27 research outputs found

    A Five-Coordinate Heme Dioxygen Adduct Isolated within a Metalā€“Organic Framework

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    The porphyrinic metalā€“organic framework (MOF) PCN-224 is metalated with Fe<sup>II</sup> to yield a 4-coordinate ferrous heme-containing compound. The heme center binds O<sub>2</sub> at āˆ’78 Ā°C to give a 5-coordinate heme-O<sub>2</sub> complex. For the first time, this elusive species is structurally characterized, revealing an Fe<sup>III</sup> center coordinated to superoxide via an end-on, Ī·<sup>1</sup> linkage. MoĢˆssbauer spectroscopy supports the structural observations and indicates the presence of a low-spin electronic configuration for Fe<sup>III</sup>. Finally, variable-temperature O<sub>2</sub> adsorption data enable quantification of the Feā€“O<sub>2</sub> interaction, providing a binding enthalpy of āˆ’34(4) kJ/mol. This value is nearly half of that observed for comparable 6-coordinate, imidazole-bound heme-O<sub>2</sub> complexes, a difference that further illustrates the importance of axial ligands in biological heme-mediated O<sub>2</sub> transport and storage. These results demonstrate the ability of a MOF, by virtue of its rigid solid-state structure, to enable isolation and thorough characterization of a species that can only be observed transiently in molecular form

    Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Metalation of a Metalā€“Organic Framework: A Route toward Structurally Well-Defined Catalysts

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    Metalā€“organic frameworks featuring ligands with open chelating groups are versatile platforms for the preparation of a diverse set of heterogeneous catalysts through postsynthetic metalation. The crystalline nature of these materials allows them to be characterized via X-ray diffraction, which provides valuable insight into the structure of the metal sites that facilitate catalysis. A highly porous and thermally robust zirconium-based metalā€“organic framework, Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>4</sub>Ā­(bpydc)<sub>6</sub> (bpydc<sup>2ā€“</sup> = 2,2ā€²-bipyridne-5,5ā€²-dicarboxylate), bears open bipyridine sites that readily react with a variety of solution- and gas-phase metal sources to form the corresponding metalated frameworks. Remarkably, Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>4</sub>Ā­(bpydc)<sub>6</sub> undergoes a single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation upon metalation that involves a change in space group from <i>Fm</i>3Ģ…<i>m</i> to <i>Pa</i>3Ģ…. This structural transformation leads to an ordering of the metalated linkers within the framework, allowing structural characterization of the resulting metal complexes. Furthermore, Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>4</sub>Ā­(bpydc)<sub>6</sub> yields an active heterogeneous catalyst for arene Cā€“H borylation when metalated with [IrĀ­(COD)<sub>2</sub>]Ā­BF<sub>4</sub> (COD = 1,5-cyclooctadiene). These results highlight the unique potential of metalā€“organic frameworks as a class of heterogeneous catalysts that allow unparalleled structural characterization and control over their active sites

    Highly Selective Quantum Sieving of D<sub>2</sub> from H<sub>2</sub> by a Metalā€“Organic Framework As Determined by Gas Manometry and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    The quantum sieving effect between D<sub>2</sub> and H<sub>2</sub> is examined for a series of metalā€“organic frameworks (MOFs) over the temperature range 77ā€“150 K. Isothermal adsorption measurements demonstrate a consistently larger isosteric heat of adsorption for D<sub>2</sub> vs H<sub>2</sub>, with the largest difference being 1.4 kJ/mol in the case of Ni-MOF-74. This leads to a low-pressure selectivity for this material that increases from 1.5 at 150 K to 5.0 at 77 K. Idealized adsorption solution theory indicates that the selectivity decreases with increasing pressure, but remains well above unity at ambient pressure. Infrared measurements on different MOF materials show a strong correlation between selectivity and the frequency of the adsorbed H<sub>2</sub> translational band. This confirms that the separation is predominantly due to the difference in the zero-point energies of the adsorbed isotopologues

    CO<sub>2</sub> Dynamics in a Metalā€“Organic Framework with Open Metal Sites

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    Metalā€“organic frameworks (MOFs) with open metal sites are promising candidates for CO<sub>2</sub> capture from dry flue gas. We applied <i>in situ</i> <sup>13</sup>C NMR spectroscopy to investigate CO<sub>2</sub> adsorbed in Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobdc) (H<sub>4</sub>dobdc = 2,5-dihydroxyterephthalic acid; Mg-MOF-74, CPO-27-Mg), a key MOF in which exposed Mg<sup>2+</sup> cation sites give rise to exceptional CO<sub>2</sub> capture properties. Analysis of the resulting spectra reveals details of the binding and CO<sub>2</sub> rotational motion within the material. The dynamics of the motional processes are evaluated via analysis of the NMR line shapes and relaxation times observed between 12 and 400 K. These results form stringent and quantifiable metrics for computer simulations that seek to screen and improve the design of new MOFs for CO<sub>2</sub> capture

    Single-Crystal-to-Single-Crystal Metalation of a Metalā€“Organic Framework: A Route toward Structurally Well-Defined Catalysts

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    Metalā€“organic frameworks featuring ligands with open chelating groups are versatile platforms for the preparation of a diverse set of heterogeneous catalysts through postsynthetic metalation. The crystalline nature of these materials allows them to be characterized via X-ray diffraction, which provides valuable insight into the structure of the metal sites that facilitate catalysis. A highly porous and thermally robust zirconium-based metalā€“organic framework, Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>4</sub>Ā­(bpydc)<sub>6</sub> (bpydc<sup>2ā€“</sup> = 2,2ā€²-bipyridne-5,5ā€²-dicarboxylate), bears open bipyridine sites that readily react with a variety of solution- and gas-phase metal sources to form the corresponding metalated frameworks. Remarkably, Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>4</sub>Ā­(bpydc)<sub>6</sub> undergoes a single-crystal-to-single-crystal transformation upon metalation that involves a change in space group from <i>Fm</i>3Ģ…<i>m</i> to <i>Pa</i>3Ģ…. This structural transformation leads to an ordering of the metalated linkers within the framework, allowing structural characterization of the resulting metal complexes. Furthermore, Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>4</sub>Ā­(bpydc)<sub>6</sub> yields an active heterogeneous catalyst for arene Cā€“H borylation when metalated with [IrĀ­(COD)<sub>2</sub>]Ā­BF<sub>4</sub> (COD = 1,5-cyclooctadiene). These results highlight the unique potential of metalā€“organic frameworks as a class of heterogeneous catalysts that allow unparalleled structural characterization and control over their active sites

    Metal Insertion in a Methylamine-Functionalized Zirconium Metalā€“Organic Framework for Enhanced Carbon Dioxide Capture

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    The reaction of ZrCl<sub>4</sub> with 2ā€²,3ā€²,5ā€²,6ā€²-tetramethylamino-<i>p</i>-terphenyl-4,4ā€³-dicarboxylic acid (H<sub>2</sub>tpdc-4CH<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub>Ā·3HCl) in the presence of NaF affords Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>2.1</sub>F<sub>1.9</sub>(tpdc-4CH<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub>Ā·3HCl)<sub>6</sub> (<b>1</b>), which is a new member of the Zr<sub>6</sub>O<sub>4</sub>(OH)<sub>4</sub>(dicarboxylate linker)<sub>12</sub> or UiO-68 family, and exhibits high porosity with BET and Langmuir surface areas of 1910 m<sup>2</sup>/g and 2220 m<sup>2</sup>/g, respectively. Remarkably, fluoride ion incorporation in the zirconium clusters results in increased thermal stability, marking the first example of enhancement in the stability of a UiO framework by this defect-restoration approach. Although material <b>1</b> features four alkylamine groups on each organic linker, the framework does not exhibit the high CO<sub>2</sub> uptake that would be expected for reaction between CO<sub>2</sub> and the amine groups to form carbamic acid or ammonium carbamate species. The absence of strong CO<sub>2</sub> adsorption can likely be attributed to protonation at some of the amine sites and the presence of counterions. Indeed, exposure of material <b>1</b> to acetonitrile solutions of the organic bases 1,8-bisĀ­(dimethylamino)Ā­naphthalene (DMAN) or trimethylamine, affords a partially deprotonated material, which exhibits enhanced CO<sub>2</sub> uptake. Exposure of basic amine sites also facilitates the postsynthetic chelation of copperĀ­(I) ([CuĀ­(MeCN)<sub>4</sub>]Ā·CF<sub>3</sub>SO<sub>3</sub>) to yield material <b>2</b> with an enhanced CO<sub>2</sub> uptake of 4 wt % at 0.15 bar, which is double that of the parent framework <b>1</b>

    Capture of Carbon Dioxide from Air and Flue Gas in the Alkylamine-Appended Metalā€“Organic Framework mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc)

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    Two new metalā€“organic frameworks, M<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc) (M = Zn (<b>1</b>), Mg (<b>2</b>); dobpdc<sup>4ā€“</sup> = 4,4ā€²-dioxido-3,3ā€²-biphenyldicarboxylate), adopting an expanded MOF-74 structure type, were synthesized via solvothermal and microwave methods. Coordinatively unsaturated Mg<sup>2+</sup> cations lining the 18.4-ƅ-diameter channels of <b>2</b> were functionalized with <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>ā€²-dimethylethylenediamine (mmen) to afford Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc)Ā­(mmen)<sub>1.6</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>0.4</sub> (mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc)). This compound displays an exceptional capacity for CO<sub>2</sub> adsorption at low pressures, taking up 2.0 mmol/g (8.1 wt %) at 0.39 mbar and 25 Ā°C, conditions relevant to removal of CO<sub>2</sub> from air, and 3.14 mmol/g (12.1 wt %) at 0.15 bar and 40 Ā°C, conditions relevant to CO<sub>2</sub> capture from flue gas. Dynamic gas adsorption/desorption cycling experiments demonstrate that mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc) can be regenerated upon repeated exposures to simulated air and flue gas mixtures, with cycling capacities of 1.05 mmol/g (4.4 wt %) after 1 h of exposure to flowing 390 ppm CO<sub>2</sub> in simulated air at 25 Ā°C and 2.52 mmol/g (9.9 wt %) after 15 min of exposure to flowing 15% CO<sub>2</sub> in N<sub>2</sub> at 40 Ā°C. The purity of the CO<sub>2</sub> removed from dry air and flue gas in these processes was estimated to be 96% and 98%, respectively. As a flue gas adsorbent, the regeneration energy was estimated through differential scanning calorimetry experiments to be 2.34 MJ/kg CO<sub>2</sub> adsorbed. Overall, the performance characteristics of mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc) indicate it to be an exceptional new adsorbent for CO<sub>2</sub> capture, comparing favorably with both amine-grafted silicas and aqueous amine solutions

    Unconventional, Highly Selective CO<sub>2</sub> Adsorption in Zeolite SSZ-13

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    Low-pressure adsorption of carbon dioxide and nitrogen was studied in both acidic and copper-exchanged forms of SSZ-13, a zeolite containing an 8-ring window. Under ideal conditions for industrial separations of CO<sub>2</sub> from N<sub>2</sub>, the ideal adsorbed solution theory selectivity is >70 in each compound. For low gas coverage, the isosteric heat of adsorption for CO<sub>2</sub> was found to be 33.1 and 34.0 kJ/mol for Cu- and H-SSZ-13, respectively. From <i>in situ</i> neutron powder diffraction measurements, we ascribe the CO<sub>2</sub> over N<sub>2</sub> selectivity to differences in binding sites for the two gases, where the primary CO<sub>2</sub> binding site is located in the center of the 8-membered-ring pore window. This CO<sub>2</sub> binding mode, which has important implications for use of zeolites in separations, has not been observed before and is rationalized and discussed relative to the high selectivity for CO<sub>2</sub> over N<sub>2</sub> in SSZ-13 and other zeolites containing 8-ring windows

    Capture of Carbon Dioxide from Air and Flue Gas in the Alkylamine-Appended Metalā€“Organic Framework mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc)

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    Two new metalā€“organic frameworks, M<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc) (M = Zn (<b>1</b>), Mg (<b>2</b>); dobpdc<sup>4ā€“</sup> = 4,4ā€²-dioxido-3,3ā€²-biphenyldicarboxylate), adopting an expanded MOF-74 structure type, were synthesized via solvothermal and microwave methods. Coordinatively unsaturated Mg<sup>2+</sup> cations lining the 18.4-ƅ-diameter channels of <b>2</b> were functionalized with <i>N</i>,<i>N</i>ā€²-dimethylethylenediamine (mmen) to afford Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc)Ā­(mmen)<sub>1.6</sub>(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>0.4</sub> (mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc)). This compound displays an exceptional capacity for CO<sub>2</sub> adsorption at low pressures, taking up 2.0 mmol/g (8.1 wt %) at 0.39 mbar and 25 Ā°C, conditions relevant to removal of CO<sub>2</sub> from air, and 3.14 mmol/g (12.1 wt %) at 0.15 bar and 40 Ā°C, conditions relevant to CO<sub>2</sub> capture from flue gas. Dynamic gas adsorption/desorption cycling experiments demonstrate that mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc) can be regenerated upon repeated exposures to simulated air and flue gas mixtures, with cycling capacities of 1.05 mmol/g (4.4 wt %) after 1 h of exposure to flowing 390 ppm CO<sub>2</sub> in simulated air at 25 Ā°C and 2.52 mmol/g (9.9 wt %) after 15 min of exposure to flowing 15% CO<sub>2</sub> in N<sub>2</sub> at 40 Ā°C. The purity of the CO<sub>2</sub> removed from dry air and flue gas in these processes was estimated to be 96% and 98%, respectively. As a flue gas adsorbent, the regeneration energy was estimated through differential scanning calorimetry experiments to be 2.34 MJ/kg CO<sub>2</sub> adsorbed. Overall, the performance characteristics of mmen-Mg<sub>2</sub>(dobpdc) indicate it to be an exceptional new adsorbent for CO<sub>2</sub> capture, comparing favorably with both amine-grafted silicas and aqueous amine solutions