13 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to explore the analgesic activity of lyophilized juice of Punica granatum L., obtained from Hidalgo, Mexico, in theformalin test.Methods: We extracted the juice manually, filtered it and then dried down in a lyophilizer machine. We evaluated the antinociceptive effect oflyophilized juice from pomegranate in the formalin test (2%) in male Wistar rats (180–200 g body weight). Thirty minutes before the test, a dose of316 mg/kg (lyophilized juice) and acetylsalicylic acid as reference drug (100 mg/kg) both were administered intragastrically (i.g.).Results: The oral administration of lyophilized juice of pomegranate showed a significant decrease in the number of flinches in the temporal courseand a significant antinociceptive effect in nociceptive and inflammatory pain compared with the vehicle. In the same way, this effect appeared with thedrug of reference (acetylsalicylic acid 100 mg/kg i.g). Furthermore, it was shown that juice had a 34% of antinociception on overall effect versus vehicle.Conclusion: The results suggest that lyophilized juice of pomegranate has antinociceptive effect in nociceptive and inflammatory pain. Therefore, thisstudy supports the possible use of this lyophilized juice of pomegranate in the treatment of pain

    Feelings and emotions of university students at the beginning of the pandemic due to confinement to sars-cov-19

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    El confinamiento por COVID-19 impacto en los procesos educativos afectando a los estudiantes y su estado emocional. Por lo anterior se pretende analizar la percepción de los estudiantes universitarios en cuanto a sus sentimientos y emociones durante el inicio de la pandemia. Se empleó un estudio cualitativo con 26 estudiantes con un muestreo intencionado y determinado por índice de saturación. El propósito de este estudio es evaluar el impacto del confinamiento en la salud mental de los estudiantes, entendiendo el concepto que tienen sobre sus sentimientos y emociones ante una pandemia para comprender mejor el fenómeno desde los ojos de esta población estudiada.The confinement by COVID-19 has an impact on educational processes, affecting students and their emotional state. Therefore, it is intended to analyze the perception of university students regarding their feelings and emotions during the beginning of the pandemic. A qualitative study was used with 26 students with an intentional sampling determined by the saturation index. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of confinement on the mental health of students, understanding the concept they have about their feelings and emotions in the face of a pandemic to better understand the phenomenon from the eyes of this population studied

    Evaluation of the nutritional status of the elderly in a permanent geriatric stay

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    El proceso de envejecimiento sugiere una serie de cambios fisiológicos a nivel de los diversos órganos y sistemas provocando pérdida de la masa y fuerza conocida como sarcopenia. La desnutrición es uno de los grandes síndromes geriátricos y un factor desencadenante para fragilidad en los adultos mayores.  Esto representa un factor de riesgo para institucionalización y desencadenamiento de otras morbilidades. Es por esto que la realización de un diagnóstico oportuno sobre el estado nutricional de los adultos mayores dentro de una estancia geriátrica permanente es una herramienta para la realización y evaluación de las intervenciones de enfermería para los cuidadores y los pacientes institucionalizados. El presente trabajo fue parte de la materia de Cuidado de Enfermería en la salud mental donde los estudiantes de la materia de Cuidado de Enfermería en el adulto mayor tomaron los datos a evaluar a través de 4 escalas de evaluación que fueron la escala de Braden para determinar úlceras por presión, Escala de Morse para evaluar riesgo de caídas, Mini nutricional Self MNA para evaluar estado nutricional y SARC – F que evalúa presencia de sarcopenia.  Dentro de los principales resultados encontramos que los adultos mayores institucionalizados presentan desnutrición 17%, 30% riesgo de desnutrición, 45% estado nutricional normal y un 8% se negó a evaluar, en cuanto a riesgo bajo de úlceras por presión, con un poco riesgo de caídas con un 50% y 25 sin riesgo de caídas, en cuanto a la presencia de úlceras se encontró un 70% de riesgo bajo, 15% con riesgo moderado y 15 % de pacientes con alto riesgo de presentar úlceras por presión. Es por esto que la evaluación y seguimiento de la nutrición tanto de cuidadores como de personal de enfermería son cruciales para evitar compromiso en la salud del adulto mayor.The aging process suggests a series of physiological changes at the level of various organs and systems, causing loss of mass and strength known as sarcopenia. Malnutrition is one of the major geriatric syndromes and a triggering factor for frailty in older adults. This represents a risk factor for institutionalization and triggering of other morbidities. This is why making a timely diagnosis of the nutritional status of older adults within a permanent geriatric stay is a tool for carrying out and evaluating nursing interventions for caregivers and institutionalized patients. The present work was part of the subject of Nursing Care in mental health where the students of the subject of Nursing Care in the elderly took the data to be evaluated through 4 evaluation scales that were the Braden scale to determine pressure ulcers, Morse Scale to assess the risk of falls, Mini nutritional Self MNA to assess nutritional status and SARC - F that assesses the presence of sarcopenia. Among the main results we found that institutionalized older adults have 17% malnutrition, 30% risk of malnutrition, 45% normal nutritional status and 8% refused to evaluate, in terms of low risk of pressure ulcers, with a little risk of falls with 50% and 25 without risk of falls, in terms of the presence of ulcers, 70% were found to be at low risk, 15% at moderate risk and 15% of patients at high risk of presenting pressure ulcers. This is why the evaluation and follow-up of the nutrition of both caregivers and nursing staff are crucial to avoid compromising the health of the elderly


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    El abuso de inhalables constituye un problema de magnitud mundial que repercute en la salud pública, no sólo porque afecta a grandes grupos sociales, muchos de ellos marginados, sino porque se presenta a edades tempranas y provoca graves secuelas para la salud. Los inhalables de abuso se definen como aquellas sustancias volátiles a temperatura ambiente que se inhalan para producir un estado alterado de conciencia. Un reporte reciente señala que la prevalencia de consumo es más alta en la Ciudad de México y que el tolueno (presente en pegamentos, pinturas acrílicas y disolvente de pinturas) es el disolvente de preferencia en la capital del país. De acuerdo a estudios in vitro, se ha visto que el tolueno incrementa la actividad de los receptores GABAA, con lo que se produce un efecto depresor. Al observar el efecto de los disolventes en los usuarios y gracias a estudios conductuales realizados con animales de laboratorio, se estableció que los disolventes tienen acciones semejantes a los depresores clásicos del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC). Con base en ello se ha propuesto que estas sustancias podrían compartir algunos mecanismos de acción y que podrían tener efectos anticonvulsivantes, así como que el tratamiento crónico con disolventes de abuso, como el tolueno, podría producir tolerancia a dichos efectos, al igual que lo que sucede con algunos depresores del SNC. Se usaron ratones macho CD1 (25-35 g), se siguieron 3 protocolos experimentales: 1. Se administró pentilentetrazol (PTZ, antagonista del receptor GABAA) i.p., a los ratones e inmediatamente después se les colocó de manera individual en una cámara de exposición estática durante 30 min, con el fin de hacer una curva dosis-respuesta para determinar la dosis convulsionante 100. 2. (Pre-exposición) Los animales se expusieron al disolvente (tolueno 4000 ppm) o aire durante 30 min, una vez transcurrido este tiempo se sacaron de la cámara, se le administró el agente convulsionante y se introdujeron en una segunda cámara donde fueron expuestos al disolvente o al aire durante 30 min. 3. (Crónico) Los animales se expusieron a tolueno 4000 ppm o a aire durante 30 min, 2 veces al día, por 60 días y el día 61 los animales evaluaron de acuerdo al protocolo de pre-exposición. Se determinó que la dosis convulsivante 100 de PTZ correspondió a 60 mg/kg. De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en la exposición aguda (pre-exposición) se encontró que el tolueno tuvo un efecto anticonvulsivante y de protección contra la muerte inducida por PTZ, lo cual podría ser debido a una potenciación de los receptores GABA A. Por otro lado, el tolueno, en administraciones repetidas, perdió en parte su efecto protector en contra de las convulsiones producidas por PTZ al aumentar el número de convulsiones clónicas en comparación con los ratones de los experimentos de la fase aguda, lo cual podría deberse, al menos en parte, a una regulación en la baja de los receptores GABAA

    Effect of Extract and Ellagic Acid from <i>Geranium schiedeanum</i> on the Antioxidant Defense System in An Induced-Necrosis Model

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    Geranium schiedeanum has been used in traditional therapies as an antiseptic, antipyretic, and as analgesic. The present study was designed to evaluate the pretreatment with G. schiedeanum total extract (GS) and its active metabolites on stimulating the endogenous antioxidant defense system (EADS): catalase (Cat), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), glutathione reductase (GR), and glutathione reduction index (RI GSH/GSSG) in rat liver treated with a sublethal dose (6.6 mmol/Kg) of thioacetamide (TAA) in order to probe the capacity of GS and the active compounds to reduce liver injury. This was assessed by measuring aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), and total bilirubin (BILT) in rats pretreated or not with TAA, and pretreated or not with GS and its metabolites. The results showed that GS was able to induce the production of EADS enzymes, increasing redox index GSH/GSSG at 24 and 48 h after intoxication, and both the extract and the ellagic acid exhibited a significant reduction of hepatic damage markers. Our data confirmed the hepatoprotective effect of GS and its metabolites, like ellagic acid, support the possible use of this extract in the treatment of liver injury

    Antinociceptive Synergism of Pomegranate Peel Extract and Acetylsalicylic Acid in an Animal Pain Model

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    Several modern drugs, which are derived from traditional herbal medicine are used in contemporary pharmacotherapy. Currently, the study of drug–plant interactions in pain has increased in recent years, looking for greater efficacy of the drug and reduce side effects. The antinociception induced by intragastric co-administration of the combination of pomegranate peel extract (PoPEx) and acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was assessed using the isobolographic analysis in formalin test (nociceptive and inflammatory pain). The effective dose that produced 30% of antinociception (ED30) was calculated for both drugs from the logarithmic dose–response curves, subsequently generating a curve with the combination on fixed proportions (1:1) of PoPEx and ASA. Through isobolographic analysis, this experimental ED30 was compared with the calculated theoretical additive ED30. The result was a synergistic interaction, the experimental ED30 was significantly smaller (p &lt; 0.05) than the theoretical ED30. The antinociceptive mechanism of the PoPEx-ASA combination involves the l-Arginine/NO/cGMP pathway, antioxidant capacity, and high content of total phenols. These findings suggest that an interaction between PoPEx and ASA could be a novel treatment for inflammatory and nociceptive pain, also diminish the secondary reactions of ASA

    Promising Antioxidant Activity of Erythrina Genus: An Alternative Treatment for Inflammatory Pain?

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    The negative impact that oxidative stress has on health is currently known. The complex mechanism of free radicals initiates a series of chain reactions that contribute to the evolution or development of different degenerative disorders. Likewise, these disorders are usually accompanied by inflammatory processes and, therefore, pain. In this sense, reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been shown to promote the nociceptive process, but effective treatment of pain and inflammation still represents a challenge. Over time, it has been learned that there is no single way to relieve pain, and as long as there are no other alternatives, the trend will continue to apply multidisciplinary management, such as promote the traditional use of the Erythrina genus to manage pain and inflammation. In this sense, the Erythrina genus produces a wide range of secondary metabolites, including flavanones, isoflavones, isoflavones, and pterocarpans; these compounds are characterized by their antioxidant activity. Phenolic compounds have demonstrated their ability to suppress pro-oxidants and inhibit inflammatory signaling pathways such as MAPK, AP1, and NF&kappa;B. Although there is preclinical evidence supporting its use, the pharmacological effect mechanisms are not entirely clear. Nowadays, there is a fast advancement in knowledge of the disciplines related to drug discovery, but most of nature&rsquo;s medicinal potential has not yet been harnessed. This review analyzes the decisive role that the Erythrina genus could play in managing inflammatory pain mediated by its compounds and its uses as an antioxidant

    Differential Antinociceptive Efficacy of Peel Extracts and Lyophilized Juices of Three Varieties of Mexican Pomegranate (<i>Punica granatum</i> L.) in the Formalin Test

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    Pharmacological treatment of pain often causes undesirable effects, so it is necessary to look for natural, safe, and effective alternatives to alleviate painful behavior. In this context, it is known that different parts of pomegranate have been widely consumed and used as preventive and therapeutic agents since ancient times. For example, it has been shown to have an antinociceptive effect, however, there are many varieties. Each part has been found to display unique and attractive pharmacological activities. The content of the active phytochemicals in pomegranate depends on the cultivar, geographical region, the maturity, and the processing method. In this context, the effects of various pomegranate varieties and other parts of the pomegranate (e.g., peel and juice) on pain behavior have not been examined. The aim was to evaluate and compare the antinociceptive effect of ethanolic extracts (PEx) and lyophilized juices (Lj) of three varieties of pomegranate in the formalin test. In addition, computer-aided analysis was performed for determining biological effects and toxicity. Peels were extracted with ethanol and evaporated by rotary evaporation, and juices were filtered and lyophilized. Wistar rats (N = 48) were randomly distributed into 8 groups (n = 6) (Vehicle, Acetylsalicylic Acid, PEx1, PEx2, PEx3, Lj1, Lj2, and Lj3). The formalin test (2%) was carried out, which consists of administering formalin in paw and counting the paw flinches for 1 h, with prior administration of treatments. All samples have an antinociceptive effect (phase 1: 2.8–10%; phase 2: 23.2–45.2%). PEx2 and Lj2 had the greatest antinociceptive effect (57.8–58.9%), and bioactive compounds such as tannins and flavonoids showed promising pharmacodynamic properties that may be involved in the antinociceptive effect, and can be considered as a natural alternative for the treatment of nociceptive and inflammatory pain

    Antioxidant and Hepatoprotective Effects of Croton hypoleucus Extract in an Induced-Necrosis Model in Rats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant and hepatoprotective activity of Croton hypoleucus (EC). The present work reports the first pharmacological, toxicological, and antioxidant studies of EC extract on liver injury. Liver necrosis was induced by thioacetamide (TAA). Five groups were established: Croton Extract (EC), thioacetamide (TAA), Croton extract with thioacetamide (EC + TAA), vitamin E with thioacetamide (VE + TAA) and the positive control and vehicle (CT). For EC and EC + TAA, Wistar rats (n = 8) were intragastrically pre-administered for 4 days with EC (300 mg/kg.day) and on the last day, EC + TAA received a single dose of TAA (400 mg/kg). At 24 h after damage induction, animals were sacrificed. In vitro activity and gene expression of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (Cat), and Nrf2 nuclear factor were measured. The results show that EC has medium antioxidant properties, with an IC50 of 0.63 mg/mL and a ferric-reducing power of 279.8 µM/mg. Additionally, EC reduced hepatic damage markers at 24 h after TAA intoxication; also, it increased SOD and Cat gene expression against TAA by controlling antioxidant defense levels. Our findings demonstrated the hepatoprotective effect of EC by reducing hepatic damage markers and controlling antioxidant defense levels. Further studies are necessary to identify the mechanism of this protection

    Post-Coronavirus Disease 2019 Triggers the Appearance of Mixed Polyneuropathy and Brain Fog: A Case Report

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can directly or indirectly affect the central and peripheral nervous systems, resulting in cognitive impairment, memory problems, and a wide range of neuromuscular involvement, including neuropathies. However, the long-term neurological complications of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection are not clear. The aim this study was to analyze a case report the presence of neurological sequelae due to post-Coronavirus disease 19 in a patient without apparent previous neurological symptoms. Clinical case: A 46-year-old patient, with no relevant history for the described condition, who, after severe COVID-19 infection, started a mixed neuropathy and mental fog syndrome as the main sequel. Multiple laboratory and imaging studies were performed during and after his hospital stay, and it was corroborated by an electromyography that it occurred from a neuropathy triggered by COVID-19 infection. Conclusions: This case provides additional evidence that mixed neuropathy and brain fog syndrome are potential complications of post-coronavirus disease 2019 syndrome. The neurological sequelae that manifest after a COVID-19 episode can be rapidly enhanced as a consequence of another alteration in some systems of the organism. However, future studies are necessary to elucidate the incidence of these neurological complications, their pathophysiological mechanisms and their therapeutic options