923 research outputs found

    Finansowe aspekty stabilności makroekonomicznej. Przykład Polski

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    The purpose of the article was to determine whether there is a long-term relationship between the variables of the financial market and the variables characterizing Poland's macroeconomic stability. In the first stage of the research, the stationarity analysis of the variables was carried out using the ADF test, then, for the further stage of research, variables characterized by non-stationarity were selected and an Engle–Granger cointegration analysis was used. The research used data published by the National Bank of Poland, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and the Central Statistical Offie for the years 2006–2017. The results of the research confirm the existence of cointegration in some variables.Celem artykułu było określenie, czy między zmiennymi rynku fiansowego a zmiennymi charakteryzującymi stabilność makroekonomiczną Polski występuje długookresowa zależność. W pierwszym etapie badań przeprowadzono analizę stacjonarności zmiennych testem ADF, następnie do dalszych badań wybrano zmienne charakteryzujące się niestacjonarnością i zastosowano analizę kointegracji metodą Engle’a–Grangera. W badaniach wykorzystano dane publikowane przez Narodowy Bank Polski, Komisję Nadzoru Finansowego oraz Główny Urząd Statystyczny dla lat 2006–2017. Wyniki badań potwierdziły istnienie kointegracji w przypadku niektórych zmiennych

    Vibration Control of Mechanical Systems - introduction to the problem

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    Príèiny vibrácií strojov sú rôznorodé a je ich ako analyzova. Ich analýza je ve¾mi dôleitá, nako¾ko vibrácie majú negatívne úèinky nielen na ivotnos, prevádzkyschopnos strojov, ale i na obsluhu strojov a ivotné prostredie. V èlánku sú charakterizované základné postuláty pasívnych a aktívnych metód pre analýzu, syntézu a návrhu útlmu vibrácií s vyuitím princípu riadených vibrácií. Vyuitie matematického modelovania mechanického systému a riadenia je predmetom súèasného simulaèného výskumu vo svete. Uvedená teória je úspene aplikovaná pre útlm, redukciu vibrácií strojov, rotorov zariadení, budov, komunikaèných prostriedkov

    Spin reorientation process in Tm_{2–x}Ho_{x}Fe_{14}B : analysis of conical arrangement based on Mössbauer spectra

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    The spin reorientation process in the Tm2–xHoxFe14B series of compounds was studied using 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy over the temperature range 5.2–320 K with a focus on the analysis of conical spin arrangement. Each compound was studied by precise Mössbauer scanning in the vicinity of the transition and during the transition. By applying computer simulations based on the simplified Yamada-Kato model, as well as on some literature data for R2Fe14B (R = Tm, Ho) compounds, the above series was selected for studies as it contains compounds with different spin arrangements (axial, planar, conical). It was a crucial requirement for obtaining unambiguous angular dependences when applying a simultaneous fitting procedure of Mössbauer spectra. Such an extended procedure was applied which allowed the temperature dependence of the angle describing the position of the magnetization vector to be obtained. The results were compared with those from theoretical simulations. The spin arrangement diagram was constructed. A conical spin arrangement was confirmed over a wide temperature range

    Premature termination in couple therapy as a part of therapeutic process. Cross case analysis

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    Aim of the study: The paper presents the qualitative study of premature termination in couple therapy. The aim of the research was to answer why couples drop-out from couple therapy at the early stage of treatment. Subject: To understand the complexity of this event the researchers decided to examine the phenomenon of early drop-out from three different perspectives, that is: from therapists and both spouses point of view. Methods: The therapists and couples that ended the therapy prematurely were interviewed. Among examined drop-out cases, there were selected three which fulfilled the criteria for early drop–out. Data were analyzed according to the method of cross-case analysis. Results. As a result common categories were singled out which were characteristic for those three cases of drop-out. Discussion: The distinguished categories of ‘the split of the working alliance’ and ‘the split of the therapeutic bond’ show that the conflict which the couple brought to the therapy was reflected in their experience of the therapy and the therapist. Conclusions: Premature termination in couple therapy is a part of therapeutic process

    Impact of fish species on levels of lead accumulation in the meat of common bream (Abramis brama L.), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna L.) and common bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.) from the Vistula River (Poland)

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    The aim of this work was to compare the concentration of lead in the meat of common bream (Abramis brama L.), white bream (Blicca bjoerkna L.) and common bleak (Alburnus alburnus L.). The experimental fish were obtained in natural condition from Vistula River, located within Toru., near wastewater treatment plant. The study involved 60 individuals of freshwater fish caught in autumn. Analyses were carried out on 10 individuals of common bream, 20 white bream and 30 individuals of common bleak. The muscles samples for analyses were taken from the large side muscle of fish body above the lateral line. There were chosen for analyses individuals with similar biometric measurements. Due to a relatively low amounts of meat obtained from white bream and common bleak, the material from individuals of similar body length was combined (about 2-3 pieces). Pb concentrations were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometer Solaar 939 QZ, ATI Unicam. Analyses of variance (test post hoc -Tukey test) indicated that the mean value of lead was the highest in the meat of common bream (0.086 ĘgEg-1 wet weight) and the lowest in the meat of white bream (0.075 ĘgEg-1 wet weight). There were no statistical significant differences in the lead content between the analyzed fish species (at p< 0.05). Analysis of correlation indicated a negative and statistical significant correlation between the fish body length and Pb concentration

    Drop-out in the systemic therapy from the family's perspective

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    Aim of the study: The problem of premature ending of therapy is a common phenomenon and is taken under consideration as closely related to effectiveness of therapy. The crucial aim of presented study was to investigate how members of a family interpret this phenomenon. Subject and methods: The research was based on interviews with drop-out clients who had participated in systematic couple therapy. The qualitative data was analyzed using the four stages methodology of grounded theory. The program used to code the data was Weft QDA. Results: The result pointed out, that drop-out from therapy is a procesual phenomenon and is connected with: a context of application, a kind of relationship between partners, an assessment of therapy. It was confirmed in the research group that the level of satisfaction from effects of therapy was related to premature termination. Discussion: The research indicated how consequences of drop-out can affect the family system. Conclusions: The high frequency of positive emotions and opinions occurring in drop-out context shows that drop-out phenomenon should not be considered only as a therapeutic failure

    Search for canted spin arrangement in Er2xTbxFe14BEr_{2-x}Tb_{x}Fe_{14}B with Mössbauer spectroscopy

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    The materials studied were polycrystalline compounds Er2xTbxFe14Br_{2-x}Tb_{x}Fe_{14}B (x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4) which crystallize in a tetragonal lattice and display a variety of spin arrangements. The compounds have been measured with 57Fe^{57}Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy over the temperature range 80–320 K in order to investigate the spin reorientation processes. Each compound was studied in a wide temperature range, with precise Mössbauer scanning in the vicinity of the transition. The set of spectra obtained for a given compound was analyzed using simultaneous fi tting procedure to investigate the infl uence of the transition on the shape of the spectra. The fitting program was specifi ed to analyze the transition according to the ‘two state model’: spins fl ip abruptly from initial angle to fi nal arrangement (90angle 90^{\circ} angle ). Obtained results suggest that spin reorientation process cannot be described using only the mentioned above model. Additional computer simulations based on the Yamada–Kato model were conducted to determine temperature range and the type of spin alignments in the vicinity of the transition. These theoretical results supported by spectra analysis suggest the existence of intermediate (canted) spin arrangements in the studied compounds. The spin arrangement diagram was constructed

    Praktykowanie narracji

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    The aim of the present paper was to compare the content of fat and the profile of fatty acids in the meat of the abdomen section of spiny-cheek crayfish caught from the Brda River with individuals obtained from the Lake Gopło. The meat of spiny-cheek crayfish from two reservoirs didn’t differ significantly as regards the fat content, however significant differences were report for most fatty acids (p<0,05). Reports show that the content of fat in crayfish meat is similar to the meat of low-fat fish which contain up to 2% of fat. In the group of SFA, the highest percentage share was recorded for C16:0, both in the meat of crayfish caught in the Brda River (21.33% of total acids) and in Lake Gopło (15.36% of total acids). In the MUFA group as the most abundant fatty acid was reported C18:1 n-9t, both in the meat of river crayfish (18.73% of total acids), and lake crayfish (25.52% of total acids). The PUFA analyses showed that the highest percentage share was reported for C20:5 n-3c in both groups.Celem pracy było porównanie zawartości procentowej tłuszczu oraz profilu kwasów tłuszczowych w mięsie z odcinka odwłokowego raków pręgowatych odłowionych z rzeki Brdy z osobnikami pozyskanymi z jeziora Gopło. Mięso raka pręgowatego odłowionego z dwóch różnych środowisk nie różniło się pod względem zawartości tłuszczu, jednak znaczące różnice odnotowano dla większości kwasów tłuszczowych (p<0,05). Badania wykazują, że zawartość tłuszczu w mięsie raka pręgowatego jest zbliżona do zawartości tłuszczu w mięsie chudych ryb, które zawierają do 2% tłuszczu. W grupie SFA najwyższe zawartości odnotowano dla kwasu C16:0, zarówno w mięsie raków odłowionych z Brdy (21.33% sumy kwasów), jak i Gopła (15.36% sumy kwasów). W grupie MUFA w największych ilościach oznaczono C18:1 n9t, zarówno w mięsie raków rzecznych (18.73% sumy kwasów), i jeziornych (25,52 % sumy kwasów). Kwas C20:5 n-3c występował w największych ilościach w grupie PUFA w mięsie obu grup raków