44 research outputs found

    Interrelated aspects of residential suburbanization and collective quality of life: A case study in Czech suburbs

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    Most people moving to suburban municipalities seek to enhance their quality of life. However, residential suburbanization may contribute to spatial separation of the population and adversely affect the collective quality of life. This article focuses on socio-geographical aspects of quality of life in the context of suburbanization from a theoretical perspective and also based on a case study in the countryside around the Czech city of Olomouc. Due to the complex nature of this issue, a range of qualitatively oriented methods was applied in the municipalities most affected by residential suburbanization. The findings of the case study show that quality of life for people living in these suburbs is influenced by geographical conditions as well as relations within the community and residents’ participation in public life in the municipality

    Increased risk of traffic accidents in subjects with latent toxoplasmosis: a retrospective case-control study

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    BACKGROUND: The parasite Toxoplasma gondii infects 30–60% of humans worldwide. Latent toxoplasmosis, i.e., the life-long presence of Toxoplasma cysts in neural and muscular tissues, leads to prolongation of reaction times in infected subjects. It is not known, however, whether the changes observed in the laboratory influence the performance of subjects in real-life situations. METHODS: The seroprevalence of latent toxoplasmosis in subjects involved in traffic accidents (N = 146) and in the general population living in the same area (N = 446) was compared by a Mantel-Haenszel test for age-stratified data. Correlation between relative risk of traffic accidents and level of anti-Toxoplasma antibody titre was evaluated with the Cochran-Armitage test for trends. RESULTS: A higher seroprevalence was found in the traffic accident set than in the general population (Chi(2)(MH) = 21.45, p < 0.0001). The value of the odds ratio (OR) suggests that subjects with latent toxoplasmosis had a 2.65 (C.I.(95)= 1.76–4.01) times higher risk of an accident than the toxoplasmosis-negative subjects. The OR significantly increased with level of anti-Toxoplasma antibody titre (p < 0.0001), being low (OR = 1.86, C.I.(95) = 1.14–3.03) for the 99 subjects with low antibody titres (8 and 16), higher (OR = 4.78, C.I.(95) = 2.39–9.59) for the 37 subjects with moderate titres (32 and 64), and very high (OR = 16.03, C.I.(95) = 1.89–135.66) for the 6 subjects with titres higher than 64. CONCLUSION: The subjects with latent toxoplasmosis have significantly increased risk of traffic accidents than the noninfected subjects. Relative risk of traffic accidents decreases with the duration of infection. These results suggest that 'asymptomatic' acquired toxoplasmosis might in fact represent a serious and highly underestimated public health problem, as well as an economic problem

    Slags after smelting of polymetallic ores from the locality Čejkov-Trsov (Pelhřimov Ore District)

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    Slags after smelting of polymetallic ores occur at the locality Čejkov-Trsov which represents medieval smelting site and lies approximately 1 030 m SE from the center of the Čejkov village. Samples collected during archaeological excavation were obtained from the Museum Vysočiny Jihlava. Bulk chemical analyses show that studied slags are dominated by SiO2-FeO-Al2O3 oxides (sum of these three components is 75.27–88.81 wt. %). Unusual are high barium (up to 9.2 wt. % of Ba) and lead contents (up to 15.0 wt. % of Pb) as well as low zinc contents (230–3780 ppm). All samples except one are generally CaO poor (an exception is sample CT4 containing 6.03 wt. % CaO) which probably refl ect lack of CaO – based additives. Light microscopy and EDS analyses on an electron microprobe proved following phases: spinelides, olivine, feldspars, pyroxene, glass and quartz. Spinelides are the most variable in their composition ranging from almost pure magnetite (92 mol. % of magnetite, 5 mol. % of spinel and 3 mol. % of galaxite) to spinel-rich hercynite (50 mol. % of hercynite, 45 mol. % of spinel and 5 mol. % of magnetite). Olivine is represented by fayalite (89–90 mol. % Fa, 5–7 mol. % Te, 4–5 mol. % Fo). Newly formed feldspars are present in all studied samples and contain up to 22.8 wt. % of BaO (44–50 mol. % of orthoclase, 40–47 mol. % of celsiane and 9–11 mol. % of albite). Ca-Fe pyroxene (Fs52Wo38En11–Fs51Wo37En13) was formed probably due to high enough temperature and a sufficient CaO content. Cracked quartz grains are present within all samples. They were more or less corroded by a slag melt.Slags after smelting of polymetallic ores occur at the locality Čejkov-Trsov which represents medieval smelting site and lies approximately 1 030 m SE from the center of the Čejkov village. Samples collected during archaeological excavation were obtained from the Museum Vysočiny Jihlava. Bulk chemical analyses show that studied slags are dominated by SiO2-FeO-Al2O3 oxides (sum of these three components is 75.27–88.81 wt. %). Unusual are high barium (up to 9.2 wt. % of Ba) and lead contents (up to 15.0 wt. % of Pb) as well as low zinc contents (230–3780 ppm). All samples except one are generally CaO poor (an exception is sample CT4 containing 6.03 wt. % CaO) which probably refl ect lack of CaO – based additives. Light microscopy and EDS analyses on an electron microprobe proved following phases: spinelides, olivine, feldspars, pyroxene, glass and quartz. Spinelides are the most variable in their composition ranging from almost pure magnetite (92 mol. % of magnetite, 5 mol. % of spinel and 3 mol. % of galaxite) to spinel-rich hercynite (50 mol. % of hercynite, 45 mol. % of spinel and 5 mol. % of magnetite). Olivine is represented by fayalite (89–90 mol. % Fa, 5–7 mol. % Te, 4–5 mol. % Fo). Newly formed feldspars are present in all studied samples and contain up to 22.8 wt. % of BaO (44–50 mol. % of orthoclase, 40–47 mol. % of celsiane and 9–11 mol. % of albite). Ca-Fe pyroxene (Fs52Wo38En11–Fs51Wo37En13) was formed probably due to high enough temperature and a sufficient CaO content. Cracked quartz grains are present within all samples. They were more or less corroded by a slag melt

    Medieval barium-rich slags after melting of polymetallic ores from selected sites in Jihlava

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    The studied slags originating from western part of town of Jihlava are predominantly composed of glass and unmelted corroded grains of quartz. Newly formed phases (barium-rich feldspars and sulphide inclusions) are only accessoric. Feldspar contains up to 72 mol. % of celsiane component. Sulphides form droplets (typically X0 μm, rarely bigger than 0.5 mm) composed of pyrrhotite and sphalerite. Bulk slags show elevated heavy metals, especially Pb (up to 0,35 wt. %) and Zn (up to 1.35 wt. %), however, these values are significantly lower than in case of other published localities. The presence of high content of Ba in bulk slag, which is always higher than 5 wt. % BaO, is unique. The WDX analyses of glass showed up to 23.3 wt. % BaO and strongly heterogeneous distribution of Ba. Viscosity index v.i. and dynamic viscosity log η were calculated from bulk chemistry. The calculated values appear to be overestimated due to unusual chemical composition. It would lead to ineffective smelting procedure and/or necessity of very high temperatures. To compare obtained values with reality the melting experiments in an electric oven were realized. Maximum achievable temperature of 1 100 °C led to a complete melting of all samples except the quartz-rich one.The studied slags originating from western part of town of Jihlava are predominantly composed of glass and unmelted corroded grains of quartz. Newly formed phases (barium-rich feldspars and sulphide inclusions) are only accessoric. Feldspar contains up to 72 mol. % of celsiane component. Sulphides form droplets (typically X0 μm, rarely bigger than 0.5 mm) composed of pyrrhotite and sphalerite. Bulk slags show elevated heavy metals, especially Pb (up to 0,35 wt. %) and Zn (up to 1.35 wt. %), however, these values are significantly lower than in case of other published localities. The presence of high content of Ba in bulk slag, which is always higher than 5 wt. % BaO, is unique. The WDX analyses of glass showed up to 23.3 wt. % BaO and strongly heterogeneous distribution of Ba. Viscosity index v.i. and dynamic viscosity log η were calculated from bulk chemistry. The calculated values appear to be overestimated due to unusual chemical composition. It would lead to ineffective smelting procedure and/or necessity of very high temperatures. To compare obtained values with reality the melting experiments in an electric oven were realized. Maximum achievable temperature of 1 100 °C led to a complete melting of all samples except the quartz-rich one

    Phase composition of Medieval slags after smelting of Pb-Ag ores from the metallurgical complex Plandry near Jihlava

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    Slags after silver smelting from the metallurgical site Plandry near Jihlava were examined in order to assess the conditions of smelting and composition of the charge. Samples were studied by a polarizing microscope in transmitted and refl ected light and selected phases were analyzed using electron microprobe. Two different types of slag were specifi ed on the basis of their phase composition. The first is made up of glass, olivine, and sulphides. In the second type, olivine and glass predominate and spinelide, K-Ba-feldspar, leucite, and sulphides are present in less quantity. Sulphides are present as droplets formed by the Cu-Fe-S matrix with inclusions of shandite, sphalerite, and an unknown Cu-Pb-S phase. Slag contains also relicts of unmelted quartz and chromspinel. The presence of Fe3+ in newly formed spinelide reflects at least partially oxic conditions during melting. The mesothermal type of ore with gangue formed by quartz, barite, and carbonate of the dolomite-ankerite series was probably processed. Low contents of lead in glass as well as low volume of Pb-Ag-bearing sulphides reflect good yield of metals of interest (Pb, Ag). Slags represent a potential environmental hazard due to relatively high contents of Zn (up to 6.6 wt. % ZnO in the glass).Slags after silver smelting from the metallurgical site Plandry near Jihlava were examined in order to assess the conditions of smelting and composition of the charge. Samples were studied by a polarizing microscope in transmitted and refl ected light and selected phases were analyzed using electron microprobe. Two different types of slag were specifi ed on the basis of their phase composition. The first is made up of glass, olivine, and sulphides. In the second type, olivine and glass predominate and spinelide, K-Ba-feldspar, leucite, and sulphides are present in less quantity. Sulphides are present as droplets formed by the Cu-Fe-S matrix with inclusions of shandite, sphalerite, and an unknown Cu-Pb-S phase. Slag contains also relicts of unmelted quartz and chromspinel. The presence of Fe3+ in newly formed spinelide reflects at least partially oxic conditions during melting. The mesothermal type of ore with gangue formed by quartz, barite, and carbonate of the dolomite-ankerite series was probably processed. Low contents of lead in glass as well as low volume of Pb-Ag-bearing sulphides reflect good yield of metals of interest (Pb, Ag). Slags represent a potential environmental hazard due to relatively high contents of Zn (up to 6.6 wt. % ZnO in the glass)

    Sulphidic phases in medieval slags after smelting of Ag ores in the Jihlava and the Havlíčkův Brod Ore Districts

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    Sulphide phases were studied in glassy and crystalline slags after smelting of polymetallic ores from the Jihlava and the Havlíčkův Brod Ore Districts. Sulphides usually form droplets from μm to mm in diameter. They exhibit complex composition with prevalence of pyrrhotite and sphalerite. Rudashevskyite (Fe,Zn)S occurs as a result of isomorphic substitution of Fe by Zn. Cu was rarely identified as native metal but usually it represents an admixture in a Cu-Fe-S phase with stoichiometry close to bornite. Pb is mainly present as galena or lead monoxide. Native silver as well as Ba-analogon of apatite were also identifi ed. For evaluation of potential release of heavy metals due to the preferential dissolution of sulphides and metallic phases, leaching tests in aqueous solution of sodium acetate were carried out. Data from leaching tests were compared with limit values defined by USEPA (1994) for solid wastes. The limit values were not exceeded only in case of Cd and As. The limit for Pb was exceeded in all cases except for one sample. For assessing of Zn and Cu limits for acute toxicity defi ned for aquatic habitats (USEPA 2006) were used; the obtained concentrations in leachates were several orders of magnitude higher.Sulphide phases were studied in glassy and crystalline slags after smelting of polymetallic ores from the Jihlava and the Havlíčkův Brod Ore Districts. Sulphides usually form droplets from μm to mm in diameter. They exhibit complex composition with prevalence of pyrrhotite and sphalerite. Rudashevskyite (Fe,Zn)S occurs as a result of isomorphic substitution of Fe by Zn. Cu was rarely identified as native metal but usually it represents an admixture in a Cu-Fe-S phase with stoichiometry close to bornite. Pb is mainly present as galena or lead monoxide. Native silver as well as Ba-analogon of apatite were also identifi ed. For evaluation of potential release of heavy metals due to the preferential dissolution of sulphides and metallic phases, leaching tests in aqueous solution of sodium acetate were carried out. Data from leaching tests were compared with limit values defined by USEPA (1994) for solid wastes. The limit values were not exceeded only in case of Cd and As. The limit for Pb was exceeded in all cases except for one sample. For assessing of Zn and Cu limits for acute toxicity defi ned for aquatic habitats (USEPA 2006) were used; the obtained concentrations in leachates were several orders of magnitude higher

    Isokinetic Strength Profile Of Knee Flexors And Extensors In Young Soccer Players

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    Cieľom štúdie bolo stanoviť profil izokinetickej sily flexorov a extenzorov kolena u mladých futbalovýchhráčov pri koncentrickej svalovej kontrakcii. V prípade flexorov kolena bolo cieľom zistiť taktiež silu pri excentrickej kontrakcii a jej porovnanie s koncentrickou kontrakciou. Sledovanou skupinou boli hráči futbalu kategorie U17 (n = 19, vek = 16,4±0,3 rokov), ktorí hrajú najvyššiu domácu dorasteneckú ligovú súťaž. Parametre izokinetickej sily sme zisťovali pomocou izokinetického dynamomentru Cybex Humac Norm v uhlových rýchlostiach 30, 60 a 120 °/s pri excentrickej kontrakcii a v rýchlostiach 60, 180, 240 a 300 °/s pri koncentrickej kontrakcii. Výsledky nepreukázali signifikantné rozdiely svalovej sily flexorov kolena pri excentrickej kontrakcii v  troch sledovaných rýchlostiach (p>0,05). V  prípade koncentrickej svalovej činnosti boli zistené signifikantné rozdiely v produkcii svalovej sily v závislosti od uhlovej rýchlosti pohybu u flexorov i extenzorov kolena, keď so zvyšujúcou sa uhlovou rýchlosťou došlo k nižšej produkcii svalovej sily (p0,05). Regarding the concentric contraction we found significant differences for strength production depending on angular velocity for both knee extensors and flexors (p<0,01). Knee flexors generated more strength during eccentric contraction compared to concentric contraction. The strength profiles developed in the present study can assist in the establishment of baseline data in young soccer players or for comparison values with other researchers

    Active Mass Quality And Segmental Distribution Of Body Fluids As A Precondition For Performance In Top-Performance Female Basketball Players

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    Príspevok prezentuje kvalitu aktívnej hmoty (netuková hmota, svalová hmota) a segmentálnu distribúciu tekutín v tele ako predpoklad výkonu u vrcholových basketbalistiek, strieborných medailistiek Majstrovstiev sveta 2010. Získané dáta preukázali úroveň netukovej hmoty (60,96±5,35 kg) a svalovej hmoty (57,07±5,0 kg) na úrovni elitných športovcov. Tuková hmota preukázala nižšie percentuálne zastúpenie ako je dostupnouliteratúrou prezentované (14,34±2,37 %). Na základe získaných dát nie je možné jednoznačne vyjadriť trend pri zastúpení u jednotlivých hráčskych postov. Segmentálne rozloženie tekutín preukázalo asymetriu v prospech dominantnej končatiny pri horných končatinách (p <0,01), čo indikuje nevyhnutnosť realizácie cvičení pre kompenzáciu zisteného bilaterálneho deficitu. V závere autori diskutujú o potrebe kontinuálneho sledovaniazmien kvality telesného zloženia v zmysle pozorovania jednotlivých zložiek vody resp. priamo a nepriamo merateľných parametrov pri bioimpedančnom meraní.The article presents active mass quality (fat free mass, muscle mass) and segmental distribution of body fluids as a prerequisite of performance in elite female basketball players who were silver medallists at 2010 World Championship. The collected data indicated the level of fat free mass (60.96±5.35 kg) and muscle mass (57.07±5.0 kg) of these elite athletes. Fat mass showed a lower percentage than is presented by available literature (14.34±2.37 %). Based on the collected data, it is not possible to definitely express a trend in proportion for individual playing positions. Segmental distribution of body fluids revealed a symmetry in favour of a dominant upper limb (p < 0.01), which indicate the need to perform exercises in order to compensate for detected bilateral deficit. In conclusion, the authors discuss the necessity of continually monitoring changes in body composition quality and in terms of monitoring the individual components of water both direct and indirect measurable parameters in bioimpedance measurement, respectively

    Body Composition And Distribution Of Liquids In Female Elite Handball Players

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    Oblasť telesného zloženia v športe si vyžaduje veľkú pozornosť. Nadmerné množstvo tukovej hmoty predstavuje mŕtvu hmotnosť zvlášť v situáciách pre hádzanú typických – výskokoch, kde telesná hmota musí byť v priebehu lokomócie a výskokov opakovane prekonávaná proti gravitácii. Cieľom štúdie bolo zistiť telesné zloženie a distribúciu tekutín v jednotlivých segmentoch tela u reprezentačného tímu hádzanej (n = 16, vek 24,0±3,5 roku, telesná výška 176,0±6,5 cm, telesná hmotnosť 72,5±8,3 kg). Telesné zloženie bolo merané pomocou multifrekvenčnej bioimpedančnej metódy InBody (Biospace). Sledovanými parametrami bolo absolútne a relatívne množstvo netukovej hmoty (FFM a FFM/TH), percentuálne zastúpenie tukovej hmoty (FM), absolútne a relatívne množstvo vnútrobunečnej hmoty (BCM a BCM/TH), celková voda v tele (TBW) s rozlíšením extracelulárnej (ECW) a intracelulárnej tekutiny (ICW), segmentálne rozloženie tekutín v tele. V sledovanom súbore sme zaznamenali priemernú hodnotu TBW = 42,58 ± 3,99 l. Priemerná hodnota ICW bola 28,92 ± 2,53 l (67,92 %). Priemerná hodnota ECW bola 13,66 ± 1,57 l (32,08 %). FM činila priemerne 20,16 ± 4,08 %. FFM činila pre celý súbor 57,82 ± 5,27 kg, v relatívnom vyjadrení 0,80 ± 0,04. BCM mala v sledovanom súbore priemerné zastúpenie 40,47 ± 3,55 kg, v relatívnom vyjadrení 0,56 ± 0,03. Pri sledovaní rozloženia tekutín na končatinách sme zaznamenali významný rozdiel len pri horných končetinách (t15 = 5,95; p 0,05). Jednotlivé parametre telesného zloženia vypovedajú o hodnotách zodpovedajúcich športu elitnej úrovne. Pri interindividuálnom hodnotení boli zistené rozdiely z hľadiska hráčskej funkcie, u samotných parametrov telesného zloženia nie je však možné vyjadriť jednoznačne trend v závislosti od hráčskej funkcie. Nami prezentované výsledky môžu pomôcť ako istý vrcholový štandard pre porovnávanie kvality telesného zloženia hráčok nižšej výkonnostnej úrovne s cieľom optimalizovať a kompenzovať zistené rozdiely.The topic of body composition in sport requires a great deal of attention. Excessive adipose tissue acts as a dead weight, especially in situations characteristic of a handball jump, when body weight must be repeatedly lifted against gravity during locomotion and jumping. The purpose of the study was to determine body composition and distribution of liquids in individual body segments in a national team of female handball players (n = 16, age 24,0±3,5 years, body height 176,0±6,5 cm, body weight 72,5±8,3 kg). Body composition was measured by means of a multifrequency bioimpedance method InBody (Biospace). The examined parameters were the following: absolute and relative amount of fat free mass (FFM and FFM/BW), percentage of fat mass (FM), absolute and relative amount of body cell mass (BCM and BCM/TH), total body water (TBW) distinguishing extracellular water (ECW) and intracellular water (ICW) and distribution of body liquids in individual segments. In the monitored group, we recorded the mean value of TBW = 42,58±3,99. The mean value of ICW was 28,92±2,53 l (67.92 %). The mean value of ECW was 13.66±1,57 l (32,08 %). FM made 20,16 ± 4,08 %. FFM for the whole sample was 57,82±5,27 kg; in relative values it was 0,80±0,04. The mean proportion of BCM in the monitored group was 40,47±3,55 kg, in relative values 0,56 ± 0.03. Monitoring distribution of liquids in the extremities only showed a significant difference in the upper extremities (t15 = 5,95; p 0,01). In the lower extremities, we found out an equal proportion of liquids with an insignificant difference between the observed segments (t15 = 0,41; p > 0,05). Individual parameters of body composition indicate values corresponding to elite sport. Interindividual assessment revealed differences in terms of player’s function; however, when assessing parameters of body composition, it is not possible to express clearly the trend in the dependence on player’s function. Results of our study may help ascertain a standard for comparison of body composition in female players of a lower performance level with the aim of optimisation and compensation of differences

    The Level Of Aerobic Capacity Of Elite Junior Team And Senior Professional Team At The Beginning Of The Preparatory Period In Soccer

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    Cílem této studie bylo zjištění a porovnání aktuálního stavu aerobní kapacity mezi profesionálním seniorským týmem a věkově nejstarším elitním dorosteneckým týmem na začátku přípravného období ve fotbale. Kategorie seniorských hráčů byla tvořena 17 hráči (věk: 23,5 ± 3,2 let, tělesná hmotnost: 76,5 ± 4,2 kg, tělesná výška: 183,3 ± 3,2 cm, BMI: 22,8 ± 0,7 kg.cm-2) a kategorii U19 tvořilo 14 hráčů (věk: 18,3 ± 0,2 let, tělesná hmotnost: 74,9 ± 6,5 kg, tělesná výška: 181,5 ± 6,3 a BMI: 22,8 ± 0,6 kg.cm-2). K monitorování a hodnocení aerobních parametrů byl použit Yo-Yo intermitentní recovery test 1 (Yo-Yo IRT1). Na základě celkové uběhnuté vzdálenosti a parametru VO2max byl výsledek při porovnání rozdílů průměrů sledovaných skupin statisticky významný. Parametry SFmax a pokles SF za 1 minutu nebyly signifikantně významné. Přechod z dorostenecké do seniorské kategorie zvyšuje nároky na rychlost v utkání či provádění individuálních herních činností. Všechny zjišťované parametry těchto kategorií jsou pouze předpokladem pro vrcholový výkon v utkání.The aim of this study was to determine and compare the state of aerobic capacity of a men's professional soccer team against the oldest junior elite team at the beginning of practice period. The group of the adult players consisted of 17 players (age: 23,5 ± 3,2 years, body weight: 76,5 ± 4,2 kg, height: 183,3 ± 3,2 cm, BMI: 22.8 ± 0.7 kg.m-2) the Under 19 group consisted of 14 players (age: 18.3 ± 0.2 years, body weight: 74.9 ± 6.5 kg, height: 181.5 ± 6.3 cm and BMI: 22.8 ± 0.7 kg.m-2). Monitoring and evaluation of aerobic parameters used the Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test 1 (Yo-Yo IRT1). The difference between the groups was statistically significant when comparing averages of the results based on the overall distance run and the parameter VO2max. Differences in parameters HRmax and decrease of HR in 1 minute were not statistically significant. A transition from a junior category to an adult, puts significant demands on the speed within the game and performance of the individual in-game activities. All the surveyed parameters are necessary prerequisites for top performance in a match