image capture system noise. It is derived traditionally from captured uniform luminance patches that are unrepresentative of pictorial scene signals. Many contemporary capture systems apply non- linear content-aware signal processing, which renders their noise scene-dependent. For scene-dependent systems, measuring the NPS with respect to uniform patch signals fails to characterize with accuracy: i) system noise concerning a given input scene, ii) the average system noise power in real-world applications. The scene- and-process-dependent NPS (SPD-NPS) framework addresses these limitations by measuring temporally varying system noise with respect to any given input signal. In this paper, we examine the scene-dependency of simulated camera pipelines in-depth by deriving SPD-NPSs from fifty test scenes. The pipelines apply either linear or non-linear denoising and sharpening, tuned to optimize output image quality at various opacity levels and exposures. Further, we present the integrated area under the mean of SPD-NPS curves over a representative scene set as an objective system noise metric, and their relative standard deviation area (RSDA) as a metric for system noise scene-dependency. We close by discussing how these metrics can also be computed using scene-and-process- dependent Modulation Transfer Functions (SPD-MTF)

    Projective Representations of the Inhomogeneous Hamilton Group: Noninertial Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics

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    Symmetries in quantum mechanics are realized by the projective representations of the Lie group as physical states are defined only up to a phase. A cornerstone theorem shows that these representations are equivalent to the unitary representations of the central extension of the group. The formulation of the inertial states of special relativistic quantum mechanics as the projective representations of the inhomogeneous Lorentz group, and its nonrelativistic limit in terms of the Galilei group, are fundamental examples. Interestingly, neither of these symmetries includes the Weyl-Heisenberg group; the hermitian representations of its algebra are the Heisenberg commutation relations that are a foundation of quantum mechanics. The Weyl-Heisenberg group is a one dimensional central extension of the abelian group and its unitary representations are therefore a particular projective representation of the abelian group of translations on phase space. A theorem involving the automorphism group shows that the maximal symmetry that leaves invariant the Heisenberg commutation relations are essentially projective representations of the inhomogeneous symplectic group. In the nonrelativistic domain, we must also have invariance of Newtonian time. This reduces the symmetry group to the inhomogeneous Hamilton group that is a local noninertial symmetry of Hamilton's equations. The projective representations of these groups are calculated using the Mackey theorems for the general case of a nonabelian normal subgroup


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    The costs of living with wildlife are assessed using Namibian subsistence farmers willingness to pay (WTP) for deterrents to attacks on crops and livestock as a measure of damage costs. A utility-theoretic approach jointly estimates household WTP for deterrent programs in two currencies, maize and cash. This has a double payoff. Use of a noncash staple increases respondent comprehension and provides more information about preferences, improving the accuracy of results. The household shadow value of maize is also identified. Significant costs from living with elephants and other types of wildlife are demonstrated. Compensation for farmers may be warranted on equity and efficiency grounds. Uncontrolled domestic cattle generate even higher costs to farmers than wildlife, highlighting the need to clarify property rights among these farmers.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    A note on monopole moduli spaces

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    We discuss the structure of the framed moduli space of Bogomolny monopoles for arbitrary symmetry breaking and extend the definition of its stratification to the case of arbitrary compact Lie groups. We show that each stratum is a union of submanifolds for which we conjecture that the natural L2L^2 metric is hyperKahler. The dimensions of the strata and of these submanifolds are calculated, and it is found that for the latter, the dimension is always a multiple of four.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    SATCHMO-JS: a webserver for simultaneous protein multiple sequence alignment and phylogenetic tree construction.

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    We present the jump-start simultaneous alignment and tree construction using hidden Markov models (SATCHMO-JS) web server for simultaneous estimation of protein multiple sequence alignments (MSAs) and phylogenetic trees. The server takes as input a set of sequences in FASTA format, and outputs a phylogenetic tree and MSA; these can be viewed online or downloaded from the website. SATCHMO-JS is an extension of the SATCHMO algorithm, and employs a divide-and-conquer strategy to jump-start SATCHMO at a higher point in the phylogenetic tree, reducing the computational complexity of the progressive all-versus-all HMM-HMM scoring and alignment. Results on a benchmark dataset of 983 structurally aligned pairs from the PREFAB benchmark dataset show that SATCHMO-JS provides a statistically significant improvement in alignment accuracy over MUSCLE, Multiple Alignment using Fast Fourier Transform (MAFFT), ClustalW and the original SATCHMO algorithm. The SATCHMO-JS webserver is available at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu/satchmo-js. The datasets used in these experiments are available for download at http://phylogenomics.berkeley.edu/satchmo-js/supplementary/

    On Combining Lensing Shear Information from Multiple Filters

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    We consider the possible gain in the measurement of lensing shear from imaging data in multiple filters. Galaxy shapes may differ significantly across filters, so that the same galaxy offers multiple samples of the shear. On the other extreme, if galaxy shapes are identical in different filters, one can combine them to improve the signal-to-noise and thus increase the effective number density of faint, high redshift galaxies. We use the GOODS dataset to test these scenarios by calculating the covariance matrix of galaxy ellipticities in four visual filters (B,V,i,z). We find that galaxy shapes are highly correlated, and estimate the gain in galaxy number density by combining their shapes.Comment: 8 pages, no figures, submitted to JCA

    Using Machine Learning to Predict Swine Movements within a Regional Program to Improve Control of Infectious Diseases in the US.

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    Between-farm animal movement is one of the most important factors influencing the spread of infectious diseases in food animals, including in the US swine industry. Understanding the structural network of contacts in a food animal industry is prerequisite to planning for efficient production strategies and for effective disease control measures. Unfortunately, data regarding between-farm animal movements in the US are not systematically collected and thus, such information is often unavailable. In this paper, we develop a procedure to replicate the structure of a network, making use of partial data available, and subsequently use the model developed to predict animal movements among sites in 34 Minnesota counties. First, we summarized two networks of swine producing facilities in Minnesota, then we used a machine learning technique referred to as random forest, an ensemble of independent classification trees, to estimate the probability of pig movements between farms and/or markets sites located in two counties in Minnesota. The model was calibrated and tested by comparing predicted data and observed data in those two counties for which data were available. Finally, the model was used to predict animal movements in sites located across 34 Minnesota counties. Variables that were important in predicting pig movements included between-site distance, ownership, and production type of the sending and receiving farms and/or markets. Using a weighted-kernel approach to describe spatial variation in the centrality measures of the predicted network, we showed that the south-central region of the study area exhibited high aggregation of predicted pig movements. Our results show an overlap with the distribution of outbreaks of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, which is believed to be transmitted, at least in part, though animal movements. While the correspondence of movements and disease is not a causal test, it suggests that the predicted network may approximate actual movements. Accordingly, the predictions provided here might help to design and implement control strategies in the region. Additionally, the methodology here may be used to estimate contact networks for other livestock systems when only incomplete information regarding animal movements is available

    Volatility and Agent Adaptability in a Self-Organizing Market

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    We present results for the so-called `bar-attendance' model of market behavior: pp adaptive agents, each possessing nn prediction rules chosen randomly from a pool, attempt to attend a bar whose cut-off is ss. The global attendance time-series has a mean near, but not equal to, ss. The variance, or `volatility', can show a minimum with increasing adaptability of the individual agents.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figs. [email protected], [email protected]

    Bridging the Gap Between Imaging Performance and Image Quality Measures

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    Imaging system performance measures and Image Quality Metrics (IQM) are reviewed from a systems engineering perspective, focusing on spatial quality of still image capture systems. We classify IQMs broadly as: Computational IQMs (CPIQM), Multivariate Formalism IQMs (MF-IQM), Image Fidelity Metrics (IF-IQM), and Signal Transfer Visual IQMs (STV-IQM). Comparison of each genre finds STV-IQMs well suited for capture system quality evaluation: they incorporate performance measures relevant to optical systems design, such as Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Noise-Power Spectrum (NPS); their bottom, modular approach enables system components to be optimised separately. We suggest that correlation between STV IQMs and observer quality scores is limited by three factors: current MTF and NPS measures do not characterize scene-dependent performance introduced by imaging system non-linearities; contrast sensitivity models employed do not account for contextual masking effects; cognitive factors are not considered. We hypothesise that implementation of scene and process-dependent MTF (SPD-MTF) and NPS (SPD-NPS) measures should mitigate errors originating from scene dependent system performance. Further, we propose implementation of contextual contrast detection and discrimination models to better represent low-level visual performance in image quality analysis. Finally, we discuss image quality optimization functions that may potentially close the gap between contrast detection/discrimination and quality

    Scene-and-Process-Dependent Spatial Image Quality Metrics

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    Spatial image quality metrics designed for camera systems generally employ the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF), the Noise Power Spectrum (NPS), and a visual contrast detection model. Prior art indicates that scene-dependent characteristics of non-linear, content-aware image processing are unaccounted for by MTFs and NPSs measured using traditional methods. We present two novel metrics: the log Noise Equivalent Quanta (log NEQ) and Visual log NEQ. They both employ scene-and-process-dependent MTF (SPD-MTF) and NPS (SPD-NPS) measures, which account for signal-transfer and noise scene-dependency, respectively. We also investigate implementing contrast detection and discrimination models that account for scene-dependent visual masking. Further, three leading camera metrics are revised that use the above scene-dependent measures. All metrics are validated by examining correlations with the perceived quality of images produced by simulated camera pipelines. Metric accuracy improved consistently when the SPD-MTFs and SPD-NPSs were implemented. The novel metrics outperformed existing metrics of the same genre