941 research outputs found

    Self Diagnostic Accelerometer for Mission Critical Health Monitoring of Aircraft and Spacecraft Engines

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    A self diagnostic accelerometer system has been shown to be sensitive to multiple failure modes of charge mode accelerometers. These failures include sensor structural damage, an electrical open circuit and most importantly sensor detachment. In this paper, experimental work that was performed to determine the capabilities of a self diagnostic accelerometer system while operating in the presence of various levels of mechanical noise, emulating real world conditions, is presented. The results show that the system can successfully conduct a self diagnostic routine under these conditions

    Enhanced suppresion of localization in a continuous Random-Dimer Model

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    We consider a one-dimensional continuous (Kronig-Penney) extension of the (tight-binding) Random Dimer model of Dunlap et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 88 (1990)]. We predict that the continuous model has infinitely many resonances (zeroes of the reflection coefficient) giving rise to extended states instead of the one resonance arising in the discrete version. We present exact, transfer-matrix numerical calculations supporting, both realizationwise and on the average, the conclusion that the model has a very large number of extended states.Comment: 10 pages, 3 Figures available on request, REVTeX 3.0, MA/UC3M/1/9

    Performance Evaluation of Pseudospectral Ultrasound Simulations on a Cluster of Xeon Phi Accelerators

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    The rapid development of novel procedures in medical ultrasonics, including treatment planning in therapeutic ultrasound and image reconstruction in photoacoustic tomography, leads to increasing demand for large-scale ultrasound simulations. However, routine execution of such simulations using traditional methods, e.g., finite difference time domain, is expensive and often considered intractable due to the computational and memory requirements. The k-space corrected pseudospectral time domain method used by the k-Wave toolbox allows for significant reductions in spatial and temporal grid resolution. These improvements are achieved at the cost of all-to-all communication, which are inherent to the multi-dimensional fast Fourier transforms. To improve data locality, reduce communication and allow efficient use of accelerators, we recently implemented a domain decomposition technique based on a local Fourier basis. In this paper, we investigate whether it is feasible to run the distributed k-Wave implementation on the Salomon cluster equipped with 864 Intel Xeon Phi (Knight’s Corner) accelerators. The results show the immaturity of the KNC platform with issues ranging from limited support of Infiniband and LustreFS in Intel MPI on this platform to poor performance of 3D FFTs achieved by Intel MKL on the KNC architecture. Yet, we show that it is possible to achieve strong and weak scaling comparable to CPU-only platforms albeit with the runtime 1.8× to 4.3× longer. However, the accounting policy for Salomon’s accelerators is far more favorable and thus their employment reduces the computational cost significantly

    Preparing to work: dramaturgy, cynicism and normative ‘remote’ control in the socialization of graduate recruits in management consulting

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    online) This paper examines the socialization of graduate recruits into a knowledge intensive labour process and organizational culture. Theoretically the paper draws upon the idea of ‘preparing for work’ to position this early socialization as a crucial moment in the production of subjectivities suited (and booted) for the labour process of management consulting. Empirically the paper reports on a two-day induction session for new graduate recruits joining a global management consultancy and their responses to this training. Particular attention is given to the use of role-play and a dramaturgical workshop used in part of the training process. The paper argues that the utilization of dramaturgy in training is consistent with the overall approach to control developed in the firm in response to the fact that the labour process of consulting is often conducted on client sites, away from any direct supervisory gaze. As such, the consultants were subjected to a form of cultural control that was designed to function independently of direct supervision. This control did not operate directly upon the new employees professed values, however, but at one step removed so that a ‘cynical distance’ from the content of the organization’s culture was accepted so long as a professional ‘ethic of behaviour’ was established. By focusing on an ‘ethic of behaviour’ these young professionals were encouraged to internalize a self-control akin to that of an actor, rather than internalizing the corporate values entirely

    The New ‘Hidden Abode’: Reflections on Value and Labour in the New Economy

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    In a pivotal section of Capital, volume 1, Marx (1976: 279) notes that, in order to understand the capitalist production of value, we must descend into the ‘hidden abode of production’: the site of the labour process conducted within an employment relationship. In this paper we argue that by remaining wedded to an analysis of labour that is confined to the employment relationship, Labour Process Theory (LPT) has missed a fundamental shift in the location of value production in contemporary capitalism. We examine this shift through the work of Autonomist Marxists like Hardt and Negri, Lazaratto and Arvidsson, who offer theoretical leverage to prize open a new ‘hidden abode’ outside employment, for example in the ‘production of organization’ and in consumption. Although they can open up this new ‘hidden abode’, without LPT's fine-grained analysis of control/resistance, indeterminacy and structured antagonism, these theorists risk succumbing to empirically naive claims about the ‘new economy’. Through developing an expanded conception of a ‘new hidden abode’ of production, the paper demarcates an analytical space in which both LPT and Autonomist Marxism can expand and develop their understanding of labour and value production in today's economy. </jats:p
