48 research outputs found

    A geometrically constrained multimodal time domain approach for convolutive blind source separation

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    A novel time domain constrained multimodal approach for convolutive blind source separation is presented which incorporates geometrical 3-D cordinates of both the speakers and the microphones. The semi-blind separation is performed in time domain and the constraints are incorporated through an alternative least squares optimization. Orthogonal source model and gradient based optimization concepts have been used to construct and estimate the model parameters which fits the convolutive mixture signals. Moreover, the majorization concept has been used to incorporate the geometrical information for estimating the mixing channels for different time lags. The separation results show a considerable improvement over time domain convolutive blind source separation systems. Having diagonal or quasi diagonal covariance matrices for different source segments and also having independent profiles for different sources (which implies nonstationarity of the sources) are the requirements for our method. We evaluated the method using synthetically mixed real signals. The results show high capability of the method for separating speech signals. © 2011 EURASIP

    Simultaneous localization and separation of biomedical signals by tensor factorization

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    Instantaneous phase tracking of oscillatory signals using emd and Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering

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    A new method for instantaneous phase tracking of oscillatory signals in a narrow band frequency range is proposed. Empirical mode decomposition (EMD), as an adaptive and data-driven method for analyzing non-linear and non-stationary time series, is applied to a mixture of signals. Then, one of the resulted intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) is used for estimating the instantaneous phase of the signal in a certain frequency band. Since by applying EMD to the noisy signal the noise is distributed over the IMFs, the Rao-Blackwellised particle filtering (RBPF) is used to track the actual instantaneous phase from the noisy IMF. The formulated RBPF operates based on smoothing the instantaneous frequency traces in Hilbert domain and denoising the signal in time domain. Finally, the method is able to track the instantaneous phases across consecutive time points. The method is applied to both simulated and real data. As an application, it can be used for mental fatigue analysis based on the changes in phase synchronization of different brain rhythms in different brain regions before and during the fatigue state

    Gait parameter estimation from a miniaturized ear-worn sensor using singular spectrum analysis and longest common subsequence

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    This paper presents a new approach to gait analysis and parameter estimation from a single miniaturised earworn sensor embedded with a triaxial accelerometer. Singular spectrum analysis (SSA) combined with the longest common subsequence (LCSS) algorithm has been used as a basis for gait parameter estimation. It incorporates information from all axes of the accelerometer to estimate parameters including swing, stance and stride times. Rather than only using local features of the raw signals, the periodicity of the signals is also taken into account. The hypotheses tested by this study include: 1) how accurate is the ear-worn sensor in terms of gait parameter extraction compared to the use of an instrumented treadmill; 2) does the ear-worn sensor provide a feasible option for assessment and quantification of gait pattern changes. Key gait events for normal subjects such as heel contact and toe off are validated with a high-speed camera, as well as a force-plate instrumented treadmill. Ten healthy adults walked for 20 minutes on a treadmill with an increasing incline of 2% every 2 minutes. The upper and lower limits of the absolute errors using 95% confidence intervals for swing, stance and stride times were obtained as 35.5±3.99ms, 36.9 ± 3.84ms, and 17.9 ± 2.29ms, respectively

    Lameness detection in cows using hierarchical deep learning and synchrosqueezed wavelet transform

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    Objectives: Identification of cow lameness is important to farmers to improve and manage cattle health and welfare. No validated tools exist for automatic lameness detection. In this research, we aim to early detect the cow lameness by identifying the instantaneous fundamental gait harmonics from low frequency (16Hz) acceleration signals recorded using leg-worn sensors. Methods: A triaxial accelerometer has been worn on each cow leg. Synchrosqueezed wavelet transform (SSWT) has been applied to acceleration signals to generate the initial time-frequency spectrum related to the gait. This spectrum is given as an input to a designed deep neural network including time-frequency based long short-term memory (LSTM) to estimate instantaneous frequencies at each time point. An inverse SSWT (ISSWT) is then used to recover the gait harmonic and to estimate an enhanced spectrum. Results: Validation of instantaneous frequencies has been provided for each cow leg (combined signals from 23 cows) and the time-series cross validator across the three folds are provided. The average of mean squared errors in frequencies across 3 folds for each leg is obtained as 0.036, 0.033, 0.044 and 0.042 for left-front, right-front, right-back and left-back legs, respectively. Conclusion: Estimation of instantaneous gait frequencies is proved useful for identification of cow gait phases, lameness detection, accurate estimation of gait speed, coherency in movement among the legs and identification of non-gait episodes. Moreover, the proposed method can be used as a new frequency ridge estimation method exploiting SSWT for many other applications

    Applied Machine Learning for the Prediction of Growth of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm in Humans

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    Objective: Accurate prediction of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) growth in an individual can allow personalised stratification of surveillance intervals and better inform the timing for surgery. The authors recently described the novel significant association between flow mediated dilatation (FMD) and future AAA growth. The feasibility of predicting future AAA growth was explored in individual patients using a set of benchmark machine learning techniques. Methods: The Oxford Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Study (OxAAA) prospectively recruited AAA patients undergoing the routine NHS management pathway. In addition to the AAA diameter, FMD was systemically measured in these patients. A benchmark machine learning technique (non-linear Kernel support vector regression) was applied to predict future AAA growth in individual patients, using their baseline FMD and AAA diameter as input variables. Results: Prospective growth data were recorded at 12 months (360 ± 49 days) in 94 patients. Of these, growth data were further recorded at 24 months (718 ± 81 days) in 79 patients. The average growth in AAA diameter was 3.4% at 12 months, and 2.8% per year at 24 months. The algorithm predicted the individual's AAA diameter to within 2 mm error in 85% and 71% of patients at 12 and 24 months. Conclusions: The data highlight the utility of FMD as a biomarker for AAA and the value of machine learning techniques for AAA research in the new era of precision medicine