33 research outputs found

    Portfolio of compositions and commentary

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    Enhanced load profiling for residential network customers

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    Anticipating load characteristics on low voltage circuits is an area of increased concern for Distribution Network Operators with uncertainty stemming primarily from the validity of domestic load profiles. Identifying customer behavior makeup on a LV feeder ascertains the thermal and voltage constraints imposed on the network infrastructure; modeling this highly dynamic behavior requires a means of accommodating noise incurred through variations in lifestyle and meteorological conditions. Increased penetration of distributed generation may further worsen this situation with the risk of reversed power flows on a network with no transformer automation. Smart Meter roll-out is opening up the previously obscured view of domestic electricity use by providing high resolution advance data; while in most cases this is provided historically, rather than real-time, it permits a level of detail that could not have previously been achieved. Generating a data driven profile of domestic energy use would add to the accuracy of the monitoring and configuration activities undertaken by DNOs at LV level and higher which would afford greater realism than static load profiles that are in existing use. In this paper, a linear Gaussian load profile is developed that allows stratification to a finer level of detail while preserving a deterministic representation

    Supporting 'design for reuse' with modular design

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    Engineering design reuse refers to the utilization of any knowledge gained from the design activity to support future design. As such, engineering design reuse approaches are concerned with the support, exploration, and enhancement of design knowledge prior, during, and after a design activity. Modular design is a product structuring principle whereby products are developed with distinct modules for rapid product development, efficient upgrades, and possible reuse (of the physical modules). The benefits of modular design center on a greater capacity for structuring component parts to better manage the relation between market requirements and the designed product. This study explores the capabilities of modular design principles to provide improved support for the engineering design reuse concept. The correlations between modular design and 'reuse' are highlighted, with the aim of identifying its potential to aid the little-supported process of design for reuse. In fulfilment of this objective the authors not only identify the requirements of design for reuse, but also propose how modular design principles can be extended to support design for reuse


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    Protection requirement graph for interconnection of distributed generation on distribution level

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    In this paper, the protection issues related to distributed generation in distribution networks are considered. Especially, the requirements for the generation unit's protection are discussed. A new graphical approach is used for finding the unambiguous limits of operation. The method is based on using present network planning systems applied widely among network companies. The features and constraints of these systems are considered. The protection planning and coordination are also discussed in a wider aspect. The method proposed is applied in an example case using actual network data.distributed generation; relay protection; interconnection terms; network planning; power generation; electricity generation; protection planning.

    Coordinated voltage control in distribution networks including several distributed energy resources

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    Sub-Aggregator as a key enabler in harnessing demand response potential of electric vehicles

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    The necessary balance between power consumption and production is at risk due to the diminishing amount of controllable resources in the grid. Demand response has the ability to provide the needed ancillary services for the power system management and create a new stream of revenue for the flexible resource owner. The increasing amount of electric vehicles contain a huge balancing power potential due to their ability to store the electrical energy flexibly from the grid in times of long term parking. Sub-aggregator is an actor who possesses capabilities to monitor and control distributed energy resources. In the case of electric vehicles, Sub-aggregator plans and coordinates the smart charging of vehicles to create additional value for all participants. This paper presents a business model for aggregating distributed energy resources in a cost-efficient manner that is based on minimum investments needed.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Forming a Local Market using a Virtual Energy Community

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