62 research outputs found

    Peritoneal membrane dysfunction in peritoneal dialysis

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    Dysfunkcja otrzewnej, która uniemożliwia osiągnięcie adekwatnego poziomu dializowania, jest częstą przyczyną nieskuteczności dializoterapii otrzewnowej. U podłoża tej dysfunkcji leżą zmiany strukturalne, których wiodącym przejawem jest włóknienie otrzewnej. W niniejszym rozdziale przedstawiono wyniki ostatnich badań nad homeostazą jamy otrzewnowej w warunkach dializy. Dotyczą one przede wszystkim konsekwencji zapalenia otrzewnej, roli interleukiny-6 (IL-6) i interferonu- -gamma (IFN-γ) oraz pochodzenia i funkcji fibroblastów otrzewnowych.Ultrafiltration dysfunction in peritoneal dialysis is a significant cause of treatment failure. It is related to structural alterations in the peritoneal membrane, as exemplified by peritoneal fibrosis. Here, we review recent data from experimental studies that point to a significant role in peritoneal dysfunction of repeated episodes of peritoneal infection, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) signalling, and peritoneal fibroblast activation

    IL-17 in Peritoneal Dialysis-Associated Inflammation and Angiogenesis: Conclusions and Perspectives

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    Long-term peritoneal dialysis (PD) is associated with peritoneal membrane remodeling. This includes changes in peritoneal vasculature, which may ultimately lead to inadequate solute and water removal and treatment failure. The potential cause of such alterations is chronic inflammation induced by repeated episodes of infectious peritonitis and/or exposure to bioincompatible PD fluids. While these factors may jeopardize the peritoneal membrane integrity, it is not clear why adverse peritoneal remodeling develops only in some PD patients. Increasing evidence points to the differences that occur between patients in response to the same invading microorganism and/or the differences in the course of inflammatory reaction triggered by different species. Such differences may be related to the involvement of different inflammatory mediators. Here, we discuss the potential role of IL-17 in these processes with emphasis on its impact on peritoneal mesothelial cells and peritoneal vascularity

    Telomere length profiles in primary human peritoneal mesothelial cells are consistent with senescence

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    Mesothelial cell (MC) senescence contributes to malignancy and tissue fibrosis. The role of telomere erosion in MC senescence remains controversial, with evidence for both telomere-dependent and telomere-independent mechanisms reported. Single telomere length analysis revealed considerable telomere length heterogeneity in freshly isolated human peritoneal MCs, reflecting a heterogeneous proliferative history and providing high-resolution evidence for telomere-dependent senescence. By contrast the attenuated replicative lifespan, lack of telomere erosion and induction of p16 expression in in vitro-aged cells was consistent with stress-induced senescence. Given the potential pathophysiological impact of senescence in mesothelial tissues, high-resolution MC telomere length analysis may provide clinically useful information

    Autoantibodies from Patients with Scleroderma Renal Crisis Promote PAR-1 Receptor Activation and IL-6 Production in Endothelial Cells

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    Background. Scleroderma renal crisis (SRC) is a life-threatening complication of systemic sclerosis (SSc). Autoantibodies (Abs) against endothelial cell antigens have been implicated in SSc and SRC. However, their detailed roles remain poorly defined. Pro-inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) has been found to be increased in SSc, but its role in SRC is unclear. Here, we aimed to determine how the autoantibodies from patients with SSc and SRC affect IL-6 secretion by micro-vascular endothelial cells (HMECs). Methods. Serum IgG fractions were isolated from either SSc patients with SRC (n = 4) or healthy individuals (n = 4) and then each experiment with HMECs was performed with SSc-IgG from a separate patient or separate healthy control. IL-6 expression and release by HMECs was assessed by quantitative reverse transcription and quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and immunoassays, respectively. The mechanisms underlying the production of IL-6 were analyzed by transient HMEC transfections with IL-6 promoter constructs, electrophoretic mobility shift assays, Western blots and flow cytometry. Results. Exposure of HMECs to IgG from SSc patients, but not from healthy controls, resulted in a time- and dose-dependent increase in IL-6 secretion, which was associated with increased AKT, p70S6K, and ERK1/2 signalling, as well as increased c-FOS/AP-1 transcriptional activity. All these effects could be reduced by the blockade of the endothelial PAR-1 receptor and/or c-FOS/AP-1silencing. Conclusions. Autoantibodies against PAR-1 found in patients with SSc and SRC induce IL-6 production by endothelial cells through signalling pathways controlled by the AP-1 transcription factor. These observations offer a greater understanding of adverse endothelial cell responses to autoantibodies present in patients with SRC

    Angiogenic Role of Mesothelium-Derived Chemokine CXCL1 During Unfavorable Peritoneal Tissue Remodeling in Patients Receiving Peritoneal Dialysis as Renal Replacement Therapy

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    Peritoneal dialysis (PD) is a valuable 'home treatment' option, even more so during the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. However, the long-term use of PD is limited by unfavourable tissue remodelling in the peritoneal membrane, which is associated with inflammation-induced angiogenesis. This appears to be driven primarily through vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), while the involvement of other angiogenic signaling pathways is still poorly understood. Here, we have identified the crucial contribution of mesothelial cell-derived angiogenic CXC chemokine ligand 1 (CXCL1) to peritoneal angiogenesis in PD. CXCL1 expression and peritoneal microvessel density were analysed in biopsies obtained by the International Peritoneal Biobank (NCT01893710 at www.clinicaltrials.gov), comparing 13 children with end-stage kidney disease before initiating PD to 43 children on chronic PD. The angiogenic potential of mesothelial cell-derived CXCL1 was assessed in vitro by measuring endothelial tube formation of human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs) treated with conditioned medium from human peritoneal mesothelial cells (HPMCs) stimulated to release CXCL1 by treatment with either recombinant IL-17 or PD effluent. We found that the capillary density in the human peritoneum correlated with local CXCL1 expression. Both CXCL1 expression and microvessel density were higher in PD patients than in the age-matched patients prior to initiation of PD. Exposure of HMECs to recombinant CXCL1 or conditioned medium from IL-17-stimulated HPMCs resulted in increased endothelial tube formation, while selective inhibition of mesothelial CXCL1 production by specific antibodies or through silencing of relevant transcription factors abolished the proangiogenic effect of HPMC-conditioned medium. In conclusion, peritoneal mesothelium-derived CXCL1 promotes endothelial tube formation in vitro and associates with peritoneal microvessel density in uremic patients undergoing PD, thus providing novel targets for therapeutic intervention to prolong PD therapy

    Expanded Hemodialysis ameliorates uremia-induced impairment of vasculoprotective KLF2 and concomitant proinflammatory priming of endothelial cells through an ERK/AP1/cFOS-dependent mechanism

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    Aims: Expanded hemodialysis (HDx) therapy with improved molecular cut-off dialyzers exerts beneficial effects on lowering uremia-associated chronic systemic microinflammation, a driver of endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular disease (CVD) in hemodialysis (HD) patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). However, studies on the underlying molecular mechanisms are still at an early stage. Here, we identify the (endothelial) transcription factor Krüppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) and its associated molecular signalling pathways as key targets and regulators of uremia-induced endothelial micro-inflammation in the HD/ESRD setting, which is crucial for vascular homeostasis and controlling detrimental vascular inflammation. Methods and results: First, we found that human microvascular endothelial cells (HMECs) and other typical endothelial and kidney model cell lines (e.g. HUVECs, HREC, and HEK) exposed to uremic serum from patients treated with two different hemodialysis regimens in the Permeability Enhancement to Reduce Chronic Inflammation II (PERCI-II) crossover clinical trial - comparing High-Flux (HF) and Medium Cut-Off (MCO) membranes - exhibited strongly reduced expression of vasculoprotective KLF2 with HF dialyzers, while dialysis with MCO dialyzers led to the maintenance and restoration of physiological KLF2 levels in HMECs. Mechanistic follow-up revealed that the strong downmodulation of KLF2 in HMECs exposed to uremic serum was mediated by a dominant engagement of detrimental ERK instead of beneficial AKT signalling, with subsequent AP1-/c-FOS binding in the KLF2 promoter region, followed by the detrimental triggering of pleiotropic inflammatory mediators, while the introduction of a KLF2 overexpression plasmid could restore physiological KLF2 levels and downmodulate the detrimental vascular inflammation in a mechanistic rescue approach. Conclusion: Uremia downmodulates vasculoprotective KLF2 in endothelium, leading to detrimental vascular inflammation, while MCO dialysis with the novel improved HDx therapy approach can maintain physiological levels of vasculoprotective KLF2