29 research outputs found

    Eficacia de las intervenciones con niños y adolescentes con Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH)

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    This study presents the results of a diachronic literature review of publications about approaches to ADHD treatment, in order to determine the number and efficacy of treatment approaches during the last 25 years. Results derived from this literature review of three temporal periods (1986-1992; 1994-2000; 2001-2011), show that studies were mainly focused on pharmacological treatment. Possible explanations of this trend are argued, emphasising the need to promote multimodal and contextual intervention

    Efficacy of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatments in children and adolescents

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    En este estudio presentamos un análisis diacrónico sobre la investigación en el tratamiento del TDAH infantil y adolescente, para determinar el número y la eficacia de las modalidades de intervención empleadas durante los últimos 25 años. Los resultados derivados de revisiones bibliográficas de tres períodos temporales distintos (1986-1992; 1994-2000; 2001-2011), muestran que la mayoría de ellos se ha centrado en analizar la eficacia del tratamiento farmacológico. Se concluye con explicaciones de esta tendencia, enfatizando la importancia de implementar intervenciones multimodales y contextualizadas.This study presents the results of a diachronic literature review of publications about approaches to ADHD treatment, in order to determine the number and efficacy of treatment approaches during the last 25 years. Results derived from this literature review of three temporal periods (1986-1992; 1994-2000; 2001-2011), show that studies were mainly focused on pharmacological treatment. Possible explanations of this trend are argued, emphasising the need to promote multimodal and contextual intervention

    Effectiveness of a Multimodal Intervention on Social Climate (School and Family) and Performance in Mathematics of Children with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

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    This study analyzes the differential efficacy of a multimodal versus pharmacological intervention in isolation to improve the social climate (school and family) and the performance in mathematics of a sample of 20 children with ADHD aged 7 to 9 years. The multimodal intervention was based on a training program for 20 parents and 20 teachers in the management of ADHD during a school year, in combination with stimulant medication. The results evidenced the superiority of the multimodal intervention compared to the isolated pharmacological intervention to improve various variables of the family climate (Cohesion; Expressiveness; Autonomy and Control), of the school climate (Help; Tasks; Competitiveness; Organization, Clarity and Control), as well as their academic performance in the curricular area of mathematics. Our findings support the need to intervene in the significant contexts in which children with ADHD develop in order to improve their quality of life

    Efficacy of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder treatments in children and adolescents

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    En este estudio presentamos un análisis diacrónico sobre la investigación en el tratamiento del TDAH infantil y adolescente, para determinar el número y la eficacia de las modalidades de intervención empleadas durante los últimos 25 años. Los resultados derivados de revisiones bibliográficas de tres períodos temporales distintos (1986-1992; 1994-2000; 2001-2011), muestran que la mayoría de ellos se ha centrado en analizar la eficacia del tratamiento farmacológico. Se concluye con explicaciones de esta tendencia, enfatizando la importancia de implementar intervenciones multimodales y contextualizadas.This study presents the results of a diachronic literature review of publications about approaches to ADHD treatment, in order to determine the number and efficacy of treatment approaches during the last 25 years. Results derived from this literature review of three temporal periods (1986-1992; 1994-2000; 2001-2011), show that studies were mainly focused on pharmacological treatment. Possible explanations of this trend are argued, emphasising the need to promote multimodal and contextual intervention

    Differential impact of a multimodal versus pharmacological therapy on the core symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in childhood

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relative and differential efficacy of a combined versus medical treatment to reduce the symptoms of ADHD children in the school and family environment. A total of 100 subjects participated: 20 children with ADHD, their 40 parents and their 40 teachers. Half of the subjects were assigned to the drug group and half to the combined (drug plus psychosocial, psychoeducational intervention with teachers and parents / mothers). Results: The group analyses indicated that both treatments were effective, without significant differences between them. Individualized clinical analyses indicated that higher percentages of improvement and normalization were obtained in the children in the combined group than in the drug only group. Our findings point to the desirability of implementing multimodal, multicontextual interventions, and long-lasting for ADHD in childhood

    Propuesta de formación inicial del profesorado en competencias emocionales: autorregulación y autonomía emocional

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    Podeu consultar el document complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/5858

    Validación de las actividades docentes para la mejora de la competencia comunicativa oral, personal y social de estudiantes de primero de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/164579[spa] El objetivo de esta investigación fue validar una propuesta docente implementada a 14 alumnos de primero de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria de un centro público para mejorar la competencia personal y social y la competencia lingüística oral a través de la metodología conversacional (Gràcia et al., 2015) y la personalización de los aprendizajes (Coll, 2018). La propuesta fue desarrollada por la docente, principal investigadora, en la asignatura optativa de mediación y consistió en plantear diferentes actividades adaptadas a los intereses de los alumnos en el contexto del aula. Durante las primeras clases, se exploraron sus conocimientos previos sobre conflictos personales y emociones, nivel de autoconocimiento y percepción del clima en el aula, así como sus intereses y motivaciones de aprendizaje. Esta información ayudó a articular y presentar las actividades, prestando especial atención al contexto físico y social del aula. El resultado de la implementación fue evaluado por diferentes instrumentos aplicados a los alumnos y la docente, entre los que se encuentran rúbricas, cuestionarios y la aplicación digital EVALOE-SSD. El análisis de los diferentes resultados mostró que la implementación de la propuesta docente mejoró, entre otros, las habilidades docentes de la profesora y la competencia lingüística oral de los alumnos, así como el clima en el aula, la autoestima y el nivel de autoconocimiento de los alumnos.[eng] The objective of this research was to validate a teaching proposal implemented to 14 students of Secondary Education of a public school to improve personal-social skill and oral linguistic skill though conversational methodology (Gràcia et al., 2015) and the personalization of learning (Coll, 2018). The proposal was developed by the teacher, main researcher, in the optional subject of mediation and consisted of presenting different activities adapted to the interest of the students in the context of the classroom. During the first classes, their previous knowledge about personal conflicts and emotions, level of self-knowledge and perception of the working environment in the classroom, as well as their interests and learning motivations, were explored. This information helped to articulate and present the activities, paying special attention to the physical and social context of the classroom. The results of the implementation was evaluated by different instruments applied to students and the teacher, among which are rubrics, questionnaires and the digital application EVALOE- SSD. The analysis of the different results showed that the implementation of the teaching proposal was able to improve, among others, the teaching skills, the oral linguistic competence of the students as well as the working environment in the classroom, the self-esteem and the level of the self-knowledge of the students

    El yoga y la meditación como tratamientos complementarios para el trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH) en la infancia

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    Podeu consultar el document complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/5858

    L'ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de la llengua oral a les aules universitàries

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/164497L’article aborda la qüestió de les estratègies que utilitza el docent per aconseguir que l’aula universitària sigui un context comunicatiu i discursiu. En el text, s’hi argumenta que, en la formació inicial de mestres, cal promoure la reflexió sobre la importància de dotar-se d’instruments d’anàlisi i de pràctica docent en relació amb l’ensenyament i l’aprenentatge de la llengua oral. Es descriuen dos estudis els resultats dels quals indiquen que els professors incorporen a les seves classes elements de la metodologia conversacional que possibiliten als estudiants la presa de consciència sobre les seves competències comunicatives per participar activament, gestionant adequadament la conversa i argumentant les seves opinions i afirmacions. S’exposen alguns compromisos que la universitat podria assumir per contribuir a la millora de la competència oral dels estudiants

    Assessment of Apps Aimed at Developing Basic Instrumental Skills in Autistic Children and Teenagers

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    It is crucial for families and professionals to promote basic instrumental skills in children with autism, as these skills can help with comprehensive growth and development, and are a starting point in acquiring the essential tools needed for one to live an independent and successful life, These skills include oral language, reading, writing, and mathematics. Therefore, given that ICT and mobile applications (apps) are effective tools that offer suitable content, and are designed exclusively for people with this disorder, working on these skills with apps is an interesting option that is worthy of our attention. We analyzed 88 apps that focused on these skills, through a duly validated system of indicators, calculating frequencies, percentages, measures of central tendency and dispersion, and non-parametric contrast statistics. The app search was carried out in the Google Play Store, with the keyword “autism”, in English and in Spanish. Most of the apps focused on aspects linked to oral language and reading, but few were aimed at reading and mathematics. In addition to the apps’ lack of specialization in the last two skills, the vast majority did not specify the age group for which their content was intended.University of Granada and Spanish Ministry of Education, Innovation, and Universities (aid for university teacher training (FPU19/00026)