
Telomere length profiles in primary human peritoneal mesothelial cells are consistent with senescence


Mesothelial cell (MC) senescence contributes to malignancy and tissue fibrosis. The role of telomere erosion in MC senescence remains controversial, with evidence for both telomere-dependent and telomere-independent mechanisms reported. Single telomere length analysis revealed considerable telomere length heterogeneity in freshly isolated human peritoneal MCs, reflecting a heterogeneous proliferative history and providing high-resolution evidence for telomere-dependent senescence. By contrast the attenuated replicative lifespan, lack of telomere erosion and induction of p16 expression in in vitro-aged cells was consistent with stress-induced senescence. Given the potential pathophysiological impact of senescence in mesothelial tissues, high-resolution MC telomere length analysis may provide clinically useful information

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