20 research outputs found

    Black hole induced spins from hyperbolic encounters in dense clusters

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    The black holes that have been detected via gravitational waves (GW) can have either astrophysical or primordial origin. Some GW events show significant spin for one of the components and have been assumed to be astrophysical, since primordial black holes are generated with very low spins. However, it is worth studying if they can increase their spin throughout the evolution of the universe. Possible mechanisms that have already been explored are via multiple black hole mergers and gas accretion. We propose here a new mechanism that can occur in dense clusters of black holes: the spin up of primordial black holes when they are involved in close hyperbolic encounters. We explore this effect numerically with the Einstein Toolkit for different initial conditions, including variable mass ratios. For equal masses, there is a maximum spin that can be induced on the black holes, ꭕ=a/m≤0.2. We find however that for large mass ratios one can attain spins up to ꭕ≃0.7, where the highest spin is induced on the most massive black hole. For small induced spins we provide simple analytical expressions that depend on the relative velocity and impact parameterWe would like to thank Zachariah Etienne and Patrick E. Nelson for their help regarding BH hyperbolic encounters with the Einstein Toolkit. All the simulations have been run in the Hydra HPC cluster in the IFT. S.J. is supported by a predoctoral contract by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Ref. SEV-2016-0597- 19-2. The authors acknowledge support from the Research Project PGC2018-094773-B-C32 [MINECO, Spain-FEDER, Spain], and the Centro de Excelencia Severo Ochoa Program, Spain SEV-2016-059

    The stochastic gravitational wave background from close hyperbolic encounters of primordial black holes in dense clusters

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    The inner part of dense clusters of primordial black holes is an active environment where multiple scattering processes take place. Some of them give rise from time to time to bounded pairs, and the rest ends up with a single scattering event. The former eventually evolves to a binary black hole (BBH) emitting periodic gravitational waves (GWs), while the latter with a short distance, called close hyperbolic encounters (CHE), emits a strong GW burst. We make the first calculation of the stochastic GW background originating from unresolved CHE sources. Unlike the case for BBH, the low-frequency tail of the SGWB from CHE is sensitive to the redshift dependence of the event rate, which could help distinguish the astrophysical from the primordial black hole contributions. We find that there is a chance that CHE can be tested by third-generation ground-based GW detectors such as Einstein Telescope and Cosmic Explorer.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure. Changes match published versio

    Spanish journalists on Twitter : Diagnostic approach to what, and how Spanish journalists talk about politics, international affairs, society, communication and culture

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    Twitter has become a broad network of news and information. Journalists exploit the possibilities of this network to access information sources, to disseminate messages or participate in debates about current news. The objective of this investigation is to discover what Spanish journalists talk about on Twitter through a comparative study between journalists working in traditional media and in cyber media and determine if there is a difference between their platform usage. This research analyzes 3,500 tweets taken from two samples of Spanish journalists (conventional media professionals and digital media professionals). This comparative study is based on six major thematic categories: politics, international affairs, society, communication and culture, according to a system of classification of registration units consisting of 6 thematic groups covering 35 categories and 1,226 subcategories. The research identifies, among other aspects, a predominance of content focused on political issues compared to other thematic areas. In addition, there are very homogeneous network utilization dynamics among general media journalists and digital journalists, while there is a growing interest in society and culture issues and a shortage of content about the network and the journalistic profession itself.Twitter s'ha convertit en una àmplia xarxa de notícies i informació. Els periodistes aprofiten les possibilitats d'aquesta xarxa per accedir a fonts d'informació, difondre missatges o participar en debats sobre actualitat. L'objectiu d'aquesta investigació és saber de què parlen els periodistes espanyols a Twitter a través d'un estudi comparatiu entre periodistes que treballen en mitjans tradicionals i en cibermitjans per establir si existeixen diferències entre ells i quines són les tendències d'ús de la plataforma en cadascun dels grups. Aquesta investigació analitza 3.500 tuits extrets de dues mostres de periodistes espanyols (professionals dels mitjans convencionals i professionals dels mitjans digitals). El treball fa un estudi comparatiu a partir de sis grans categories temàtiques: política, internacional, societat, comunicació i cultura, a través d'un sistema de classificació d'unitats registrals que consta de 6 grups temàtics que comprenen 35 categories i 1.226 subcategories. La investigació identifica, entre altres aspectes, un predomini de continguts enfocats a temes polítics en front d'altres àrees temàtiques. A més, existeix una dinàmica d'utilització de la xarxa molt homogènia entre els periodistes dels mitjans de comunicació en general i els periodistes digitals, mentre que s'observa un creixent interès pels temes de la societat i la cultura i una escassetat de contingut sobre la xarxa i la professió periodística.Twitter se ha convertido en una amplia red de noticias e información. Los periodistas aprovechan las posibilidades de esta red para acceder a fuentes de información, difundir mensajes o participar en debates sobre actualidad. El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer de qué hablan los periodistas españoles en Twitter a través de un estudio comparativo entre periodistas que trabajan en medios tradicionales y en cibermedios para establecer si existen diferencias entre ellos y cuáles son las tendencias de uso de la plataforma en cada uno de los grupos. Esta investigación analiza 3.500 tuits extraídos de dos muestras de periodistas españoles (profesionales de los medios convencionales y profesionales de los medios digitales). El trabajo realiza un estudio comparativo a partir de seis grandes categorías temáticas: política, internacional, sociedad, comunicación y cultura, a través de un sistema de clasificación de unidades registrales que consta de 6 grupos temáticos que abarcan 35 categorías y 1.226 subcategorías. La investigación identifica, entre otros aspectos, un predominio de contenidos enfocados en temas políticos frente a otras áreas temáticas. Además, existe una dinámica de utilización de la red muy homogénea entre los periodistas de los medios de comunicación en general y los periodistas digitales, mientras se observa un creciente interés en los temas de la sociedad y la cultura y una escasez de contenido sobre la red y la propia profesión periodística

    De qué conversan los periodistas españoles en Twitter. Contenidos y tendencias en la twitteresfera española

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    El consumo de noticias se ha convertido en una experiencia social. En este escenario nos planteamos responder al interrogante: ¿De qué conversan los periodistas españoles en Twitter? Este trabajo estudia qué tipo de contenido emiten en Twitter para establecer si la vinculación de estos profesionales con los medios convencionales o con los cibermedios influye en la orientación temática de su actividad en Twitter. Se ha trabajado con tres muestras (portadas de cinco diarios de referencia de España, diez cuentas de Twitter de periodistas de medios de comunicación tradicionales y diez cuentas de ciberperiodistas). La investigación, de dos años de duración, ha analizado 3.500 tuits a partir de un sistema de clasificación de unidades de registro conformado por 35 categorías temáticas. El estudio concluye, entre otros aspectos, que la política nacional e internacional es el gran tema de Twitter junto a una preocupación creciente por el terrorismo yihadista y los asuntos del contexto iberoamericano por encima del europeo. El trabajo advierte también de la existencia de ciertas brechas temáticas sobre sociedad, cultura, arte o ciencia. Además se detecta una tendencia creciente del uso de la plataforma con fines de autopromoción por parte de los periodistas.The consumption of news has become a social experience. In this scenario, we set out to answer the following question: What are Spanish journalists talking about on Twitter? This work studies what type of content they emit on Twitter to establish if the link between these professionals and the mass media or with the cybermedia influences the thematic orientation of their tweet. The study has worked with three samples (a sample of covers of five newspapers of reference of Spain, a sample of ten accounts of Twitter corresponding to journalists from mass communication media and a sample of ten accounts of cyberjournalists). The two-year research has analyzed 3.500 tweets based on a classification system of registration units made up of 35 thematic categories. The study concludes, among other aspects, that politics (national and international) is the great theme of Twitter along with a growing concern for jihadist terrorism and issues of the Ibero-American context over Europe. The work also warns of the existence of thematic gaps in certain areas (such as society, culture, art or science). In addition, an increasing tendency of the use of the platform for the purpose of self-promotion by journalists is detected

    What are the Spanish journalists talking about on Twitter. Content and trends in the Spanish twittersphere

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    The consumption of news has become a social experience. In this scenario, we set out to answer the following question: What are Spanish journalists talking about on Twitter? This work studies what type of content they emit on Twitter to establish if the link between these professionals and the mass media or with the cybermedia influences the thematic orientation of their tweet. The study has worked with three samples (a sample of covers of five newspapers of reference of Spain, a sample of ten accounts of Twitter corresponding to journalists from mass communication media and a sample of ten accounts of cyberjournalists). The two-year research has analyzed 3.500 tweets based on a classification system of registration units made up of 35 thematic categories. The study concludes, among other aspects, that politics (national and international) is the great theme of Twitter along with a growing concern for jihadist terrorism and issues of the Ibero-American context over Europe. The work also warns of the existence of thematic gaps in certain areas (such as society, culture, art or science). In addition, an increasing tendency of the use of the platform for the purpose of self-promotion by journalists is detected

    Bayesian parameter estimation for targeted anisotropic gravitational-wave background

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    Extended sources of the stochastic gravitational backgrounds have been conventionally searched on the spherical harmonics bases. The analysis during the previous observing runs by the ground-based gravitational-wave detectors, such as LIGO and Virgo, have yielded the constraints on the angular power spectrum Cℓ, yet it lacks the capability of estimating other parameters such as a spectral index. In this paper, we introduce an alternative Bayesian formalism to search for such stochastic signals with a particular distribution of anisotropies on the sky. This approach provides a Bayesian posterior of model parameters and also enables selection tests among different signal models. While the conventional analysis fixes the highest angular scale a priori, here we show a more systematic and quantitative way to determine the cutoff scale based on a Bayes factor, which depends on the amplitude and the angular scale of observed signals. Also, we analyze the third observing runs of LIGO and Virgo for the population of millisecond pulsars and obtain the 95% constraints of the signal amplitude, ϵ<2.7×10-8PGC2018-094773-B-C32, CEX2020-001007-

    Stochastic gravitational wave background constraints from Gaia DR3 astrometry

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    Astrometric surveys can be used to constrain the stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) at very low frequencies. We use proper motion data provided by Gaia DR3 to fit a generic dipole+quadrupole field. We analyse several quasar-based datasets and discuss their purity and idoneity to set constraints on gravitational waves. For the cleanest dataset, we derive an upper bound on the (frequency-integrated) energy density of the SGWB h702ΩGW0.087h_{70}^2\Omega_{\rm GW}\lesssim 0.087 for 4.2×1018 Hzf1.1×108 Hz4.2\times 10^{-18}~\mathrm{Hz}\lesssim f\lesssim 1.1\times 10^{-8}~\mathrm{Hz}. We also reanalyse previous VLBI-based data to set the constraint h702ΩGW0.024h_{70}^2\Omega_{\rm GW}\lesssim 0.024 for 5.8×1018 Hzf1.4×109 Hz5.8\times 10^{-18}~\mathrm{Hz}\lesssim f\lesssim 1.4\times 10^{-9}~\mathrm{Hz} under the same formalism, standing as the best astrometric constraint on GWs. Based on our results, we discuss the potential of future Gaia data releases to impose tighter constraints.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Análisis de las temáticas y tendencias de periodistas españoles en Twitter : contenidos sobre política, cultura, ciencia, comunicación e Internet

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    Twitter se ha convertido en una fuente de datos y de noticias. Pero, ¿de qué hablan los periodistas españoles en Twitter? La investigación descriptiva y analítica, con enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo, estudia desde una perspectiva longitudinal una sucesión diacrónica de mensajes vía Twitter. El corpus de estudio estuvo conformado por dos muestras invitadas y no probabilísticas: 3500 tuits emitidos por 20 periodistas titulares de cuentas de Twitter en siete días a lo largo de siete semanas, entre enero de 2017 y marzo de 2018, y por 35 portadas de periódicos publicadas en las mismas fechas. La investigación analiza los tuits clasificados en cinco categorías temáticas: política, cultura, ciencia, comunicación e Internet. El estudio ha creado un sistema de clasificación de unidades de registro conformado por 35 categorías temáticas y 1226 subcategorías. Se concluye, entre otros aspectos, que los periodistas ofrecen mediante Twitter un alcance temático mucho más extenso que los medios de comunicación de masas. Hispanoamérica se presenta como un escenario de debate político frente a Europa; mientras que las crisis, especialmente las internacionales, condicionan las agendas temáticas de los medios. Se detecta la inexistencia de una estrategia de información cultural y un rol protagónico de la autopromoción.Twitter has become a source of data and news. But what do Spanish journalists talk about on Twitter? The research is characterized by its descriptive and analytical aim, and its quantitative and qualitative approach. The work presents a retrospective longitudinal investigation that studied a diachronic succession of messages via Twitter produced over a certain period. The study, with a sampling work of one and a half years, designed a categorization system of registration units that were subsequently quantified. The study corpus consisted of 3,500 tweets issued by 20 journalists who were Twitter account holders in seven days over seven weeks, between January 2017 and March 2018, and by 35 newspaper covers that were published in that same period. The sources of the data obtained from the monitoring of the two groups of journalists were structured into two invited and non-probability samples. Based on this, the research analyzes the tweets of Spanish journalists classified into five thematic categories: politics, culture, science, communication, and the Internet. The study has created a unit classification system made up of 35 thematic categories and 1,226 subcategories. The research concludes, among other aspects, that through Twitter journalists offer a thematic scope much more extensive than the mass media. Hispano-America is presented as a stage for political debate against Europe; while crises, especially international ones, condition the media thematic agendas. The non-existence of a cultural information strategy and a leading role of self-promotion are detecte

    La formación en psicología y las nuevas exigencias del mundo laboral: Competencias laborales exigidas a los psicólogos

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    En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de una investigación realizada para determinar las competencias laborales exigidas a los Psicólogos en el medio laboral actual. Participaron 60 egresados quienes a través de un cuestionario (Ruiz, Jaraba &amp; Romero, 2005) dieron cuenta de los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes que se le demandan a los profesionales del área de la Psicología. En términos generales según los datos encontrados, la formación de los psicólogos basada en competencias, implica el conocimiento de principios psicológicos fundamentales y herramientas tecnológicas, habilidades obligatorias que facilitan el trabajo en las condiciones actuales, así como solucionar problemas, tener iniciativa, etc., y ciertas actitudes que muestren la calidad humana y ética del profesional

    Competencias laborales y la formación universitaria

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    This article is the product of a theoretical revision about labor competitions in the current literature, previous to an investigative process that is developed in the Universidad del Norte with Psychology Department graduated students in the scope of the Curricular Modernization Project. To organize an investigation around the competitions concept requires reaching a clarity and theoretical unification in this way, which is undertaken by the building of a conceptual scheme. This scheme takes into account the profusion in the concept definitions existed at the present time and carries out an analysis of the same ones. With the revision of the competitions notion it can be concluded that, although it doesn’t exist a clear definition or consent on what means this concept, in the different meanings it is referred to a knowledge, to a know how to do and to know how to be in a certain context.Este artículo es el producto de una revisión teórica del constructo competencias laborales en la literatura actual, como antesala a un proceso investigativo que se desarrolla en la Universidad del Norte con los egresados del Programa de Psicología en el marco del Proyecto de Modernización Curricular. Organizar una investigación en torno al concepto de competencias requiere alcanzar una claridad y unificación teórica respecto a éste, cometido que se emprende construyendo un marco conceptual que dé cuenta de la profusión de definiciones que existen en la actualidad y realizando un análisis. Con la revisión de la noción de competencias se concluye que, aunque no existe una clara definición o consenso sobre lo que significa este concepto, en las distintas acepciones, se hace referencia a un saber, saber hacer y saber ser en un contexto determinado