57 research outputs found

    Monitoring training load: necessity, methods and applications

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    Regular physical activity and participation in organized sports is important contributor to performance and for overall health and fitness in humans of various age range. In performance related areas, every detail in the training sessions is important for the athlete to be in the best shape the chosen competition day. Sport scientists have been making hard effort to find out how the training has the influence on performance. Thus, training monitoring is important tool to evaluate an athlete’s response to training. Banister developed the ‘training impulse’ (TRIMP) as a method to quantify training load. The TRIMP consists of the exercise intensity calculated by the heart rate (HR) reserve method and the duration of exercise. Foster et al. [23] developed a modification of the rating of the perceived exertion method, which uses Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) as a marker of training intensity within the TRIMP concept. For quantifying and calculating training load, the athlete’s RPE (1–10pt scale) is multiplied by the duration of the session. Ideally, the perceptions of training load should match between athlete and coach to have optimal adaptation. Thus, this brief review article is evaluating training monitoring opportunities without the need of expensive equipment

    The impact of low intensity specific and nonspecific strength-endurance training on submaximal work capacity in trained male rowers

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    The aim of the current study was to compare the effects of general strength endurance and specific strength endurance training cycle to rowing performance in highly trained male rowers. Twelve international and national level male rowers (21.25±1.76 years; height 188.3±4.92 cm; body mass 84.07±5.61 kg; training experience 7.38±2.70 years) took part in this investigation. The first group (n=6) performed low intensity strength endurance trainings using rowing ergometer for specific exercises (Specific group; S), and the second group (n=6) trained for strength endurance without rowing ergometer (Gymgroup; G). The experimental period lasted for four weeks. Stepwise incremental test was performed on the Concept II rowing ergometer (Morrisville, USA) before the first training week. After incremental ergometer test, subjects performed a constant 95% of Pa max test until exhaustion. This test was done 24 hours after incremental test and was performed before Week 1 and after Week 4. The stroke rates of the 95% Pa max test were not significantly different (p>0.05) between the two groups during both testing sessions. Despite the fact that both groups improved their 95% Pa max test results, no significant differences between the groups were found (p>0.05). However, test result was significantly improved only in G group (from 362±108 to 416.5±133 s), while no significant changes were observed in 95% Pa max test result in S group (from 372.8±132.3 to 442.3±153.1 s). No other significant differences were observed either between the two groups or between the two testing sessions (p>0.05). In conclusion, a 4 week non-specific strength endurance training program has an advantage over the specific strength endurance training on rowing ergometer in developing aerobic capacity in male rowers

    The subjective assessment of training load in the training process of young skiers

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    The aim was to investigate how the 10-point intensity scale can be used in characterizing training intensities in young skiers and whether perceptions of training intensity of coach and athlete are related. 13 young crosscountry skiers, aged 14–17 participated. During the 17-day training camp their training data and the subjective intensity perceptions of the coaches and athletes were recorded. Based on the time-in-zone method the subjects trained 71.8% in zone1, 27.1% in zone2 and 2.1% in zone3. According to subjective assessment, 74.1% of trainings were done in zone1, 19.0 in zone2 and 8.0% in zone3. There were no significant differences between intensity distributions between zone1, but according to subjective scale, subjects trained significantly less in zone2 and significantly more in zone3. Subjective assessments of coach and athletes indicated the highest correlations (p<0.05) between zone2 (r=0.80) and interval trainings (r=0.71) and were lower for basic (r=0.25) and recovery trainings (r=0.35). In conclusion, 10-pt scale to describe training intensities is a practical method for young athlete training zone distribution assessment

    Hohe trainingsbelastung bei ruderern: Auswirkungen auf Kreislaufwerte und Gemütszustandparameter

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    The effects of short-term overreaching on the circulatory responses and mood state parameters were investigated in male rowers. Fourteen national team level rowers (18.6 ± 2.0 yrs; 186.9 ± 5.7 cm; 82.4 ± 6.9 kg) were monitored during a six-day training camp. The training regimen consisted mainly of low-intensity on-water rowing and resistance training, for 19.2 ± 3.9 h, corresponding to an approximate 100% increase in the training load. The 2,000 m rowing ergometer performance time increased from 395.9 ± 10.8 to 404.2 ± 11.9 s corresponding to a mean power of 361.9 ± 28.5 and 349.0 ± 32.8 W, respectively. Blood lactate concentration measured five minutes after the test (from 19.2 ± 2.9 to 16.2 ± 2.3 mmol.l-1) and mean heart rate (from 184.6 ± 7.5 to 179.2 ± 7.4 beats/min-1) decreased. Maximal oxygen consumption remained unchanged. The subjective ratings of fatigue and muscle soreness increased and were related to the training volume (r>0.52). The blood parameters of the red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit were decreased, while blood and plasma volumes were increased after the training period. The blood variables were not correlated with the training volume (r0.05). The change between tests in the corresponding heart rate demonstrated correlation to the changes in blood (r=-0.48) and plasma (r=-0.55) volumes. It is concluded that the most appropriate and simple tool for monitoring a short-term overload training period is the self-reported ratings of well-being on a daily basis.Uvod Sindrom pretreniranosti definira se kao dugoročno sniženje kapaciteta za sportske rezultate uzrokovano nakupljanjem trenažnog i izvantrenažnog stresa. Pretreniranost se javlja kao odgovor na velike volumene trenažnih opterećenja i/ili visoke intenzitete treninga uz neadekvatne periode oporavka između pojedinačnih treninga. Brojni pokazatelji pretreniranosti i preopterećenosti (overreaching) izdvojeni su na temelju različitih fizioloških i psiholoških parametara. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je istražiti učinke kratkotrajne preopterećenosti na cirkulacijske odgovore i parametre raspoloženja kod veslača. Metoda Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 14 veslača, natjecatelja na nacionalnoj kvalitetnoj razini (18.6±2.0 godina, 186±5.7 cm, 82.4±6.9 kg) koji su praćeni za vrijeme šestodnevnih priprema. Volumen treninga tijekom šest dana narastao je do 19.2±3.9 sati, što odgovara povećanju trenažnog volumena za otprilike 100% u usporedbi s njihovim prosječnim tjednim trenažnim opterećenjem u prethodna četiri tjedna. Ukupno, provedeno je 12 pojedinačnih treninga u eksperimentalnom periodu s preopterećenjem, za razliku od 6 takvih pojedinačnih treninga u četiri tjedna koja su prethodila pripremama. Osamdeset i pet posto ukupnog trenažnog volumena otpadalo je na trening izdržljivosti nižeg intenziteta (veslanje ili trčanje), 5% na anaerobni trening visokog intenziteta (veslanje) i 10% na treninge s otporom. Maksimalni test veslanja 2000 m na veslačkom ergometru proveden je prije (test 1) i nakon (test 2) šestodnevnog perioda treninga. Ispitanicima je bilo dozvoljeno da lagano treniraju ili da ne treniraju uopće to popodne kada se provodilo finalno testiranje. Uzorci krvi prikupljali su se na svakom jutarnjem treningu. Ranojutarnja tjelesna težina i frekvencija srca pratili su se svakog dana. Osim toga, od veslača se tražilo da svaki dan sami procijene kvalitetu spavanja, umor, stres i bol u mišićima na skali od 1 do 7 (1 - vrlo, vrlo malo, 7 - vrlo, vrlo jako). Rezultati Wilcoxonov test ekvivalentnih parova korišten je za usporedbu rezultata prvog i drugog testiranja. Izračunat je Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije. Za sve testove utvrđena je razina značajnosti od 0.05. Vrijeme veslanja na ergometru na 2000 m poraslo je sa 395.9±10.8s na 404.2±11.9 sekundi zajedno s opadanjem snage sa 361.9±28.5W na 349.0±32.8 W. Koncentracija laktata u krvi, mjerena pet minuta nakon provedenog testa, smanjila se (sa 19.2±2.9 na 16.2±2.3mmol•l-1), kao i frekvencija srca (sa 184.6±7.5 na 179.2±7.4 otk•min-1). Maksimalni primitak kisika ostao je nepromijenjen. Subjektivna ocjena umora i boli u mišićima povećala se, a i pokazalo se da je povezana s razinom trenažnog volumena (r>.52). Parametri iz krvi, kao što su broj crvenih krvnih stanica, koncentracija hemoglobina i hematokrita, smanjili su svoje vrijednosti, dok su volumen krvne plazme i volumen krvi bili povećani nakon trenažnog perioda. Varijable krvnih parametara nisu pokazale povezanost s trenažnim volumenom (r0.05). Promjene u testovima prosječnih vrijednosti frekvencije srca pokazale su povezanost s promjenama u volumenima krvi (r = -0.48) i plazme (r = -0.55). Rasprava i zaključak Smanjenje maksimalnih rezultata kod veslača interpretiralo se kao odraz premorenosti, možda i preopterećenosti. Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja mogli bismo reći da je najprikladnija metoda za praćenje kratkotrajnog trenažnog perioda preopterećenosti samoanaliza raspoloženja uz korištenje dnevničkih bilježaka o treninzima. Sveobuhvatno fiziološko testiranje manje je osjetljivo na dramatično povećanje trenažnog volumena kod veslača. Za sada se čini da je samoanaliza sportaša, koji je podvrgnut visokim trenažnim opterećenjima, najučinkovitija metoda za praćenje moguće kratkotrajne preopterećenosti. Dugoročno vođene dnevničke samoanalitičke bilješke mogu se jednostavno čuvati i uspoređivati sa sostificiranijim fiziološkim metodama za procjenu pretreniranosti kada je to potrebno.Die Auswirkungen einer kurzfristigen Überbelastung bei Ruderern auf die Blutkreislaufwerte und Gemütszustandparameter wurden geforscht. Vierzehn leistungsstärkste estonische Ruderer (18,6 ± 2,0 Jahre alt; 186,9 ± 5,7 cm; 82,4 ± 6,9 kg) wurden während eines sechstägigen Trainingslagers beobachtet. Das Trainingsprogramm bestand überwiegend aus dem Rudern niedriger Intensität auf Gewässern und Krafttraining, durchschnittlich 19,2 ± 3,9 Stunden der Dauer, was einer fast 100% Erhöhung der Trainingsbelastung entspricht. Die Dauer des 2000m Ruderns steigte von 395,9 ± 10,8 bis auf 404,2 ± 11,9 Sekunden, was einer durchschnittlichen Kraftaufwand von 361,9 ± 28,5 und 349,0 ± 32,8 W entspricht. Die Konzentration von Blutlaktaten (von 19,2 ± 2,9 bis 16,2 ± 2,3 mmol.l-1) wurde fünf Minuten nach dem Test gemessen und die durchschnittliche Herzfrequenz nahm ab (von 184,6 ± 7,5 bis 179,2 ± 7,4 Herzschläge.min-1). Der maximale Sauerstoffverbrauch blieb unverändert. Die subjektive Einschätzungswerte von Erschöpfung und Muskelschmerz nahmen zu, was mit dem Trainingsumfang zusammenhängt (r>0,52). Die Blutparameter, wie z. B. die Anzahl von roten Blutzellen, die Hämoglobinkonzentration und Hämatokrit nahmen ab, während das Blut- und Plasmavolumen nach der Trainingsperiode zunahm. Die Blutvariablen korrelierten nicht mit dem Trainingsumfang (r0,05). Der Unterschied zwischen den Tests der durchschnittlichen Herzfrequenz zeigte die Korrelationen mit den Unterschieden im Blut- (r=-,48) und Plasmavolumen (r=-0,55) auf. Daraus lässt sich folgern, dass das meist geeignete und einfachste Mittel zur Beobachtung einer kurzfristigen Trainingsperiode mit Überbelastung die tägliche persönliche Auffasungsweise des Sportlers über seinem Wohlbefinden ist

    Hohe trainingsbelastung bei ruderern: Auswirkungen auf Kreislaufwerte und Gemütszustandparameter

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    The effects of short-term overreaching on the circulatory responses and mood state parameters were investigated in male rowers. Fourteen national team level rowers (18.6 ± 2.0 yrs; 186.9 ± 5.7 cm; 82.4 ± 6.9 kg) were monitored during a six-day training camp. The training regimen consisted mainly of low-intensity on-water rowing and resistance training, for 19.2 ± 3.9 h, corresponding to an approximate 100% increase in the training load. The 2,000 m rowing ergometer performance time increased from 395.9 ± 10.8 to 404.2 ± 11.9 s corresponding to a mean power of 361.9 ± 28.5 and 349.0 ± 32.8 W, respectively. Blood lactate concentration measured five minutes after the test (from 19.2 ± 2.9 to 16.2 ± 2.3 mmol.l-1) and mean heart rate (from 184.6 ± 7.5 to 179.2 ± 7.4 beats/min-1) decreased. Maximal oxygen consumption remained unchanged. The subjective ratings of fatigue and muscle soreness increased and were related to the training volume (r>0.52). The blood parameters of the red blood cell count, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit were decreased, while blood and plasma volumes were increased after the training period. The blood variables were not correlated with the training volume (r0.05). The change between tests in the corresponding heart rate demonstrated correlation to the changes in blood (r=-0.48) and plasma (r=-0.55) volumes. It is concluded that the most appropriate and simple tool for monitoring a short-term overload training period is the self-reported ratings of well-being on a daily basis.Uvod Sindrom pretreniranosti definira se kao dugoročno sniženje kapaciteta za sportske rezultate uzrokovano nakupljanjem trenažnog i izvantrenažnog stresa. Pretreniranost se javlja kao odgovor na velike volumene trenažnih opterećenja i/ili visoke intenzitete treninga uz neadekvatne periode oporavka između pojedinačnih treninga. Brojni pokazatelji pretreniranosti i preopterećenosti (overreaching) izdvojeni su na temelju različitih fizioloških i psiholoških parametara. Svrha ovog istraživanja bila je istražiti učinke kratkotrajne preopterećenosti na cirkulacijske odgovore i parametre raspoloženja kod veslača. Metoda Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 14 veslača, natjecatelja na nacionalnoj kvalitetnoj razini (18.6±2.0 godina, 186±5.7 cm, 82.4±6.9 kg) koji su praćeni za vrijeme šestodnevnih priprema. Volumen treninga tijekom šest dana narastao je do 19.2±3.9 sati, što odgovara povećanju trenažnog volumena za otprilike 100% u usporedbi s njihovim prosječnim tjednim trenažnim opterećenjem u prethodna četiri tjedna. Ukupno, provedeno je 12 pojedinačnih treninga u eksperimentalnom periodu s preopterećenjem, za razliku od 6 takvih pojedinačnih treninga u četiri tjedna koja su prethodila pripremama. Osamdeset i pet posto ukupnog trenažnog volumena otpadalo je na trening izdržljivosti nižeg intenziteta (veslanje ili trčanje), 5% na anaerobni trening visokog intenziteta (veslanje) i 10% na treninge s otporom. Maksimalni test veslanja 2000 m na veslačkom ergometru proveden je prije (test 1) i nakon (test 2) šestodnevnog perioda treninga. Ispitanicima je bilo dozvoljeno da lagano treniraju ili da ne treniraju uopće to popodne kada se provodilo finalno testiranje. Uzorci krvi prikupljali su se na svakom jutarnjem treningu. Ranojutarnja tjelesna težina i frekvencija srca pratili su se svakog dana. Osim toga, od veslača se tražilo da svaki dan sami procijene kvalitetu spavanja, umor, stres i bol u mišićima na skali od 1 do 7 (1 - vrlo, vrlo malo, 7 - vrlo, vrlo jako). Rezultati Wilcoxonov test ekvivalentnih parova korišten je za usporedbu rezultata prvog i drugog testiranja. Izračunat je Spearmanov koeficijent korelacije. Za sve testove utvrđena je razina značajnosti od 0.05. Vrijeme veslanja na ergometru na 2000 m poraslo je sa 395.9±10.8s na 404.2±11.9 sekundi zajedno s opadanjem snage sa 361.9±28.5W na 349.0±32.8 W. Koncentracija laktata u krvi, mjerena pet minuta nakon provedenog testa, smanjila se (sa 19.2±2.9 na 16.2±2.3mmol•l-1), kao i frekvencija srca (sa 184.6±7.5 na 179.2±7.4 otk•min-1). Maksimalni primitak kisika ostao je nepromijenjen. Subjektivna ocjena umora i boli u mišićima povećala se, a i pokazalo se da je povezana s razinom trenažnog volumena (r>.52). Parametri iz krvi, kao što su broj crvenih krvnih stanica, koncentracija hemoglobina i hematokrita, smanjili su svoje vrijednosti, dok su volumen krvne plazme i volumen krvi bili povećani nakon trenažnog perioda. Varijable krvnih parametara nisu pokazale povezanost s trenažnim volumenom (r0.05). Promjene u testovima prosječnih vrijednosti frekvencije srca pokazale su povezanost s promjenama u volumenima krvi (r = -0.48) i plazme (r = -0.55). Rasprava i zaključak Smanjenje maksimalnih rezultata kod veslača interpretiralo se kao odraz premorenosti, možda i preopterećenosti. Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja mogli bismo reći da je najprikladnija metoda za praćenje kratkotrajnog trenažnog perioda preopterećenosti samoanaliza raspoloženja uz korištenje dnevničkih bilježaka o treninzima. Sveobuhvatno fiziološko testiranje manje je osjetljivo na dramatično povećanje trenažnog volumena kod veslača. Za sada se čini da je samoanaliza sportaša, koji je podvrgnut visokim trenažnim opterećenjima, najučinkovitija metoda za praćenje moguće kratkotrajne preopterećenosti. Dugoročno vođene dnevničke samoanalitičke bilješke mogu se jednostavno čuvati i uspoređivati sa sostificiranijim fiziološkim metodama za procjenu pretreniranosti kada je to potrebno.Die Auswirkungen einer kurzfristigen Überbelastung bei Ruderern auf die Blutkreislaufwerte und Gemütszustandparameter wurden geforscht. Vierzehn leistungsstärkste estonische Ruderer (18,6 ± 2,0 Jahre alt; 186,9 ± 5,7 cm; 82,4 ± 6,9 kg) wurden während eines sechstägigen Trainingslagers beobachtet. Das Trainingsprogramm bestand überwiegend aus dem Rudern niedriger Intensität auf Gewässern und Krafttraining, durchschnittlich 19,2 ± 3,9 Stunden der Dauer, was einer fast 100% Erhöhung der Trainingsbelastung entspricht. Die Dauer des 2000m Ruderns steigte von 395,9 ± 10,8 bis auf 404,2 ± 11,9 Sekunden, was einer durchschnittlichen Kraftaufwand von 361,9 ± 28,5 und 349,0 ± 32,8 W entspricht. Die Konzentration von Blutlaktaten (von 19,2 ± 2,9 bis 16,2 ± 2,3 mmol.l-1) wurde fünf Minuten nach dem Test gemessen und die durchschnittliche Herzfrequenz nahm ab (von 184,6 ± 7,5 bis 179,2 ± 7,4 Herzschläge.min-1). Der maximale Sauerstoffverbrauch blieb unverändert. Die subjektive Einschätzungswerte von Erschöpfung und Muskelschmerz nahmen zu, was mit dem Trainingsumfang zusammenhängt (r>0,52). Die Blutparameter, wie z. B. die Anzahl von roten Blutzellen, die Hämoglobinkonzentration und Hämatokrit nahmen ab, während das Blut- und Plasmavolumen nach der Trainingsperiode zunahm. Die Blutvariablen korrelierten nicht mit dem Trainingsumfang (r0,05). Der Unterschied zwischen den Tests der durchschnittlichen Herzfrequenz zeigte die Korrelationen mit den Unterschieden im Blut- (r=-,48) und Plasmavolumen (r=-0,55) auf. Daraus lässt sich folgern, dass das meist geeignete und einfachste Mittel zur Beobachtung einer kurzfristigen Trainingsperiode mit Überbelastung die tägliche persönliche Auffasungsweise des Sportlers über seinem Wohlbefinden ist

    Association of FTO rs1421085 with obesity, diet, physical activity and socioeconomic status: a longitudinal birth cohort study

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    Background and aims Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) variants are among genetic variants frequently associated with obesity. We analyzed the association between FTO rs1421085 polymorphism and obesity, dietary intake, cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), physical activity, and socioeconomic status (SES) from the age of 9–25 years. Methods and results The sample included both birth cohorts (originally n = 1176) of the Estonian Children Personality Behaviour and Health Study. The association between FTO rs1421085 and obesity, dietary intake, CRF, physical activity, and SES from the age of 15–25 years was assessed using linear mixed-effects regression models. Associations at ages 9 (younger cohort only), 15, 18, and 25 years were assessed by one-way ANOVA. Male C-allele carriers had significantly (p < 0.05) higher body mass index (BMI), sum of 5 skinfolds, body fat percentage, and hip circumference from the age of 15–25 years. Findings were similar at the age of 9 years. In female subjects, waist-to-hip ratio was significantly greater in CC homozygotes. Interestingly, female CC homozygotes had a greater decrease in the rate of change in daily energy intake and lipid intake per year and higher physical activity score at every fixed time point. Moreover, in females, an effect of FTO × SES interaction on measures of obesity was observed. Conclusion The FTO rs1421085 polymorphism was associated with obesity and abdominal obesity from childhood to young adulthood in males, and with abdominal obesity from adolescence to young adulthood in females. This association is rather related to differences in adipocyte energy metabolism than lifestyle

    Hormonski odgovor na skakački test u sprintera adolescenata

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three different duration (1, 3 or 5 min) rest intervals on hormonal response in 10x10 hurdle jumping series. Eleven adolescent male sprinters and jumpers (16.2±0.9 years, height 170.5±7.9 cm, body mass 70.9±11.1 kg, body mass index 22.0±3.4 kg/m2) participated in the study. An exercise session consisted of 10 two-legged jumps with arm swing over ten 76 cm high hurdles in 10 series which were separated by either 1-, 3- or 5-minute rest intervals. Venous blood samples were obtained before and after the session and cortisol (CORT), testosterone (TEST) and the growth hormone (GH) concentrations were analyzed. Mean jumping times over 10 hurdles using one (7.67±0.92 sec), three (7.44±0.66 sec) or five (7.14±0.54 sec) minutes of recovery were not significantly different from each other (p>.05). No significant changes were noted in CORT and TEST concentrations as a result of different exercise sessions. Compared with the initial value, GH increased rapidly (p,05. Nisu zabilježene značajne promjene u koncentracijama CORT i TEST nakon provedenih različitih protokola vježbanja. U usporedbi s inicijalnim mjerenjima, koncentracija GH je naglo rasla (p<,001) nakon skakačkoga testa provedenoga s jednominutnom pauzom između serija. Negativna korelacija (r=-,791) zabilježena je između prosječnoga vremena skokova s petominutnom pauzom između serija i promjena u koncentraciji TEST. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da kratkotrajne serije skokova s različitim trajanjem odmora među njima ne izazivaju značajne promjene u koncentracijama TEST i CORT, ali u protokolu vježbanja s najkraćom pauzom (jedna minuta) dolazi do značajnih razlika u koncentraciji GH u sprintera i skakača adolescenata

    Nice guys: Homozygocity for the TPH2 -703G/T (rs4570625) minor allele promotes low aggressiveness and low anxiety

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    Background: Tryptophan hydroxylase (TPH) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of serotonin. We examined whether the TPH2 polymorphism -703G/T (rs4570625) is associated with aggressiveness and impulsivity, and the prevalence of psychiatric disorders, in a population-representative sample. Methods: We used self and proxy reports on aggressive behaviour in the younger birth cohort of the longitudinal Estonian Children Personality, Behaviour and Health Study collected at age 25, and earlier collected impulsivity and related data of both ECPBHS cohorts. Results: The TT homozygous males reported less aggressive behaviour in the Life History of Aggression interview at age 25. They also had significantly lower scores in Illinois Bully Scale peer reports, and less ADHD symptoms rated by teachers both at ages 9 and 15. The TT homozygotes of both sexes had the lowest Maladaptive Impulsivity at ages 18 and 25, and the highest Adaptive Impulsivity at age 25. The TT homozygotes also had low depressiveness and trait anxiety by age 25, and the odds ratio for the prevalence of anxiety disorders was 9.38 for the G-allele carriers. Limitations: The main limitation of the study is the naturally occurring low number of subjects with the TT genotype. Conclusions: Subjects with the TPH2 rs4570625 TT genotype, especially males, exhibit less aggression and a favourable impulsivity profile, and develop anxiety disorders by young adulthood less often

    Antropometrijske i fiziološke odrednice izvedbe trčanja u trkača na srednje i duge pruge

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    The aim of the present study was to compare anthropometric, body composition and physiological parameters in middle- and long-distance runners of the same performance level and to identify variables that could predict the probability of being either a middle- or a long-distance runner. National-level middle-(n=20, body mass M=70.5, SD=6.3 kg, body height M=1.80, SD=0.04 m,) and long- (n=20, body mass M=69.0, SD=4.5 kg, body height M=1.81, SD=0.05 m) distance runners performed an incremental test on a treadmill. Anthropometric and body composition parameters were measured and different body length and mass ratios were calculated. Middle- and long-distance runners did not differ (p>.05) in their leg mass, length proportions, in their measured anthropometric or body composition parameters, except for the lower leg length. Performance in middle-distance runners was best described by the lower leg to upper leg mass ratio (Adj R2=.41; p<.05) and the second ventilatory threshold time (Adj R2=.33; p<.05), while the performance in long-distance runners was best described by the total time on a treadmill (Adj R2=.36; p<.05). The constructed model showed that VO2maxtime (OR=1.01, 95% CI 1.001-1.012) and age (OR=1.57; 95% CI 1.065-2.310) classified middle- and long-distance runners in their specialties. In conclusion, the results of the present study demonstrate the relevance of specific anthropometric parameters in predicting middle- but not longdistance running performance.Cilj je ovoga rada bio usporediti antropometrijske i fiziološke parametre te sastav tijela trkača na srednje i duge pruge koji su slične kvalitetne razine te identificirati varijable koje bi mogle prognozirati vjerojatnost njihova pripadanja skupini srednjoprugaša ili dugoprugaša. Trkači nacionalnog ranga koji trče na srednje (n=20, tjelesna masa M=70,5 kg, SD=6,3 kg, tjelesna visina M=1,80 m, SD=0,04 m) i duge pruge (n=20, tjelesna masa M=69,0 kg, SD=4,5 kg, tjelesna visina M=1,81 m, SD=0,05 m) podvrgnuti su progresivnom testu opterećenja. Izmjerene su antropometrijske karakteristike i sastav tijela te su izračunati omjeri longitudinalnih dimenzija različitih dijelova tijela i njihove mase. Srednjoprugaši i dugoprugaši se nisu razlikovali (p>0,05) u masi nogu, proporcijama dužine te izmjerenim antropometrijskim parametrima ili varijablama sastava tijela. Izvedba trčanja na srednje pruge najbolje je definirana pomoću varijable omjer mase potkoljenice i mase natkoljenice (Adj R2=0,41; p<0,05) te vremena postizanja drugog ventilacijskog praga (Adj R2=0,33; p<0,05), dok je uspješnost trčanja u dugoprugaša bila najbolje definirana pomoću varijable ukupno vrijeme trčanja na progresivnom testu opterećenja (Adj R2=0,36; p<0,05). Konstruirani model je pokazao da su vrijeme postizanja VO2max na progresivnom testu opterećenja (OR=1,01, 95% CI 1.001-1.012) i dob trkača (OR=1,57; 95% CI 1.065-2.310) najviše pridonijeli klasifikaciji trkača u njihove discipline. Zaključno, rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazali su na važnost specifičnih antropometrijskih karakteristika u predviđanju uspješnosti u trčanju na srednje pruge, ali ne i u trčanju na duge pruge

    Interpretation of peak oxygen consumption in 10–12-year-old soccer players: effect of biological maturation and body size

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of biological maturation and body size on aerobic capacity using appropriate scaling procedures in 10–12-year-old soccer players divided into late, average and early maturing boys. Peak oxygen consumption (VO2peak) was expressed as absolute values, ratio standards, theoretical exponents and experimentally observed exponents. VO2peak was not directly proportional to body mass as the experimentally observed exponent for body mass calculated through linear regression analysis yielded to b=0.64 (R2=0.62; p2peak expressed in l/min was different (p2peak values were adjusted for body mass (ml/min/kg), or when the effect of body mass was adjusted for using theoretical exponent scales (ml/kg0.67/min, ml/kg0.75/min) and experimentally observed exponent (ml/kg0.64/min), the VO2peak responses displayed relativeley constant values (p&gt;0.05) throughout different maturation groups. Linear regression analyses indicated that after adjusting for the effects of body mass using the theoretical exponent scales (ml/min/kg0.67), biological maturation and body size had no effect on VO2peak values in young soccer players. In conclusion, the theoretical exponent scale for body mass (ml/kg0.67/min) control adequately for biological maturation and body size differences in VO2peak in 10–12-year-old soccer players. Therefore, more mature soccer players with better body size values should not be preferentially selected for young soccer teams