37 research outputs found

    The effect of cisplatin on human larynx carcinoma cell motility.

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    Head and neck tumors are one of the major public health problem all over the world. Cellular response of larynx carcinoma to cisplatin (CDDP) chemotherapy occurs both in cell-interdependent and cell-autonomous pathways. In the first pathway, cytotoxic signal transduction is mediated via gap-junctional intercellular communication (GIJC). CDDP also influence tumor cell migration.The aim of this study was the analysis of the effect of CDDP (0.5 microg/ml and 1.5 microg/ml) on the gap-junction intercellular communication and motility, respectively, in two new cell cultures (RK33 and RK45) derived from human larynx carcinoma. The migration of RK45 cell line was slightly inhibited and RK33 not affected after the incubation with CDDP. Tumor cells incubation with CDDP resulted in farther LY migration through neighboring cells beyond monolayer wound than in control cultures.In conclusion, there is a relationship between intercellular communication via gap junctions and motility of laryngeal tumor cells after CDDP application

    Loss of heterozygosity for Rb locus and pRb immunostaining in laryngeal cancer: a clinicopathologic, molecular and immunohistochemical study.

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    Several risk factors for the development of laryngeal cancer have been identified, such as smoking and alcohol consumption, but the molecular mechanisms related to the carcinogenesis in the larynx remain under investigation. In this context, deregulations of the cell-cycle-controling mechanisms, Rb-pathway in particular, have been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of laryngeal carcinoma. Our purpose was to investigate 13q14 LOH and the expression of Rb protein and their possible prognostic value in laryngeal cancer. The group of 67 patients with laryngeal cancer, surgically treated with minimum 5 years observation, was multi-variously analysed. LOH for Rb was investigated by PCR-based techniques using two microsatellite markers, D13S263 and D13S126, flanking the Rb locus. Amplification products from each polymorphism were fractionated by denaturing gel electrophoresis and detected by audioradiography. Immunohistochemical staining of paraffin specimens of laryngeal cancers was supervised by the use of monoclonal mouse antibodies IgG1 (Anti-Human Retinoblastoma Gene Product of Dako) in dilution of 1:50. Inactivation of Rb protein was assumed to represent the expression in 0.05). There was a strong association between the loss of Rb and supraglottic localisation of tumour in the larynx (p0.05 respectively). The genetic data were correlated with the expression of the Rb protein (p=0.001). All tumours with Rb-LOH were immunohistochemically Rb-negative. Inactivation of Rb protein was observed in 9/67 cases (13.49%) and was significantly correlated with the polymorphism of cancer cells, but not with the histological grading. We also found the correlation between reduction of Rb protein and the size of primary tumour (T) (p=0.03) and local recurrence (p=0.035). There was no significant dependence between the level of Rb protein and other histopathological and clinical features (p>0.05). To conclude, analysis of 13q14 LOH enables the assessment of biology of laryngeal cancer and it can be a prognostic factor in overall survival. Immunohistochemical analysis of Rb protein expression in neoplastic cells made it easier to evaluate the mechanisms of cancerogenesis in laryngeal cancer and is closely related to genetic alteration in Rb locus

    Diagnosis of vestibular schwannoma in modern clinical practice

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    The auditory nerve tumor is the most common tumor of the cerebellopontine angle region (CPA). The use of modern diagnostic methods allows to detect the tumor at an early stage of development, and consequently, the possibility of effective treatment. The clinical features and the most effective diagnostic procedures are presented

    Application of primary cell cultures of laryngeal carcinoma and laser scanning cytometry in the evaluation of tumor reactivity to cisplatinum.

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    Unsatisfactory effects of treatment of laryngeal carcinoma patients stimulate the clinicians as well as researchers to develop new more effective treatment models and to find new reliable prognostic factors. The aim of the present study was the evaluation of the use of primary cell cultures of the laryngeal carcinoma and laser scanning cytometry (LSC) in the assessment of tumor reactivity to cisplatinum. Nineteen primary cultures of laryngeal carcinoma cells established from fragments of laryngeal carcinoma infiltrations were cultured with or without cisplatin, stained with monoclonal antibodies against P53 and BCL-2 proteins and analyzed by LSC. Cisplatin added to the culture medium leads to the significant increase of P53 expression and decrease of BCL-2 expression. Moreover, changes of P53 and BCL-2 expressions were significantly correlated. Our findings of apoptosis regulatory mechanisms could be useful in patient qualification for the chemotherapeutic follow-up treatment

    Embolization in post-traumatic epistaxis

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    Wstęp. Krwawienie z nosa (epistaxis) często występuje po urazach twarzoczaszki, które prowadzą do uszkodzenia gałęzi tętnicy szyjnej zewnętrznej. W zależności od nasilenia krwawienia, jego miejsca oraz doświadczenia ośrodka stosuje się leczenie zachowawcze, chirurgiczne lub wewnątrznaczyniowe. Celem pracy jest ocena możliwości i skuteczności embolizacji wewnątrznaczyniowej u chorych z krwotokiem z nosa w następstwie urazu twarzoczaszki. Materiał i metody. Badaniem objęto 22 chorych (15 mężczyzn i 7 kobiet) w wieku 21–64 lat (średnia 41 lat) z pourazowym krwotokiem z nosa. U 13 osób stwierdzono angiograficznie w obrębie gałęzi tętnicy szyjnej zewnętrznej obecność tętniaka rzekomego, u 6 wynaczynienie się środka cieniującego, a u 3 chorych — przetokę szyjno-jamistą. U 3 pacjentów po angiografii diagnostycznej odstąpiono od embolizacji ze względu na zbyt duże ryzyko zabiegu. U 19 pozostałych zabieg embolizacji przeprowadzono przy użyciu koreczków z gąbki żelatynowej, cząstek alkoholu poliwinylowego, cząstek polimeru akrylowego oraz mikrospiral platynowych. Wyniki. U wszystkich embolizowanych chorych natychmiastowo opanowano krwawienie. W 4 przypadkach (20%) doszło do nawrotu krwawienia, które w 2 przypadkach opanowano poprzez ponowną embolizację. U 9 chorych (42%) wystąpiły niekorzystne objawy w postaci bólu i obrzęku twarzy, parestezji, szczękościsku, gorączki. Objawy te ustąpiły w ciągu kilku do kilkunastu dni od zabiegu. U 3 chorych (15%) wystąpiły trwałe zaburzenia czucia w obrębie policzka. U 1 pacjenta pojawiło się niewielkie owrzodzenie podniebienia, które skutecznie leczono zachowawczo. Nie zaobserwowano poważnych powikłań neurologicznych. Wnioski. Embolizacja jest skuteczną metodą leczenia krwotoków pourazowych z nosa i powinno się ją uwzględniać przy planowaniu postępowania leczniczego. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 1: 89–97Background. Epistaxis is a common consequence of craniofacial injury involving damage to the external carotid artery branches. Conservative treatment or surgical or endovascular procedures can be applied, depending on the intensity and the site of bleeding as well as on the experience of the medical team. The applicability of endovascular embolization and its efficacy in the treatment of epistaxis following craniofacial injury are discussed in this paper. Material and methods. The study group included 22 patients (15 men, 7 women) with mean age of 41 years (range of 21–64 years), who suffered from post-traumatic epistaxis. Angiography disclosed pseudoaneurysms of the external carotid branches in 13 patients, extravasation of contrast media in 6 persons, and cavernous carotid fistulae in three patients. Based on diagnostic angiography findings, the risk related to endovascular embolization procedure was considered too high in three patients. In the remaining 19 patients, embolization was performed with the use of gelatine foam, polyvinyl alcohol, acrylic polymer, and platinum microcoils. Results. Immediate arrest of epistaxis was achieved in all embolised patients. In four cases (20%) the bleeding recurred, of which two cases were controlled with repeated embolization. Nine patients (42%) experienced adverse effects in the form of transient facial pain and swelling, paresthesiae, trismus, and fever, which regressed within several days. Three patients (15%) had permanent sensory disturbances in the cheek area. One patient developed a small ulceration of the palate, treated conservatively with success. There were no major neurological complications. Conclusions. Endovascular embolization is an effective method for managing post-traumatic epistaxis and should be considered when planning therapy. Acta Angiol 2011; 17, 1: 89–9