5 research outputs found

    Relations in the tourism supply chain

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    The critical review of publications in the field of economics and management allows one to state that research covering the tourism supply chain (TSC) is quite limited and non-exhaustive. The article presents the review of the most significant studies discussing the problems of the tourism supply chain. The authors attempted to indicate gaps in the existing models of the tourism supply chain and on that basis suggested their own model emphasizing, in particular, the relations occurring between its components. It takes into account additional elements, which have not been included so far, i.e. the complex and service oriented nature of a tourist product and its close relations with space, immobility of supply and mobility of demand, as well as the network structure of the tourism economy based on new technologies in terms of information and communication.Krytyczna analiza publikacji z zakresu ekonomii i zarządzania pozwala stwierdzić, że badania zagadnienia łańcucha dostaw w turystyce należą do nielicznych, a jednocześnie są niewyczerpujące. W artykule dokonano przeglądu najważniejszych prac poruszających problematykę łańcucha dostaw w turystyce. Autorki podjęły próbę wskazania niedostatków w dotychczas formułowanych modelach łańcucha dostaw w turystyce i w oparciu o nią zaproponowały własny model, w którym szczególny akcent położyły na relacje między jego ogniwami. Uwzględnia on dodatkowe elementy nie brane dotychczas pod uwagę, tj. złożony i usługowy charakter produktu turystycznego oraz jego ścisły związek z przestrzenią, niemobilność podaży i mobilność popytu, a także sieciowość gospodarki turystycznej opartą na nowych technologiach w zakresie informacji i komunikacji

    Cultural events as a method for creating a new future for museums

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    In the situation of insufficient subsidies for the substantive activities of museums, primarily the ones funded by the local governments, as well as low attendance of visitors, not really interested in the traditional offer of such institutions, there is an urgent need to extend it with additional elements corresponding to the expectations of a contemporary client. The observation of the thriving museums in Poland and worldwide indicates that cultural events represent such an attractive component which expands the museum offer. The article presents an attempt of explaining the role of cultural events in developing a museum product based on the analysis of a specific case of the Municipal Museum Gerhart Hauptmann’s House in Jelenia Góra-Jagniątków

    Wydarzenia kulturalne formą kreowania nowego oblicza obiektów muzealnych

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    W sytuacji niewystarczających dotacji na działalność merytoryczną muzeów, zwłaszcza samorządowych, a także niskiej frekwencji zwiedzających, słabo zainteresowanych tradycyjną ofertą placówek, istnieje pilna potrzeba wzbogacania jej o dodatkowe elementy odpowiadające oczekiwaniom współczesnego klienta. Obserwacja prężnie działających muzeów w Polsce i na świecie wskazuje, że takim atrakcyjnym, poszerzającym produkt muzealny komponentem jest organizacja wydarzeń kulturalnych. Artykuł jest próbą wyjaśnienia roli wydarzeń kulturalnych w kształtowaniu produktu muzeum na podstawie analizy konkretnego przypadku Muzeum Miejskiego „Dom Gerharta Hauptmanna” w Jeleniej Górze-Jagniątkowie

    The new technologies as the source of competitive advantage of hotels

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    The objective of the paper is to present the role of new technologies in gaining competitive advantage by hotels at the tourist services market. In order to meet the set research objective in-depth interviews, supported by a questionnaire survey, were held in February and March 2013. The respondents were represented by management personnel of the selected hotels functioning in Lower Silesia region. Empirical part of the paper was preceded by theoretical discussion regarding the essence and sources of competitive advantage, as well as the role of new technologies in its establishment. The obtained research results indicate that hotels implement new technologies mainly focused in the field of ICT (Information and Communications Technology) at the level of customer service, including front office. New solutions cover, in fact, all areas of hotel functioning, however, they are most frequently implemented in the area of front office, sales and marketing

    “Sustainability” as a Motive for Choosing Shared-Mobility Services: The Case of Polish Consumers of Uber Services

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    (1) Background: Uber Technologies are currently changing the pattern of urban transport. Statista reports that in the period 2017–2019 alone, the average monthly number of active Uber users worldwide increased by 126.5%, and the average monthly number of Uber trips grew by 115%. The purpose of this article is to identify the most important motives encouraging both current and potential customers to use Uber “taxi” services. Particular attention was paid to the factor of perceiving these services as a more sustainable way of meeting transport needs. Uber creates its image specifically on the idea of sustainability. (2) Methods: The operationalization of the sustainability concept was based on three dimensions: ecological, social and economic. The CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) technique was used to collect the research data. The representative research sample covered 1003 Poles. A logistic regression model was used to analyze empirical data collected based on the survey. The data analysis used R program and the selected packages for this program. (3) Results: Among the most important motives, sustainability is the most frequently indicated. (4) Conclusions: The choices of Uber services are significantly influenced by the reasons related to two sustainability pillars—one social and one economic. The factors significantly influencing consumer decision-making processes related to the use of shared mobility services belong to the following groups of motives: sustainable development, knowledge of information and communication technologies (ICT), innovation, user convenience and savings. The findings from the study can become the basis for organizations and local authorities to undertake appropriate marketing activities to promote shared-mobility services (SMS) and support sustainable and environmentally friendly development