63 research outputs found

    Polish presidency of the EU council: Reactions and opinions in The US

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    Autorka prezentuje obserwacje płynące z analizy relacji amerykańsko-europejskich. Wskazuje, że amerykańskie media pilnie obserwują sytuację w Europie i są zaniepokojone kryzysem sfery euro. Obserwatorzy podkreślają, że proces globalizacji handlu powoduje, iż wszyscy partnerzy stosunków gospodarczych na świecie muszą bacznie obserwować powiązane wzajemnie reakcje międzynarodowych rynków. Należy jednak zauważyć, że Amerykanie są obecnie ukierunkowani głównie na obserwację rynków azjatyckich, przede wszystkim chińskiego, i nie stawiają problemów europejskich na czele listy priorities – celów, które wymagałyby natychmiastowej reakcji. Amerykańskie media dostrzegają też, że polska stabilność ekonomiczna jest niezagrożona i Polska jest jednym z niewielu krajów EU, które pozostając poza strefą euro, wypracowały sobie renomę kraju bezpiecznego dla zagranicznych inwestycji. Mimo uznania znaczenia polskich sukcesów w sprawach ekonomicznych, ze względu na typowy dla Stanów Zjednoczonych „amerykanocentryzm”, amerykańska skłonność do badania zakresu polskiego wpływu na proces decyzyjny w Radzie UE, jest jednak niewielka. Amerykanie są skupieni na własnych interesach, a w zakresie zmian w Europie – zainteresowani głównie przekształceniami strukturalnymi UE po traktacie lizbońskim. Zakres wiedzy w Stanach Zjednoczonych o skomplikowanych mechanizmach sterujących Unią Europejską, a w tym również informacja o znaczeniu polskiej prezydencji w Radzie, pozostaje jednak niewystarczający

    Wkład niemieckiego Towarzystwa Historycznego w badania dziejów Bydgoszczy i popularyzację wiedzy o przeszłości miasta i regionu

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    In 1888, on the initiative of local residents who had a clear interest in preservation of the history of the city and region as well as collection of memorabilia and artefacts The Historical Society for the Netze District in Bydgoszcz (Historische Gesellschaft für den Netzedistrikt zu Bromberg) was established. Its members included many art enthusiasts, regional historians, and a number of influential people with links to the municipal board. In 1902, the Historical Society as the Historical Department became part of the German Art and Science Society in Bydgoszcz (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft in Bromberg) that was founded under the pressure of the provincial authorities. It was established to coordinate educational and cultural activities. The goals of the Historical Society, regardless of structural changes, had remained unchanged. It initiated and later supervised historical studies, systematically acquired historical objects and records related to the past of the city. Another important activity was popularization, which included organization of exhibitions, popular science lectures, sightseeing tours across the region, publishing, running of a small library, and initiatives aimed at commemoration of prominent local residents.&nbsp

    Towarzystwo Historyczne w Bydgoszczy (Historischer Verein zu Bromberg) w latach 1880-1888

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    The Historical Society (Historischer Verein) was established in Bydgoszcz in 1880. Its foundation was initiated by merchant and town councilor Hermann Franke and teacher, Dr. Wilhelm Guttmann. It associated people interested in the history of Bydgoszcz and its area, who promoted its discovery and popularization. During the initial years of its activity, there had been a particular focus on archeological research and collection of objects of historic value. Their work contributed to development of an extensive collection, displayed thanks to the efforts of the Society in the rooms of the Convent of the Poor Clares in 1890 and the library. Starting from 1886, lectures and popularization activity had started to play more important role. That year marked publishing of the first edition of the Yearbooks issued by the Historical Society. The Society had its own library. In 1888, its name was changed to the Historical Society for the Noteć District in Bydgoszcz, which resulted from the intention to demonstrate the identity of the Bydgoszcz institution after establishing of the Historical Society in Poznań (Historische Gesellschaft für die Provinz Posen) in 1885

    Aktywność naukowa mieszkańców Bydgoszczy w II połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku w kontekście rozwoju nauki w ówczesnej Europie

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    Bydgoszcz became an important administrative, economic and military center in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Not very attractive, the city developed in terms of culture and science. The end of the 19th century marked the emergence of the first initiatives related to institutionalization of cultural and scientific life, developed earlier as amateur undertakings. The dominating role, due to social conditions and structure, was obviously played by the Germans. An “intermediate” role, associating amateurs, supporters and professionals in their field, was played by such organizations as Art Society, Historical Society, Technical Society, as well as numerous music societies and associations that had been active in that time in Bydgoszcz. To a lesser or larger extent they had been involved in cultural and scientific activities, and their popularization. In the beginning of the 20th century, coordination of all initiatives and thus management of scientific and cultural activities in the city was taken over by the German Art and Science Society in Bydgoszcz established in 1902. When Poland was annexed, the German authorities did not agree for establishing of a university in the city. However, in 1906 the research institution Emperor William Agricultural Institutes was opened, playing an important role in the scientific and economic life not only in Bydgoszcz, but across Poznań Province. The Royal-Prussian School of Industry and Artistic Crafts was founded in 1911. It was the only state art school in Poznań Province in that period

    Muzyka jako przejaw patriotyzmu i narzędzie do walki z germanizacją na przykładzie aktywności bydgoskich towarzystw muzycznych

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    Musie has for years accompanied the Poles. It was perfectly depicted during the period of partitions of Poland, when in the face of the anti-Polish policy of the Prussian authorities preventing activity of Polish political organizations, this task was assigned to social and economic organizations. The first singing groups that originated independent choirs were established under their  management. One of the examples is the Halka Singing Society that was founded in Bydgoszcz in 1883. In the period of inereasing nationalist struggle, with their artistic and non-artistic actmties, the choirs had contributed considerably to popularization of patriotic spirit, propagation of the Polish language and reading, teaching of history, and above all promotion of Polish national, folk and religious songs. Songs played a special role in this process. Singing in the Polish language expressed courage and national pride. It was a great manifestation of Polish identity, a perfect method and tool to oppose Germanization practices of the Prussian authorities. A huge role in this process was played by the repertoire chosen by the Poles. The Prussian authorities had also noticed the role and power of musie. It can be proved by the list of songs performance of which was prohibited that appeared as early as 1850. This, however, did not discourage the Poles who intensified their activities in their defense of Polish character. This fight for freedom was joined by Bydgoszcz choirs that were active in the second half of the 19th century and the early 20th century.Muzyka od dawna towarzyszyła Polakom. Dobitnie pokazał to czas zaborów, kiedy to w obliczu polityki antypolskiej władz pruskich uniemożliwiającej działalność polskich organizacji politycznych zadanie to spoczęło na organizacjach społecznych i gospodarczych. To pod ich skrzydłami powstawały pierwsze koła śpiewacze dające początek samodzielnym chórom. Tak było m. in. w przypadku Towarzystwa Śpiewu Halka powstałego w 1883 roku w Bydgoszczy. W okresie zaostrzającej się walki narodowościowej chóry poprzez swoją działalność artystyczną i pozaartystyczną wydatnie przyczyniały się do krzewienia ducha patriotyzmu, pielęgnowania języka polskiego, propagowania czytelnictwa, nauczania historii, a przede wszystkim do krzewienia polskiej pieśni narodowej, ludowej i religijnej. Szczególną rolę ogrywała pieśń. Śpiewanie w języku polskim stanowiło przejaw odwagi i dumy narodowej. Było wielką manifestacją polskości, doskonałą formą i narzędziem przeciwstawiania się praktykom germanizacyjnym władz pruskich. Ogromną rolę ogrywał przede wszystkim repertuar, po który sięgali Polacy. Rolę i potęgę muzyki dostrzegały również władze pruskie. Do tego stopnia, że już w 1850 roku pojawił się spis pieśni, których wykonywanie było ustawowo zabronione. To jednak nie zniechęcało Polaków, którzy zintensyfikowali swoje działania w obronie polskości. We wszystkie w pełni wpisywały się bydgoskie chóry funkcjonujące w II połowie XIX i początkach XX wieku

    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft in Bromberg jako animator życia kulturalnego mniejszości niemieckiej w Bydgoszczy

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    Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kunst und Wissenschaft in Bromberg was a society established in 1902 for coordination of all German activities in the field of culture and science, which was supposed to provide to the German community in the 19th-century Bydgoszcz an access to high culture. It had successfully continued its activity under the changed political conditions following the return of Bydgoszcz to the Homeland after 1920. Despite restrictions related to the drastically decreas- ing number of members, potential recipients and financial problems, the society - particularly in the 1920s - was not only very active, working as an organizer of cultural activities for the German minority, but also hosted events meeting the highest artistic and organizational standards. In the first years after the war, the Germans continued to be local leaders of cultural activities taking place in Bydgoszcz. This article shows activities organized by the society, showing the character, diversity, frequency and range of cultural events, as well as the role played by the German community in the cultural life of the interwar Bydgoszcz

    Bydgoszcz w okresie I wojny światowej

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    In the early 20th century, Bydgoszcz was undoubtedly the most Germanized city in the Poznań Province. German population accounted for about 80%. It was situated only 50 km away from the Prussian-Russian border. During World War I, it became a front city, lying about 100 km away from the Eastern Front outlined in 1915. Despite the fact that Bydgoszcz was not affected by direct warfare, the city had fully felt its effects, including problems with food supplies, lack of labor force, and increasing community dissatisfaction. The attitude of the Poles living in Bydgoszcz in relations to the Germans had undergone a significant evolution, from loyalist position, waiting to undertaking national-liberation activities. Affiliation of the city, just like the vast part of the region of Wielkopolska, to the Polish State was not obvious during signing of the Armistice of Compiegne on November 11, 1918. Only signing of the Treaty of Versailles of June 28, 1919 by the German delegation had finally ended any discussions and disputes regarding this topic