15 research outputs found

    Wpływ ekologicznego i zintegrowanego systemu produkcji ziemniaków na skład chemiczny bulw i jakość otrzymanych produktów

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    The article presents the results of experiments with 'Vokë', 'Nida', 'Mirta' and 'Venta' potato cultivars grown by two farming systems - integrated at the Voke Research Station (Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture) and organic on the farmer V. Zurba's organic farm (Biržai region) in 1998-2000. The influence of cultivars and soil properties on the amount of dry matter, starch, total and reducing sugars, sucrose and technological properties of raw tubers and on potato chips and French fries was investigated. The soil fertilizers were used as follows: at the Vokë Branch Station - mineral fertilizer mixture N : P : K; N - 70 kg·ha⁻¹, P - 70 kg·ha⁻¹, K - 140 kg·ha⁻¹, with microelements and at the organic farm - organic compost 40 t·ha⁻¹, It was found that integrated growing had a positive effect on the chemical composition of potato tuber. The darkening of raw tubers was more intensive when potato cultivars were grown ecologically. The dependence between the amount of reducing sugars and intensity of darkening of raw potato tubers is determined to be positive strong or medium strong, between colour of chips and amount of reducing sugars - negative strong. The dependence between dry matter of raw potato tubers and fat quantity of chips was negative strong and the negative weak or negative medium strong correlation connection in French fries. Excellent quality chips were made from 'Vokë' potato cultivar grown in two different regions. Good quality French fries were from 'Nida' and 'Vokë' potato cultivars grown by integrated system.W pracy przedstawiono wyniki doświadczeń uprawy ziemniaków odmian: 'Vokë', 'Nida', 'Mirta' i 'Venta' w systemie zintegrowanym i ekologicznym w latach 1998-2000. Badano wpływ odmiany ziemniaka i właściwości gleby na zawartość w bulwach suchej substancji, skrobi, cukrów ogółem i redukujących oraz na cechy jakościowe czipsów i frytek. Stwierdzono, że zintegrowany system uprawy pozytywnie wpłynął na skład chemiczny bulw. Ziemniaki pochodzące z upraw ekologicznych charakteryzowały się większą podatnością na ciemnienie miąższu surowego. Zawartość tłuszczu w czipsach zależała od zawartości suchej masy w bulwach, czym wyższa sucha masa w bulwach, tym mniej tłuszczu zawierał produkt. Czipsy o najlepszej jakości otrzymano z ziemniaków odmiany 'Vokë', niezależnie od systemu uprawy. Najlepszej jakości frytki otrzymano z ziemniaków odmian 'Nida' i "Yoke' uprawianych systemem zintegrowanym

    Effect of biodynamic preparations on the content of some mineral elements and starch in tubers of three coloured potato cultivars

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    Biodynamic (BD) preparations 500 and 501 are plant strengthening agents of the biodynamic agriculture method, prepared from cow manure and powdered quartz. The resulting products are highly diluted and sprayed on soil and plants. The main purpose of these preparations is to promote the processes of energy and nutrient cycling as well as to improve plant and soil quality parameters. This study was carried out in 2013-2014, in order to evaluate the influence of biodynamic preparations 500 and 501 on the chemical composition of potato tubers: amounts of dry matter, starch and mineral elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen). The experiment included two factors: I – three coloured potato (Solanum tuberosum L) cultivars (Vitelotte, Blue Congo - purple flesh and Red Emmalie - red flesh), II – treatment with BD preparations as field sprays (four treatments: 1. Control sample (without BD preparations); 2. BD preparation 500; 3. BD preparation 501; 4. A blend of two preparations (BD preparation 500 and BD preparation 501). The research revealed that BD preparations 500 and 501 had no significant effect on the content of dry matter and mineral element in coloured potato tubers in any of the experimental variants. However, BP preparation 501, as well as a combination of both 500 and 501 BP preparations, increased the starch content in potato tubers significantly (p<0.05). It was found that the quality indicators of potato tubers depended on the genetic characteristics of a cultivar. According to the two-year mean data, the significantly largest amounts of potassium (29.51 g kg-1 d.m.) and magnesium (1.475 g kg-1 d.m.) were accumulated in potato tubers of the cultivar Red Emmalie. Tubers of cv. Vitelotte accumulated the biggest amounts of dry matter (27.03 %) and starch (18.17 %)

    Wpływ naturalnych inhibitorów wzrostu na jakość ziemniaków w okresie przechowywania

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    Over 2003 to 2005 in Lithuanian Agricultural University the laboratory research was carried out concerning the effect of caraway seed and dill seeds essentials oils on the storage of five potato cultivars. Research results showed that after 7 months of storage the smallest natural mass losses occured in potatoes of Goda cultivars, which were treated by plant inhibitors. The smallest mass of sprouts was observed in Nida cultivars treated by plant inhibitors.Materiałem do badań były próby ziemniaków odmian - Voke, Vaiva, Nida, Goda, Gloria pochodzących z sezonów wegetacyjnych 2003-2005. Jako środek hamujący kiełkowanie podczas przechowywania ziemniaków w temp. 7-8°C wykorzystano naturalne inhibitory w postaci olejku eterycznego wyekstrahowanego z nasion kminku odmiany Gintaras i nasion kopru odmiany Gribowskij. Po 7 miesiącach przechowywania określono: ubytki naturalne bulw (%), ilość i długość kiełków oraz zawartość suchej masy i skrobi w bulwach. Stwierdzono, że wykorzystanie olejków z nasion kminku i kopru jako śródków hamujących kiełkowanie ziemniaków wpływa na zmniejszenie ubytków naturalnych bulw, zmniejsza straty skrobi i suchej masy. Wielkość tych zmian zależała od odmiany ziemniaka. Najmniejsze ubytki naturalne bulw po 7 miesięcznym przechowywaniu odnotowano w bulwach odmiany Goda traktowanych inhibitorami kiełkowania

    Effect of biodynamic preparations on the content of some mineral elements and starch in tubers of three coloured potato cultivars

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    Biodynamic (BD) preparations 500 and 501 are plant strengthening agents of the biodynamic agriculture method, prepared from cow manure and powdered quartz. The resulting products are highly diluted and sprayed on soil and plants. The main purpose of these preparations is to promote the processes of energy and nutrient cycling as well as to improve plant and soil quality parameters. This study was carried out in 2013-2014, in order to evaluate the influence of biodynamic preparations 500 and 501 on the chemical composition of potato tubers: amounts of dry matter, starch and mineral elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and nitrogen). The experiment included two factors: I – three coloured potato (Solanum tuberosum L) cultivars (Vitelotte, Blue Congo - purple flesh and Red Emmalie - red flesh), II – treatment with BD preparations as field sprays (four treatments: 1. Control sample (without BD preparations); 2. BD preparation 500; 3. BD preparation 501; 4. A blend of two preparations (BD preparation 500 and BD preparation 501). The research revealed that BD preparations 500 and 501 had no significant effect on the content of dry matter and mineral element in coloured potato tubers in any of the experimental variants. However, BP preparation 501, as well as a combination of both 500 and 501 BP preparations, increased the starch content in potato tubers significantly (p<0.05). It was found that the quality indicators of potato tubers depended on the genetic characteristics of a cultivar. According to the two-year mean data, the significantly largest amounts of potassium (29.51 g kg-1 d.m.) and magnesium (1.475 g kg-1 d.m.) were accumulated in potato tubers of the cultivar Red Emmalie. Tubers of cv. Vitelotte accumulated the biggest amounts of dry matter (27.03 %) and starch (18.17 %)

    The effect of fertilization on quality and chemical composition of pumpkins

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    Sensory quality evaluation of extruded corn snacks supplemented with pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke and amaranthus flours, using profile analysis and consumers’ test

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    Celem badań zaprezentowanych w artykule była charakterystyka jakości sensorycznej i ocena pożądalności konsumenckiej innowacyjnych chrupek kukurydzianych z prozdrowotnymi dodatkami z roślin. Technologię chrupek opracowano we współpracy z Aleksandras Stulginskis University oraz przedsiębiorstwem RUTA (Litwa), które wyprodukowało próbną partię chrupek. Analizę sensoryczną wykonano z wykorzystaniem ilościowej analizy opisowej (QDA), przez 14-osobowy zespół\ ekspertów (wg PN-ISO 11035). Oceniano chrupki kukurydziane zwykłe, t.j. bez dodatków (kontrola) oraz chrupki z dodatkiem mąki z amarantusa, dyni lub topinamburu. Zastosowano zestaw 17 wyróżników jakości (zapachu, barwy, tekstury i smaku) oraz przeprowadzono ocenę ogólnej jakości sensorycznej. Chrupki z dodatkiem amarantusa lub topinamburu wykazywały mniejszą intensywność barwy beżowej, mniejszą chrupkość, twardość i intensywność smaku kukurydzianego, natomiast większą intensywność zapachów zbożowo-nasiennego, słodkiego i czekoladowego oraz większą adhezyjność niż chrupki kontrolne. W przypadku chrupek z dodatkiem topinamburu stwierdzono większą intensywność smaków słodkiego i „mleka w proszku”. Chrupki z dodatkiem amarantusa wykazywały większą intensywność zapachu i smaku obcego, smaków „zbożowego” i słonego, natomiast chrupki z dodatkiem dyni większą intensywność smaków „skórki pieczywa”, gorzkiego i kwaśnego. Chrupki zarówno z dodatkiem amarantusa, jak i dyni otrzymały nieco niższe noty dla ogólnej oceny jakości niż pozostałe chrupki. Ponadto wykonano ocenę konsumencką pożądalności chrupek przez 123 osobowy zespół osób. Najwyższą notę dla pożądalności ogólnej otrzymały chrupki kukurydziane zwykłe, bez dodatków.The objective of the study was to determine sensory quality and consumer’s liking for innovative crunchy corn snacks with addition of different flours. The composition and production method of the snacks were elaborated in colaboration with Aleksandras Stulginskis University and RUTA enterprize (Lithuania), which produced the snacks. Sensory analysis was performed with the quantitative description analysis method (QDA), by 14-person expert panel (according to PN-ISO 11035). There were evaluated: common crunchy corn (without additives), as well as crunchy corn with flours obtained from amaranthus, pumpkin or Jerusalem artichoke bulbs. In the assessment, the set of 17 quality descriptors (for odour, colour, texture and flavour) was used. Also overall quality assessment was performed. The crunchy corn with amaranthus or Jerusalem artichoke showed less intensive beige colour, lower crunchiness, firmness and intensity of ‘corny’ flavour. Instead, they showed higher intensity of odours: ‘grainy’, ‘sweety’ and typical to chocolate, but higher intensity of adhesion than common crunchy corn snacks. In the case of crunchy corn with Jerusalem artichoke flour added, higher intensity of sweet taste and taste of ‘powdered milk’ were indentified. Crunchy corn with amaranthus showed higher intensity of foreign odour and flavour, ‘grainy’ flavour and salt taste, but the samples with pumpkin showed higher intensity of flavour of ‘bread skin’, as well as bitter and sour tastes. Both samples with amaranthus, and pumpkin flours got a little lower scores for overall quality than the two other samples. Consumer’s test for liking was also performed. Total 123 persons participated in the test. The highest score for overall liking got the common crunchy corn (without additives)

    The distribution of bioactive compounds in the tubers of organically grown Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) during the growing period

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    This study aim to evaluate the distribution of bioactive compounds in the tubers of organically grown Jerusalem artichoke (JA) during the growing season in 2012–2014. Field experiments on the three JA cultivars: Albik, Rubik and Sauliai, were carried out at the organic farm in South Lithuania. The tubers were uprooted at the end of each month of the growing period (8 times) in March–June (spring period) and August– November (autumn period) and were analysed for the contents of dry matter, carbohydrates, phenolic compounds, leuco-anthocyanins, catechins. The significantly highest dry matter content in JA tubers was determined in March of 2014 after they had been exposed to sub-zero temperatures in the soil during the winter, while the amount of phenolic compounds – at the beginning of the spring growing period. The significantly highest content of inulin in October of 2014 was accumulated in the tubers of cv. Sauliai (46.08%), carbohydrates – in Albik tubers in September of 2014 (44.23%), when the formation of new tubers began. Significantly higher amounts of catechins were determined in the second half of the growing period. Cultivar and organogenesis stage had a significant impact on the content of leuco-anthocyanins in JA tubers. Substantial differences in the content of leuco-anthocyanins among the tested cultivars were determined at the end of the growing season

    Effect of compost on the accumulation of heavy metals in fruit of oilseed pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L. var. styriaca)

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    While it is true that heavy metals accumulate in soil easily, their removal is difficult. The organic fraction of municipal solid waste can be recycled into compost, although frequent application of biowaste may lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in soil. There is no deep-rooted tradition in Lithuania to make and use various biowaste composts, including the ones produced from municipal waste. The objective of this study has been to compare the accumulation of heavy metals in different parts of oilseed pumpkin fruit depending on the chemical composition of the compost the pumpkin plants had been supplied. The content of heavy metals (HM) was determined in the soil before the plant-growing experiment, and in biowaste composts of different origin. Green waste (GW) and municipal solid waste (MSW) composts were applied to soil as fertiliser. Heavy metal concentrations in the skin, flesh and seeds of the analysed pumpkin fruits did not exceed the maximum permissible concentrations established by the EU norms. Seeds of the investigated pumpkin cultivar Olivia are more sensitive to the effect of heavy metal accumulation than the other morphological fruit parts (skin and flesh). The highest amounts of the investigated heavy metals, except Cr, were determined in the seeds, while the lowest ones, except Cu, in the flesh of oilseed pumpkin fruits. The amount of heavy metals in pumpkin biomass was not directly related to their concentrations in the soil, which proves the fact that the transfer of heavy metals from soil to plant is determined primarily by metal bioavailability and by a plant species