7 research outputs found

    In vitro selection using a dual RNA library that allows primerless selection

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    High affinity target-binding aptamers are identified from random oligonucleotide libraries by an in vitro selection process called Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX). Since the SELEX process includes a PCR amplification step the randomized region of the oligonucleotide libraries need to be flanked by two fixed primer binding sequences. These primer binding sites are often difficult to truncate because they may be necessary to maintain the structure of the aptamer or may even be part of the target binding motif. We designed a novel type of RNA library that carries fixed sequences which constrain the oligonucleotides into a partly double-stranded structure, thereby minimizing the risk that the primer binding sequences become part of the target-binding motif. Moreover, the specific design of the library including the use of tandem RNA Polymerase promoters allows the selection of oligonucleotides without any primer binding sequences. The library was used to select aptamers to the mirror-image peptide of ghrelin. Ghrelin is a potent stimulator of growth-hormone release and food intake. After selection, the identified aptamer sequences were directly synthesized in their mirror-image configuration. The final 44 nt-Spiegelmer, named NOX-B11-3, blocks ghrelin action in a cell culture assay displaying an IC(50) of 4.5 nM at 37°C

    translation with d-amino acids

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    Key components of the translational apparatus, i.e. ribosomes, elongation factor EF-Tu and most aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases, are stereoselective and prevent incorporation of d-amino acids (d-aa) into polypeptides. The rare appearance of d-aa in natural polypeptides arises from post-translational modifications or non-ribosomal synthesis. We introduce an in vitro translation system that enables single incorporation of 17 out of 18 tested d-aa into a polypeptide; incorporation of two or three successive d-aa was also observed in several cases. The system consists of wild-type components and d-aa are introduced via artificially charged, unmodified tRNAGly that was selected according to the rules of ‘thermodynamic compensation’. The results reveal an unexpected plasticity of the ribosomal peptidyltransferase center and thus shed new light on the mechanism of chiral discrimination during translation. Furthermore, ribosomal incorporation of d-aa into polypeptides may greatly expand the armamentarium of in vitro translation towards the identification of peptides and proteins with new properties and functions

    DNA methylation reveals distinct cells of origin for pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas and pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.

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    BACKGROUND Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (PanNENs) fall into two subclasses: the well-differentiated, low- to high-grade pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors (PanNETs), and the poorly-differentiated, high-grade pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinomas (PanNECs). While recent studies suggest an endocrine descent of PanNETs, the origin of PanNECs remains unknown. METHODS We performed DNA methylation analysis for 57 PanNEN samples and found that distinct methylation profiles separated PanNENs into two major groups, clearly distinguishing high-grade PanNECs from other PanNETs including high-grade NETG3. DNA alterations and immunohistochemistry of cell-type markers PDX1, ARX, and SOX9 were utilized to further characterize PanNECs and their cell of origin in the pancreas. RESULTS Phylo-epigenetic and cell-type signature features derived from alpha, beta, acinar, and ductal adult cells suggest an exocrine cell of origin for PanNECs, thus separating them in cell lineage from other PanNENs of endocrine origin. CONCLUSIONS Our study provides a robust and clinically applicable method to clearly distinguish PanNECs from G3 PanNETs, improving patient stratification

    2006. In vitro selection using a dual RNA library that allows primerless selection. Nucleic Acids Res 34:e86

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    ABSTRACT High affinity target-binding aptamers are identified from random oligonucleotide libraries by an in vitro selection process called Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential enrichment (SELEX). Since the SELEX process includes a PCR amplification step the randomized region of the oligonucleotide libraries need to be flanked by two fixed primer binding sequences. These primer binding sites are often difficult to truncate because they may be necessary to maintain the structure of the aptamer or may even be part of the target binding motif. We designed a novel type of RNA library that carries fixed sequences which constrain the oligonucleotides into a partly double-stranded structure, thereby minimizing the risk that the primer binding sequences become part of the target-binding motif. Moreover, the specific design of the library including the use of tandem RNA Polymerase promoters allows the selection of oligonucleotides without any primer binding sequences. The library was used to select aptamers to the mirror-image peptide of ghrelin. Ghrelin is a potent stimulator of growth-hormone release and food intake. After selection, the identified aptamer sequences were directly synthesized in their mirrorimage configuration. The final 44 nt-Spiegelmer, named NOX-B11-3, blocks ghrelin action in a cell culture assay displaying an IC 50 of 4.5 nM at 37 C

    Short bioactive Spiegelmers to migraine-associated calcitonin gene-related peptide rapidly identified by a novel approach: Tailored-SELEX

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    We developed an integrated method to identify aptamers with only 10 fixed nucleotides through ligation and removal of primer binding sites within the systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) process. This Tailored-SELEX approach was validated by identifying a Spiegelmer (‘mirror-image aptamer’) that inhibits the action of the migraine-associated target calcitonin gene-related peptide 1 (α-CGRP) with an IC(50) of 3 nM at 37°C in cell culture. Aptamers are oligonucleotide ligands that can be generated to bind to targets with high affinity and specificity. Stabilized aptamers and Spiegelmers have shown activity in vivo and may be used as therapeutics. Aptamers are isolated by in vitro selection from combinatorial nucleic acid libraries that are composed of a central randomized region and additional fixed primer binding sites with ∼30–40 nt. The identified sequences are usually not short enough for efficient chemical Spiegelmer synthesis, post-SELEX stabilization of aptamers and economical production. If the terminal primer binding sites are part of the target recognizing domain, truncation of aptamers has proven difficult and laborious. Tailored-SELEX results in short sequences that can be tested more rapidly in biological systems. Currently, our identified CGRP binding Spiegelmer serves as a lead compound for in vivo studies