19 research outputs found

    13. La cuisine française en Pologne aux xviie-xviiie siècles. L’imaginaire et les pratiques culturelles

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    L’appellation des objets, des modes et des gestes comme « français » n’était pas seulement une simple constatation de leur origine. Bien sûr, elle s’appliquait en premier lieu aux objets ou aux modèles de comportements venus de France et propagés en Pologne par les diplomates, artistes et marchands d’origine française. Mais en même temps, le terme « français » concernait aussi des produits qui se caractérisaient par un style reconnu comme tel, même si les tissus, galanteries ou comportements ..

    Fashion, social rivalry and identity of nobility in Polish-Lithuanian republic in the 18th century

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    Straipsnyje pateikiama medžiaga XVIII a. Abiejų Tautų Respublikos aukštuomenės (šlėktos) identiteto, varžybų dėl savo socialinės padėties ir mados vaikymosi istorinė studija. Šių tyrimų šaltinis to laikotarpio kilnojamojo ir nekilnojamojo turto inventorizacijos dokumentai. Ikonografiniai ir rašytiniai šaltiniai leidžia suvokti gilią socialinės atskirties terpę aptariamos problematikos aspektu. Gausi inventorinė medžiaga sudaro galimybę susipažinti su įvairių socialinių grupių, jų tarpusavio santykių istorija, pasekti mados, socialinės atskirų asmenybių vertės savivokos ir kitų stereotipų raidos kelius. Kartu iškyla ir specifiniai dvasinės bei materialinės kultūros raidos aspektai, atskleidžiantys apibrėžtas socialines, ekonomines bei kultūrines visuomeninio gyvenimo realijas. XVIII a. inventorinių registrų knygos turi ypatingą mokslinę vertę, nes jose užfiksuota informacija yra gausi, patikima ir nuosekli gana ilgo chronologinio laikotarpio konteksteThe article presents research study on fashion, social rivalry and identity of nobility in Polish- Lithuanian Republic in the 18th Century. Research is based on the data obtained from widely drawn up inventories of movables allows us to give a social depth to the view constructed upon iconography and literature. The number of inventories, their social representation, connection to specified social group and period enable us to look at the history of fashion and other aspects of material culture considering different social, economic and cultural realities. Registers from the 18th century draw our greatest interest because of their number, reliability and quite equal spread over time

    Identité et rivalité. La culture matérielle de la noblesse polonaise au XVIe siècle

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    L’étude de la culture matérielle permet non seulement de faire l’énumération de ce que possédaient les gens mais aussi de saisir les gestes quotidiens et les comportements des individus et des groupes sociaux. Les recherches sur la culture matérielle de la noblesse polonaise au XVIe siècle sont possibles grâce à l’apparition et à la généralisation d’une source de production récente : les inventaires après décès que les nobles enregistraient dans les offices des tribunaux nobiliaires locaux. C..

    Mise en scène sociale, identité et représentation : la culture matérielle de la noblesse de Grande Pologne au xviiie siècle

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    Les inventaires de mobilier retrouvés dans les registres des tribunaux nobiliaires de Grande Pologne au XVIIIe siècle constituent la principale source de notre communication sur la culture matérielle de la noblesse polonaise de cette région. Les données rassemblées, suite à leur analyse minutieuse, éclairent sur de nombreux aspects. L’abondance de détails, de mentions et de notes anecdotiques permet d’envisager une étude sociale approfondie ; cependant, les registres de mobilier, parfois inco..

    Wiedza, narracja i smak: staropolskie książki kucharskiei porady kulinarne jako źródło historyczne

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    KNOWLEDGE, NARRATION, TASTE. OLD-POLISH COOKERY BOOKS AND CULINARY GUIDES AS HISTORICAL SOURCES The article explores the potential of old cookery books and culinary guides as sources for historical research. In addition to problems of source analysis methodology and data on the condition and availability of such sources, it discusses wider issues concerning the aims, character and prospects of research on the history of food. In order to use cookery books and culinary guides it is necessary not only to master more or less traditional methodology of historical research but also to know a lot about nutrition, biology and culinary traditions. Denying such texts the status of source material results from lack of critical source analysis and gaps in knowledge on nutrition. There are few surviving texts which could be used for research on the history of food in the Old Polish period. Sources from the 19th c. are abundant, which, however, has not stimulated the development of research so far. In Polish historiography the history of food is still associated with the Annales school, which limits the applicability of culinary sources. On the other hand, the development of modern history of culture and growing interest in the history of knowledge, beliefs and cultural practices draws our attention to the previously unexplored potential of such sources. The article has resulted from works on publishing Old-Polish texts within the “Monumenta Poloniae Culinaria” project and from works on dispersed sources within the National Programme for the Development of Humanities. Analysing thousands of more or less detailed recipes, which include loads of information on food products, cooking techniques, taste, diet and religious restrictions, makes it possible to trace the changing attitudes to food and its social and cultural functions. Recipes included in printed cookery books differed from those surviving only in manuscripts as to authors, addressees, the type of advice, practicality and social representativeness. Printed texts, which exerted most impact, were often supplemented with ideological prefaces or commentaries concerning the profession of the cook, national and social identity, and nutritive, aesthetic and symbolic values of food. It is not always the case that such texts overtly and unambiguously reflect nutritional standards. It is only an analysis of the context of their publication and of their reception that enables us to study culinary fashions, to discover references to other texts and ideas, to capture the style of cooking and to decipher messages expressed in the language of taste. Cookery books and culinary guides fi rst of all bring information on dietary knowledge, the usage of food products and cooking techniques and their social and cultural evaluation. Like other sources, they should be studied within wider contexts, with due consideration for the features of this particular text genre, and alongside other types of sources

    La famille, le lignage, la parenté questions autour de la noblesse

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    La notion même de la noblesse et de l’aristocratie rappelle avant tout les liens du sang, c’est-à-dire un cercle de personnes qui se distinguent des autres par la haute extraction, par le sang bleu, par le souci de bien cultiver le savoir, ainsi que la mémoire, afin de se distinguer. Ainsi, nous avons abordé le problème de la définition du second ordre. Et nous recourons à un élément fondamental, celui de l’identité nobiliaire, tout comme au rôle de la mémoire nobiliaire, et celle de la noble..

    "According to his greatest knowledge, taste and skill." 18th-Century Contracts of Chefs from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

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    According to the authors migration, fate and conditions of work of old masters of pot and pan are one of the most important, and certainly one of the most neglected way in Poland to get to know the history of food. That is why, they want to show that there are sources to overcome this obstacle and to give the history of gastronomy in Poland finally the form of in-depth study of sources embedded in the context of the contemporary historiography of the subject. The paper present eight contracts: with the French chef Michel Barbatt, chefs Antoni Głowacki, Johan Keder German chef, Italian chef Antonio Garofozo, German chefs and a baker at the same time Johann Karl Löhner, Saxon pastry–cook Jean Poul Ebhardt, German pastry-cook Friedrich Dollinger and master of pate Jan Szymanski. These contracts are part of so–called Radziwills' Warsaw Archives, preserved at the Central Archives of Historical Records in Warsaw and one contract with Tadeusz Rydzewski, Deputy Cup–bearer [podczaszy], which is part of Ogińskis’ Archives stored at the Historical Archives in Vilnius, Lithuania