58 research outputs found

    CSI Neural Network: Using Side-channels to Recover Your Artificial Neural Network Information

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    Machine learning has become mainstream across industries. Numerous examples proved the validity of it for security applications. In this work, we investigate how to reverse engineer a neural network by using only power side-channel information. To this end, we consider a multilayer perceptron as the machine learning architecture of choice and assume a non-invasive and eavesdropping attacker capable of measuring only passive side-channel leakages like power consumption, electromagnetic radiation, and reaction time. We conduct all experiments on real data and common neural net architectures in order to properly assess the applicability and extendability of those attacks. Practical results are shown on an ARM CORTEX-M3 microcontroller. Our experiments show that the side-channel attacker is capable of obtaining the following information: the activation functions used in the architecture, the number of layers and neurons in the layers, the number of output classes, and weights in the neural network. Thus, the attacker can effectively reverse engineer the network using side-channel information. Next, we show that once the attacker has the knowledge about the neural network architecture, he/she could also recover the inputs to the network with only a single-shot measurement. Finally, we discuss several mitigations one could use to thwart such attacks.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figure

    Creating from Noise: Trace Generations Using Diffusion Model for Side-Channel Attack

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    In side-channel analysis (SCA), the success of an attack is largely dependent on the dataset sizes and the number of instances in each class. The generation of synthetic traces can help to improve attacks like profiling attacks. However, manually creating synthetic traces from actual traces is arduous. Therefore, automating this process of creating artificial traces is much needed. Recently, diffusion models have gained much recognition after beating another generative model known as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) in creating realistic images. We explore the usage of diffusion models in the domain of SCA. We proposed frameworks for a known mask setting and unknown mask setting in which the diffusion models could be applied. Under a known mask setting, we show that the traces generated under the proposed framework preserved the original leakage. Next, we demonstrated that the artificially created profiling data in the unknown mask setting can reduce the required attack traces for a profiling attack. This suggests that the artificially created profiling data from the trained diffusion model contains useful leakages to be exploited

    SNIFF: Reverse Engineering of Neural Networks with Fault Attacks

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    Neural networks have been shown to be vulnerable against fault injection attacks. These attacks change the physical behavior of the device during the computation, resulting in a change of value that is currently being computed. They can be realized by various fault injection techniques, ranging from clock/voltage glitching to application of lasers to rowhammer. In this paper we explore the possibility to reverse engineer neural networks with the usage of fault attacks. SNIFF stands for sign bit flip fault, which enables the reverse engineering by changing the sign of intermediate values. We develop the first exact extraction method on deep-layer feature extractor networks that provably allows the recovery of the model parameters. Our experiments with Keras library show that the precision error for the parameter recovery for the tested networks is less than 10−1310^{-13} with the usage of 64-bit floats, which improves the current state of the art by 6 orders of magnitude. Additionally, we discuss the protection techniques against fault injection attacks that can be applied to enhance the fault resistance

    A Desynchronization-Based Countermeasure Against Side-Channel Analysis of Neural Networks

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    Model extraction attacks have been widely applied, which can normally be used to recover confidential parameters of neural networks for multiple layers. Recently, side-channel analysis of neural networks allows parameter extraction even for networks with several multiple deep layers with high effectiveness. It is therefore of interest to implement a certain level of protection against these attacks. In this paper, we propose a desynchronization-based countermeasure that makes the timing analysis of activation functions harder. We analyze the timing properties of several activation functions and design the desynchronization in a way that the dependency on the input and the activation type is hidden. We experimentally verify the effectiveness of the countermeasure on a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller and employ a t-test to show the side-channel information leakage. The overhead ultimately depends on the number of neurons in the fully-connected layer, for example, in the case of 4096 neurons in VGG-19, the overheads are between 2.8% and 11%.Comment: Accepted to the International Symposium on Cyber Security, Cryptology and Machine Learning 2023 (CSCML

    Mistakes Are Proof That You Are Trying: On Verifying Software Encoding Schemes\u27 Resistance to Fault Injection Attacks

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    Software encoding countermeasures are becoming increasingly popular among researchers proposing code-level prevention against data-dependent leakage allowing an attacker to mount a side-channel attack. Recent trends show that it is possible to design a solution that does not require excessive overhead and yet provides a reasonable security level. However, if the device leakage is hard to be observed, attacker can simply switch to a different class of physical attacks, such as fault injection attack. Instead of stacking several layers of countermeasures, it is always more convenient to choose one that provides decent protection against several attack methods. Therefore, in our paper we use our custom designed code analyzer to formally inspect a recently proposed software encoding countermeasure based on device-specific encoding function, and compare it with other solutions, either based on balanced look-up tables or balanced encoding. We also provide an experimental validation, using the laser fault injection setup. Our results show that the device-specific encoding scheme provides a good protection against fault injection attacks, being capable of preventing majority of faults using different fault models

    Practical Evaluation of FSE 2016 Customized Encoding Countermeasure

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    To protect against side-channel attacks, many countermeasures have been proposed. A novel customized encoding countermeasure was published in FSE 2016. Customized encoding exploits knowledge of the profiled leakage of the device to construct an optimal encoding and minimize the overall side-channel leakage. This technique was originally applied on a basic table look-up. In this paper, we implement a full block cipher with customized encoding countermeasure and investigate its security under simulated and practical setting for a general purpose microcontroller. Under simulated setting, we can verify that customized encoding shows strong security properties under proper assumption of leakage estimation and noise variance. However, in practical setting, our general observation is that the side-channel leakage will mostly be present even if the encoding scheme is applied, highlighting some limitation of the approach. The results are supported by experiments on 8-bit AVR and 32-bit ARM microcontroller

    DAPA: Differential Analysis aided Power Attack on (Non-)Linear Feedback Shift Registers (Extended version)

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    Differential power analysis (DPA) is a form of side-channel analysis (SCA) that performs statistical analysis on the power traces of cryptographic computations. DPA is applicable to many cryptographic primitives, including block ciphers, stream ciphers and even hash-based message authentication code (HMAC). At COSADE 2017, Dobraunig~et~al. presented a DPA on the fresh re-keying scheme Keymill to extract the bit relations of neighbouring bits in its shift registers, reducing the internal state guessing space from 128 to 4 bits. In this work, we generalise their methodology and combine with differential analysis, we called it differential analysis aided power attack (DAPA), to uncover more bit relations and take into account the linear or non-linear functions that feedback to the shift registers (i.e. LFSRs or NLFSRs). Next, we apply our DAPA on LR-Keymill, the improved version of Keymill designed to resist the aforementioned DPA, and breaks its 67.9-bit security claim with a 4-bit internal state guessing. We experimentally verified our analysis. In addition, we improve the previous DPA on Keymill by halving the amount of data resources needed for the attack. We also applied our DAPA to Trivium, a hardware-oriented stream cipher from the eSTREAM portfolio and reduces the key guessing space from 80 to 14 bits

    On Side-Channel Vulnerabilities of Bit Permutations: Key Recovery and Reverse Engineering

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    Lightweight block ciphers rely on simple operations to allow compact implementation. Thanks to its efficiency, bit permutation has emerged as an optimal choice for state-wise diffusion. It can be implemented by simple wiring or shifts. However, as recently shown by Spectre and Meltdown attacks, efficiency and security often go against each other. In this work, we show how bit permutations introduce a side-channel vulnerability that can be exploited to extract the secret key from the cipher. Such vulnerabilities are specific to bit permutations and do not occur in other state-wise diffusion alternatives. We propose Side-Channel Assisted Differential-Plaintext Attack (SCADPA) which targets this vulnerability in bit permutation operation. SCADPA is experimentally demonstrated on PRESENT-80 on an 8-bit microcontroller, with the best case key recovery in 17 encryptions. The attack is then extended to latest bit-permutation based cipher GIFT, allowing full key recovery in 36 encryptions. We also propose and experimentally verify an automatic threshold method which can be easily applied to SCADPA, allowing automation of the attack. Moreover, SCADPA on bit permutations has other applications. Application for reverse engineering secret sboxes in PRESENT-like proprietary ciphers is shown. We also highlight a special case, where fixing one vulnerability opens another one. This is shown by applying SCADPA on some assembly level fault attack countermeasures, rendering it less secure than unprotected implementations. Lastly, we also provide several different attack scenarios, such as targeting different encryption modes

    Machine Learning based Blind Side-Channel Attacks on PQC-based KEMs - A Case Study of Kyber KEM

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    Kyber KEM, the NIST selected PQC standard for Public Key Encryption and Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) has been subjected to a variety of side-channel attacks, through the course of the NIST PQC standardization process. However, all these attacks targeting the decapsulation procedure of Kyber KEM either require knowledge of the ciphertexts or require to control the value of ciphertexts for key recovery. However, there are no known attacks in a blind setting, where the attacker does not have access to the ciphertexts. While blind side-channel attacks are known for symmetric key cryptographic schemes, we are not aware of such attacks for Kyber KEM. In this paper, we fill this gap by proposing the first blind side-channel attack on Kyber KEM. We target leakage of the pointwise multiplication operation in the decryption procedure to carry out practical blind side-channel attacks resulting in full key recovery. We perform practical validation of our attack using power side-channel from the reference implementation of Kyber KEM taken from the pqm4 library, implemented on the ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. Our experiments clearly indicate the feasibility of our proposed attack in recovering the full key in only a few hundred to few thousand traces, in the presence of a suitably accurate Hamming Weight (HW) classifier
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