9 research outputs found

    Case report: Molecular profiling facilitates the diagnosis of a challenging case of lung cancer with choriocarcinoma features

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    Accurate diagnoses are crucial in determining the most effective treatment across different cancers. In challenging cases, morphology-based traditional pathology methods have important limitations, while molecular profiling can provide valuable information to guide clinical decisions. We present a 35-year female with lung cancer with choriocarcinoma features. Her disease involved the right lower lung, brain, and thoracic lymph nodes. The pathology from brain metastasis was reported as “metastatic choriocarcinoma” (a germ cell tumor) by local pathologists. She initiated carboplatin and etoposide, a regimen for choriocarcinoma. Subsequently, her case was assessed by pathologists from an academic cancer center, who gave the diagnosis of “adenocarcinoma with aberrant expression of β-hCG” and finally pathologists at our hospital, who gave the diagnosis of “poorly differentiated carcinoma with choriocarcinoma features”. Genomic profiling detected a KRAS G13R mutation and transcriptomics profiling was suggestive of lung origin. The patient was treated with carboplatin/paclitaxel/ipilimumab/nivolumab followed by consolidation radiation therapy. She had no evidence of progression to date, 16 months after the initial presentation. The molecular profiling could facilitate diagnosing of challenging cancer cases. In addition, chemoimmunotherapy and local consolidation radiation therapy may provide promising therapeutic options for patients with lung cancer exhibiting choriocarcinoma features

    Integration of multiscale dendritic spine structure and function data into systems biology models

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    Comprising 1011 neurons with 1014 synaptic connections the human brain is the ultimate systems biology puzzle. An increasing body of evidence highlights the observation that changes in brain function, both normal and pathological, consistently correlate with dynamic changes in neuronal anatomy. Anatomical changes occur on a full range of scales from the trafficking of individual proteins, to alterations in synaptic morphology both individually and on a systems level, to reductions in long distance connectivity and brain volume. The major sites of contact for synapsing neurons are dendritic spines, which provide an excellent metric for the number and strength of signaling connections between elements of functional neuronal circuits. A comprehensive model of anatomical changes and their functional consequences would be a holy grail for the field of systems neuroscience but its realization appears far on the horizon. Various imaging technologies have advanced to allow for multi-scale visualization of brain plasticity and pathology, but computational analysis of the massive big data sets involved forms the bottleneck toward the creation of multiscale models of brain structure and function. While a full accounting of techniques and progress toward a comprehensive model of brain anatomy and function is beyond the scope of this or any other single paper, this review serves to highlight the opportunities for analysis of neuronal spine anatomy and function provided by new imaging technologies and the high-throughput application of older technologies while surveying the strengths and weaknesses of currently available computational analytical tools and room for future improvement

    Three-dimensional architecture of the rod sensory cilium and its disruption in retinal neurodegeneration

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    Defects in primary cilia lead to devastating disease because of their roles in sensation and developmental signaling but much is unknown about ciliary structure and mechanisms of their formation and maintenance. We used cryo-electron tomography to obtain 3D maps of the connecting cilium and adjacent cellular structures of a modified primary cilium, the rod outer segment, from wild-type and genetically defective mice. The results reveal the molecular architecture of the cilium and provide insights into protein functions. They suggest that the ciliary rootlet is involved in cellular transport and stabilizes the axoneme. A defect in the BBSome membrane coat caused defects in vesicle targeting near the base of the cilium. Loss of the proteins encoded by the Cngb1 gene disrupted links between the disk and plasma membranes. The structures of the outer segment membranes support a model for disk morphogenesis in which basal disks are enveloped by the plasma membrane. PaperFlick: © 2012 Elsevier Inc