25 research outputs found


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    This paper presents the methodology and results of changes of temperature on the surface of protective filters in place by exposure to infrared radiation. The changes of temperature on the surface of absorption filters, reflective metallic filters and metal – dielectric interference filters developed by the authors have been analyzed. As it follows from the analysis of the presented results, it is possible to reduce the temperature increase on the surface of filters protecting against hazardous IR radiation by thin film optics methods.W artykule przedstawiono metodykę oraz wyniki badań zmian temperatury powierzchni filtrów ochronnych zachodzących w wyniku ekspozycji na promieniowanie podczerwone. Przeanalizowano zmiany temperatury powierzchni następujących rodzajów filtrów: absorpcyjnych, metaliczno-odbiciowych, oraz opracowanych przez autorów filtrów interferencyjnych. Analiza przedstawionych wyników badań wykazała, że jest możliwe ograniczenie wzrostu temperatury powierzchni filtrów chroniących przed szkodliwym promieniowaniem podczerwonym metodami optyki cienkowarstwowej

    The correlation of mutations and expressions of genes within the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in breast cancer : a preliminary study

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    There is an urgent need to seek new molecular biomarkers helpful in diagnosing and treating breast cancer. In this elaboration, we performed a molecular analysis of mutations and expression of genes within the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway in patients with ductal breast cancer of various malignancy levels. We recognized significant correlations between the expression levels of the studied genes. We also performed a bioinformatics analysis of the data available on the international database TCGA and compared them with our own research. Studies on mutations and expression of genes were conducted using High-Resolution Melt PCR (HRM-PCR), Allele-Specific-quantitative PCR (ASP-qPCR), Real-Time PCR molecular methods in a group of women with ductal breast cancer. Bioinformatics analysis was carried out using web source Ualcan and bc-GenExMiner. In the studied group of women, it was observed that the prevalence of mutations in the studied PIK3CA and AKT1 genes was 29.63%. It was stated that the average expression level of the PIK3CA, PIK3R1, PTEN genes in the group of breast cancer patients is lower in comparison to the control group, while the average expression level of the AKT1 and mTOR genes in the studied group was higher in comparison to the control group. It was also indicated that in the group of patients with mutations in the area of the PIK3CA and AKT1 genes, the PIK3CA gene expression level is statistically significantly lower than in the group without mutations. According to our knowledge, we demonstrate, for the first time, that there is a very strong positive correlation between the levels of AKT1 and mTOR gene expression in the case of patients with mutations and without mutations

    The use of the sluice gate discharge equations to estimate the volumetric flow rate in the irrigation channels

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    The paper attempts to assess the possibility of using typical check structures equipped with sluice gates to measure the volumetric flow rate in the irrigation channels. The submerged flow through the sluice gate was considered. Experimental tests on a model of typical check structure in 1:2 scale were carried out. The conducted analyzes confirmed the possibility of using discharge equation for submerged flow through the sluice gate to estimate the water flow rate in the irrigation channels. In order to obtain accurate values of flow rate, the downstream tailwater depth should be measured at the appriopriate distance from the sluice gate. For different values of gate-opening height, the downstream water depth measurement locations allowing for a correct flow estimation were indicated. This approach might be useful in calibration of other designs of sluice gates for flow measurements

    Practical aspects of the use of the sluice gate discharge equations to estimate the volumetric flow rate in the irrigation channels

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    The article presents the experimental results of the calibration of the typical check structure with sluice gates installed in a trapezoidal irrigation channel. Hydraulic experiments on sluice gate discharge capacity were performed on a model made in a 1:2 scale. It has been explained how the method of measuring the downstream water depth below the sluice gate in the check structures installed in a trapezoidal irrigation channels affects the measured depth values. On the basis of hydraulic measurements, regression relationships were developed for the discharge coefficients for submerged outflow through the sluice gate in two types of sluice gates installed in irrigation channels. The formulas allow to calculate the volumetric flow rate below the submerged sluice gate after determining the water depth upstream and below the sluice gate and the gate opening height. The differences in volumetric flow rates calculated from regression relationships and measured values do not exceed 10%, which confirms their practical suitability for calculating the discharge through a sluice gate mounted in a trapezoidal channel. The values of the discharge coefficients determined in the channels with rectangular cross-sections are not useful for the discharge coefficients of sluice gates check structures installed in trapezoidal channels. Nomograms and relationships for discharge coefficients of the analysed sluice gate were developed

    Flow Measurements Using a Sluice Gate; Analysis of Applicability

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    This study analyzes the possibilities of using an irrigation sluice gate in submerged conditions to measure water flow rate. Hydraulic experiments on sluice gate discharge capacity were performed on a model made on a 1:2 scale. Measurements were taken for the submerged flow of the sluice gate. Nomograms and relationships for discharge coefficients of the analyzed sluice gate were developed. The possibility of using the existing nomogram for discharge capacity of the submerged sluice gate to determine the discharge capacity of the modeled gate was also investigated. The effect of narrowing of the sluice gate cross-section resulting from different mounting techniques on its capacity was explained. The analyses confirmed the possibility of using the formulas for the submerged sluice gate to estimate the flow through the irrigation sluice gate

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Operating Conditions of a Circular Flap Gate for an Automatic Upstream Water Level Control

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    This article introduces a flow controller for an upstream water head designed for pipe culverts used in drainage ditches or wells. The regulator is applicable to water flow rates in the range of Qmin < Q < Qmax and the water depth H0, exceeding which causes the gate to open. Qmin flow denotes the minimum flow rate that allows water to accumulate upstream of the controller. Above the maximum flow rate Qmax, the gate remains in the open position. In the present study, the position of the regulator’s gate axis was related to the water depth H0 in front of the device. Derived dependencies were verified in hydraulic experiments. The results confirmed the regulator’s usefulness for controlling the water level

    Rozkłady prędkości w korycie rzecznym o złożonym przekroju poprzecznym z roślinnością wysoką w terenach zalewowych

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    Wykorzystano model Shiono i Knighta [1991] do obliczania poprzecznego rozkładu prędkości wody uśrednionych na głębokości i natężenia przepływu w korytach rzecznych o złożonym przekroju poprzecznym, z roślinnością wysoką w terenach zalewowych. Model wykorzystuje analityczne rozwiązania równania Naviera-Stokesa z uwzględnieniem wpływu roślinności. Opływ roślinności uwzględniano przez wprowadzenie w równaniu Naviera-Stokesa dodatkowej siły oporu. Wyznaczono wartości współczynników charakteryzujących lepkość wirową i przepływy wtórne, wykorzystywanych w obliczeniach. Wyniki obliczeń porównano z wynikami pomiarów hydraulicznych laboratoryjnych i terenowych. Obliczone rozkłady poprzecznej prędkości uśrednionej na głębokości i natężenia przepływu wykazały dobrą zgodność z wartościami zmierzonymi w laboratorium hydraulicznym i w badaniach terenowych

    Apparent Friction Coefficient Used for Flow Calculation in Straight Compound Channels

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    Water flow in channels with a compound cross-section involves an exchange of water mass and momentum between the slower flowing water in the floodplains and the faster water in the main channel. This process is called the streams interaction. As a result, the water velocity in the main channel decreases, and at the same time the velocity and depth of flow increase in the part of the floodplains adjacent to the main channel. Diversification of the surface roughness of the main channel and floodplains significantly affects the form of interactions. The results of laboratory experiments were used to characterize the influence of interactions on the discharge capacity of the channel with diversified roughness. The reduction in velocity of the main channel caused by the stream interactions is described with the apparent friction coefficients introduced at the boundary between the main channel and the floodplain. The obtained values of resistance coefficients, supplemented with the values from experiments reported in the literature, were used to establish a relationship useful in assessing the discharge capacity of such channels