23 research outputs found


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     Penggunaan media pembelajaran penting dalam pembelajaran, salah satu faktor rendahnya hasil belajar siswa disebabkan oleh penggunaan media pembelajaran yang kurang menarik sehingga siswa motivasi belajar siswa rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aktivitas guru, aktivitas siswa dan respon siswa dalam pemanfaatan media youtube pada pembelajaran IPS materi Pahlawanku di kelas 4. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif diskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan lembar observasi aktivitas guru, lembar observasi aktivitas siswa, serta lembar angket respon siswa. Hasil dari penelitian aktivitas guru menunjukkan kriteria sangat baik dengan nilai rata-rata 88%. Sedangkan aktivitas siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 8.1%, menunjukkan kriteria sangat baik. Adapun nilai yang didapat dari angket respon siswa memperoleh nilai rata-rata 86%, dengan kategori sangat baik. Berdasarkan kesimpulan menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan media youtube sangat efektif dan layak untuk dijadikan sebagai media pembelajaran untuk mempermudah guru dan siswa saat proses pembelajaran IPS materi pahlawanku. Kata Kunci: Media Youtube, Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Pahlawanku

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca dan Menyimak dengan Menggunakan Metode Speed Reading pada Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia.

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    The writing of this article aims to improve reading and listening skills by using the method of speed reading in Indonesian language learning in fifth-grade elementary school students because Indonesian is the language we use in everyday life, therefore learning Indonesian must be taught to children as early as possible so that children can know well about the language in their country. The methodology used in this paper is the method of studying literature or it can be called a literature review. This literature review is an important tool as a context review to assist authors in completing a study. The results of this literature study make students faster in reading because in the process of speed reading there are also listening skills that help students not to read many times so they can understand the contents of the reading and not waste a lot of time and can facilitate the teacher in delivering all information. The skills of reading, listening and speed reading are a unity that cannot be separated because they are interrelated with one another. Keywords: Reading, Listening, Speed Reading method, Indonesian

    Tradisi Musik Vokal Singiran Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Budi Pekerti pada Anak Santri di Jawa

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    Singiran is one of the art of vocal music in the form of poetry sung through a song, whether in Arabic or Javanese, which is very well known in traditional Javanese Islam. This study uses a qualitative approach by applying research concepts that are in accordance with the conditions in the field, in this case qualitative research which becomes an instrument or research tool is the research itself. Data collection techniques using document studies and field studies, namely interviews and observation. From the results of data collection it turns out that singir has been neglected by the community, and it turns out that singir has a very meaningful function for its supporters, namely the use of a number of singers in the learning of children's character. With the view of the function of singir art, educators, especially art, should be even more creative in innovation about education through art media. Keywords: singiran, learning media, student

    The effect of demonstration and mind mapping learning methods on achievement of cultural arts course

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    This study has looked at the variations in cultural learning outcomes for groups of students that utilize the methods and methods of thinking mapping, as well as the interaction between the two approaches in their role in learning arts. This study used experimental methods and a 2x2 factorial design to conduct quantitative research. All Junior High School second-grade pupils use the population. The analysis technique used is a two-way variant (two-way ANOVA). Student learning outcomes utilizing a demonstration technique are better than student learning outcomes using the mind monitoring method, according to the results of data processing. Students who use the demonstration approach perform better than those who use the mind mapping method. The average score for learning activeness with high demonstration methods and employing the approach of mapping student activeness thinking is poor

    Performance of native chicken given free choice feed

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    An experiment was conducted to study the effect of free choice feeding on the performance of native chicken and to determine its protein and energy requirements for growth. Eight hundreds and seventy 2-weeks old native chicken were used, and divided into three treatment groups, with 5 replicates: (I) Complete feed (II) Choice feed A (two levels of protein, similar in energy content) and (III) Choice feed B (energy and protein sources). Feed and water were given ad libitum during the 10 weeks trial. Feed intake (protein and energy) and body weight were recorded biweekly. Body weight gain (BWG) of treatment I was 852 + 33 grams/head, similar to treatment II, 858 + 28 grams/head, and both significantly (P0.05) better than treatment III (800 + 42 grams/head). Energy consumption and its energy efficiency ratio (EER) value were similar for all treatments, 9226 + 149; 9203 + 739, and 8706 + 383 kcal/head and 10.84 + 0.34, 10.75 + 1.03, and 10.89 + 0.27 kcal/gram for treatment I, II and III, respectively. There was a significant (P0.05) difference between treatment on protein intake, 556 + 8, 506 + 15, and 454 + 25 grams/head for treatment I, II, and III, respectively. Protein energy ratio (PER) value of treatment III (0.57 ± 0.02) was similar to treatment II (0.57 ± 0.02) and both were significantly better (P0.05) than treatment I (0.65 ± 0.02). It was concluded that the native chicken, given a correct choice of feed, has an ability to determine its energy and protein requirements. During the growth periods, 2-12 weeks old, the bird require feed with 16% protein and 2900 kcal metabolized energy/kg.   Key word: Native chicken, feeding system, free choic

    Penampilan Kelompok Wanita Tani Ternak dalam Pengembangan Budidaya Ayam Kampung Pasca-Bimbingan Teknologi

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    Ayam Kampung merupakan komoditas andalan bagi masyarakat di pedesaan dan daerah urban karena pemeliharaan mudah, modal relatif kecil dan peranannya sangat besar terutama dalam mengatasi kekurangan biaya kebutuhan sehari-hari karena mudah untuk di”uang”kan. Kaum perempuan mempunyai akses yang tinggi dalam beternak ayam Kampung dalam kepemilikan dan modal usaha namun kesempatan untuk itu belum diberikan. Bimbingan dan pengawalan teknologi perbaikan budidaya ayam Kampung secara baik dan benar dan menyeluruh telah dilakukan pada kelompok wanita tani ternak ayam Kampung Srikandi di Desa Bentar, Kecamatan Salem, Kabupaten Brebes dan telah menghantarkanya menjadi juara ke I lomba tingkat kelompok tani ayam Kampung se-Provinsi Jawa Tengah tahun 2011 dan juara ke II di tingkat nasional tahun 2012. Aktivitas kelompok wanita tani Srikandi setelah tahun 2012 adalah melakukan integrasi budidaya ayam Kampung dengan kebun sayuran P2KP. Bagi anggota, bergabung dengan kelompok dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan, menciptakan peluang usaha dan peluang memperoleh pendapatan secara mandiri. Lima anggota (20,8%) telah berhasil menjadi “pengusaha wanita” penyedia telur ayam Kampung, DOC, ayam umur 4, 8, 16 dan 20 minggu dengan pendapatan per hari minimal Rp. 20.000 dari menjual telur. Keberadaan kelompok juga menginspirasi lima warga desa bukan anggota menjadi pengusaha penyedia DOC, dengan cara mengadopsi teknologi inseminasi dan penetasan menggunakan mesin penetas. Daya tetas yang diperoleh 80-90% adalah cukup tinggi untuk penetasan pemul

    Response of sheep to supplementation of Probio-catalytic in the diets

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    biotic and catalytic supplement, on the productive performances of sheep fed Pennisetum purpuphoides (King grass). The concentrate was made of rice bran, molasses-coated palm kernel cake, minerals and salt. Probio-catalytic supplements were added either at 0.5% or 1.0% of the concentrate. The probiotic in the probio-catalytic supplements was either Probion (produced by Balitnak) and assigned as probio-catalytic supplement A, or a mixture of rumen microbes of buffaloes which was assigned as probio-catalytic B. The catalytic supplement consisted of gelatinized sago, Zn, Co, urea and sulfur. Twenty heads of male young sheep with an average liveweight of 18.8 ± 1.7 kg were divided into 4 groups based on the bodyweight and allocated to 5 feeding treatments. The treatments were (1) Control (without probio-catalytic supplement), (2) R1 addition of probio-catalytic supplement A at 0.5%, (3) R2 addition of probio-catalytic supplement A at 1.0%, (4) R3 addition of probio-catalytic supplement B at 0.5%, and (5) R4 addition of probio-catalytic supplement B at 1.0%. The experiment was carried out by a randomized block design. A four-week adaptation period was then followed by a 12-week feed intake data collection and growth trial. An intake and digestibility study of the feed was carried out for 7 days. Rumen fluids were taken for analysis of pH, ammonia and volatile fatty acids and microbial population. Results indicated a significantly greater weight gain in the group received R1 than that of the other treatments. Feed dry matter intakes were less in the groups supplemented with probio-catalytic resulting in a better feed conversion ratio. The pH and concentration of ammonia of rumen fluid were not significantly different among treatments. While the acetic acid and propionic acid concentrations were not different among treatments, the butyric acid was significantly lower (P0.05) in the groups received R3 and R4, whereas those received R2 and R3 was not significantly different than that of the control group. The molar proportion of volatile fatty acid components was within the normal values. Based on the results of the present experiment, it was concluded that addition of probio-catalytic supplement A at 0.5% was advantageous and it could be suggested to be included in the diet to improve the productive performance of sheep.     Key Words: Probio-Catalytic Supplement, Productive Performance, Shee

    Optimasi Penggunaan Bungkil Inti Sawit Sebagai Bahan Pakan Sumber Protein untuk Ruminansia

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    Penelitian dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menguji kualitas hasil bioproses bungkil inti sawit (BIS) dalam ransum terhadap peningkatan produktivitas domba. Bungkil inti sawit terproteksi dan terfermentasi digunakan sebagai komponen pakan konsentrat. Tiga puluh (30) ekor domba jantan muda dengan rataan bobot hidup 19,1±1,7 kg dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok untuk menguji 6 perlakuan pakan dalam rancangan petak terpisah 2X3. Faktor pertama adalah hasil bioproses BIS terproteksi (tanpa fermentasi (A1) versus dengan fermentasi (A2)), sedangkan faktor kedua (B) adalah 3 tingkat penggunaannya di dalam pakan konsentrat, yaitu B1 (20%), B2 (40%) dan B3 (60%). Penelitian dilakukan selama 16 minggu terdiri atas periode adaptasi 2 minggu, periode pengumpulan data perubahan bobot hidup 12 minggu dan periode pengukuran kecernaan dan karakteristik rumen 2 minggu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertambahan bobot hidup terendah diperoleh pada ternak yang mendapatkan perlakuan A1B1 (20% BIS terproteksi), sedangkan bioproses BIS dan fermentasi memberikan efisiensi pemanfaatan pakan yang lebih tinggi dengan penggunaan optimal pada tingkat 40% dalam pakan konsentrat. Penggunaan BIS terfermentasi dan terproteksi (A2) meningkatkan produktivitas ternak sekitar 13,8% dibandingkan dengan penggunaan BIS terproteksi (A1) saja (P>0,05). Karakteristik rumen yang meliputi pH, NH3 dan VFA menunjukkan derajad keasaman yang normal, bervariasi dari 6,39 hingga 6,67 dengan rataan 6,47; kandungan NH3 bervariasi dari 6,97 hingga 8,66 mM dengan rataan 8,03 mM. Rataan proporsi asam lemak asetat, propionat dan butirat adalah 68,55; 19,19 dan 9,58% menunjukkan kondisi rumen yang normal. Disimpulkan bahwa penggunaaan 20-60% bioproses BIS terproteksi dalam pakan konsentrat belum meningkatkan produktivitas dan efisiensi penggunaan pakan ternak domba secara signifikan, dengan kecenderungan lebih baik pada tingkat 40%