80 research outputs found

    Depolarization induced suppression of excitation and the emergence of ultra-slow rhythms in neural networks

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    Ultra-slow fluctuations (0.01-0.1 Hz) are a feature of intrinsic brain activity of as yet unclear origin. We propose a candidate mechanism based on retrograde endocannabinoid signaling in a synaptically coupled network of excitatory neurons. This is known to cause depolarization-induced suppression of excitation (DISE), which we model phenomenologically. We construct emergent network oscillations in a globally coupled network and show that for strong synaptic coupling DISE can lead to a synchronized population burst at the frequencies of resting brain rhythms

    Using computational models to relate structural and functional brain connectivity

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    Modern imaging methods allow a non-invasive assessment of both structural and functional brain connectivity. This has lead to the identification of disease-related alterations affecting functional connectivity. The mechanism of how such alterations in functional connectivity arise in a structured network of interacting neural populations is as yet poorly understood. Here we use a modeling approach to explore the way in which this can arise and to highlight the important role that local population dynamics can have in shaping emergent spatial functional connectivity patterns. The local dynamics for a neural population is taken to be of the Wilson–Cowan type, whilst the structural connectivity patterns used, describing long-range anatomical connections, cover both realistic scenarios (from the CoComac database) and idealized ones that allow for more detailed theoretical study. We have calculated graph–theoretic measures of functional network topology from numerical simulations of model networks. The effect of the form of local dynamics on the observed network state is quantified by examining the correlation between structural and functional connectivity. We document a profound and systematic dependence of the simulated functional connectivity patterns on the parameters controlling the dynamics. Importantly, we show that a weakly coupled oscillator theory explaining these correlations and their variation across parameter space can be developed. This theoretical development provides a novel way to characterize the mechanisms for the breakdown of functional connectivity in diseases through changes in local dynamics

    Using computational models to relate structural and functional brain connectivity

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    Modern imaging methods allow a non-invasive assessment of both structural and functional brain connectivity. This has lead to the identification of disease-related alterations affecting functional connectivity. The mechanism of how such alterations in functional connectivity arise in a structured network of interacting neural populations is as yet poorly understood. Here we use a modeling approach to explore the way in which this can arise and to highlight the important role that local population dynamics can have in shaping emergent spatial functional connectivity patterns. The local dynamics for a neural population is taken to be of the Wilson–Cowan type, whilst the structural connectivity patterns used, describing long-range anatomical connections, cover both realistic scenarios (from the CoComac database) and idealized ones that allow for more detailed theoretical study. We have calculated graph–theoretic measures of functional network topology from numerical simulations of model networks. The effect of the form of local dynamics on the observed network state is quantified by examining the correlation between structural and functional connectivity. We document a profound and systematic dependence of the simulated functional connectivity patterns on the parameters controlling the dynamics. Importantly, we show that a weakly coupled oscillator theory explaining these correlations and their variation across parameter space can be developed. This theoretical development provides a novel way to characterize the mechanisms for the breakdown of functional connectivity in diseases through changes in local dynamics

    Winery on the outskirts of the city of Modra

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    Bc. Jaroslav Hlinka, Vinárstvo na okraji mesta Modra, Ostrava, 2021/2022. Diplomová práca. Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta stavební. Katedra architektury. Vedúci práce. Ing. arch. Zdeněk Trefil. Predmetom diplomovej práce je návrh vinárstva s priľahlým verejným priestorom vo vinárskom meste na východnom úpätí Malých Karpát v okrese Pezinok – v Modre. Lokalita návrhu sa nachádza na severnom kopci na periférií mesta s priamym výhľadom na Modru. Lokalita, terén pozemku je svažitý na južnú a východnú stranu. Okrem scelenia samotného pestovania a funkcie vinárstva – výroba, balenie, skladovanie, expedícia, predaj vína... – na jednom mieste, je zámerom práce aj využitie lukratívneho umiestnenia s výhľadom na vytvorenie reprezentatívneho miesta slúžiaceho nie len na degustácie, rekreačné účely ale aj možnosť krátkodobého ubytovania z ktorého môžu ťažiť nie len samotný majiteľ vinárstva, ale celé mesto Modra.Bc. Jaroslav Hlinka, Winery on the outskirts of the city of Modra, Ostrava, 2021/2022, Diploma thesis. VSB - Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Architecture. Thesis supervisor: Ing. arch. Zdeněk Trefil. The subject of the diploma thesis is the design of a winery with the adjacent public space of the building in a wine town at the eastern foot of the Little Carpathians in the district of Pezinok - in Modra. The location of the design is located on a northern hill on the outskirts of the city with a direct view of the city of Modra. Location, the terrain of the plot is sloping to the south and east. In addition to combining the cultivation itself and the function of the winery - production, packaging, storage, shipping, sale of wine ... - in one place, the work aims also to use a lucrative location with a view to create a representative place for not only degustation, recreational purposes but also the possibility short-term accommodation from which not only the owner of the winery but the whole city of Modra can benefit.226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    Studying spontaneous brain activity with neuroimaging methods and mathematical modelling

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    The study of spontaneous brain activity using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a relatively young and rapidly developing field born in the mid-nineties. So far, sufficiently solid foundations have been established, mainly in validating the neuronal origin of a significant component of observed low-frequency fluctuations in the 'resting state' fMRI signal. Nevertheless, the field is still facing several major challenges. This thesis first reviews the current state of knowledge and subsequently proceeds to present original research results that are directed towards overcoming these challenges. The first challenge stems from the indirect nature of the fMRI recordings, obscuring the interpretation in terms of the underlying neuronal activity. Two investigations related to this are presented. First, I show that increased head-movement, epiphenomenal to altered states of consciousness, can lead to spurious increases in low-frequency fluctuations in fMRI signal. This may adversely affect inferences on the underlying neurophysiological processes. Second, I demonstrate a direct electrophysiological correlate of increased synchronisation of fMRI activity in areas of the much studied default-mode network. By directly studying electrophysiological correlates of fMRI-based functional connectivity, this study took a pioneering approach to confirming the biological validity of the fMRI functional connectivity concept. Another widely debated question within the field is the optimal method for extracting relevant information from the extreme volumes of neuroimaging data. I present an investigation providing insights and practical recommendations for this question, based on assessing the interdependence information neglected by the commonly used linear correlation for fMRI functional connectivity studies. The results suggest that in typical resting state data, the nonlinear contributions to instantaneous connectivity are negligible. The third major challenge of the field is the integration of the experimental evidence into theoretical models of spontaneous brain activity. In the last part of this thesis, such models are discussed in detail, focusing on the two crucial features of observed spontaneous brain activity: functional connectivity and low-frequency fluctuations. Two specific mechanisms for emergence of the latter are proposed, depending either on the local synchronisation dynamics or the regulatory action of particular neuromodulators. The thesis concludes with discussion of the questions arising from the presented results in the context of the most recent development in the wider field

    Residential house

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    Hlavnou úlohou bakalárskej práce je vytvorenie čiastočnej projektovej dokumentácie pre realizáciu stavby bytového domu v meste Opava, časť Kylešovský kopec a vypracovanie stavebne - architektonického detailu obytnej terasy umiestnenej na 5. nadzemnom poschodí s orientáciou na západ. Objekt vychádza z návrhu architektonickej štúdie z predmetu Ateliérová tvorba 1 v akademickom roku 2017/2018 pod vedením Ing. arch. Jiřího Papouška a dokumentácie pre stavebné povolenie vypracovanej v predmete Ateliérová tvorba Va v akademickom roku 2019/2020 pod vedením Ing. Marcely Halířovej, Ph.D.. Objekt pozostáva z 5 nadzemných poschodí určených na komerčné účely a bývanie, 1 podzemného poschodia, pre rezidenčné parkovacie miesta a technické zázemie objektu. Bakalárska práca obsahuje textovú a výkresovú časť. Obsah oboch častí je spracovaný v rozsahu a podľa podmienok zadania bakalárskej práce a podľa platného znenia noriem, vyhlášok a zákonov.The main task of the bachelor's thesis is to create partial, project documentation of an apartment building in the city of Opava, part Kylešovský kopec and elaboration of construction - architectural detail of a residential terrace located on the 5th floor with a western orientation. The building is based on the design of an architectural study from the subject Atelérová tvorba 1 in the academic year 2017/2018 under the guidance of Ing. arch. Jiří Papoušek and the documentation for the building permit prepared in the subject Ateliérová tvorba Va in the academic year 2019/2020 under the guidance of Ing. Marcely Halířovej, Ph.D .. The building consists of the 5 floors intended for commercial purposes and housing, 1 underground floor, for residential parking spaces and technical facilities of the building. The bachelor thesis contains a text and a drawing part. The content of both parts is processed to the extent and according to the conditions of the bachelor's thesis assignment and according to the valid wording of standards, decrees and laws.226 - Katedra architekturyvýborn

    Lobbying - It´s Definition and Place in Society with Regard to Possible Regulation by Law

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    katedra: KEK; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 83 s. (132 424 znaků)The primary aim of the thesis "Lobbying - It´s Definition and Place in Society with Regard to Possible Regulation by Law" is to describe the lobbying environment in the Czech Republic, particularly focusing on existing efforts to regulate it by law. At first, the term itself is explained. In the following part the issues dealt with range from historical development, types and functions of lobbying to already existing types of lobby-regulation in selected countries. The thesis subsequently focuses on the situation in the Czech Republic. It describes the current development of attempts to regulate lobbying, the way this is perceived by Czech society and also the most significant effort to adopt legislative changes so far - the Lobbying Act proposal. Finally, the thesis deals with the indicators which can evaluate effectiveness of anti-corruption measures, including legislative lobbying regulations. The paper presents monitoring of development of these indicators over several years. The monitoring was carried out in order to clearly prove the impacts of legislative lobbying regulations on these indicators.Předmětem diplomové práce "Lobbing - definice a jeho místo ve společnosti s ohledem na možnou regulaci zákonem" je popis prostředí lobbingu v České republice, především pak se zaměřením na dosavadní snahy o jeho regulaci. Nejdříve je vysvětlen samotný pojem. Dále se přes historický vývoj, druhy a jednotlivé funkce lobbingu práce dostává až k přiblížení již fungujících právních úprav v několika vybraných zemích. Následně se práce věnuje samotné České republice. Je popsán dosavadní vývoj snah o regulaci lobbingu, způsob, jakým je vnímán veřejností, i prozatím nejvýraznější úsilí o prosazení legislativní úpravy - tedy návrh zákona o lobbingu. Závěrem se práce věnuje ukazatelům, kterými je možné hodnotit efektivitu jednotlivých protikorupčních opatření včetně zákonných úprav lobbingu. Je sledován jejich vývoj v období několika let tak, aby bylo zřetelné, jakým způsobem je ovlivňují právě jednotlivé legislativní úpravy