457 research outputs found

    Germline genetic variation in prostate susceptibility does not predict outcomes in the chemoprevention trials PCPT and SELECT

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    Background The development of prostate cancer can be influenced by genetic and environmental factors. Numerous germline SNPs influence prostate cancer susceptibility. The functional pathways in which these SNPs increase prostate cancer susceptibility are unknown. Finasteride is currently not being used routinely as a chemoprevention agent but the long term outcomes of the PCPT trial are awaited. The outcomes of the SELECT trial have not recommended the use of chemoprevention in preventing prostate cancer. This study investigated whether germline risk SNPs could be used to predict outcomes in the PCPT and SELECT trial. Methods Genotyping was performed in European men entered into the PCPT trial (n = 2434) and SELECT (n = 4885). Next generation genotyping was performed using Affymetrix® Eureka™ Genotyping protocols. Logistic regression models were used to test the association of risk scores and the outcomes in the PCPT and SELECT trials. Results Of the 100 SNPs, 98 designed successfully and genotyping was validated for samples genotyped on other platforms. A number of SNPs predicted for aggressive disease in both trials. Men with a higher polygenic score are more likely to develop prostate cancer in both trials, but the score did not predict for other outcomes in the trial. Conclusion Men with a higher polygenic risk score are more likely to develop prostate cancer. There were no interactions of these germline risk SNPs and the chemoprevention agents in the SELECT and PCPT trials

    Polygenic risk-tailored screening for prostate cancer: A benefit-harm and cost-effectiveness modelling study.

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    Background The United States Preventive Services Task Force supports individualised decision-making for prostate-specific antigen (PSA)-based screening in men aged 55-69. Knowing how the potential benefits and harms of screening vary by an individual's risk of developing prostate cancer could inform decision-making about screening at both an individual and population level. This modelling study examined the benefit-harm tradeoffs and the cost-effectiveness of a risk-tailored screening programme compared to age-based and no screening.Methods and findings A life-table model, projecting age-specific prostate cancer incidence and mortality, was developed of a hypothetical cohort of 4.48 million men in England aged 55 to 69 years with follow-up to age 90. Risk thresholds were based on age and polygenic profile. We compared no screening, age-based screening (quadrennial PSA testing from 55 to 69), and risk-tailored screening (men aged 55 to 69 years with a 10-year absolute risk greater than a threshold receive quadrennial PSA testing from the age they reach the risk threshold). The analysis was undertaken from the health service perspective, including direct costs borne by the health system for risk assessment, screening, diagnosis, and treatment. We used probabilistic sensitivity analyses to account for parameter uncertainty and discounted future costs and benefits at 3.5% per year. Our analysis should be considered cautiously in light of limitations related to our model's cohort-based structure and the uncertainty of input parameters in mathematical models. Compared to no screening over 35 years follow-up, age-based screening prevented the most deaths from prostate cancer (39,272, 95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 16,792-59,685) at the expense of 94,831 (95% UI: 84,827-105,630) overdiagnosed cancers. Age-based screening was the least cost-effective strategy studied. The greatest number of quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) was generated by risk-based screening at a 10-year absolute risk threshold of 4%. At this threshold, risk-based screening led to one-third fewer overdiagnosed cancers (64,384, 95% UI: 57,382-72,050) but averted 6.3% fewer (9,695, 95% UI: 2,853-15,851) deaths from prostate cancer by comparison with age-based screening. Relative to no screening, risk-based screening at a 4% 10-year absolute risk threshold was cost-effective in 48.4% and 57.4% of the simulations at willingness-to-pay thresholds of GBP£20,000 (US26,000)and£30,000(26,000) and £30,000 (39,386) per QALY, respectively. The cost-effectiveness of risk-tailored screening improved as the threshold rose.Conclusions Based on the results of this modelling study, offering screening to men at higher risk could potentially reduce overdiagnosis and improve the benefit-harm tradeoff and the cost-effectiveness of a prostate cancer screening program. The optimal threshold will depend on societal judgements of the appropriate balance of benefits-harms and cost-effectiveness

    A Review of Prostate Cancer Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS).

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    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in Europe and the United States. The genetic heritability of prostate cancer is contributed to by both rarely occurring genetic variants with higher penetrance and moderate to commonly occurring variants conferring lower risks. The number of identified variants belonging to the latter category has increased dramatically in the last 10 years with the development of the genome-wide association study (GWAS) and the collaboration of international consortia that have led to the sharing of large-scale genotyping data. Over 40 prostate cancer GWAS have been reported, with approximately 170 common variants now identified. Clinical utility of these variants could include strategies for population-based risk stratification to target prostate cancer screening to men with an increased genetic risk of disease development, while for those who develop prostate cancer, identifying genetic variants could allow treatment to be tailored based on a genetic profile in the early disease setting. Functional studies of identified variants are needed to fully understand underlying mechanisms of disease and identify novel targets for treatment. This review will outline the GWAS carried out in prostate cancer and the common variants identified so far, and how these may be utilized clinically in the screening for and management of prostate cancer. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev; 27(8); 845-57. ©2018 AACR

    Germline DNA Repair Gene Mutations in Young-onset Prostate Cancer Cases in the UK: Evidence for a More Extensive Genetic Panel

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    Background Rare germline mutations in DNA repair genes are associated with prostate cancer (PCa) predisposition and prognosis. Objective To quantify the frequency of germline DNA repair gene mutations in UK PCa cases and controls, in order to more comprehensively evaluate the contribution of individual genes to overall PCa risk and likelihood of aggressive disease. Design, setting, and participants We sequenced 167 DNA repair and eight PCa candidate genes in a UK-based cohort of 1281 young-onset PCa cases (diagnosed at ≤60 yr) and 1160 selected controls. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis Gene-level SKAT-O and gene-set adaptive combination of p values (ADA) analyses were performed separately for cases versus controls, and aggressive (Gleason score ≥8, n = 201) versus nonaggressive (Gleason score ≤7, n = 1048) cases. Results and limitations We identified 233 unique protein truncating variants (PTVs) with minor allele frequency <0.5% in controls in 97 genes. The total proportion of PTV carriers was higher in cases than in controls (15% vs 12%, odds ratio [OR] = 1.29, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.01–1.64, p = 0.036). Gene-level analyses selected NBN (pSKAT-O = 2.4 × 10−4) for overall risk and XPC (pSKAT-O = 1.6 × 10−4) for aggressive disease, both at candidate-level significance (p < 3.1 × 10−4 and p < 3.4 × 10−4, respectively). Gene-set analysis identified a subset of 20 genes associated with increased PCa risk (OR = 3.2, 95% CI 2.1–4.8, pADA = 4.1 × 10−3) and four genes that increased risk of aggressive disease (OR = 11.2, 95% CI 4.6–27.7, pADA = 5.6 × 10−3), three of which overlap the predisposition gene set. Conclusions The union of the gene-level and gene-set-level analyses identified 23 unique DNA repair genes associated with PCa predisposition or risk of aggressive disease. These findings will help facilitate the development of a PCa-specific sequencing panel with both predictive and prognostic potential. Patient summary This large sequencing study assessed the rate of inherited DNA repair gene mutations between prostate cancer patients and disease-free men. A panel of 23 genes was identified, which may improve risk prediction or treatment pathways in future clinical practice

    Increased level of chromosomal damage after irradiation of lymphocytes from BRCA1 mutation carriers

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    Deleterious mutations in the BRCA1 gene predispose women to an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Many functional studies have suggested that BRCA1 has a role in DNA damage repair and failure in the DNA damage response pathway often leads to the accumulation of chromosomal aberrations. Here, we have compared normal lymphocytes with those heterozygous for a BRCA1 mutation. Short-term cultures were irradiated (8Gy) using a high dose rate and subsequently metaphases were analysed by 24-colour chromosome painting (M-FISH). We scored the chromosomal rearrangements in the metaphases from five BRCA1 mutation carriers and from five noncarrier control samples 6 days after irradiation. A significantly higher level of chromosomal damage was detected in the lymphocytes heterozygous for BRCA1 mutations compared with normal controls; the average number of aberrations per mitosis was 3.48 compared with 1.62 in controls (P=0.0001). This provides new evidence that heterozygous mutation carriers have a different response to DNA damage compared with noncarriers and that BRCA1 has a role in DNA damage surveillance. Our finding has implications for treatment and screening of BRCA1 mutation carriers using modalities that involve irradiation

    LocusExplorer: a user-friendly tool for integrated visualization of human genetic association data and biological annotations.

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    Unlabelled : In this article, we present LocusExplorer, a data visualization and exploration tool for genetic association data. LocusExplorer is written in R using the Shiny library, providing access to powerful R-based functions through a simple user interface. LocusExplorer allows users to simultaneously display genetic, statistical and biological data for humans in a single image and allows dynamic zooming and customization of the plot features. Publication quality plots may then be produced in a variety of file formats.Availability and implementation LocusExplorer is open source and runs through R and a web browser. It is available at www.oncogenetics.icr.ac.uk/LocusExplorer/ or can be installed locally and the source code accessed from https://github.com/oncogenetics/LocusExplorerContact [email protected]
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