1,923 research outputs found

    M. Peducaeus Plautius Quintillus: Adoption, Marriage, and the Manipulation of Imperial Propinquity

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    M. Peducaeus Plautius Quintillus war der Schwiegersohn von Marcus Aurelius und über seine Mutter zugleich der Neffe von Lucius Verus. Aufgrund seines seltenen nomen wird üblicherweise angenommen, dass er von Peducaeus Stloga adoptiert wurde. Dem stehen epigraphische, onomastische und literarische Hinweise gegenüber, die nahelegen, dass er sein auffĂ€lliges nomen schlicht geerbt hat bzw. dass sein Vater der Adoptivsohn gewesen war. Diese alternativen ErklĂ€rungsmöglichkeiten für Peducaeus’ Namen verdienen eine genaue Analyse, da sie zur Folge hĂ€tten, dass Peducaeus eine direkte Verbindung zur Familie von Lucius Verus aufrechterhielt. Bei einer Untersuchung von Zeitpunkt und Intention der Heirat zwischen Peducaeus und Marcus Aurelius’ Tochter Fadilla muss man daher in Betracht ziehen, dass Peduaceus möglicherweise nicht adoptiert war. Im Kontext der dynastischen und politischen Verflechtungen der spĂ€ten 170er Jahre, wĂ€hrend derer Marcus Aurelius darum bemüht war, die Vorrangstellung seiner eigenen Familie und die Nachfolge von Commodus zu sichern, könnte die Verbindung mit Peducaeus daher die Kooptation eines der letzten mĂ€nnlichen Verwandten von Lucius darstellen. Solch eine Ehe und die mögliche Adoption von Peducaeus haben somit Konsequenzen für unsere EinschĂ€tzung von Marcus Aurelius’ dynastischen PlĂ€nen im letzten Jahrzehnt seines Lebens und darüber hinaus für unsere Interpretation der Funktion von Ehen und Adoptionen unterBeteiligung der Kaiserfamilie in antoninischer Zeit allgemein.M. Peducaeus Plautius Quintillus was the son-in-law of Marcus Aurelius and, through his mother, the nephew of Lucius Verus. Due to his rare nomen, he is usually assumed to have been adopted by Peducaeus Stloga. However, there is epigraphic, textual, and onomastic evidence that strongly suggests that he simply inherited his striking nomen, or that his father was the adoptee. These alternative explanations for Peducaeus’ nomenclature are worth close analysis. If true, they would mean that Peducaeus retained a direct connection to Lucius’ family. An analysis of the timing and purpose of Peducaeus’ marriage to Marcus’ daughter, Fadilla, must therefore take into account the possibility that Peducaeus was not adopted. In the dynastic and political context of the late 170s, as Marcus worked to ensure the succession of Commodus and the primacy of his own family, Peducaeus’ marriage may represent the co-option of one of the few remaining male relatives of Lucius. Such a marriage, and the possible adoption of Peducaeus, have implications for our understanding of Marcus’ dynastic planning in the last decade of his life, and more broadly for how we interpret the function of marriages and adoptions involving members of the Imperial family in the Antonine period.tbaM. Peducaeus Plautius Quintillus Ă©tait le gendre de Marc AurĂšle et de par sa mĂšre, le neveu de Lucius Verus. En raison de son nomen plutĂŽt rare, on suppose gĂ©nĂ©ralement qu’il a Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ© par Peducaeus Stloga. Cependant, des sources Ă©pigraphiques, littĂ©raires et onomastiques suggĂšrent fortement qu’il a simplement hĂ©ritĂ© de ce nomen remarquable ou que son pĂšre a Ă©tĂ© l’adoptĂ©. Ces explications alternatives quant Ă  la nomenclature de Peducaeus mĂ©ritent une analyse dĂ©taillĂ©e. Si elles s’avĂšrent ĂȘtre justes, cela voudrait dire que Peducaeus a gardĂ© un lien direct avec la famille de Lucius. Une analyse des circonstances et du but du mariage de Peducaeus avec la fille de Marc AurĂšle, Fadilla, doit donc prendre en considĂ©ration la possibilitĂ© que Peducaeus n’ait pas Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©. Dans le contexte dynastique et poliprimautĂ© de sa propre famille, le mariage de Peducaeus pourrait ĂȘtre la cooptation d’un des derniers parents mĂąles de Lucius. Un tel mariage et la possible adoption de Peducaeus ont des consĂ©quences sur notre comprĂ©hension de la conception dynastique de Marc AurĂšle dans la derniĂšre dĂ©cennie de sa vie et plus largement sur notre interprĂ©tation du rĂŽle des mariages et adoptions associant des membres de la famille impĂ©riale Ă  l’époque antonine.tb

    Erratum to: “Toc, Tic, and chloroplast protein import” [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1541 (2001) 64–79]

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    AbstractThe vast majority of chloroplast proteins are synthesized in precursor form on cytosolic ribosomes. Chloroplast precursor proteins have cleavable, N-terminal targeting signals called transit peptides. Transit peptides direct precursor proteins to the chloroplast in an organelle-specific way. They can be phosphorylated by a cytosolic protein kinase, and this leads to the formation of a cytosolic guidance complex. The guidance complex—comprising precursor, hsp70 and 14–3–3 proteins, as well as several unidentified components—docks at the outer envelope membrane. Translocation of precursor proteins across the envelope is achieved by the joint action of molecular machines called Toc (translocon at the outer envelope membrane of chloroplasts) and Tic (translocon at the inner envelope membrane of chloroplasts), respectively. The action of the Toc/Tic apparatus requires the hydrolysis of ATP and GTP at different levels, indicating energetic requirements and regulatory properties of the import process. The main subunits of the Toc and Tic complexes have been identified and characterized in vivo, in organello and in vitro. Phylogenetic evidence suggests that several translocon subunits are of cyanobacterial origin, indicating that today's import machinery was built around a prokaryotic core

    Wireless Accelerometer for Neonatal MRI Motion Artifact Correction

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    A wireless accelerometer has been used in conjunction with a dedicated 3T neonatal MRI system installed on a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to measure in-plane rotation which is a common problem with neonatal MRI. Rotational data has been acquired in real-time from phantoms simultaneously with MR images which shows that the wireless accelerometer can be used in close proximity to the MR system. No artifacts were observed on the MR images from the accelerometer or from the MR system on the accelerometer output. Initial attempts to correct the raw data using the measured rotational angles have been performed, but further work will be required to make a robust correction algorithm
